Ofertas de Trabajo de Otras Entidades

Associate professor position in System-on-Chip design at Linkoping University (Sweden). Received: 24/05/2022, deadline: 30/06/2022.

Division of integrated circuits and systems at Linköping University, Sweden, is announcing an Associate professor position in System-on-Chip design.

For details see:

Application deadline: 2022-06-30.

Postdoc position on edge security through enhanced IoT reconfigurable gateway for customers isolation at Rennes (France). Received: 18/05/2022, deadline: 30/06/2022.

A 24-month postdoc position is open at Rennes, France.

The topic is: Edge security through enhanced IoT reconfigurable gateway for customers isolation
Keywords : Hypervisor, Cybersecurity, Hardware architecture, IoT, Update, Reconfiguration, Isolation

Eligibility: applicants must have spent at least 18 months abroad between 1 May 2019 and the start date of the project in order to be eligible. Other comment : a PhD student who will soon finish in the coming months can also apply.

Deadline for application is end-June.
Start of the project: July 2022
Place: Rennes, France
Contacts: --LOGIN--b605bfe154fa9676248b98df1ee81cdbinsa-rennes[dot]fr , --LOGIN--c763bf4debd2d245376f81da7fb51a74univ-ubs[dot]fr , --LOGIN--a995e3b30d0f1ab4038fb2e8fd1aba6euniv-ubs[dot]fr

More details here:

Post-doc position in design and implementation of signal processing algorithms and hardware for optical communication at Linköping University (Sweden). Received: 11/05/2022, deadline: 06/06/2022.

The Division of Computer Engineering at Linköping University, Sweden, is announcing a post-doc position focused on design and implementation of signal processing algorithms and hardware for optical communication. This is funded by the ELLIIT strategic research environment, https://elliit.se/

For details see:

Application deadline: June 6.

  • PhD Position in computer science at the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (France). Received: 03/05/2022, deadline: 20/05/2022.

We are looking for a candidate for a PhD thesis in computer science, the subject of which is “Human/Machine collaboration for complex tasks realization”.

Host laboratory: Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées (CIAD) - http://www.ciad-lab.fr
Belfort, FRANCE

A detailed description of the subject is available online using this link:

The application deadline is May 20.

  • Contrato del programa de Garantía Juvenil para titulados en Física, Telecomunicación o Informática, en la Universidad de Granada (Spain). Received: 26/04/2022, deadline: 18/05/2022.

El Color Imaging Lab (http://colorimaginglab.ugr.es) de la Universidad de Granada busca titulados en Física, Telecomunicaciones o Informática para optar a una plaza del programa de Garantía Juvenil del Plan Andaluz 2022.

Fecha límite: 18 de mayo

Referencia 8118

El candidato o candidata trabajará en la optimización de algoritmos para la detección de pigmentos en obra artística y gráfica utilizando imagen hiperespectral y técnicas de unmixing, a partir de una base de datos de pigmentos y tintas de referencia incluyendo mezclas. La base de datos consta de diferentes soportes: lienzo, plancha de cobre y papel. Se utilizarán diferentes algoritmos de optimización para realizar la tarea de unmixing (descomposición de una mezcla en sus componentes básicas a partir del espectro de la mezcla y una librería de pigmentos que son los posibles componentes). Se trabajará con Matlab/Python.

Más información:

  • Post-doc Researcher Opportunity in FPGA Neuromorphic Computing at Ulster University and the University of York (UK). Received: 14/04/2022, deadline: 25/04/2022.

Post-doc Researcher Opportunity in FPGA Neuromorphic Computing (4-YRS)

Nervous Systems Project
A cross-disciplinary team of researchers from the Universities of Ulster and York in the UK are working together on an exciting new 4-year EPSRC-funded project, Nervous Systems, to design and use artificial spiking neural networks (SNNs) as embodied electronic nervous system, developing novel nervous system-inspired design methodology and hardware architecture (FPGA-based), and applying them to real world tasks including autonomous fault detection and prediction in electronic systems. The project is in partnership with ARM LTD, Xilinx (Ireland) and TAS-UK.

Ulster University are looking to appoint a postdoctoral Researcher to work with us on the leading-edge research needed to achieve the Nervous Systems project's ambitious objectives. The post is 4-years in duration and will require occasional travel between project partners.

Deadline for applications is Monday 25th April 2022!

For information and links to job adverts, visit:

For any informal enquires please contact Jim Harkin:

  • Open FPGA/ASIC related positions at Heidelberg University & the University of Manchester (Germany and UK). Received: 13/04/2022.

Multiple open FPGA/ASIC related positions

The new Novel Computing Technologies group at Heidelberg University (Germany) and the APT group in Manchester (UK) have various open positions to be announced shortly.
Prospect applicants looking for a research fellow, postdoc, PhD student or technician position are invited to contact --LOGIN--cc4464e53395a3d6157d8b660bebde44ziti[dot]uni[dot]heidelberg[dot]de .
Appointments may include short term (up to two years), medium term (up to 5 years) or even long term contracts.

Roles include (but are not limited to):

Backend expert
Implementing custom cells and custom FPGA fabrics, designing RRAM (memristor) FPGA primitives and fabrics, integrating systems (e.g., RISC-V eFPGA hybrids), working with advanced process nodes and technologies such as chiplets.

FPGA architect
Customization of mixed granularity FPGAs, exploring new architectural features (e.g., features tailored to RRAM FPGAs, ML acceleration, etc.). This shall all be integrated into various open-source frameworks (FABulous, Yosys, nextpnr, openRoad, VPR, etc.)

Security and reliability expert
Our group has detailed knowledge of low-level implementation details of several industry FPGAs (including their bitstream encoding) and we want to use this improve security (e.g., detecting Trojans) and reliability (e.g., robustness against SEUs).

Application designers
We are looking for application designers who want to make a difference. This may include exploring unconventional use cases of FPGAs, demonstrating the benefits of partial reconfiguration or in-depth utilization of specific FPGA features.

Running our labs, maintaining equipment and tools, supporting student and research projects as well as building demonstrators, including PCB design, (FPGA) hardware design, firmware development, etc.

  • Postdoc position in security and privacy in the Internet of Things (IoT) at Dartmouth College (USA). Received: 04/04/2022.

I am currently seeking a postdoc to join my team beginning summer or fall 2022. Applications are being reviewed as they arrive.

Interested candidates may apply by email (--LOGIN--b92540972334bf495bd019a5d0803ba1dartmouth[dot]edu ), supplying their vita and a cover letter indicating how their background might fit with our research.

As a postdoc in my group you would be involved in SPLICE: an interdisciplinary research team investigating security and privacy in the Internet of Things (IoT), with an emphasis on the context of Smart Homes. You would also have the opportunity to engage more broadly with the SPLICE team across seven leading universities.

You would direct one line of research within that theme, as first author, and you would co-advise students on other lines of research, and be co-author on their papers. You would also have the opportunity to engage more broadly with the Department of Computer Science (CS) and with the cybersecurity community at Dartmouth via the Institute for Security, Technology, and Society (ISTS), providing extended opportunities for learning and collaboration.

You must have finished your Ph.D in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, and have strong skills in building software prototypes, conducting experimental research, analyzing experimental data, and writing scientific publications. The best candidates will have expertise in some combination of pervasive computing, mobile computing, embedded systems, machine learning, security, privacy, or IoT and smart homes.

Dartmouth College is an Ivy League university with graduate programs in the sciences, engineering, medicine, and business. It is located in the beautiful town of Hanover NH, about two hours northwest of Boston. Hanover is the #1 college town in America!. Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity employer, and I am especially interested in receiving applications from candidates with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences.

  • Several Postdoctoral positions in Computer Systems at Uppsala University (Sweden). Received: 09/03/2022, deadline: 14/04/2022.

Uppsala University has several postdoc openings in different areas in computer systems including networking, security and Internet of Things.

See https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=479945

Deadline for applications is April 14.

Sweden is a fantastic place for living and working. Swedes are friendly and speak excellent English. The quality of life is high, with a strong emphasis on outdoor activities. The Swedish working climate emphasizes an open atmosphere, with active discussions involving both junior and senior staff. Spouses of employees are entitled to work permits. Healthcare is free after a small co-pay and RISE subsidizes athletic costs, such as a gym membership. The parental benefits in Sweden are among the best in the world, including extensive parental leave (for both parents), paid time off to care for sick children, and affordable daycare.

  • Tenure track position in Computer Science with a specialisation in Big Data at Karlstad University (Sweden). Received: 03/03/2022, deadline: 20/03/2022.

Would you like to perform exciting research in the field of Big data together with a dedicated team of lecturers and researchers in cloud, privacy, computer networking and software engineering?.

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Karlstad University, Sweden, has an open position as associate senior lecturer (tenure track) in Computer Science with a specialisation in Big data management and analytics. The employment as associate senior lecturer aims to attract ambitious and qualified researchers in the area that are in their early careers, with the main goal to let them advance their competence in research and education to be qualified for a tenured position after four years.

Research and education in Computer Science is focused on distributed systems and communications, security and privacy, and software quality. The Department works closely with international, national, and regional partners from the academic community as well as private businesses. As associate senior lecturer, you will part of and strengthen one of the established research groups in Computer Science. As associate senior lecturer you will also play a vital role in the continued evolution of the Department's education in computer science. We are looking for a driven candidate with experience in one or several of the areas of advanced data analytics, data quality, Big Data architectures, data management in the cloud, techniques for modelling and managing structured and unstructured data, and Big Data for decision support as well as a strong desire to develop future research and teaching in the area.

Please visit https://kau.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:472552/ for further information and instructions on how to apply.

Application deadline: March 20, 2022.

  • PhD Position in modelling tools and communication engineering at Université Gustave Eiffel, Lille (France). Received: 01/03/2022, deadline: 21/03/2022.

German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Université Gustave Eiffel offer a PhD position in the field of “Measurements based development of realistic interference models for current and future radio technologies in Road and Rail domains”.

Please check out the details at

  • Various PhD & PostDoc Positions on Hardware Security for Deep Learning Accelerators at IETR & Inria/IRISA, Rennes and Nantes (France). Received: 01/03/2022, deadline: 01/06/2022.

Secure Deep Learning Hardware Accelerators Against Fault Injection and Side-Channel Attacks

In a collaboration between Inria/IRISA, IETR and the High Security Laboratory (LHS) from Inria, we are opening various PhD and PostDoc positions on hardware security for deep learning accelerators, based in Rennes and Nantes, in France.
We are building a large working group with high impact potential to work on side-channel analysis and fault injection attacks to edge and cloud deep learning hardware accelerators.

The PhDs and PostDocs will work in close collaboration, and there will be at least 1 PhD and 1 PostDoc assigned to each topic (SCA and FI).
PostDocs are expected to have more autonomy and drive to kick-start their own research careers.
Therefore, they can get involved in further supervising/mentoring activities and in preparation of research proposals.

The positions are available to start anytime from September/October 2022 for PhDs (until first months of 2023), through September/October 2023 for PostDocs.
All are framed in different projects granted by the ANR (the French national research agency) and other regional research agencies in France.

Detailed information about the positions is available at IETR ( PhD, PostDoc) or Inria ( PhD, PostDoc) websites.

To apply you can do it through Inria's website or contacting us for more information:
Rubén Salvador: --LOGIN--9f65c2feb22e3f8795585a6275e00e7dcentralesupelec[dot]fr
Olivier Sentieys: --LOGIN--eca9ee9e1a62978003b63bcfa008bebcinria[dot]fr
Maria Méndez Real: --LOGIN--ee7abc0572a2d727bc0571e35284ba10univ-nantes[dot]fr
Angeliki Kritikakou: --LOGIN--df731be31dd7eb348eeb2575787d09f3irisa[dot]fr

Application deadline: 01/06/2022

  • Faculty Opening in Artificial Intelligence with emphasis in machine learning at University of Cyprus (Cyprus). Received: 21/02/2022, deadline: 18/05/2022.


The University of Cyprus was founded in 1989 and admitted its first students in 1992. Within a short time, the University of Cyprus achieved international distinctions. Today, it is ranked as the 108th young university (under 50 years) and among the #401-500 best universities worldwide by the Times Higher Education Rankings.

These notable distinctions, achieved in the highly competitive field of research, are the result of commitment and dedication to continuous development and research excellence, the promotion and strengthening of which constitutes a key strategic objective of the University of Cyprus. Moreover, the University continually extends and develops its undergraduate and graduate programs of studies.

To best serve its research and educational aims, the University recruits high-caliber academic staff who can make significant contributions to the development of internationally competitive research projects and to the design and delivery of new curricula.


The University of Cyprus invites applications for one (1) tenure-track academic position at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, in the field of “Artificial Intelligence with emphasis in machine learning”.

For all academic ranks, a Doctoral degree from an accredited University is required.

The minimum requirements for each academic rank are available at https://www.ucy.ac.cy/acad.staff.procedures and include: previous academic experience, outstanding research achievements and notable scientific contributions, experience in developing and teaching of high quality undergraduate and graduate curricula.

Candidates do not need to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

The official languages of instruction are Greek and Turkish. For the above position, fluency in the Greek language is necessary.

In case the selected candidate is not proficient in the Greek language, the candidate and the Department shall ensure that the former acquires sufficient knowledge of the Greek language within 3 years from the date of appointment. Each Department sets its own criteria concerning the required level of fluency in the Greek language.

In accordance with the applicable legislation, the annual gross salary (including the 13th salary) for full-time employment is:

Assistant Professor (Scale A13-A14). €59.173,18- €79.802,36
Lecturer (Scale A12-A13) €44.975,98- €73.185,96

Employee contributions to the various State funds will be deducted from the above amounts.

Candidates are invited to submit their applications electronically by uploading the following documents in English and in PDF format at the following link: https://applications.ucy.ac.cy/recruitment

1. Cover Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Copy of ID/Passport
4. Copies of degree certificates
5. Review of previous research work and a brief description of future research projects (up to 3 pages)
6. List of publications
7. Representative publications (up to 3 publications which should be submitted separately). For the rank of Lecturer, the submission of representative publications is optional.
8. The names and email addresses of three academic referees, who, upon submission of the application, will be automatically notified to provide recommendation letters (in English), up to seven days following the deadline for submission of applications.

The above documents (1-7) must be uploaded as separate PDF documents.

No change can be possible upon submission of your application.

The deadline for applications is on Wednesday 18th of May 2022.

The selected applicants will be required to submit copies of degree certificates certified by the Ministry of Education (if the degrees were obtained from universities n Cyprus) or from the Issuing Authority (if the degrees were obtained from foreign universities).

Applications, supporting documents and recommendation letters submitted in response to previous vacancy announcements will not be considered and must be resubmitted.

Applications not providing all the required documents specified in the online application form at the above link will not be considered.

The applicant shall ensure that their application has been successfully submitted. Upon submission, the candidate will receive an automated confirmation email.

For more information, please contact the Human Resources Services (tel.: 00357 22 89 4146) or the Department of Computer Science (+357 22 89 2669).

  • Post-doc in video and speech synthesis at the National University of Singapore (Singapore). Received: 15/02/2022.

Post-doc position in video + speech synthesis (CTIC @ NUS)
Contact: --LOGIN--fa89e0a701d8400ff6337837a9f1226fnus[dot]edu[dot]sg

The Centre for Trusted Internet and Community (CTIC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is hiring a post-doc for a project in Deep and Cheap Fakes. This project seeks to understand how modern deep fakes affect the attitudes, knowledge and perception of human viewers, both positively and negatively. It is a multi-disciplinary project involving researchers from the fields of communications, new media, and computer science.

We seek a post-doc to create believable deep fakes of a person speaking (ie. facial animation and speech synthesis) using existing face re-enactment and voice cloning algorithms, as well as developing new ones when required. The post-doc should possess most of these skills:
* Familiarity with face swapping and re-enactment techniques
* Experience with GANs and auto-encoders
* Proficiency in deep learning tools such as Keras, Tensorflow or PyTorch * Understanding of speech manipulation techniques

This post-doc position is for 18 months and is now open to anyone from any nationality. A recent (2018 or after) PhD in Computer Science or relevant field is required. Final-year PhD students are encouraged to apply.

Please send your CV to the Principal Investigator, Prof Maite Soto-Sanfiel,


The Centre for Trusted Internet and Community (CTIC) has a team of more than 20 academics with expertise ranging from computer science and new media to psychology, public policy and law. The research team will study issues such as the implications of emerging technologies, social media development, digital well-being and values, digital culture, as well as international policies, standards and best practices, in order to promote responsible public discourse, to protect individuals against online falsehoods, and to establish the trustworthiness of information.

  • Post-doctoral fellowship position at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Received: 14/02/2022, deadline: 25/02/2022.

We are seeking candidates for a post-doctoral fellowship position for 12 months to work at the Laboratory for Modeling, Analysis and Development of Networks and Computing Systems ( LAND) at Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program ( PESC), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( UFRJ), RJ, Brazil.

This scholarship is part of the Project, entitled ( SFI2 - Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures), which aims to develop an architecture and new mechanisms for the slicing of resources and services of multiple infrastructures for experimentation.

This work will focus on the use of artificial intelligence/machine learning approaches (AI/ML) for resource management/orchestration of 5G slices in order to accommodate different requirements from diverse services. Formal system modeling and problem formulation are also tasks to be performed in this work. In general, the work will consist in designing and developing AI/ML solutions for resource management/orchestration of virtualized 5G networks. The work will also involve an experimental setup on a distributed testbed infrastructure provided by the RNP.

The candidate is expected to have strong motivation, solid background in mobile networks, at least basic knowledge on artificial intelligence/machine learning and optimization, proficiency in programming languages such as C/C++, Java, and Python, good research and communication skills, including good scientific writing and English speaking, and teamwork capability.

Interested candidates should fill the online application form:


until February 25, 2022.

Eligibility Criteria: Ph.D. in Computer Science or related areas.

The fellowship includes a monthly stipend of R$ 7.373,10 (about USD 1,350) plus research contingency funds (10% of the annual value of the fellowship, each year). For more details, check out FAPESP's webpage.

Prof. Rezende

  • 24 months Post-doc researcher position on evaluation of hardware security monitors against physical side-channel analysis at Lab-STICC, Lorient (France). Received: 09/02/2022.

We offer a 24 months Post-doc position on evaluation of hardware security monitors against physical side-channel analysis. A detailed scientific program can be found here : https://labsticc.fr/en/lab-sticc/job-offers/post-doc-on-evaluation-of-hardware-security-monitors-against-physical-side-channel-analysis

Candidate profile:

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have spent at least 18 months outside of France between May 1, 2019 and the start of the project.

The candidate must have a Master's degree. The required skills are:
Good knowledge in digital architecture design on FPGA
Good knowledge of embedded processors architecture
Good knowledge in C and assembler programming
Good knowledge in hardware physical attacks
Good knowledge of security for embedded systems

To apply please send a CV to:
Vianney Lapôtre : --LOGIN--672a2073b996a8ec5c60275661fbc2f5univ-ubs[dot]fr
Guy Gogniat : --LOGIN--a995e3b30d0f1ab4038fb2e8fd1aba6euniv-ubs[dot]fr

Date and place:
The Post-Doc will start on September 1, 2022. The Post-Doc researcher will work in the ARCAD team of the Lab-STICC laboratory in Lorient, France.

  • Associate/Assistant tenured Professor position in Computer Systems Security at CentraleSupélec, Rennes (France). Received: 08/02/2022, deadline: 01/04/2022.

CentraleSupélec (https://www.centralesupelec.fr/) is hiring an Assistant/Associate Professor (tenured position) in computer security. This is a public-law permanent contract opened to both junior and senior postdocs or assistant professors.

The position will be based in the Rennes Campus of CentraleSupélec (http://www.rennes.centralesupelec.fr/en/home), within the CIDRE research group: https://team.inria.fr/cidre/
CIDRE is a joint research team from CentraleSupélec, Inria (https://www.inria.fr/en), the University of Rennes 1 (https://www.univ-rennes1.fr/) and the CNRS (https://www.cnrs.fr/). Its research themes focus on attacks against computer systems, including the generation of attack scenarios, the understanding of malicious code, the supervision of systems and networks, and the securing of low-level architectures. The team is part of the IRISA laboratory (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires, UMR 6074): https://www.irisa.fr/en

CentraleSupélec aims to recruit a candidate with a research project in cybersecurity. Particular attention will be paid to applications with a research project that fits into the following themes (in order of priority):
- Security at the software/hardware interfaces
- System and network security
- Malware analysis

Teaching activities will be carried out over a broad spectrum covering the courses offered as part of CentraleSupélec Engineering program, the more specialized InfoSec and Cyber specializations, as well as the Master programs and “mastère spécialisé” (continuing education) in Cybersecurity. Teaching subjects include competencies in computer science, computer architecture and cybersecurity. Teaching can be entirely conducted in English, but the candidate will be encouraged to acquire knowledge of French to facilitate interaction with students.

Rennes is one of the major centers in the domain of cybersecurity in France and has a rich and dynamic ecosystem in this domain. Academic partners also participate in the Graduate Research School EUR Cyberschool: https://cyberschool.univ-rennes.fr/en/

For further details about the position, please see the following document: https://team.inria.fr/cidre/files/2022/02/profil-EC-CIDRE_2022_en.pdf

It is also highly recommended to contact the team.

Deadline for application: April 1, 2022
Start date: from September 2022

- --LOGIN--7808f4ab31239c3c7d825d60261fc957centralesupelec[dot]fr
- --LOGIN--04a3874edf57e0fa2d7eb59ac5dc8110centralesupelec[dot]fr

  • Post-doc position on performance and security of DAG-based distributed ledgers at IMT Atlantique, Brest (France). Received: 07/02/2022, deadline: 14/03/2022.

We are pleased to announce an opening for a postdoc position on the design of secure admission control mechanisms for DAG-based distributed ledgers (DL), and further performance and security improvements of such DLs. Please see more information here:

Where? Maths&Net research group, located at IMT Atlantique, Brest, France. IMT Atlantique is one of the top 10 engineering schools in France, and one of the top 400 universities in the world in THE World University Ranking. [https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/en/about/elite-technological-university]. The Brest's campus is located just by the atlantic ocean.

Duration: The position is for a maximum of two years.

• Solid mathematical background
• Some experience or knowledge in networking and network security
• Some computer science skills, allowing the candidate to create and manipulate simulation scripts, to develop working code, to manipulate collaborative environments, as for instance knowledge of programming languages such as Python, bash, Go and changes tracking systems such as git.
• Good communication skills, excellent written English skills.
• Motivated, inquisitive and self-driven.

Eligible candidates must have spent at least 18 months outside France during the period spanned between May the 1st 2019 and the project's kick-off.

To submit your application: send us your CV to --LOGIN--5a5bb26c600894f51c2c77fdba036468imt-atlantique[dot]fr before march the 15th.

  • Post-doctoral positions in information technology at University of Vaasa (Finland). Received: 03/02/2022, deadline: 07/02/2022.

The University of Vaasa has two post-doctoral researcher positions open in information technology on “ICT solutions for the energy transition” (Academy of Finland Profi6 funding):

Call text in English

Haku suomeksi

The deadline for applications is February 7, 2022.

  • Webinar for Ikerbasque “Research Fellows 2022” call: 20 research positions for experienced postdoctoral researchers (Spain). Received: 31/01/2022.

Webinar for “Ikerbasque Research Fellows 2022” call
9th February, 16:00-17:00 CET

Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, is organizing a webinar about the “Research Fellows 2022” call.
• The call is now open
• This webinar will be in English
• We are offering 20 positions to promising postdoctoral researchers
• Specially addressed to researchers with postdoctoral experience in all research fields who are considering a new research position
• Ikerbasque is committed to offering a stable research career

The webinar will:
• Offer detailed information on our annual Call for 5-year Fellowships
• Describe over 20 research institutions and universities that you could join in the Basque Country
• Include experiences and testimonials by researchers who have joined Ikerbasque
• Answer questions from attendees

For further information, please visit calls.ikerbasque.net

If you are interested in attending, please sign up for the Webinar at:
Sign up for the Webinar

  • Dos contratos de investigación en IoT, middleware, ciberseguridad y redes en la Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Received: 26/01/2022.

El Departamento de Comunicaciones de la Universitat Politècnica de València busca cubrir dos puestos para dar soporte a la investigación colaborando en las áreas de IoT, middleware, ciberseguridad y redes, en el contexto de un proyecto de investigación regional.

Los puestos son a tiempo parcial y compatibles con cursar simultáneamente estudios de máster.

Los candidatos seleccionados colaborarán proactivamente en la implementación y el diseño de contribuciones de investigación, manteniendo y mejorando la infraestructura actual del equipo del proyecto.

Los candidatos seleccionados serán contratados de forma inicial por 6 meses (duración inicial obligatoria según el reglamento vigente) y podrá ser fácilmente extendido más allá, abarcando la duración completa del proyecto.

Contacto: envío de email con CV y breve carta de motivación a --LOGIN--c52756d435f02e1cb6843113a88f7137dcom[dot]upv[dot]es

  • Faculty position in User Experience Design at the University of Toronto (Canada). Received: 26/01/2022, closing date: 07/02/2022.

The Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time teaching stream position at the rank of Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in the area of User Experience Design (UXD). The expected start date is July 1, 2022, or shortly thereafter. This teaching stream position is a continuing status stream position. The successfully candidate will undergo a Probationary Review between year 3 and 4 following their appointment and, upon successful results, will be considered for Continuing Status between year 5 and 6, leading to the rank of Associate Professor, Teaching Stream. A further promotion to Professor (full), Teaching Stream is possible after having demonstrated excellence and leadership in pedagogy sustained over many years (full details here: https://www.aapm.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/129/2018/02/iSchool-Guidelines-for-Assessment-of-Teaching-Activities-Teaching-Stream-Jan-2018.pdf).

Applicants must have a PhD in Information, Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Design, Engineering, or a terminal degree in a related area by the time of appointment, or shortly thereafter, with a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching. We seek applicants with expertise in one of the following areas: information visualization, accessibility and inclusive design, community-based design approaches, usability and evaluation assessment, sustainable design, UX leadership, and service design. Applicants should demonstrate intellectual curiosity and drive to pursue innovative pedagogical methods and interests in establishing a long-term career as a teaching stream faculty member. The successful candidate's teaching interests will complement and build upon our existing strengths (https://ischool.utoronto.ca/). Industrial experience in a related area is considered to be a strong asset.

The closing date for applications is February 7, 2022 and all application materials, including reference letters, must be received by then.

More details about the position can found here: https://jobs.utoronto.ca/job/Toronto-Assistant-Professor%2C-Teaching-Stream-User-Experience-Design-ON/553991517/

  • PhD position on joint communication and sensing for wireless virtual reality at the University of Antwerp and imec (Belgium). Received: 26/01/2022.

We are looking for a motivated PhD student to join the IDLab team at the University of Antwerp and imec in Belgium (https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/research-groups/idlab/). The selected PhD candidate will contribute to the next generation of wireless virtual reality solutions and protocols. The position comes with a fully funded 4-year scholarship. For more details on how to apply, please visit https://jobs.idlab.uantwerpen.be/o/phd-vacancy-on-joint-communication-and-sensing-for-wireless-virtual-reality-applications.

​imec is the world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. The combination of our widely acclaimed leadership in microchip technology and profound software and ICT expertise is what makes us unique. By leveraging our world-class infrastructure and local and global ecosystem of partners across a multitude of industries, we create groundbreaking innovation in application domains such as healthcare, smart cities and mobility, logistics and manufacturing, and energy. As a trusted partner for companies, start-ups and universities we bring together close to 3,500 brilliant minds from over 70 nationalities. Imec is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium and also has distributed R&D groups at a number of Flemish universities, in the Netherlands, Taiwan, USA, China, and offices in India and Japan. All of these particular traits make imec to be a top-class employer.

University of Antwerp – imec IDLab Research group
The Internet & Data Lab (IDLab) is an imec research group at the University of Antwerp and Ghent University. IDLab focuses its research on internet technologies and data science. IDLab is a joint research initiative between Ghent University and the University of Antwerp. Bringing together 300 internet experts, we develop technologies outperforming current solutions for communication subsystems, high speed and low power networking, distributed computing and multimedia processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence and web semantics. Within Antwerp, where you will work, the overall IDLab research areas are machine learning and wireless networking. IDLab has a unique research infrastructure used in numerous national and international collaborations. IDLab collaborates with many universities and research centers worldwide and jointly develops advanced technologies with industry (R&D centers from international companies, Flanders' top innovating large companies and SMEs, as well as numerous ambitious startups).

Research topic
This position is related to the collaborative research project titled “Context-Aware Millimeter Wave Network for Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality”. The overall objective of the project is to design a next-generation wireless network that supports the critical requirements of interactive virtual reality (VR) applications, including a per-user data rate of gigabits per second, and a latency in the order of milliseconds. To this end, the project will investigate wireless communications at millimetre wave (mmWave) and sub-Terahertz (sub-THz) frequencies. The project team, consisting of the University of Antwerp (led by Prof. Jeroen Famaey) and Ghent University (led by Prof. Filip De Turck), will collaboratively perform research on novel methods for mmWave beamforming, localization, posture estimation, and low-latency network protocols, optimized for interactive VR applications. The selected candidate will study methods for joint communications and sensing using mmWave signals, to opportunistically estimate user location, posture, and gestures.

The job
- You will conduct high quality research, under the supervision of Prof. Jeroen Famaey and Dr. Rafael Berkvens, on joint communications and sensing using mmWave for VR applications.
- You will closely collaborate with other researchers at the University of Antwerp and Ghent University working on the “Context-Aware Millimeter Wave Network for Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality” project.
- You will design and implement novel signal processing algorithms, evaluating them using mathematical analysis, simulation, and prototype implementation.
- You will write detailed technical evaluation reports on the developed solutions, implementation, and experiments, leading to publications in major conferences and journals in the field of wireless communications.
- You will assist in teaching lab sessions of relevant courses at bachelor or master level (at most 10% of your responsibilities).

Job requirements
- You have or will soon obtain a master's degree in electronic/electrical/telecommunications engineering, computer science, or equivalent.
- You have a profound knowledge of radio/wireless communications and signal processing. Experience with radio system prototyping using software-defined radios is a plus.
- You have strong programming skills in C/C++. Knowledge of Python and/or Matlab is a plus.
- You are a team player and have strong communication skills.
- You have a high proficiency in oral and written English.

  • Oferta de trabajo en la Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain). Received: 18/01/2022, deadline: 31/01/2022.

Lugar de trabajo:
- Escuela Politécnica (Cáceres), Universidad de Extremadura.
- Posibilidad de teletrabajo.

Condiciones del contrato:
- Duración del contrato: 9 meses.
- Posibilidad de ampliación de la duración del contrato.
- Salario bruto mensual: 2.300 euros (incluyendo costes seguridad social).
- Incorporación prevista para marzo/abril de 2022.
- Jornada a tiempo completo (37,5 horas semanales).
- Posibilidad de jornada a tiempo parcial (si se está estudiando un Máster).

Objetivos del puesto de trabajo:
- Aplicación de Metaheurísticas Multiobjetivo y/o Paralelismo en Problemas de Bioinformática.
- Posibilidad de realización de Tesis Doctoral.

Requisitos de los/las aspirantes:
- Titulación universitaria de Grado o Máster en Ingeniería Informática, Bioinformática o Biología Computacional.
- Inglés: Nivel medio-avanzado (principalmente en escritura/lectura).

Se valorará:
- Expediente académico.
- Nivel de inglés.
- Resto del curriculum vitae.
- No son necesarios conocimientos previos en metaheurísticas multiobjetivo y/o paralelismo y/o bioinformática.

Enviar Curriculum Vitae, Título de Inglés y Expediente Académico (antes del 1-Febrero-2022) a Miguel Ángel Vega Rodríguez: --LOGIN--e28a6c0e131aa8e4bbc6a83619fe2219unex[dot]es

  • Ikerbasque Research Fellows 2022 (Spain). Received: 18/01/2022, deadline: 15/03/2022.

Ikerbasque - the Basque Foundation for Science, has launched a new call offering 20 positions for postdoctoral researchers. These positions are financed by the Basque Government, the European Comission and the host institution where the researcher will develop his/her research: therefore the acceptance letter of the host institution is mandatory.

These five year Fellowships are directed to promising young researchers; they are intended to offer a track towards a PI role and independent research. The selected Fellows should be able to acquire the necessary skills for a research leader role. Ikerbasque is committed to offer a long-term career to the research community: Fellows in their 5th year can be assessed for a permanent position.

The applicants must have their PhD completed between 01/01/2011 and 31/12/2019.

Applications from women are especially welcomed. The eligibility period will be extended under special circumstances such as maternity.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101034228.

For further information, please visit https://calls.ikerbasque.net/

  • Several Job Offers in COVID-19 KG and QC4DB at University of Lübeck (Germany). Received: 17/01/2022, deadline: 31/01/2022.

Job positions in Institute of Information Systems (IFIS) at University of Lübeck

The University of Lübeck is known for its excellent research and excellent teaching. We are a modern foundation university with thematically focused courses. Under the motto “Focus on life”, we as a life science university offer a spectrum from medicine, health sciences and psychology to mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology.

The Institute of Information Systems (IFIS) is concerned with the representation, storage, and retrieval of any kind of data for building information systems. Its research focus includes (but is not limited to) knowledge graphs and utilizing emergent technologies for data management.

We have several job positions in exciting research projects to be filled as soon as possible. The submission deadline for your applications is the 31st January 2022.

Please apply if you want to work on emergent technologies and topics in an excellent team.

1 X PhD student (full-time, 36 months, DFG) in the area of COVID-19 Knowledge Graphs:

The position is part of a joint research project with the Université de Paris (with a focus on data quality) and Université Paul Sabatier (in Toulouse with a focus on natural language processing). The employee at the University of Lübeck will mainly deal with knowledge graphs, data analysis and visualizations.

Our project is concerned with generating high-quality knowledge graphs for emerging English, French and German trends using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to get a general overview of the trends in how facts develop across time and languages, and to carry out a high-quality assessment of these facts in enriched knowledge graphs to support further analysis with meaningful visualizations.

More information about the job and application procedure:

2 X PhD student, 1 X Post-Doc (full-time, until 31.12.2024, BMBF) in the area of Database Optimizations accelerated by quantum computers:

The position is part of a joint research project with Quantum Brilliance GmbH. The employee at the University of Lübeck will mainly deal with the optimization of databases with and without the support of quantum computers.

Almost all applications in the digital world depend on fast approaches to data management. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are the most widespread type of database management systems. Certain time-consuming tasks can be accelerated by using quantum computers in order to promise a smooth experience for users by lower latencies and faster execution.

Two problems are examined in more detail in the project. On the one hand, RDBMS translate queries into expressions of relational algebra. Typically, there is a large number of equivalent expressions. In many RDBMS, the best estimated query execution plan is exhaustively searched for among all possible. Second, optimizing transaction schedules determines the optimal order of parallel execution of transactions for the best performance. Both problems, the optimization of inquiries as well as transaction plans, can be reduced to the application of basic mathematical optimization approaches and accelerated by quantum computers. In the project we research on replacing classical routines by their quantum computing counterparts promising huge accelerations.

More information about the jobs and application procedure:
PhD Student Job Offers:
Post-Doc Job Offer:

  • Postdoc position in IDS, drone, Security/Performance/Energy tradeoff at ENSTA Bretagne and Lab-STICC (France). Received: 14/01/2022.

Postdoc topic: Intrusion Detection and tradeoff between Security/Performance/Energy, a study for drone swarm

Keywords: drone swarm, IDS, performance, energy, operational research
Starting date: as soon as possible
Duration: 1 to 3 years

Scientific partners:
- University of Western Brittany, France
- FORTH Heraklion, Greece
- Naval Group, France

Summary of the project:
The distributed operation of drone swarms on mission makes them susceptible to various attacks that should be detected. These drones embed hardware components (computation and storage) that are heterogeneous for both computing power and energy consumption. They perform the various tasks necessary for dorone mission.
The objective of the project is to propose a model and strategies for the execution of intrusion detection systems embedded on heterogeneous architectures and which provide a relevant trade off for speed detection / energy consumption, according to the criticality of the attack and the state of the system.

Required skills:
The required skills can be a subset of the following topics:
- embedded systems and drones
- Software security
- Networks
- Memory management
- Energy management
- Operational research

How to apply:
Please, send:
- A full detailled CV including a complete list of publications
- A motivation letter
- recommendation letters
- Any document that could justify the quality of the application
to: --LOGIN--5c5311a1fd39815404f825698b061e11ensta-bretagne[dot]fr and --LOGIN--82dc40914ad03a802cb944783377d760univ-brest[dot]fr

  • Contratos Predoctorales (FPU) UGR-Banco Santander (Spain). Received: 10/01/2022, deadline: 25/01/2022.


Programa de Formación de Investigadores, Contratos Predoctorales (FPU) UGR-Banco Santander, dentro del Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia 2021:

Plazo de solicitud:
Hasta el 25 de enero de 2022 (23:59h).

Detalles de la convocatoria:

Escuelas de Doctorado

  • Puestos de PDI en la Universidad de Deusto (Spain). Received: 07/01/2022.

La Universidad de Deusto publica varios puestos de personal docente investigador vacantes.

Más información:

  • Postdoc position in hardware acceleration of functional languages at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK). Received: 07/01/2022, deadline: 28/02/2022.

Opening for an EPSRC funded postdoc position on hardware acceleration of functional programming languages, at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.

Candidates should have a background in hardware design and FPGA programming. Hardware engineering experience should include circuit design, developing processor architectures, memory hierarchies and/or instruction sets. Candidates should have some understanding of functional programming. Programming language implementation experience is desirable, but not essential. The role will involve developing a special purpose processor for Haskell, aimed at outperforming the throughput and energy performance of CPUs. The project has close industry ties in Ireland and the Netherlands.

It is a three year project, starting in May 2022.

The HAFLANG project:

Job details and application form:

The application deadline is 28th February 2022.

Contact the project's Principal Investigator, Rob Stewart (--LOGIN--151de0fd506c8e5244d6980660b7db22hw[dot]ac[dot]uk ), with inquiries.

  • PhD positions in cybersecurity, machine learning and hardware acceleration at Tampere University (Finland). Received: 09/12/2021, deadline: 15/12/2021.

There are two 3-year PhD positions open at Tampere University related to cybersecurity, machine learning and hardware acceleration.

Deadline: December 15.

See and apply at https://tuni.rekrytointi.com/paikat/?o=A_RJ&jgid=1&jid=1224

  • Full-time faculty positions in Computer Science at Imperial College London (UK). Received: 02/12/2021, closing date: 04/01/2022.

The Department of Computing at Imperial College London invites applications for full-time faculty members who can contribute to research and teaching in the foundations and practice of Computer Science. We seek applicants from all areas of Computer Science, either to strengthen existing areas or develop new areas.

The closing date is 4 January 2022.

Further information:

We have a world-leading team focusing on the theory and applications of custom computing, field-programmable technology, and reconfigurable systems - further information: http://cc.doc.ic.ac.uk

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Wayne Luk: --LOGIN--1ba18c2c270204ec06eb0e90404551c5imperial[dot]ac[dot]uk

  • 2 PhD positions at UC3M, Madrid (Spain). Received: 29/11/2021, deadline: 30/11/2021.

We are happy to announce that we have two exciting 2 fully-funded PhD positions at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, as part of the Madrid Government “Research Funds for Beatriz Galindo Fellowships” project MovIntPlayLab-CM-UC3M led by Prof. Elena Márquez Segura, and the ERC Consolidator Grant Horizon2020 project BODYinTRANSIT: Sensory-driven body transformation experiences on-the-move, led by Prof. Ana Tajadura-Jiménez. It would be great and super appreciated if you could help us spread the word among your students and contacts.

PhD1 is on designing, implementing, and testing playful interactive training with wearables and augmented training equipment in the domain of rehabilitation and/or physical training. You can read more about it in the PDF attached and also in: https://tinyurl.com/n9sbxpty

PhD2 is focused on designing transformative bodily experiences using wearables and working with sonification and haptic feedback. You can read more about it in: https://bodyintransit.eu/news/

Duration: 36 months (with an optional 4th year through renewable 1 year contracts)
Deadline: 30 Nov 2021

  • Faculty vacancy in Computer Engineering at Imperial College (UK). Received: 18/11/2021, closing date: 01/02/2022.

Imperial has a rare faculty vacancy in our field. For those outside the UK, please note the terminology difference - this is the equivalent of a tenure track assistant or junior associate professor position. In the UK, this is known as Lecturer or Senior Lecturer.

The ideal candidate would be a potential future research leader in our field with some postdoc experience. We would also consider truly exceptional candidates who are just out of PhD.

More info:

  • Faculty position in hardware systems at the University of California, Santa Cruz (USA). Received: 15/11/2021, deadline: 30/06/2022.


Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) invites applications for a position at the assistant professor level. We are seeking candidates with a strong background in computer science and engineering, with a focus in system and hardware, inclusive of hardware design, computer architecture, and embedded systems.

Apply now: https://recruit.ucsc.edu/JPF01163/apply
View this position online: https://recruit.ucsc.edu/JPF01163
Help contact: --LOGIN--072549944672b0dd014a4d55fb8c0a8eucsc[dot]edu

Position title: Assistant Professor, Computing
Salary range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; academic year (nine-month basis).
Anticipated start: July 1, 2022, with the academic year beginning in September 2022.
Degree requirement must be met by June 30, 2023 for employment effective July 1, 2023 and beyond.

Open date: October 14th, 2021
Next review date: Monday, Jan 3, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.

Final date: Thursday, Jun 30, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Basic qualifications (required at time of application)
A Ph.D. (or equivalent foreign degree) in computer science or relevant field and a demonstrated record of research. It is expected that the degree requirement will be complete no later than June 30, 2023.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is part of the Baskin School of Engineering atUC Santa Cruz. UC Santa Cruz is a member of the AAU, an association of the top research universities in the U.S. Our school has nationally and internationally known researchers in many areas, including theoretical computer science, programming languages, security, distributed systems, storage systems, computer architectures, machine learning, natural language processing, AI, data science, vision, and networking. Nestled in a redwood forest above the city of Santa Cruz, our beautiful campus has a long history of embracing groundbreaking interdisciplinary work. Of the nine UC campuses, our campus is the nearest to Silicon Valley and has close research ties with the local computer industry. Our proximity to Silicon Valley, and our satellite campus there, afford opportunities and avenues for collaboration with researchers working in the many research and development labs in Silicon Valley, as well as with the other San Francisco Bay Area universities.

The selected candidate is expected to develop a research program, advise graduate students in their research area, obtain external funding, develop and teach courses within the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, perform university, public and professional service, and interact broadly with the large number of researchers in Silicon Valley industrial research and advanced development labs. The successful candidate should be able to work with students, faculty, and staff from various social and cultural backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations.

We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our academic community through their research, teaching, and service. We welcome candidates who understand the barriers facing women and minoritized groups who are underrepresented in higher education careers (as evidenced by life experiences and educational background), and who have experience in equity and diversity with respect to teaching, mentoring, research, life experiences, or service towards building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.

Computer Science and Engineering Department:

Please visit https://recruit.ucsc.edu/JPF01163 for full application requirements and campus description.

  • 4 Plazas de Ayudante Doctor en Arquitectura de Computadores UPM, Madrid (Spain). Received: 11/11/2021, deadline: 19/11/2021.

Se han convocado las siguientes plazas por parte de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en el área de conocimiento Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores:

0032 - 1 Plaza de Profesor Ayudante Doctor, con dedicación a tiempo completo Área de Conocimiento: ARQUITECTURA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE COMPUTADORES Perfil docente: • Estructura de Computadores - Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Básica de 2º curso (semestre 1) 6 ECTS • Arquitectura de Computadores - Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Básica de 2º curso (semestre 2) 6 ECTS

0033 - 1 Plaza de Profesor Ayudante Doctor, con dedicación a tiempo completo Área de Conocimiento: ARQUITECTURA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE COMPUTADORES Perfil docente: • Fundamentos Físicos y Tecnológicos de la Informática - Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Básica de 1er curso (semestre 1) 6 ECTS • Sistemas Digitales. - Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Básica de 1er curso (semestre 2) 6 ECTS

0034 - 1 Plaza de Profesor Ayudante Doctor, con dedicación a tiempo completo Área de Conocimiento: ARQUITECTURA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE COMPUTADORES Perfil docente: • Fundamentos Físicos y Tecnológicos de la Informática - Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Básica de 1er curso (semestre 1) 6 ECTS • Sistemas Digitales. - Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Básica de 1er curso (semestre 2) 6 ECTS

0035 - 1 Plaza de Profesor Ayudante Doctor, con dedicación a tiempo completo Área de Conocimiento: ARQUITECTURA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE COMPUTADORES Perfil docente: • Estructura de computadores (Grado en Ingeniería Informática, curso 2, semestre 1) • Arquitectura de computadores (Grado en Ingeniería Informática, curso 2, semestre 2) • Fundamentos de los computadores (Grado en Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial, curso 1, semestre 2)


Toda la información relativa a la inscripción para presentarse como candidato, se puede encontrar en el siguiente link:

  • Contrato predoctoral en la Universidad de Murcia (Spain). Received: 05/11/2021, deadline: 11/11/2021.

PhD position
The Department of Electromagnetism and Electronics at the University of Murcia, Spain, opens a call for applications for a PhD contract (4 years), financed by the Ministry of Science, in the frame of the R+D project MULTI-ION: Energy transport and dissipation processes in the inner heliosphere: the role of magnetic reconnection and cyclotron waves in multi-ion plasmas.

Project description
The successful candidate will perform original research in the frame of the project MULTI-ION, financed by the Ministry of Science and Education, Spain. Magnetic reconnection and wave-particle interactions are universal processes for converting magnetic energy into kinetic energy in plasmas. They are of particular interest in space plasmas, where the effect of particle collisions is often negligible. Our Sun's heliosphere constitutes an accessible natural laboratory to study in detail how these two processes operate. The specific aim of this project is to understand how the magnetic field energy originated in the Sun is transported and dissipated through the heliosphere. The successful candidate will analyze in-situ data of the satellite missions Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe and/or Magnetospheric Multiscale to advance our understanding of two key plasma processes, namely magnetic reconnection and ion cyclotron waves. The satellite observations will be contrasted to analytical and numerical models which are developed within the project. The candidate is expected to collaborate with scientists at various international institutions, carry out doctoral stays at these institutions and attend international conferences.

What we offer
· Be involved in international research satellite missions in Space Physics, operated by NASA and ESA.
· Exposure and involvement in active international scientific communities. Opportunity to obtain a PhD and pursue a career in Space Physics.
· Work at the University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Murcia is the seventh city of Spain in terms of population (~400 000 habitants), well known for its mild climate and its ~3000 hours of Sun per year on average. It is a vibrant university city located at ~50 km of the Mediterranean sea.
· Four years contract. Salary is ~16200 gross/year for the first 2 years, ~17400 for the 3rd year and ~21700 gross/year for the 4th year (regulated by the Ministry of Science, the numbers correspond to last year call).
· Doctoral stays, attendance to conferences, computing hardware and PhD university taxes are covered by the project.

· MSc in a field relevant to the project (e.g. physics, astronomy, mathematics, computer science).
· Only those eligible to postgraduate education may be employed as a doctoral student. The selected candidate must fulfill this requirement by the time of signing the contract (~April 2022).
· The applicant must not hold already a PhD.

--LOGIN--e6ffd0ddbd48a34204d4eb212a2d051fum[dot]es , --LOGIN--cc397577dc2a8734a29c918fde730f95ugr[dot]es or --LOGIN--45b4785f68c528bc9c3266a556a1056augr[dot]es

  • Plazas de Ayudante/Ayudante Doctor en UAM (Spain). Received: 04/11/2021, deadline: 17/11/2021.

Convocatoria de 2 plazas de Ayudante Doctor y una de Ayudante en el Departamento de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

El plazo de solicitudes termina el 17 de Noviembre.

Más información:
(códigos de concurso 20211029-611, 20211029-612 y 20211029-613)

  • Plazas de Profesor Ayudante Doctor en la UPM (Spain). Received: 04/11/2021, deadline: 19/11/2021.

Convocatoria de 8 plazas de profesor Ayudante Doctor en los siguientes departamentos:

- Sistemas Informáticos: 5 plazas (71, 72, 73, 74 y 75)

- Ingeniería de Organización, Administración de Empresas y Estadística: 1 plaza (76)

- Matemática Aplicada a las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones: 2 plazas (77 y 78)

Detalle de la convocatoria:

  • Faculty positions in Computer Science at California State University, Los Angeles (USA). Received: 02/11/2021.

The Department of Computer Science at California State University, Los Angeles is recruiting two Tenure Track Assistant Professors to begin Fall 2022. Applicants must have an earned Ph.D. in Computer Science (or closely related field) from an accredited institution (or equivalent) by the start date of their appointment. Applicants must have a strong primary commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level.

We are looking for candidates with expertise in any of a number of areas including Cloud computing and IoT/Computer Science Education and Assessment/Cybersecurity and Privacy/Robotics and Autonomous Systems/Software Engineering and Programming Languages.

The Department offers programs leading to B.S and M.S. in Computer Science. We are a collegial department with a wide range of interests, and a strong senior project program in partnership with local industry and government clients. Our minority-majority CS student body is both diverse and well integrated.

California State University, Los Angeles was recently named the top school in the country for upward mobility: http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/ppa/publicat/cal-state-la-ranked-number-one-nation-upward-mobility.

For more information, see the position announcement at