Ofertas diversas

  • Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Mechanics of Composite Materials at IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid (Spain). Received: 17/12/2013.

The research group of Structural Composites at IMDEA Materials, led by Dr. Cláudio S. Lopes and Dr. Carlos González, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of multiscale computational analysis of composite structures. Candidates with strong background knowledge on computational damage mechanics, model development, and on numerical simulation of advanced composite materials and structures are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in experimental mechanical testing of composites is highly valued.

The postdoctoral fellow will work in a vibrant multinational research group within the framework of a European project in the field of Aeronautics.


- PhD degree in Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering or related.
- Solid background in computational mechanics of advanced composite materials.
- Ample experience with commercial FE software tools (Abaqus/LS-Dyna/PamCrash) including user subroutines.
- Fluent English.

Starting date: As soon as the position is filled.

Contract duration and conditions: Two-year contract with full social security coverage.

Gross Salary: Competitive salary (depending on qualifications).

Contact: Interested candidates please send your CV indicating the job reference to:
Dr. Cláudio S. Lopes (--LOGIN--c1eff75c80581ca837b5b16962a32fa1imdea[dot]org )

IMDEA Materials Institute (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials) is a non-profit, private research organization, promoted by the Regional Government of Madrid, to carry out research activities in Materials Science and Engineering. The new research institute is part of IMDEA, a new institutional framework that combines both public and private support and harmonizes research with market demand, encouraging the private sector to participate in the design of science. IMDEA Materials Institute is committed to excellence in research and to fostering technology transfer to the industrial sector in a truly international environment. More information can be found at www.materials.imdea.org

  • PhD position + Acoustics MSc degree in musical acoustics at Edinburgh University (UK). Received: 17/12/2013, Closing Date: 09/01/2014.

The Acoustics and Audio Group at the University of Edinburgh has now announced a new, fully funded PhD position within our Group. The position is in the area of brass instrument acoustics. Both experimental and simulation work is expected to be carried out.

This is part of the large Batwoman Initial Training Network (www.batwoman.eu).

Details here:

Our research Group's announcement page is here:

Any questions can be directed to Prof Murray Campbell: --LOGIN--a9c164886cdd22be3415d25821b76b72ph[dot]ed[dot]ac[dot]uk
or Mike Newton: --LOGIN--80416f01c93a5ce4a6f8446e31ff15bced[dot]ac[dot]uk

Please note also that our Group is also continuing to offer a 1-year taugt masters degree (MSc) in Acoustics and Music Technology. This degree provides a great preparatory year for further research in acoustics and signal processing. The application window is still open, with further details at:

  • Faculty Position in Information Organization at UC Berkeley (USA). Received: 11/12/2013, Deadline: 24/01/2014.

The School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a tenured faculty position at the Full or Associate Professor level, with an expected start date of July 2014, in the field of Information Organization.

Candidates for this position should have a demonstrated record of research in information organization and retrieval. This could include a focus on one or more of the following areas: conceptual modeling of information systems; computational approaches to cognition; semantic representation; vocabulary and metadata design; classification and standardization; category learning at scale; and practical computational processes for analyzing information in both textual and non-textual formats.

A successful candidate will possess appropriate technical expertise and research excellence, and be committed to working on issues related to information and/or information system design and development in a multidisciplinary setting. Relevant professional or industry experience, including hands-on experience with large-scale collections, is also desirable.

Qualifications include a doctoral degree or equivalent in a related discipline (such as cognitive science, computer science, linguistics, psychology) or professional field (information science, digital humanities). The successful applicant will be expected to establish a high quality research program and to teach both graduate courses in his/her area of specialty as well as to provide service to the School and University.

The School of Information is the most recently formed school on the Berkeley campus. We are a multidisciplinary professional school. Our faculty members come from diverse fields, including political science, sociology, economics, law, engineering, computer science, media arts and design, and information science. We share a commitment to building a new field of scholarship and practice that addresses the design of new genres of information, information systems, and media, information policy and ethics, and the relationships among information/ information systems and individuals, organizations, and society.

Our masters graduates are employed in corporations and start-ups as well as government and non-profit organizations. Their jobs typically involve information design and architecture, user-centered design, document engineering, project management, consulting, web-based information services, and information policy and science. Graduates of our Ph.D. program have taken positions in places such as the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon, the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard, and Microsoft Research. We also offer undergraduate courses in fields such as search engines, new media, and the history of information.

Applications must include a cover letter, CV, select papers, short statements of teaching and research interests, and contact information for three references. Letters of recommendation will be solicited from the references of the finalists. All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. Please arrange for letters of recommendation to be uploaded directly by recommenders. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality: http://apo.chance.berkeley.edu/evalltr.html. Applications must be submitted online before January 24, 2014, at: https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/apply/JPF00257. Questions may be sent to --LOGIN--94744d13fcc697d476748c148606e383ischool[dot]berkeley[dot]edu .

The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. We are interested in candidates who will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education through their teaching, research, and service. UC Berkeley is committed to addressing the family needs of faculty, including dual-career couples and single parents. For more information see http://calcierge.berkeley.edu/.

  • PhD or Postdoc in exploring the quantitative laws of musical discourse at the Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona (Spain). Received: 11/12/2013, Deadline: 10/01/2014.

The Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM, Barcelona, Spain) offers PhD and Postdoc positions within the Collaborative Mathematics Programme funded by Obra Social La Caixa. Suitable candidates at either level will work in interdisciplinary projects co-supervised by CRM researchers and specialists in the area corresponding to each of the projects.

In the Complex Systems area there is a proposal for a music-related project entitled “The Quantitative Laws of Musical Discourse: Models and Applications”. Please see the attachment for further details. For more information regarding conditions of the appointments, application procedure, and other available projects within the same program please visit: http://www.crm.cat/en/ResearchTraining/CollabMathResearch/Pages/Description.aspx

Interested candidates should contact Alvaro Corral (--LOGIN--4b5ddb089729833ad40fc2701e28f66ecrm[dot]cat ) and/or myself (--LOGIN--c362b06878e4874f0b7d2f09e4e39d40iiia[dot]csic[dot]es ) as soon as possible and well before January 10, 2014.

  • 8 PhD Positions in Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands). Received: 10/12/2013, Deadline: 05/01/2014.

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, www.tue.nl) is a world-leading research university specializing in engineering science & technology. The Department of Electrical Engineering is responsible for research and education in Electrical Engineering. The discipline covers technologies and electrical phenomena involved in computer engineering, information processing, energy transfer, and telecommunication. The department strives for societal relevance through an emphasis on the fields of smart sustainable systems, the connected world, and care and cure. The TU/e is the world’s best-performing research university in terms of research cooperation with industry (#1 since 2009).

Electronic Systems group at the TU/e

The Electronic Systems (ES) group (www.es.ele.tue.nl) is comprised of three full professors, two part-time full professors, two associate professors, five assistant professors, about 35 PhD candidates and postdocs, and several technical and support staff. The group has excellent infrastructure that includes individual computers, compute servers, state-of-the-art FPGA and GPU farms, sensor- and ad-hoc networking equipment, and a comprehensive range of electronic-design software.

The ES group is world-renowned for its design automation and embedded systems research. It is our ambition to provide a scientific basis for design trajectories of digital electronic circuits, embedded and cyber-physical systems. Our research results in tools and platforms such as SDF3 and CompSOC. We have strong national and international academic and industrial contacts. The work in the PhD projects will be carried out in close collaboration with several non-academic partners in the Eindhoven region including ASML, FEI, NXP Semiconductors, Océ Technologies, Philips, Technolution, and TNO-ESI.

3 PhD positions in the Robust CPS program

The design of next generation high-tech professional systems for medical imaging, lithography, electron microscopy and high-end printing requires a tight coordination between computation, communication and control elements (the cyber part), and physical processes such as heating, cooling, motion, vibrations, etc. (the physical part). The scientific disciplines providing the basis for such cyber-physical systems (CPS) have historically predominantly developed independently. This separation of disciplines can no longer be sustained and urgently needs to be bridged. This is particularly important for the high-tech industry, which faces challenges of exponential growth in complexity and increasing uncertainty. The Robust CPS program will realize the paradigm shift needed to unite the relevant disciplines. The focus of the program is on the development of generic multi-disciplinary methods, models and tools to deal with the complexities inherent to CPS and to guarantee robust operation of CPS under uncertainties.

PhD candidate PhD-RCPS-1 will address the challenge of realizing high-performance, robust, data-intensive control. Systems such as electron microscopes contain data-intensive sensors (e.g. imaging) that lead to high processing workloads in the control loop that controls the system. The compute platform in such systems is nowadays typically a networked multiprocessor platform. The close coupling between quality of control and quality of workload processing requires an integrated approach to controller synthesis and the design of the compute platform. This PhD candidate will work together with two other PhD students from mechanical engineering and computer science to develop a multi-disciplinary design approach for complex data-intensive control problems that is cost-effective, utilizes computation and communication resources effectively, and results in high performance and robust operation. The work is carried out in close collaboration with Technolution and FEI. Advisors for this position are dr.ir. Sander Stuijk and prof.dr.ir. Twan Basten.

PhD candidates PhD-RCPS-2 and PhD-RCPS-3 will collaboratively address another major challenge faced in the development of high-tech systems. The demands with respect to the system throughput and system accuracy are increasing in every generation of these systems. ASML’s wafer scanners for example have to process wafers at ever increasing rates under more and more stringent nano-scale precision requirements. Traditionally, the design methodologies addressing system throughput (computer and electrical engineering) are completely different from those focusing on system accuracy (physics and control). The goal of this collaboration is to blend these methodologies by developing a model-based architecting approach, supporting system-wide trade-off analysis (accuracy against performance), while at the same time forming a system specification that can be implemented by the different mono disciplines (electronics, software and mechanics). PhD candidate PhD-RCPS-2 will focus on the required multi-domain modeling abstractions, together with their consistency relations. Advisors for this position are dr.ir. Sander Stuijk, dr.ir. Jeroen Voeten and prof.dr. Henk Corporaal. PhD candidate PhD-RCPS-3 will develop effective and efficient techniques to analyze system performance and make the appropriate trade-offs. Advisors for this position are dr.ir. Marc Geilen, dr.ir. Jeroen Voeten and prof.dr.ir. Twan Basten. The PhD candidates will work together with two other PhD students from the TU/e mechanical engineering department. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with ASML.

2 PhD positions in the ALMARVI project

ALMARVI is an EU Artemis project that focuses on algorithms and design methods for massive data-rate image processing on many-core execution platforms. Within the healthcare domain, the project focuses on medical-imaging assisted treatments such as tele-operation and interventional X-Ray. Speed (e.g., real-time image processing) and accuracy (e.g., high-precision position control) are of utmost importance along with constraints such as power, cost and robustness.

PhD candidates PhD-ALMARVI-1 and PhD-ALMARVI-2 will deal with modelling, analysis and design for real-time image processing and closed-loop control with image feedback. Functional correctness and appropriate performance depend on mapping, scheduling and resource arbitration of various real-time tasks on the many-core execution platform. A model-driven approach based on dynamic dataflow models is envisioned as a solution. One goal of this project is to develop fast and accurate design-space exploration methods; another goal is to develop controller synthesis techniques for controllers that can guarantee the expected performance. The developed methods should be able to take into account multiple design objectives like Quality of Control (QoC), throughput, latency, power consumption and their trade-offs. The candidates will be supervised by dr.ir. Marc Geilen and prof.dr.ir. Twan Basten and by dr. Dip Goswami and prof.dr.ir. Twan Basten, respectively. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with Philips healthcare and TNO-ESI.

1 PhD position in the EMC2 project

The Artemis EMC2 project addresses embedded multi-core systems for mixed-criticality applications in dynamic real-time environments. Traditionally, embedded and cyber-physical systems run a single (usually real-time) application on a single processor. More recent systems run multiple applications with different levels of criticality (real time, best effort, safety critical, etc.) on shared resources, which introduces many challenges. The introduction of multi- and many-core architectures further complicate performance & safety analysis.

PhD candidate PhD-EMC2 will investigate how mixed-criticality applications can safely run on a platform (hardware and software) that is variable in the sense of required and offered performance levels, and with respect to reliability/errors. The platform will contain multiple interconnected processors with a run-time environment (microkernel, virtualization, RTOS, etc.). The goal is to design a platform that can adapt to performance variations and reliability problems in a (analytically) guaranteed safe manner. (Parts of) the CompSOC (www.compsoc.eu) virtualizing microkernel, RTOS, and hardware architecture (multi-processor, network on chip, DRAM) will be used.

The candidate will be part of the CompSOC team. He or she should have a background in computer architecture, real-time performance analysis, and embedded software. The candidate will be supervised by prof.dr. Kees Goossens and dr. Dip Goswami. This project will be carried out in close cooperation with NXP Semiconductors.

1 PhD position in the DEWI project

PhD candidate PhD-DEWI will work in the Artemis DEWI (dependable embedded wireless infrastructure) project on the use of wireless communication technology for in-vehicle networks (IVN) in the automotive domain, instead of the current wired networks. Challenges to be investigated include real-time performance guarantees, reliability & dependability, and (automatic run-time) discovery & reconfigurability of wireless IVNs. The work will build on the CompSOC (www.compsoc.eu) virtualizing microkernel, RTOS, and hardware architecture (multi-processor, network on chip, DRAM).

The candidate will be part of the CompSOC team and should have a background covering at least some of computer/automotive architecture, real-time performance analysis, and (wireless) communication protocols. The candidate will be supervised by prof.dr. Kees Goossens and prof.dr.ir Twan Basten. This project will be carried out in close cooperation with NXP Semiconductors.

1 PhD position in the OpenES project

The OpenES project is concerned with designing embedded systems-on-chip (SOC) more efficiently. In particular, current SOC design flows describe the hardware components well, but do not explicitly describe or manage software running on hardware, or subsystems containing both hardware and software. PhD candidate PhD-OPENES will work on formally capturing how multiple applications run in their own virtualized (composable) execution platform. Multiple virtual platforms run concurrently on physical hardware (processors, network on chip, memories, etc.) and software (microkernel, RTOS, etc.). The real-time virtualized CompSOC (www.compsoc.eu) platform and tool chain will be used.

The candidate will be part of the CompSOC team and should have a background covering at least some of CAD / design flows, real-time performance analysis, and RTOS/microkernels. The candidate will be supervised by prof.dr. Kees Goossens and dr.ir Sander Stuijk.


We are looking for excellent candidates who meet the following requirements. Candidates should have an MSc in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or a similar relevant program. We are searching for candidates that have demonstrated excellent research skills, very good programming skills (in C and C++), that are highly motivated, and have good communication skills. You should be eager to push the state-of-the-art, and to show your research results with working demonstrators and publications in top conferences and journals.

Application procedure

Applications have to be submitted through the form available at http://jobs.tue.nl/en/job/8-phd-positions-in-cyberphysical-and-embedded-systems-175212.html. Please submit the following information (only pdf files are accepted):

1. Cover letter, including availability (starting date), statement of research interests, and the position(s) you apply for.

2. Curriculum vitae, including full education and employment histories, publication record, proof of proficiency in English, any teaching experience, and the names of at least three references that can be contacted.

3. Scans of certificates showing BSc, MSc, and other courses followed, with grades and rankings.

4. Up to two selected publications (e.g. MSc thesis) in English of which you are the first or main author.

The deadline for application is 5 January 2014.

What we offer

We offer a challenging job at a dynamic and ambitious university through a fixed-term appointment for the period of 4 years. The research during this period must be concluded with the attainment of a PhD degree. A salary is offered starting at Euro 2083 per month (gross) in the first year and increasing up to Euro 2664 per month (gross) in the last year. You will also receive excellent secondary benefits (annually holiday allowance and end of year allowance etc.). Assistance for finding accommodation can be given.

TU/e offers opportunities for personal development by developing your social and communication skills. We do this by offering every PhD student a series of courses as an excellent addition to your scientific education.

More information

For more information about the advertised positions you can contact:

Prof.dr.ir. Twan Basten: email --LOGIN--6ca508e08ddf8af2ddd113230a2f9b6etue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 5782

Prof.dr. Henk Corporaal: email --LOGIN--d5bcf7e5fb7565dc3911ded47d28e504tue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 5462

Dr.ir. Marc Geilen: email --LOGIN--cd8d280b36a469499b89fbd14d5c9cc9tue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 3091

Prof.dr. Kees Goossens: email --LOGIN--dba26e68e739639701709aa4b6128426tue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 3404

Dr. Dip Goswami: email --LOGIN--f0c00346184a45cb22092daa24b70088tue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 8242

Dr.ir. Sander Stuijk: email --LOGIN--bd450cf865cc4c8ca5f26ff8061c9606tue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 3387

Dr.ir. Jeroen Voeten: email: --LOGIN--038b0db465e7a0d3c4694e8088c97f36tue[dot]nl , tel +31 40 247 3304

  • PhD positions in Computational Neuroscience, Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program “EuroSPIN”. Received: 10/12/2013, Deadline: 15/12/2013.

REMINDER: deadline for the application is December 15, 2013.

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program “EuroSPIN” (European Study Programme in Neuroinformatics) is inviting applications from students having a solid background in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, biochemistry or neuroscience (on a master level or equivalent), in all cases with computer science skills. Documented interest in research like activities (e.g. demonstrated in the form of master thesis work, or participation in research related activities) is of large importance. Also fluency in English is requested.

Four partners participate:

- Bernstein Center Freiburg, Germany
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- National Centre for Biological Science, India
- University of Edinburgh (UoE), UK

They are all research leaders in the Neuroinformatics field, but they have complementary strengths.

Each student will spend most of the time at two of the partner universities, and also receive a joint (or double) PhD degree following a successful completion of the studies. The mobility periods, as well as the courses a student will follow, are tailored individually based on: a) the PhD students background; b) which constellations of partners that are involved, as well as c) the specific research project. During the PhD period each student has one main supervisor from each of the two universities that grant the PhD degree.

There are excellent scholarship opportunities for students accepted to an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme. An employment contract will be given to all selected PhD students during the study time, which is 4 years.

If you are interested, go to our webpage: http://www.kth.se/eurospin

If you have questions, contact us at --LOGIN--bcf83bfce512f85194658afb1cb8569ekth[dot]se

  • Assistant Professorship in Machine Learning at University of Copenhagen (Denmark). Received: 10/12/2013, Deadline: 02/02/2014.

The Department of Computer Science (http://www.diku.dk/english) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for an assistant professorship in machine learning.

The applicant should have significant research experience in the area of machine learning, which must have been demonstrated by having published in JMLR or PAMI or the proceedings of ICML, NIPS, COLT, or AISTATS. The applicant should have experience both in experimental as well as theoretical work. The research area of large-scale data analysis is of particular interest.

The deadline for applications is February 2, 2014.
Visit http://www.diku.dk/ominstituttet/ledige_stillinger/assistant-professor-in-machine-learning for further information and the online application form, and see http://image.diku.dk/MLLab for the homepage of DIKU's Machine Learning Lab.

The University of Copenhagen wishes its staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Inquiries about the position can be made to Martin Zachariasen, --LOGIN--2beea5443c91b6289ef83a17f03366d0diku[dot]dk .

If you are currently at NIPS, feel free to ask Aasa Feragen (--LOGIN--226877decf75a1fd749486647ac9ee5adiku[dot]dk ) for more information about DIKU and the position.

  • Post-doc and PhD positions at UNSW-Canberra (Australia). Received: 09/12/2013.

· Position 1: 3-year fixed-term Post-doc on Computational Red Teaming Models of Challenges

(Research Associate, Academic Level A: $65,654- $87,540pa (+super))

Note: Minimum Salary for a Candidate who has been awarded the PhD degree is $81,844pa

[CLOSING DATE: 6-January-2014]

About the project

Do you have a PhD in cognitive or computer science? Do you like challenges? Here is your opportunity to understand what a “challenge” is, how the brain formulates a “challenge”, how to mathematically and computationally model a “change”, and how to design artificial intelligence algorithms to “challenge” humans and machines when performing a task?

This project is a recently funded Australian Research Council Discovery Project entitled “Challenging systems to discover vulnerabilities using computational red teaming”. Computational Red Teaming (CRT) aims at developing models to ‘intentionally’ ‘challenge’ human thinking to discover vulnerabilities and improve human skills in assessing the risk of problems with ‘intentional’ threats. The successful applicant will be required to teach one subject per annum. Our aim is to have a balanced academic environment that will enable the applicant to be competitive by the end of this project to pursue his/her dream in academia. With a teaching load of one subject per annum, the candidate will develop and sustain their teaching skills without sacrificing their ability to undertake high impact research and publish high quality papers.

The ideal candidate for the post-doc position

The ideal candidate will be a researcher who likes to work at the interface of cognitive science and artificial intelligence. We are looking for a researcher who knows how to balance being goal and task focused, thinking with no boundaries, and believing that the impossible is possible and is where innovation lies.

Our School

The School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) employs approximately 70 academic staff and a further 30 technical staff. The School teaches approximately 300 EFTSU of student load each year. In SEIT, researchers currently produce in excess of 350 research publications annually. The external research income in 2013 was more than $A2 million.

Our Team

SEIT hosts one of the largest groups in Australia working on and using computational intelligence techniques. The team for this project is a small team within the large group. Led by Hussein Abbass, www.husseinabbass.net, we enjoy working at the interface between different fields of science. We complement each other expertise to produce innovative solutions to the problem under investigation. We transformed fundamental research to significant practical solution such as air traffic control and capability development. We enjoy blue sky research that asks the right question and asks the question right. Our success is internationally recognized with friends and collaborators across the globe.

How to apply?

You have to visit the website at http://hr.unsw.adfa.edu.au/_form/index.php

It is a requirement that you provide a cover letter, with each selection criterion listed in the position description document highlighted and addressed independently. Without addressing the selection criteria, your application can’t be evaluated. Please address the selection criteria in light of the position description. As a guideline, half to one page per criterion is expected.

For additional information about this position, please contact Prof. Hussein Abbass on (02) 6268 8158 or email --LOGIN--92807efe7af1939c7461d5db26548265adfa[dot]edu[dot]au or --LOGIN--460ec51c0b0158342c076984ab078cb6gmail[dot]com

An applicant may be required to undergo pre-employment checks prior to appointment to this role.

Applications must be submitted online. Instructions can be found at http://hr.unsw.adfa.edu.au/_form/index.php

· Position 2: 3-year PhD Scholarship on Computational Models for Automatic Skill Assessment

(Stipend $24,653 per annum tax free)

Note: International Students will need to apply for a tuition fees scholarship

[CLOSING DATE: 1-February-2014]

School of Engineering and Information Technology

University of New South Wales – Canberra Campus

The ideal candidate for this PhD scholarship

You must have either a Bachelor Degree with first class honour or equivalent; or a Bachelor with a Master Degree and Publication records in Cognitive Science, Computer Science, or Mathematics. You must have the flexibility to work on a multi-disciplinary project. This project will have elements of Cognitive Science, data mining and Mathematics.

This project focuses on designing behavioural data mining algorithms to infer the skill set of a player during the interaction with a human or a machine while performing a task. The exact task will be determined at the start of the candidature. The candidate needs to balance passion and ambition with determination to produce high quality thesis as evidenced by high quality publications.

Our Team

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) is in the top 100 universities internationally and one of the top 8 research intensive universities (known as GO8) in Australia. The Canberra campus is located at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra, the Capital of Australia. We enjoy a highly multi-cultural environment with students and staff from all over the world. We respect diversity and merit-based selection

The School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) has more than 170 PhD students. SEIT hosts one of the largest groups in Australia working on and using computational intelligence techniques. The team for this project is a small team within the large group. We enjoy working at the interface between different fields of science. We complement each other expertise to produce innovative solutions to the problem under investigation. We transformed fundamental research to significant practical solutions for air traffic control and capability development. We enjoy blue sky research that asks the right question and asks the question right. Our success is internationally recognized with friends and collaborators across the globe.

For additional information about this position, please contact Prof. Hussein Abbass on (02) 6268 8158 or email --LOGIN--92807efe7af1939c7461d5db26548265adfa[dot]edu[dot]au or --LOGIN--460ec51c0b0158342c076984ab078cb6gmail[dot]com


  • Faculty position in Large-scale Machine Learning / Data Science at UC Santa Cruz (USA). Received: 07/12/2013.

The CS department at UC Santa Cruz invites applications for a tenured position at all levels in areas relevant to Big Data and Data Science broadly conceived, such as database management, machine learning, and data storage systems

Please visit: http://apo.ucsc.edu/academic_employment/jobs/JPF00059-14.pdf
for a full description and application instructions

To ensure full consideration, applications for this position, including letters of reference, must arrive by December 17, 2013

  • Job openings at the Department of Computational Perception, JKU Linz (Austria). Received: 07/12/2013.

We are currently offering 3 research positions at the

Department of Computational Perception,
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.

PostDoc Position in
Social Media Mining/Multimedia Retrieval/Recommender Systems/UIs, InfoVis, HCI
in the FWF project
Social Media Mining for Multimodal Music Retrieval
More Information:

PhD Student Position in
Music Information Retrieval/Web Mining/Information Extraction/Machine Learning
in the EU FP7 project
GiantSteps: Seven League Boots for Music Creation and Performance
More Information:

PhD Student Position in
Music Information Retrieval/Music Signal Processing/Machine Learning/Web Mining
in the EU FP7 project
PHENICX: Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert eXperiences
More Information:

All positions are to be filled as soon as possible.

If you are interested in one or more of the positions or have any questions, please contact:

--LOGIN--344d2ca3eebfae23df7a618dee8e4ebdjku[dot]at ,
--LOGIN--fde501956a7281c86798a3cc03fb8ac0jku[dot]at and/or

  • Fully-funded PhD Scholarship at Queen Mary, University of London (UK). Received: 07/12/2013, Deadline: 31/01/2014.

Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD scholarship in the Music Cognition Lab at Queen Mary, University of London.

The deadline for applications is 31 Jan 2014, the scholarship will start in Sep/Oct 2014.

For full details and to apply visit:


  • Contrato de Investigación en la Universidad de Córdoba (Spain). Received: 04/12/2013, Deadline: 09/12/2013.

Proyecto: COMPRA PÚBLICA INNOVADORA – Proyecto BROCA. Convenio entre el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Universidad de Córdoba para la ejecución de un Proyecto de Investigación Biomédica.


Representantes de la Comisión Evaluadora:

Perfil del Contrato:
Desarrollo de software mediante el lenguaje de programación Java con aplicaciones a las Ciencias de la Salud.

Se requiere titulación específica en:
Ingeniero en Informática.

Condiciones del Contrato:
Retribución mensual bruta: 1.849,72 € (incluido prorrateo extras)
Jornada semanal: 37 horas y 30 minutos semanales
Duración: 6 meses
Prorrogable: Sí

Otros méritos a valorar:
Experiencia en programación Java demostrable. Conocimiento de bases de datos relacionales y JDBC. Conocimiento de programación: Spring y GWT.

Más información: AQUÍ (ANEXO 29).

  • Audio Indexing Researcher position at IRCAM (France). Received: 02/12/2013.






The SkAT-VG EU project aims at enabling designers to use their voice and hands, directly, to sketch the auditory aspects of an object, thereby making it easier to exploit the functional and aesthetic possibilities of sound. The core of this framework is a system able to interpret users' intentions trough gestures and vocalizations, to select appropriate sound synthesis modules, and to enable iterative refinement and sharing, as it is commonly done with drawn sketches in the early stages of the design process.


The hired Researcher will be in charge of the research related to the automatic recognition system of the vocal imitation. Such a system should fulfill three functions: estimating the acoustical features of the imitation and type of articulatory mechanisms, segmenting the signal into sequences of meaningful elements, and predicting the category of the imitated sound source.


· PHD in audio signal processing (spectral analysis, audio-feature extraction, parameter estimation) / machine learning, previous research experience in these fields

· High-skill in Matlab programming, skills in C/C++ programming

· Good knowledge of speech processing

· Good knowledge of Linux, Windows, MacOS environments

· High productivity, methodical works, excellent programming style.


IRCAM is a leading non-profit organization associated to Centre Pompidou, dedicated to music production, R&D and education in sound and music technologies. It hosts composers, researchers and students from many countries cooperating in contemporary music production, scientific and applied research. The main topics addressed in its R&D department include acoustics, audio signal processing, computer music, interaction technologies and musicology. Ircam is located in the centre of Paris near the Centre Pompidou, at 1, Place Igor Stravinsky 75004 Paris.


According to background and experience


Please send an application letter together with your resume and any suitable information addressing the above issues preferably by email to:
--LOGIN--c1ec569e32bccffade897968ae42a6c1ircam[dot]fr with cc to --LOGIN--f0fe4179cb606fbdcdad5ed72b396dfbircam[dot]fr , --LOGIN--e104af6aa2bb858388bd7943c6fcc7ddircam[dot]fr






Le projet de l'UE Skat-VG vise à permettre aux concepteurs d'utiliser leur voix et mains directement, afin d'esquisser les aspects auditifs d'un objet, ce qui rend plus facile l'exploitation des possibilités fonctionnelles et esthétiques des sons. Le coeur en est un système capable d'interpréter les intentions des utilisateurs à travers leurs gestes et vocalisations, afin de sélectionner des modules de synthèse sonore appropriées, et de permettre un raffinement itératif, comme il est communément fait avec des croquis dessinés dans les premiers stades du processus de conception.


Le/la chercheur(se) recruté(e) sera en charge de la recherche liée au système de reconnaissance automatique d'imitations vocales. Un tel système devrait remplir trois fonctions: l'estimation des caractéristiques acoustiques de l'imitation et du type de mécanismes articulatoires, la segmentation du signal en séquences d'éléments significatifs, et la prévision de la catégorie de la source sonore imité.


· Doctorat en traitement de signal audio (analyse spectrale, extraction de descripteurs audio, estimation de paramètres) / apprentissage automatique, avec une expérience de recherche dans ce domaine

· Bonne connaissance du traitement de la parole

· Grande expertise en programmation Matlab, connaissance en programmation C/C++

· Bonne Connaissance des environnements Linux, Windows et Mac OS-X.

· Haute productivité, travail méthodique, excellent style de programmation, bonne communication rigueur


L'Ircam est une association à but non lucratif, associée au Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, dont les missions comprennent des activités de recherche, de création et de pédagogie autour de la musique du XXème siècle et de ses relations avec les sciences et technologies. Au sein de son département R&D, des équipes spécialisées mènent des travaux de recherche et de développement informatique dans les domaines de l'acoustique, du traitement des signaux sonores, des technologies d'interaction, de l'informatique musicale et de la musicologie. L'Ircam est situé au centre de Paris à proximité du Centre Georges Pompidou au 1, Place Stravinsky 75004 Paris.


Selon formation et expérience professionnelle


Prière d'envoyer une lettre de motivation et un CV détaillant le niveau d'expérience/expertise dans les domaines mentionnés ci-dessus (ainsi que tout autre information pertinente) à --LOGIN--c1ec569e32bccffade897968ae42a6c1ircam[dot]fr avec copie à --LOGIN--f0fe4179cb606fbdcdad5ed72b396dfbircam[dot]fr , --LOGIN--e104af6aa2bb858388bd7943c6fcc7ddircam[dot]fr

  • Post-doc position in signal processing / statistical learning at Oldenburg University (Germany). Received: 02/12/2013, Deadline: 16/12/2013.

The Department of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology at Oldenburg University, Germany, offers a Post-doctoral position (salary level E13 TVL, 3 years) with a focus on signal processing / statistical learning for analysis of speech coding in the human brain.

The position is linked to the collaborative research center “The Active Auditory System” SFB-TR 31. The research center aims to characterize and model mechanism of auditory object formation and scene analysis by combining psychophysical, neurophysiological, and quantitative modelling. It complements the Excellence Cluster “Hearing 4 All” which was recently awarded to the University of Oldenburg. The combined effort of these centers will establish a strong link between neurophysiological models of auditory object representation and subjective perception.

The post-doctoral position is situated in a project that applies statistical learning methods to human intracranial recordings (ECoG) and fMRI to derive and test quantitative statistical models of speech coding in the human brain. The experiments are performed in a highly interdisciplinary lab environment and in close collaboration with the University of California Berkeley and Stanford University.

The quantitative nature of the research project will require highly motivated candidates with strong quantitative and experimental skills. Successful candidates will perform cutting edge research and should have a background in one or more of the following fields: signal processing, statistical learning, brain-machine-interfacing, non-invasive or invasive human neurophysiology of the auditory system. Applicants must have an academic university degree (Master or equivalent) and a PhD (or equivalent).

Successful candidates will work in an interdisciplinary network with opportunities for international exchange.

The post-doctoral position is initially limited to three years, with an option for extension, and can be split.

Applications should include your CV, a list of most recent publications, two recommendation letters, and a research statement (max. 3 pages). The University of Oldenburg is an equal opportunity employer. The University of Oldenburg is dedicated to increasing the percentage of women in science. Therefore, equally qualified female candidates will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification.

Please send inquiries and electronic applications per email (preferred) to Professor Dr. Jochem Rieger: --LOGIN--5725af4a1d20bd20107d9dd87f412ed4uni-oldenburg[dot]de

or paper applications per regular mail to:

Margrit Jung
Dept. of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Oldenburg University
26111 Oldenburg

Application deadline is December 16th, 2013.

  • Ten fully-funded PhD Studentships in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham (UK). Received: 02/12/2013, Closing Date: 10/01/2014.

Applications are invited for up to ten fully-funded PhD studentships in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, starting on 1st October 2014.

The topics for the studentships are open, but should relate to the interests of one of the School's research groups: Agents Lab; Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning; Computer Vision Lab; Functional Programming Lab; Intelligent Modelling and Analysis; Mixed Reality Lab; Networked Systems.

The studentships are for three years and include a stipend of £13,726 per year and tuition fees, and are available to students of any nationality. Applicants are normally expected to have a first-class Undergraduate or Masters degree in Computer Science or a related discipline, and should discuss their interest and obtain the support of a potential supervisor in the School before applying.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to --LOGIN--69a3188622c7463a1244f5f2402a7838nottingham[dot]ac[dot]uk .

Closing date for applications: 10th January 2014.

To apply, please submit the following items by email to --LOGIN--69a3188622c7463a1244f5f2402a7838nottingham[dot]ac[dot]uk :

(1) a brief covering letter that describes your reasons for wishing to pursue a PhD, any ideas you have regarding possible areas or topics, and the name of a potential supervisor;
(2) a copy of your CV, including your actual or expected degree class(es), and results of all University examinations;
(3) an example of your technical writing, such as a project report or dissertation;
(4) contact details for two academic referees.


  • Faculty Positions in Systems, Machine Learning and Big Data at Cornell University (USA). Received: 27/11/2013, Deadline: 01/12/2013.

Multiple faculty positions are available at Cornell's Department of Computer Science, based in Ithaca, New York. Candidates are invited to apply at all levels including tenured, tenure-track, or lecturer, and from all areas of computer science and related fields with a particular interest in Systems, Machine Learning and Big Data.

Tenured and tenure track faculty must hold the equivalent of a Ph.D.; applicants for the position must have demonstrated an ability to conduct outstanding research. Lecturers must hold the equivalent of a Masters degree, with a Ph.D. preferred. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by December 1, 2013, but will be accepted until all positions are filled. Applicants should submit a curriculum vita, brief statements of research and teaching interests, and arrange to have at least three references letters submitted at


Letters may be addressed to the search committee chair, Professor Claire Cardie (--LOGIN--455e7efa3658fbafac2324926953cb9ccs[dot]cornell[dot]edu ).

Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer; qualified women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

  • Post-doctoral fellow position in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong). Received: 25/11/2013.

Applications are invited for appointment as Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong from as soon as possible for up to 3 years.

The appointee will be involved in projects that experiment with next-generation power-efficient heterogeneous reconfigurable computer systems using FPGAs and GPUs. The appointee is expected to conduct original research on power-performance tradeoffs of such systems through a combination of software and hardware techniques, with a goal to improve power-efficiency of datacenters for large-scale data analytic applications. The candidate should be active, out-going, independent, and is expected to serve as a mentor to junior members of the research group.

Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences, Electronic Engineering, or related disciplines with a proven track record in conducting high-quality original research related to computer architecture and system designs. Applicants should have solid research experience working with heterogeneous computer systems using FPGAs or GPUs, and should be familiar with hardware-software codesign environments. Candidates with previous experience in high-performance computer clusters, network and storage subsystem designs, high-level synthesis and compiler frameworks, or data analytics applications are preferred.

The appointee is expected to work with the research team in the Computer Architecture and System Research group led by Dr. Hayden So (http://www.eee.hku.hk/~hso).

A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered.

Applicants should send an application letter and an up-to-date C.V., providing details of your relevant experience, together with names and addresses of 3 references to Dr. Hayden So at --LOGIN--7c8cee15a8179a2b4ee1881aa3651bdaeee[dot]hku[dot]hk . Applications will be accepted until position is filled, but priority will be given to those received before 31 Dec, 2013.

  • Assistant Researcher position in data mining at IDSIA (Switzerland). Received: 25/11/2013.

The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (http://www.idsia.ch), affiliated with both University of Lugano and University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, advertises a full-time (100% occupancy), permanent, assistant researcher position in the area of data mining. IDSIA offers an international working environment (English is the official language) and a very competitive salary.

The main duty of the person to be hired will be to support IDSIA's projects through advanced scientific programming skills: in particular, applied research projects with industry partners as well as some theoretical projects. The work will be performed in close collaboration with experts in probabilistic graphical models, robust learning, data mining, operations research (please see http://ipg.idsia.ch for more information).

The ideal candidate has a strong background in the design and development of algorithms, has exceptional programming skills, has obtained a Bachelor and a Master degree in a quantitative area (doctorate is a plus), has good communication skills in English (Italian is a preferential additional option), ability to work in a collaborative environment and to participate in applied projects.

For further information and details on how to apply, contact Cassio de Campos (--LOGIN--bbe8423b576ca08c19808e77ecdd427fidsia[dot]ch ). Please provide your CV (plus any additional documents you might find relevant, PDF format is preferred) in case you are interested in applying to this position. Additional documents and/or procedures might be requested later on. Candidacies will be reviewed as soon as they are received. The search will remain open until the position is filled. Applications received before the end of 2013 will be given full consideration.

  • Research Engineer Position available at the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille (France). Received: 21/11/2013.

LABORATORY: Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique (CNRS UPR 7051, Marseille, France)

DURATION: 12 months with possible extension, available immediately

FUNDING: ANR funding

Scientific framework: ANR project “Physis”

PHYSIS is a research project funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR), which is centered on the modeling, transformation and synthesis of sounds for interactive virtual worlds (video games, simulations, serious games etc.) and augmented reality. The recent emergence of complex video games and virtual universes has increased the need for new and efficient solutions to generate sounds automatically rather than recording all sounds in advance and playing them back in an almost un-interactive way. Sound in today's video games is still produced through pre-recorded audio when image is purely synthesized in real time. The project focuses on improving our knowledge about how to create interactive real-life sounds and how to interact in real time with them using semantic and physical controls or emergent tangible interfaces.

Moreover, equipment like smartphones, tablets, video game consoles and even computers now integrate new kinds of interfaces, starting a real revolution in the way we access digital information. Sounds are under-exploited within such devices since pre-recorded sounds do not allow correct interaction with such interfaces. Real-time interactive audio synthesis is perfectly suited to those new interfaces and new usages arising from them. Therefore, the project creates a solid scientific and technological ground to respond to all aforementioned new challenges.


The engineer will be responsible for the development and the maintenance of sound synthesis tools and will be in close contact with the projects partners for the concerned applications. He/she will integrate the results from fundamental research related to the intuitive control of sounds in designing optimal algorithms for real-time audio-visual interactive purposes. He/she will also support the dissemination activities, including publications and presentation of the results in conferences.


An expertise on acoustics, non-stationary signal processing and sound synthesis will be requested, with a multidisciplinary opening to the domain of virtual reality, sound design and multimedia. A strong expertise in real-time development in an audiovisual context will also be requested. Expertise: real-time computing (Max/MSP), audio signal processing, human-computer interface, augmented virtual reality, cognitive knowledge for the control of sounds, science/art interaction.


The CV and a cover letter describing the motivations of the application have to be sent by email to:

* Mitsuko Aramaki: --LOGIN--38fc35aa307139ddd3859db4809a5afalma[dot]cnrs-mrs[dot]fr

* Richard Kronland-Martinet: --LOGIN--7b246c7e366ca7f62c89dda1d7a42819lma[dot]cnrs-mrs[dot]fr

  • Postdoc: machine learning for modeling multi-relational data at Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France). Received: 20/11/2013.

Mixtures of Three-way Models for Multi-relational Data.

Supervision: Antoine Bordes, CNRS - Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

Dates: position open from January 1st, 2014. (earlier or later start dates can be negotiable)

Project description
Many data such as Knowledge Bases (e.g. freebase.com) are multi-relational, in that they describe multiple relations between entities. While there is a large body of work focused on modeling these data, modeling these multiple types of relations jointly remains challenging. This research project targets data with large numbers of relation types (more than 10k), and for which the various relation types have heterogeneous properties like different connectivities or occurrence frequencies for instance. We propose to take this into account by using different relational three-way models (e.g. variants of tensor factorization models, with different loss functions, architectures, constraints, etc.) for different relation types. These models would be trained jointly and share some parameters (e.g. those encoding the entities), leading to an overall mixture of three-way models.

Such models will be based on previous work by Bordes et al. on modeling multi-relational data (see the publication page at https://www.hds.utc.fr/everest/doku.php?id=en:publications for recent papers) and will be developed in collaboration with Google.

A post-doctoral position is available as part of a Google Reseach Award obtained by Antoine Bordes. Research will be conducted within the French ANR project EVEREST on “lEarning high-leVEl REpresentations of large Sparse Tensors” being undertaken by Heudiasyc laboratory in Université de Technologie de Compiègne, with a partnership of Xerox Research Center Europe (Grenoble, France). See https://www.hds.utc.fr/everest for more details on the project.

The post-doctoral fellow will be based in the Heudiasyc laboratory in Compiègne (France -- 1h north of Paris) and join the DI team headed by Yves Grandvalet. He/she will be supervised by Antoine Bordes. Heudiasyc is a joint laboratory with the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) and the French governmental agency for research (CNRS). In 2011, it was rated A+ (the highest rate) by the French Research evaluation agency (AERES). Heudiasyc fosters interdisciplinary research on information science and technology including machine learning, uncertain reasoning, operations research, robotics and knowledge management. In 2011 Heudiasyc was awarded with an excellence project (LabEx) on the « Control of Technological Systems of Systems ».

The fellowship is funded through a Google Research Award and will start after January 1st, 2014 for one year (currently 2500? per month -- gross salary).

The candidate should have a PhD or equivalent in computer science or mathematics. The following qualities are desirable : strong interests in machine learning, statistics or natural language processing; excellent record of academic and/or professional achievement; strong mathematical skills; strong programming skills ; good written and spoken communication skills in French or English. The ideal candidate should be able to conduct theoretical research, but also implement and test models on very large datasets.

Contact and application
Applicants should send (preferably as a single PDF file):

* a CV
* a brief statement of research interests
* references (with email and phone number)
* a sample of strongest publications

Applications and inquiries should be directed to: Antoine Bordes

  • Job Opportunities at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (Switzerland). Received: 19/11/2013, Deadline 08/12/2013.

Join the Deep Learning team that won more international competitions in machine learning and pattern recognition than any other research group [1]. We are at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA [2], in the world's leading science nation [3], also the world's most competitive country for the 5th year in a row [4] - since 2009, when our neural networks became the first Deep Learning systems to win official international contests [5]. We are especially interested in candidates applying for our prestigious Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship connected to the ProtoTouch project (a postdoctoral position) [6]. We offer a highly competitive Swiss salary. Please follow the instructions [7]. Deadline 8 December 2013 (right after NIPS).

[1] Deep Learning since 1991 - pattern recognition, image segmentation, object detection

[2] The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA

[3] The world's leading science nation with the most Nobels/patents/citations/funding per capita

[4] Global Competitiveness Report

[5] 2009: First international competitions (with secret test sets known only to the organisers) won by Deep Learning

[6] http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/105932_en.html

[7] Get a job!

  • Post-doctoral position in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at University of California, San Diego (USA). Received: 19/11/2013.

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position immediately available in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, led by Angela Yu, at University of California, San Diego. Initial appointment is for one year, with flexible start date and opportunity for renewal.

The project is to develop a decision-theoretical framework for the inter-related problems of perceptual decision-making, active sensing, active learning, and social decision-making. Candidates must have a strong mathematical and modeling background in Bayesian statistics, reinforcement learning, machine learning, and decision theory. Experience with measure-theoretic probability theory, stochastic processes, stochastic control theory (stopping problems, bandit problems, sequential decision problems), and/or dynamical systems analysis is also desirable.

Applicants should be committed to applying rigorous mathematical tools to modeling cognitive and neural processes. Expereince/interest in carrying out human behavioral experiments and/or collaborating with other human/animal neuroscience laboratories is desirable but not required.

Dr. Yu's lab is situated within the Natural Computation Lab in the Cognitive Science department of UCSD. It is affiliated with the Computer Science Department, the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, the UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program, and the Institute of Neural Computation. It provides ample opportunities for collaboration with related labs across the UCSD main campus, the medical school, and the Salk Institute.

Interested candidates should send a research statement, along with a CV including publications, to Dr. Angela Yu (--LOGIN--ac22e56290172a45c9bc54602ef66b8eucsd[dot]edu ). Two or more letters of references should be sent directly to the same address.

  • Funded PhD studentship in Signal Processing and Data Mining Tools for the Analysis of Musical Evolution at Queen Mary University of London (UK). Received: 19/11/2013, Closing date: 31/01/2014.

Queen Mary, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Applications are invited from all nationalities for a funded PhD Studentship starting September 2014 within the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) in the field of music informatics research (MIR).

RESEARCH PROJECT. The goal of the PhD is to study the emergence of musical styles, and to study empirically what causes styles to change using an evolutionary framework. The successful candidate will research and develop robust audio feature extractors and music data mining methods, and then apply them to the study of evolution in music corpora (Jazz, World, Popular, Classical).

SUPERVISION. The candidate will be supervised by Dr Matthias Mauch (http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/people/view/2932/dr-matthias-mauch) and will join a group of around 60 full-time PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and academics in the C4DM (http://c4dm.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/). The candidate will receive further advice on the study of evolution from external advisor Prof. Armand Leroi at Imperial College.

BACKGROUND. Music informatics research (MIR) encompasses research in computational methods related to music; it is an engineering discipline with an emphasis on digital signal processing and machine learning. Combining engineering methods from MIR with evolutionary biology and musicology allows us to empirically study how music changes as it is created and selected by composers and listeners. Our prize-winning paper “Evolution of Music by Public Choice” (MacCallum et al., PNAS, 2012, http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/06/12/1203182109) exemplifies this new cross-disciplinary approach.

SKILLS. Candidates should have a first class honours degree or equivalent and/or a strong MSc degree in computer science, mathematics, physics, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology or engineering. Good programming skills in either Matlab, R, Python or similar are essential, as is a passion for music. Knowledge of machine learning/data mining methods is desirable, but not essential if the candidate otherwise demonstrates good technical/mathematical skills.

Two sources of funding are available:
· An EPSRC studentship is available to candidates with UK residency. This studentship is for 3.5 years and will cover student fees and a tax-free stipend starting at £15,720 per annum. Full details and eligibility conditions can be found at http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/students/help/Pages/eligibility.aspx. Candidates should state if they are eligible for this studentship.
· An International studentship is available to candidates without UK residency and is for 3 years. This studentship covers student fees and a tax-free stipend of £15,720 per annum.

Please apply on-line at
by selecting “Computer Science” in the “A-Z list of research opportunities” and following the instructions on the right hand side of the web page.

PLEASE NOTE that instead of the ‘Research Proposal’ we request a ‘Statement of Research Interests’, which should answer two questions: (i) Why are you interested in the proposed area? (ii) What is your experience in the proposed area, including probabilistic model and programming? Your statement should be brief: no more than 500 words or one side of A4 paper. IN ADDITION we would also like you to send a sample of your written work. This might be a chapter of your final year dissertation, or a published conference or journal paper. More details can be found at: www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/phd/apply.php
The closing date for the applications is 31 JANUARY 2014.
Interviews are expected to take place during February 2014.
Please contact Dr Matthias Mauch (--LOGIN--e9e44a642c7dc2fe49c0f0e9551bb3adeecs[dot]qmul[dot]ac[dot]uk ) with any queries.

  • Postdoc in Machine Learning and the Analysis of Medical Sensor Data at University of Edinburgh (UK). Received: 18/11/2013, Closing date: 13/01/2014.

Postdoc: Machine Learning and the Analysis of Medical Sensor Data

Applications are invited for an experienced researcher to develop and validate advanced statistical methods for the analysis of data from a novel multiplexed sensor in the lungs and blood vessels. The post is part of a large Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration which involves: the development of novel chemical sensors and detectors; the development of inference methods to analyse the data produced and infer the concentration of various pathological processes present so as to provide doctors with information on the state of intensive care unit patients; and the testing of the methods in in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo assay systems. The post will be supervised by Professor Chris Williams, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.

The successful candidate will be a probabilistic machine learning researcher (or similar) keen to work on a challenging application area. Over the duration of the project the richness and complexity the sensed data and the number of data sources will increase. The integration of information collected from different model systems will be tackled using hierarchical Bayesian models. Professor Williams has extensive experience of modelling and inference in an ICU setting, see e.g. the work on factorial switching linear dynamical systems (Quinn, Williams and McIntosh, IEEE Trans on Pattern Anal Mach Intell, 2009).

You will be self-motivated with the ability to take day-to-day responsibility for the progress of the proposed work and collaborate effectively with project partners from medicine, physics, chemistry and engineering. There is potential for innovative methodological developments in the modelling framework. The post offers the opportunity to work in a world-class machine-learning research environment, applying and extending cutting edge methods in an important application area.

Vacancy Ref: : 022769
Closing Date : 13 Jan 2014
Salary: GBP 30,424 - 36,298
To apply:
Informal enquiries: Professor Chris Williams: --LOGIN--bb05a72eff53a7ff254ded450ab34423inf[dot]ed[dot]ac[dot]uk .
[I will be attending the NIPS conference 5-10 Dec and will be available to have informal discussions with interested candidates there]

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

  • Leader of Research Group in Information and Communication Technology at Sensor, Information and Communication Systems (SIX), Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). Received: 18/11/2013.

Job Description

We are seeking to appoint a new Group Leader in the area of Information and Communication Technology. The SIX research centre is a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment utilizing a diverse range of Sensor, Information and Communication Systems, and the successful applicant’s work should complement and be synergistic with existing research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to Signal Processing (audio, video, image & text), Machine Learning, Microwave Technologies, Wireless Technologies, Converged Systems and Sensor Systems.

This offer is an ideal position for a scientist wishing to take up his or her first position as an independent researcher, and offers a world-class platform for career development, and opportunities to establish links within Brno University of Technology rich computational environment.


  • Research Associate in Intelligent Systems at the University of Hamburg (Germany). Received: 15/11/2013, Deadline: 15/12/2013.

The Knowledge Technology Research Group at the University of Hamburg invites applications for a

Research Associate in Intelligent Systems (Knowledge Technology, Neural Networks, Intelligent Robotics)

from or after 1 March 2014. The position is full-time (39 hours per week), for two years and is at the 13 TV-L salary level. (doctoral or postdoctoral level).


Duties primarily include research and teaching. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, as postdoctoral research or doctoral research. The research area is Knowledge Technology and Artificial Intelligence, in particular Hybrid Neural Systems. We focus on basic fundamental research on neural and learning systems. Applications include vision, natural language processing, speech recognition and learning cognitive robots. The post holder should further develop and support the research of this area in the context of European or collaborative projects and have the potential to acquire third-party funding. Existing or newly emerging research areas in our team should be further developed. Furthermore, participation in some teaching in computer science, in particular in the area of Knowledge Technology is required as well as general support in Knowledge Technology.


A postgraduate university degree in computer science or a relevant field related to the above-mentioned academic subject areas of Hybrid Neural Systems.

Experience in at least human-robot interaction (e.g. speech recognition, gestures, robot navigation) or machine learning (e.g. reinforcement learning, supervised or unsupervised neural learning).

After the MSc either experience working in a company or at least two years of research experience after the MSc in a university environment.

Very good teamwork and communication skills, scientific publication in English, proven experience with writing large scientific documents in English.

Experience with large collaborative or European research projects is an advantage.


The University intends to increase the number of women in research and teaching and explicitly encourages women to apply. Equally qualified female applicants will receive preference in accordance with Hamburg’s Higher Education Act (HmbHG). Severely disabled applicants will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

Applications should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts of courses, and copies of degree certificate(s).The deadline for applications is 15 December 2013. Please send applications to: --LOGIN--1116b897d88f547f2d0f51a05f66ab6ainformatik[dot]uni-hamburg[dot]de in a single pdf document. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter via email (--LOGIN--a79c92e56248a92ccd14ea6c692bdcf1informatik[dot]uni-hamburg[dot]de ) or consult our website http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/WTM/ .

  • Beca Predoctoral en el Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón, Zaragoza (Spain). Received: 15/11/2013, Closing date: 24/11/2013.

Se ofrece una Beca Predoctoral para desarrollar la investigación:


-Titulación requerida: Tener finalizado un máster en físicas o nanomateriales

-Comienzo: inmediato

-Primer año: beca de personal en formación para créditos prácticos

-Segundo y Tercer año: contrato como investigador predoctoral

-Información complementaria de la oferta:
Las personas interesadas deberán enviar sus datos antes del 24 de noviembre de 2013

-Persona de contacto:
Javier Sesé: --LOGIN--3b5de5b91267d8556d761a032c7b8da9unizar[dot]es

  • Oferta de plazas de personal investigador y/o técnico de apoyo a la investigación en la Universidad de Cádiz (Spain). Published: 13/11/2013, Deadline 25/11/2013.

Convocatoria pública Capítulo VI de 13 de noviembre de 2013 para la contratación de personal investigador y/o técnico de apoyo a la investigación, con cargo a contratos, convenios de colaboración o proyectos de investigación.

Más información en:

  • Three Postdoctoral positions in computational neuroscience at IIT-CNCS (Italy). Received: 12/11/2013, Deadline: 05/12/2013.

Ref: CB 67913, CB 68670, CB 68677

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (http://www.iit.it) is a private law Foundation, created with special Government Law no. 269 of September 30th 2003, with the objective of promoting Italy's technological development and higher education in science and technology. Research at IIT is carried out in highly innovative scientific fields with state-of-the-art technology.

The Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems is hosted at the facilities of the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC (http://www.unitn.it/cimec), an interdisciplinary center for teaching and research in cognitive neuroscience of the University of Trento in Rovereto, Italy. The CIMeC hosts also a Doctoral School in Cognitive and Brain Sciences (http://www.unitn.it/en/drcimec). The University of Trento is ranked first among research universities in Italy, and the Trentino region is consistently at the top for quality of life and for the most efficient services in Italy.

Applications are sought for three post-doctoral researchers to work in computational neuroscience. The postdoctoral candidates will be working in the Centre for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems in Trento (Italy), under the supervision of Prof. S. Panzeri.

The postdoctoral scientists will work on computational approaches to the studies of neural coding and will use mathematical analysis methods and neural network models to understand how microscopic, mescoscopic and macroscopic networks in the brain interact to encode information relevant for behaviour.

The ideal candidates will have a strong background in numerate sciences (physics, mathematics, engineering or informatics), and a keen interest in applying their numerate background to making breakthroughs in the understanding of the brain.

The postdoctoral researchers will be based for most of their time at the IIT (CNCS@UNITN), supervised by internationally recognized experts and will have access to state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories. The postdoctoral researchers will have access to the international network of neurophysiological collaborators of the Neural Computation lab, which includes N.K. Logothetis (Tuebingen), M.E. Diamond (SISSA) and several other leading neurophysiological laboratories.

Proficiency in English is required.

Interested applicants should contact Stefano Panzeri (--LOGIN--63516459497bf0dd2f8e3e83b1afcfc7iit[dot]it ) for any informal queries. For a formal application, the candidate will submit CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and name and email addresses of two referees by e-mail to both --LOGIN--63516459497bf0dd2f8e3e83b1afcfc7iit[dot]it and Sara Maistrelli (--LOGIN--06a3ab9ebc7e8fbfb117490627c7eb89iit[dot]it ).

The deadline for the application is December 5th 2013.

For recent reviews about the work in the laboratory of Neural Computation, prospective applicants are invited to consult the following articles:

G.T. Einevoll, C. Kayser, N.K. Logothetis and S. Panzeri (2013) Modelling and analysis of local field potential for studying the function of cortical circuits. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14:770-785

Panzeri S, Brunel N, Logothetis NK, Kayser C (2010) Neural codes at multiple temporal scales in sensory cortex. Trends in Neuroscience 33: 111-120

Quian Quiroga R, Panzeri S (2009) Extracting information from neuronal populations: information theory and decoding approaches. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10: 173-185

In order to comply with the Italian law (art. 23 of Privacy Law of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03), we have to kindly ask the candidate to give his/her consent to allow IIT to process his/her personal data. We inform you that the information you provided will be used solely for the purpose of assessing your professional profile to meet the requirements of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Your data will be processed by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, with headquarters in Genoa, Via Morego, 30, acting as the Data Holder, using computer and paper based means, observing the rules on protection of personal data, including those relating to the security of data. Please also note that, pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, you may exercise your rights at any time as a party concerned by contacting the Data Manager.

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia is an Equal Opportunity Employer that actively seeks diversity in the workforce.

  • Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research NYC (USA). Received: 11/11/2013.

Microsoft Research NYC [ http://research.microsoft.com/newyork/ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas:

* Machine learning: http://research.microsoft.com/mlnyc/
* Algorithmic economics and market design: http://research.microsoft.com/algorithmic-economics/
* Computational social science: http://research.microsoft.com/cssnyc
* Online experimental social science: http://research.microsoft.com/oess_nyc

We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. Additional information about these areas is included below. For full consideration, please submit your application materials by Friday, December 13, 2013. Applications will continue to be reviewed after the deadline, subject to availability.

Application submission instructions at:


We welcome candidates from all areas of machine learning and related fields. Microsoft offers a unique opportunity to work with extremely diverse data sources, both big and small, while also offering a very stimulating environment for cutting-edge theoretical research. We seek postdoc applicants who have demonstrated ability to do independent research, have a strong publication record at top research venues and thrive in a multidisciplinary environment.


Market design, the engineering arm of economics, benefits from an understanding of computation: complexity, algorithms, engineering practice, and data. Conversely, computer science in a networked world benefits from a solid foundation in economics: incentives and game theory. Scientists with hybrid expertise are crucial as social systems of all types move to electronic platforms, as people increasingly rely on programmatic trading aids, as market designers rely more on equilibrium simulations, and as optimization and machine learning algorithms become part of the inner loop of social and economic mechanisms. We seek applicants who embody a diverse mix of skills, including a background in computer science (e.g., artificial intelligence or theory) or related field, and knowledge of the theoretical and experimental economics literature. Experience building prototype systems, and a comfort level with modern programming paradigms (e.g., web programming and map-reduce) are also desirable.


With an increasing amount of data on every aspect of our daily activities -- from what we buy, to where we travel, to who we know -- we are able to measure human behavior with precision largely thought impossible just a decade ago. Lying at the intersection of computer science, statistics and the social sciences, the emerging field of computational social science uses large-scale demographic, behavioral and network data to address longstanding questions in sociology, economics, politics, and beyond. We seek postdoc applicants with a diverse set of skills, including experience with large-scale data, scalable statistical and machine learning methods, and knowledge of a substantive social science field, such as sociology, economics, psychology, political science, or marketing.


Online experimental social science involves using the web, including crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon's Mechanical Turk, to study human behavior in “virtual lab” environments. Among other topics, virtual labs have been used to study the relationship between financial incentives and performance, the honesty of online workers, advertising impact as a function of exposure time, the implicit cost of “bad ads,” the testing of graphical user interfaces eliciting probabilistic information and also the relationship between network structure and social dynamics, related to social phenomena such as cooperation, learning, and collective problem solving. We seek postdoc applicants with a diverse mix of skills, including awareness of the theoretical and experimental social science literature, and experience with experimental design, as well as demonstrated statistical modeling and programming expertise. Specific experience running experiments on Amazon's Mechanical Turk or related crowdsourcing websites, as well as managing virtual participant pools is also desirable, as is evidence of UI design ability.

  • Postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience at ENS, Paris (France). Received: 07/11/2013.


This position will be devoted, in part, to the analysis and modeling of exciting retina data sets from the labs of Botond Roska (FMI) and Andreas Hierlemann (ETH). Experience with data analysis and proficiency with numerical methods and programming, in addition to familiarity with neuroscience topics and mathematical and statistical methods, are desirable. In addition, research may be pursued on problems of single-cell and network dynamics, neural coding, or cognitive and behavioral modeling (inference, sensory integration, decision making, etc), with more or less connection with data depending upon the specific problem. Thus, a spirit of intellectual adventure and eagerness is at least as desirable.

The ENS, together with a number of neighboring institutions (College de France, Institut Curie, ESPCI, Universités Paris 5, 6, and 7, and Institut Pasteur), offers a rich scientific and intellectual environment, with a strong representation in computational neuroscience and related fields. Furthermore, as far as cities go, Paris is not bad.

The postdoctoral salary will be supplemented by travel and equipment funds.

To apply, please send a letter of motivation and statement of research, a curriculum vitae, a list of publication, and arrange for three letters of recommendations to be sent, to --LOGIN--0a81ae37564c6aacaa2d2874469bdce4ens[dot]fr . Reviewing of the applications with start on 25 November 2013.

  • Open PhD Position in cognitive neuroscience at University of Luebeck (Germany). Received: 07/11/2013.

The Department of Neurology, University of Lübeck seeks to recruit a Ph.D. student from the 1st of January 2014 onwards. The candidate will be working on a project on the neural basis of primary food reward in humans using multimodal imaging (EEG-fMRI). An essential part of the project will be the development of methods of electrophysiological-hemodynamic coupling.

Applicants must hold a Diplom, MSc or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or a relevant discipline. They should have a strong interest in cognitive neuroscience and excellent programming skills. Preference will be given to applicants experienced in functional imaging and/or cognitive electrophysiology.

The position is initially for 2 years with the possibility of renewal. The salary will be according to an E13 (TV-L, 50%) position. The University of Lübeck is an equal opportunities employer. Applications from female candidates are strongly encouraged. In case of compatible qualifications, preference will be given to people with disabilities.

Applications should include CV, copies of certificates and letters of recommendation. Please send initial enquiries and/or applications directly to
Dr. Nuria Doñamayor Alonso (--LOGIN--36c18fc439d3050935b7ee8df026075dneuro[dot]uni-luebeck[dot]de ).

  • Open positions in Computational Neuroscience at the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience (Germany). Received: 07/11/2013.

At its booth #3930 at the upcoming SfN meeting in San Diego, the German Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience is presenting job offers and more than 20 study programs at more than 20 locations in Germany.

More info:

- http://www.nncn.de/
- http://www.nncn.uni-freiburg.de/termine-en/sfn2013/view?set_language=en
- http://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2013
- --LOGIN--eedec972926bc1d948347a471c2456e3bcos[dot]uni-freiburg[dot]de

  • Ph.D. positions in vision research at the University of Texas at Austin (USA). Received: 06/11/2013.

The program in Perception at The University of Texas at Austin is encouraging applications for interdisciplinary graduate study in vision sciences, with emphasis on naturalistic tasks and stimuli. Housed in the Department of Psychology, the Institute for Neuroscience, and the Center for Perceptual Systems, our program is a vibrant, growing, and highly-collaborative collection of research laboratories boasting world-class facilities for conducting research in visual perception, visually guided actions, and the underlying neural mechanisms. These facilities include fMRI, eye tracking, head and body tracking, face and facial expression tracking, virtual reality, the collection of 3D time-varying natural scene statistics, computationally-intensive modeling and computer graphics, psychophysics, 2 photon microscopy, optical imaging, and electrophysiology. Funding opportunities are available through an NIH training grant, Research Assistantships, Fellowships, and Teaching Assistantships. Faculty actively engaging in interdisciplinary research in the program include:

Dana Ballard: computational neuroscience, machine learning, visuo-motor control

Larry Cormack: vision and natural scene statistics; psychophysics, motion and depth

Ila Fiete: computational neuroscience of network dynamics and coding

Bill Geisler: vision and natural scene statistics; computational modeling

Mary Hayhoe: eye movements, attention, virtual environments.

Alex Huk: sensory-motor decisions, neural mechanisms of motion and depth perception

Ian Nauhaus: circuitry underlying functional maps and coding in visual cortex

Jonathan Pillow: computational neuroscience, neural coding, Bayesian modeling

Nicholas Priebe: neural coding in early visual cortex, intracellular recording

Eyal Seidemann: neural basis of visual perception, neural population coding

Max Snodderly: early visual system, eye movements, and natural environments

More information on our research can be found at www.cps.utexas.edu, and we encourage you to contact investigators directly if you are interested in their research.

You can apply via the Ph.D. programs in Neuroscience


512-471-3640, neuroscience@mail.clm.utexas.edu

and Psychology


512-471-6398, gradoffice@psy.utexas.edu

Interested students are strongly encouraged to apply to both programs.

  • Vacante de ayudante de investigación disponible en la Unidad de Aplicaciones de la Lógica Fuzzy y Algoritmos Evolutivos del European Centre for Soft Computing, Asturias (Spain). Received: 06/11/2013.

El European Centre for Soft Computing solicita un ingeniero de I+D para desarrollo de herramienta de simulación basada en modelado con agentes.

Perfil solicitado:

Ingeniero Superior/Máster en Informática, Telecomunicaciones o Industrial


La unidad de Aplicaciones de Lógica Difusa y Algoritmos Evolutivos ofrece la oportunidad de trabajar en una nueva línea de investigación que requiere la implementación de una herramienta de simulación basada en modelos de agentes.

Requisitos imprescindibles:

· Conocimientos en simulaciones basadas en agentes y sistemas multi-agente.
· Conocimientos y experiencia demostrable en programación y acceso a bases de datos, preferiblemente C++ y Java.
· Haber utilizado técnicas estadísticas, probabilísticas y de validación en modelos.

Se valorará positivamente:

· Conocimientos y experiencia en plataformas multi-agente como Mason, Netlogo o JADE.
· Conocimientos básicos de mercados, marketing y economía de empresa.
· Conocimientos de algoritmos de minería de datos/aprendizaje automático.
· Análisis de redes sociales y grafos.
· Conocimientos de algoritmos de optimización y metaheurísticas.
· Conocimientos en lógica difusa.
· Experiencia previa en proyectos de I+D o de temática similar.
· Inglés alto (hablado y escrito).

Condiciones generales:

· Incorporación inmediata.
· Duración del contrato: 12 meses, prorrogables en función de los resultados del proyecto.
· Dedicación: completa.
· Salario: 20.000€ más variables según valía y desempeño.

Interesados enviar CV y carta de presentación a la dirección --LOGIN--76f710ef767b4e577154ab686cc4f88fsoftcomputing[dot]es

Más información: http://www.softcomputing.es.

  • Two postdoc positions in neural decoding of language and similarity-based neural representations, in the Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester (USA). Received: 05/11/2013.

Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester in the lab of Rajeev Raizada (http://raizadalab.org).

Both positions will involve applying multivoxel pattern-based fMRI analysis to seeking to understand the structure of neural representations. One position will concentrate especially on the neural decoding of language, in particular the semantic representation of words embedded in sentences. The other position will focus on exploring similarity-based representations, relating neural similarity structure to the visual and semantic similarity of objects.

Applicants must have a PhD in neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, computer science or a related field. Experience in some or all of the following areas would be ideal: fMRI data analysis, machine learning (especially kernel-based or Bayesian approaches), computational linguistics (for the language decoding postdoc), computer vision or visual psychophysics (for the object-similarity postdoc). Experience with Matlab or some other scientific programming language (e.g. SciPy, R) is required.

Salary will be on the standard NIH postdoc payscale. Both positions are available immediately and have funding for a two year period, although they could potentially be extended beyond that time if mutually agreed and if additional funding is obtained.

To apply, please send a description of your research interests, a CV, the names of three referees, and weblinks to representative publications to --LOGIN--16f7ece55a0bda29d354d050242cf117gmail[dot]com , specifying in the subject-line which of the two positions you are applying to. Large files such as PDFs of papers should be sent as weblinks (e.g. to your publications webpage, or using Dropbox) rather than as e.mail attachments. If you will be attending the upcoming Society for Neuroscience conference then it might be possible to meet there, otherwise interviews can be conducted via Skype.

The Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester (http://www.bcs.rochester.edu) has a strong focus on computational and statistical studies of neural representations, and has researchers working in language, vision, computation, development and neuroimaging. The Rochester Center for Brain Imaging (http://rcbi.rochester.edu) has a research-dedicated 3T Siemens Trio scanner.

  • Open Postdoc position on Computer Vision and Machine Learning at IIT-PAVIS, Genova (Italy). Received: 05/11/2013.

Open Postdoctoral position on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning
PAVIS department @IIT

The Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT - was founded with the objective of promoting the country's technological development and further education in science and technology. In this sense, IIT’s scientific program is based in the combination of the basic scientific research with the development of technical applications, a major inspirational principle. The research areas cover scientific topics of high innovative content, which represent the most advanced frontiers of modern technology, with wide application possibilities in various fields ranging from medicine to industry, from computer science to robotics, life sciences, and nanobiotechnology.

The PAVIS department at IIT (http://www.iit.it/pavis.html) is looking for a highly qualified researcher in the field of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, and Image Analysis. The main mission of PAVIS (Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision) is to design and develop innovative video surveillance systems, characterized by the use of highly-functional smart sensors and advanced video analytics features.

PAVIS has also an active role in supporting the research facilities in IIT providing solutions to life-scientists in Neuroscience, Drug Discovery and Development and Nanophysics. To this end, the group is involved in activities concerning computer vision and pattern recognition, machine learning, multimodal data analysis and sensor fusion, sensors networks, and embedded computer vision systems. The lab will pursue this goal by working collaboratively and in cooperation with external private and public partners.

This call aims at consolidating PAVIS expertise in the following research areas:

* Detection and Tracking (individuals, groups, crowd) and Re-identification;
* Behaviour Analysis & Activity Recognition (individuals, groups, crowd);
* and, from the methodological point of view, Graphical Models, Statistical Methods, Reasoning Paradigms in general.

Applicants research experience and qualification on computer vision and pattern recognition/machine learning are clearly a must, and evidence of top quality research on the above specified areas in the form of published papers in top conferences/journals and/or patents are mandatory. Experience on the preparation and management of research proposals (EU, US, national), and few years of postdoc experience will constitute an added value.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in computer vision, machine learning, signal processing, image analysis or related areas.

The salary will be commensurate to qualification and experience and in line to that of the research institutes in the rest of Europe. Further details and informal enquires can be made by email to --LOGIN--d0728d0f6c6e978f32ad89f2744940e4iit[dot]it .

Completed application forms along with a curriculum listing all publications, a pdf of your most representative publications, and a research statement describing your previous research experience and outlining its relevance to the above topics should be sent by email to --LOGIN--d0728d0f6c6e978f32ad89f2744940e4iit[dot]it , indicating the reference number PAVIS-PDS 68042. Please also indicate 2 independent references inside the CV or the email. This call will be open and applications will be reviewed until the position is filled but for full consideration please apply before December 23, 2013.

In order to comply with the Italian law (art. 23 of Privacy Law of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03), we have to kindly ask the candidate to give his/her consent to allow IIT to process his/her personal data. We inform you that the information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of assessing your professional profile to meet the requirements of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Your data will be processed by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, with headquarters in Genova, Via Morego 30, acting as the Data Holder, using computer and paper based means, observing the rules on protection of personal data, including those relating to the security of data. Please also note that, pursuant to art.7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, you may exercise your rights at any time as a party concerned by contacting the Data Manager.

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia is an Equal Opportunity Employer that actively seeks diversity in the workforce.

  • PhD opportunities at Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). Received: 05/11/2013, Deadline: 15/12/2013.

The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), the iSchool at Illinois, is actively recruiting high quality doctoral students who want to design, develop, and evaluate informatics solutions to the grand challenges of the twenty-first century. Admitted candidates typically receive up to 4 years of funding in the form of research, teaching and service assistantships, including tuition waivers and stipends.

Massive changes in how large collections of data are created, disseminated, analyzed, and used have increased the role that information plays in industry, science, scholarship, government, and our every-day lives. The flexible program ensures that each student receives the intellectual guidance and experiences necessary to prepare them for vibrant research careers in a wide range of academic, business, and government settings. Students receive one-on-one mentorship from faculty with a global reputation for excellence in scholarship and high impact science.

Faculty work on data from many domains including science (MEDLINE, EPA, STAR METRICS), business (health, energy, media), humanities (HathiTrust, Google Books), and everyday life (social media) and develop new methods in:

* Text and Data Mining
* Informetrics and Data Analytics
* Information Retrieval
* Social Computing
* Digital Humanities
* Social Network Analysis
* Digital Libraries
* Computer Supported Cooperative Work
* Data Curation and Linked Data
* Information Trust and Privacy
* Digital Youth

GSLIS supports a broad range of interdisciplinary research in areas such as youth services, user services and outreach, information history and policy, social and community informatics, data curation and information organization. Additional information about research at GSLIS is available at http://www.lis.illinois.edu/research/projects. For specific information about the PhD program, please visit http://www.lis.illinois.edu/academics/programs/phd/recruit or contact --LOGIN--b2a265f7cdc33500720a00675e8e6e94illinois[dot]edu . Students from historically underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

Deadline for PhD applications is December 15, 2013.

  • Marie-Curie Funded Research Fellowship at the Plymouth University (UK). Received: 04/11/2013, Closing date: 30/11/2013.

Marie-Curie Funded Research Fellowship is available at the Plymouth University, UK to work on Project 3 “Modelling Creative Decision Making” under supervision of Prof Roman Borisyuk (Computational Neuroscience), Dr Haline Schendan (Neuropsychology), Dr Giorgio Ganis (Neuropsychology), as part of European Project “CogNovo” http://www.cognovo.eu/projects/).

We are looking for a very strong and motivated candidate to develop a biologically plausible neurocomputational model to explore the link between novelty detection, attention, memory and creative decision making. The model will be based on recordings from human subjects and will be used to explore how novelty detection triggers a cascade of processes that underlie creativity.

Qualifications: Upper second honours degree (first strongly preferred) or equivalent in Computer Science (preferable), Applied Mathematics, Computational Neuroscience, Engineering or related fields. Candidates who also have a Master’s degree in these fields are especially desirable.

Essential skills: Excellent programming skills. Good experience with university-level mathematics. Experience in at least one of the following: computational modelling, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, artificial neural networks, signal processing, the scientific study of human cognition or neuroscience.

Desirable skills: Understanding the basic concepts of Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, basic principles of neural computations, mathematical/computational neuroscience.

Salary: from £35,000, including living and mobility allowance.

Applicants should send a completed application form along with a covering letter detailing their suitability for the studentship, C.V. and 2 academic references to Catherine Johnson, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Office, Room A425, Portland Square, Plymouth PL4 8AA or e-mail --LOGIN--725b95e89d81d935758a57c1d11aca04plymouth[dot]ac[dot]uk .

Closing date for applications: 12 noon, 30 November 2013

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview in January/February 2014.

  • Fellowships at Frost School of Music, University of Miami (USA). Received: 31/10/2013, Deadline: 01/12/2013.

The Music Engineering Program at the University of Miami's Frost School of Music is accepting applications for six funded fellowships for our Master of Science degree. These award full tuition to the University ($62,000) and a generous stipend. The priority deadline for consideration is December 1.

More information on applying is available online http://www.miami.edu/frost/index.php/graduate_studies/. More information about our program is available at our web site http://mue.music.miami.edu/.

  • PhD stipend on EU Project “Learning to Create” at Aalborg University (Denmark). Received: 31/10/2013, Deadline: 18/11/2013.

A 3-year, fully-funded Ph.D. stipend is available at Aalborg University in Denmark to work on the recently started “Learning to Create” EU collaborative project (Lrn2Cre8, grant number 610859).

The project will be in the area of machine models of musical learning and creativity. More details of the project and stipend are available here


Applicants are encouraged to contact David Meredith (--LOGIN--86a849cb6fc42118d2c8013503f9ecbecreate[dot]aau[dot]dk ) as soon as possible to obtain guidance with the project proposal that they are required to submit as part of their application.

Deadline for application is 18 November 2013. Start date is as soon as possible after the submission deadline.

  • Fellowships at the University of Miami (USA). Received: 30/10/2013, Deadline: 01/12/2013.

The Music Engineering Program at the University of Miami's Frost School of Music is accepting applications for six funded fellowships for our Master of Science degree. These award full tuition to the University ($62,000) and a generous stipend. The priority deadline for consideration is December 1.

More information on applying is available online (http://www.miami.edu/frost/index.php/graduate_studies/).
More information about our program is available at our web site (http://mue.music.miami.edu/).

  • PhD stipend on EU Project “Learning to Create” at Aalborg University (Denmark). Received: 30/10/2013, Deadline: 18/11/2013.

A 3-year, fully-funded Ph.D. stipend is available at Aalborg University in Denmark to work on the recently started “Learning to Create” EU collaborative project (Lrn2Cre8, grant number 610859).

The project will be in the area of machine models of musical learning and creativity. More details of the project and stipend are available here


Applicants are encouraged to contact David Meredith
(--LOGIN--86a849cb6fc42118d2c8013503f9ecbecreate[dot]aau[dot]dk )
as soon as possible to obtain guidance with the project proposal that they are required to submit as part of their application.

Deadline for application is 18 November 2013. Start date is as soon as possible after the submission deadline.

  • Assistant Professor position in machine learning and optimization at University of Colorado Boulder (USA). Received: 29/10/2013, Deadline: 01/12/2013.

The Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of Colorado Boulder seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure-track position with expertise in both machine learning and optimization. The opening is targeted at the level of Assistant Professor, although exceptional senior candidates at higher ranks may be considered.

We seek candidates whose primary research areas lie at the intersection of machine learning and numerical optimization, and whose research addresses challenges in theory, algorithms, implementation, and application of problems in optimization and machine learning. Candidates should demonstrate excellence in both research and teaching, have a strong interest in interdisciplinary collaboration, and aim to lead a highly visible, externally funded research program.

To apply, please go to the following link:

  • Open positions in the BBC Audio Research and Development team in Salford, Manchester (UK). Received: 29/10/2013, Closing date: 25/11/2013.

The BBC has an open position for a Senior Software Engineer in the BBC Audio Research and Development team in Salford (Manchester), UK, open for applications until 25th November, if interested please see


We are also looking for Trainee Research Technologists, see


  • Postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience at INRIA (France). Received: 29/10/2013.

Postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience at INRIA, France: From real retinas to a virtual retina (Bruno Cessac and Pierre Kornprobst, team Neuromathcomp)

Context : Our understanding on how the retina works has progressively known a paradigm change : whereas retina was up to recently viewed as a relatively simple organ (acting roughly like a camera), it is now admitted by the scientific community that « eyes are smarter than scientists believed » [Gollisch-Meister, 2010]. The retina is able to perform such clever tasks as detecting differential motion or anticipating motion. These wonderful properties are largely due to the sophisticated retina structure in terms of cells differentiation as well as connectivity. This results in a complex dynamical system where the response to visual inputs is encoded in a collective way by neurons dynamics. The « output » of the retina, a sequence of action potentials or spike train emitted by ganglion cells, is transmitted to the visual cortex via the optic nerve (constituted by the axons of the ganglion cells). In this way, the retina is able to « encode » a visual scene in the form of spike trains. How to decipher this collective code is an open problem.

The Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) technique allows scientists to register spike trains in order to analyze their statistical properties and to extract potential generic laws giving keys to decipher the code on the one hand; on the other hand, techniques such as two-photons imaging or calcium imaging provide more and more detailed information about the retina circuitry and dynamics. This opens up several scientific challenges : on the theoretical side, building new mathematical models allowing to relate the retina circuitry and dynamics to spike trains statistics as a response to a visual scene ; on the applied side, creating software that mimics retina functioning with potential applications in the domain of fundamental research (simulating virtual retinas instead of performing experiments on animals) and therapy (e.g. analyzing the effect of drugs on retina functions, in silico).

Project : The project we propose is at the corner between these two aspects. The goal is to develop a new hybrid retina simulator, emulating the outer retina. On the theoretical side, the project will use statistical methods developed in our team to perform spike train analysis [1,2] from experiments done by our partners (Evelyne Sernagor from NewCastle University and Luca Berdondini from IIT Genova), in order to construct a virtual layer of Amacrine and Ganglion cells emulating realistic spike statistics, instead of replicating the detailed laminar connectivity of the retina. For this, generic neural network models studied in our team will be used. These models neglect the detailed biological description of neurons, but take into account anatomical constraints such as connectivity and reproduce collective statistics of RGCs types in response to specific stimuli. On the applied side, this layer will be integrated to the Virtual Retina software developed in our team [3]. This postdoc is part of the RenVision European project. It is funded by the European Union FP7 FET (Future Emerging technology) proactive program: Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems Call 9 Objective 9.11. This highly interdisciplinary project aims at understanding and modeling the biological processing of visual information in the retina and exploiting this new knowledge to build retina-inspired artificial visual processing systems.

RENVISION website: https://www.renvision-fp7.eu

Profile : The work is highly interdisciplinary, and applicants must have strong mathematical and computational skills. Preferred educational background is a PhD in Computational Neuroscience. Previous experience with neural population coding and C++ programming skills is required. Applicants should email a CV, brief research statement, relevant publications, and contact details for two academic references to: --LOGIN--6322214dff305a918f7ab7755212f5e3inria[dot]fr and --LOGIN--ab295fc610bbf151513d02e41361dfacinria[dot]fr .

Bruno Cessac website: http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Bruno.Cessac
Pierre Kornprobst website: http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Pierre.Kornprobst

Laboratory: The INRIA team Neuromathcomp is working in the fields of mathematical and computational neuroscience, and biological vision modeling with applications to artificial vision. We are involved in several European research projects. The group is located in Sophia-Antipolis between Nice and Cannes on the French Riviera.

INRIA is the only French public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, INRIAs 3,500 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. Educated at leading international universities, they creatively integrate basic research with applied research and dedicate themselves to solving real problems, collaborating with the main players in public and private research in France and abroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovative companies. The researchers at INRIA published over 4,450 articles in 2012. They are behind over 250 active patents and 112 start-ups. The 180 project teams are distributed in eight research centers located throughout France.

Neuromathcomp website: http://www-sop.inria.fr/neuromathcomp
INRIA website: http://www.inria.fr

Starting date: January 2014, on the basis of a competitive application. The position is open now until filled.

Contract duration: 2 years (1 year probation)

Net salary: 2140 euros/month

Related references:
[1] B. Cessac and A. Palacios, Spike train statistics from empirical facts to theory: the case of the retina, In Mathematical Problems in Computational Biology and Biomedicine, F. Cazals and P. Kornprobst, Springer (2013)
[2] J.C. Vasquez, A. Palacios, O. Marre, M.J. Berry II, B. Cessac, Gibbs distribution analysis of temporal correlation structure on multicell spike trains from retina ganglion cells, J. Physiol. Paris, 106(3-4), pp. 120-127 (2012)
[3] A. Wohrer and P. Kornprobst. Virtual Retina: A biological retina model and simulator, with contrast gain control, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 26(2), pp. 219-249 (2009)

  • 3 year Postdoc in Neural Population Model Data Assimilation at the University of Reading (UK). Received: 28/10/2013, Closing date: 21/11/2013.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Neural Population Model Data Assimilation
School of Systems Engineering, School of Meteorology and Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics
University of Reading, UK

Closing date: 21 November 2013
Reference number: RS13077

Interviews: 28 November 2013
Start date: 1 December 2013, or as soon as possible thereafter

Post type: full-time, fixed term for 3 years
Payscale: £27,854 to £36,298 per annum

You will play a pivotal role in an exciting interdisciplinary collaboration between the School of Systems Engineering (Prof Ingo Bojak), the School of Meteorology (Prof Peter Jan van Leeuwen) and the Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics (CINN, Prof Douglas Saddy) at the University of Reading. Together we will bring world-leading Data Assimilation techniques, developed in particular for weather forecasting, to bear on computational neuroscience by demonstrating that spontaneous and task-driven neuroimaging data (EEG and fMRI BOLD) can be described, understood and forecast in terms of highly realistic and complex models comprising a large number of neural masses distributed over a cortical discretization mesh.

You will have:

Prior research experience in at least one of the following fields: Data Assimilation, Computational Neuroscience or Computational Neuroimaging Analysis
Excellent skills in applied mathematics, scientific programming, scientific methods and research presentation
A PhD in a relevant field, excellent scientific publication(s) and a track record of producing useful software (preferably C/C++ and Fortran 90)
Enthusiasm for an interdisciplinary project focused on neuroscience, a winning, creative personality and the drive to push technical boundaries together with our team

For further particulars, please click here .

Informal questions are welcomed by --LOGIN--ffb8d018f89df664eb81d0bccf17c130reading[dot]ac[dot]uk , --LOGIN--00bece8092d0290ba7db0b6102ab1425reading[dot]ac[dot]uk and --LOGIN--5a158978719c3975409285486bb1e0a1reading[dot]ac[dot]uk .

To apply click here on the “Apply online” button. Alternatively, if you wish to apply using a hardcopy form please email --LOGIN--25952c1529c27275a29d68172be803cdreading[dot]ac[dot]uk or contact Human Resources, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading RG6 6AH or Telephone +44(0)118 378 6771 (voicemail).

Please quote the relevant reference number RS13077.

We value a diverse workforce and welcome applications from all sections of the community.

  • Postdoctoral researcher positions available in the Laboratory for Integrated Theoretical Neuroscience at RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako City (Japan). Received: 28/10/2013.

Applications are invited for opening positions for postdoctoral scientists to work at the Laboratory for Integrated Theoretical Neuroscience (Lab Head: Hiro Nakahara), RIKEN Brain Science Institute. Our laboratory’s long-term research goal is to understand the computational principles that underlie the way neural systems realize adaptive decision-making and associated learning. We work on two main areas, decision making and neural coding, using computational approaches and conducting human fMRI experiments. In this way, we build computational and mathematical models and analyze behavioral, neurophysiological, and imaging data, often closely combined with experimental investigations. (Find details about our laboratory on our website: http://www.itn.brain.riken.jp). We are seeking enthusiastic and well-qualified postdoctoral fellows to join our research activities in any of the following topics. (This job advert is on http://www.brain.riken.go.jp/en/careers/20131021_h_nakahara_r.html).

1) Human fMRI experiments: We study value-based (reward-based) decision-making and learning as well as social decision-making and learning. We welcome candidates who want to investigate the underlying neural and cognitive processes with respect to key computations such as model-based analysis (e.g., reinforcement learning and Bayesian frameworks). We are also interested in the techniques of neural decoding and connectivity analysis, combined with model-based analyses, and extending our research into the domain of computational psychiatry.

2) Modeling studies: We build computational and mathematical models for understanding the neural, cognitive, and computational processes of value-based and social decision-making. We are interested, for example, in integrating reinforcement learning with state representational learning and in investigating the relationship of model-free and model-based reinforcement learning in neural circuits. Circuit-wise, we are interested in the basal ganglia-related circuit, including dopamine neuron functions and in relation to prefrontal areas and other subcortical areas (e.g., the lateral habenula, amygdala, and neuromodulator circuits).

3) Neural coding studies: We analyze neural data, particularly fMRI and neurophysiological data, often developing new methods of analysis. We address to the underlying neural mechanisms for decision-making and, more generally, contribute to understanding neural coding: computation and coding realized by the collective activity and interactions of neurons. With respect to fMRI data, we plan to advance model-based analysis, for instance, in combination with developing methods for neural decoding and connectivity analysis. As for neurophysiological data (e.g., via collaboration with experimental laboratories using animal experiments), we are analyzing dopamine neural activity from behaving monkey experiments, based on new theories of reinforcement learning, and are also planning to analyze large-scale simultaneous recording of neural activities from behaving rat experiments, with the aim of answering how neural interactions give rise to reinforcement and representational learning.

Applicants should have, or be expecting to receive, a Ph.D., and have research interest and background in the area of (or related to) research described above. Please send your application to --LOGIN--d0b5c953c5407cbbfc3bb0a02228cd4cbrain[dot]riken[dot]jp ; for what to be sent as the application materials, please refer to http://www.brain.riken.go.jp/en/careers/20131021_h_nakahara_r.html. Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Start date is flexible, but an early starting time is preferred. Informal inquiry should also be sent to --LOGIN--d0b5c953c5407cbbfc3bb0a02228cd4cbrain[dot]riken[dot]jp .

  • Faculty Positions in Computer Science at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland). Received: 28/10/2013.

The School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL invites applications for faculty positions in computer and communication sciences. We are seeking candidates for positions at the tenure-track assistant professor or tenured senior professor levels.

Successful candidates will develop an independent and creative research program, participate in both undergraduate and graduate teaching, and supervise PhD students.

Candidates from all areas of computer science will be considered, but preference will be given to candidates in the fields of cyber-physical risk management, data analytics, machine learning, security and privacy.

EPFL, in Lausanne, Switzerland, is a dynamic science and engineering university ranked among the top research institutions in Europe. It offers a rich international environment with English as its common language, as well as competitive salaries, significant start-up resources, and outstanding research infrastructure.

To apply, please follow the application procedure at


The following documents are requested in PDF format: curriculum vitae including publication list, brief statements of research and teaching interests, names and addresses (including e-mail) of 3 references for junior positions and 6 for senior positions. Screening will start on December 1, 2013. Further questions can be addressed to :

Prof. Willy Zwaenepoel
Chairman of the recruiting committee
School of Computer and Communication Sciences
CH-1015 Lausanne


For additional information on EPFL, please consult http://www.epfl.ch or http://ic.epfl.ch

  • Postdoctoral Position in Cerebellar Modeling at Emory University, Atlanta (USA). Received: 27/10/2013.

A postdoctoral position in the area of biological neuron modeling in the cerebellar nuclei is available in the lab of Dieter Jaeger at Emory University (Atlanta, USA). The project is tightly integrated with an experimental project of recording multiple cerebellar neurons in behaving mice in the lab of Detlef Heck in Memphis (TN, USA) and aims to reproduce recorded cerebellar nuclei activity in compartmental simulations. It is funded by an NIH CRCNS award. Simulations are based on a published model of cerebellar nuclei neurons (Steuber, V., N. W. Schultheiss, et al. (2011) “Determinants of synaptic integration and heterogeneity in rebound firing explored with data driven models of deep cerebellar nucleus cells.” JCNS 30: 633-658; Steuber, V. and D. Jaeger (2013). “Modeling the generation of output by the cerebellar nuclei.” Neural Networks 47(0): 112-119.).

For productive engagement in this project the candidate must have previous experience in compartmental modeling using Neuron or Genesis simulators as well as be proficient in using Matlab. The position is available immediately. Compensation is based on posted NIH NRSA levels.

Interested candidates please email --LOGIN--ea006d4b1fe890a1444bf26ab3ccb1f1emory[dot]edu with a C.V. a brief statement of research interests, and the name of two references. Pre-application questions are also welcome.

  • Postdoctoral & PhD position in cognition, aging, & brain health in African-Americans at Rutgers University-Newark, New Jersey (USA). Received: 26/10/2013, Deadline: 15/12/2013.

Start dates:
Postdoctoral Fellowships: January, 2014 or Summer/fall 2014.
Graduate/PhD Program in Behavioral and Neural Sciences: August, 2014.
DEADLINES FOR BOTH: December 15, 2013 (or sooner if possible)


We seek someone who either has a PhD, or will be finishing their PhD in the coming year for a two to three-year postdoctoral fellowships to work on research projects relating to cognition, aging, and brain health in the African-American community. The research is based at the Center for Neuroscience at Rutgers University-Newark, within the lab of Mark Gluck, Ph.D., and is part of the university's broader African-American Brain Health Initiative. For more information, see http://www.brainhealth.rutgers.edu

In partnership with local Newark churches and other community and city organizations, we are combining educational programs on brain health and cognitive vitality in the African-American community with observational and interventional research studies on “Pathways to Healthy Brain Aging in African-Americans.” Related studies focus of neurological disorders (especially Parkinson's disease, Depression, and Alzheimer's disease) in African-American seniors. We are especially interested in the interactions between biological markers and life-style variables (including sleep, diet, exercise, and fitness) on cognitive and emotional changes across the lifespan in the African-American community. A series of exercise and dance intervention studies are planned in collaboration with the Rutgers Department of Exercise Science.

Rutgers-Newark located in downtown Newark, New Jersey, just outside (about 13 miles from) Manhattan/New York City. There is easy access via several forms of publication transportation between Newark and NYC, as well as most major cities in New Jersey. Rutgers University is the State University of New Jersey with several campuses and two medical schools.

Postdoctoral Candidates must:

1. Have (or soon graduate with) a PhD in Psychology, Nursing, Geriatrics, Social Work, Exercise Science or related fields with a strong background in (a) experimental behavioral research, (b) strong writing skills, and (c) statistical data analysis skills (please document all three in your cover letter).

2. Have prior experience, familiarity, and sensitivity to minority health issues and working with the African-American community.

More information on our lab and related research, educational, and global health programs is at http://www.gluck.edu

Informal letters of inquiry are encouraged as soon as possible, especially for those who might not be done their PhD until summer 2014. Full applications should include a CV and cover letter with overview of background and career goals, addressing both criteria noted above, along with names and emails of potential recommenders and be emailed to --LOGIN--a8bbdf78ef6147236e701be7a505fbf9pavlov[dot]rutgers[dot]edu .


We also seek strong graduate students to work on our studies of “Cognition, Aging, & Brain Health in African-Americans” as part of their thesis research leading towards a PhD in Neuroscience.

SPECIAL MINORITY FELLOWSHIP NOTICE: Rutgers-Newark has additional minority graduate fellowships funded by the NIH through the Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. If you are eligible for such a program, please contact me at gluck@pavlov.rutgers.edu. From the NIH grant each doctoral student in the MRBS Program receives, initially, an annual salary of $28,456, full tuition remission, a $1,000 research allowance, and defrayment of all expenses associated with attending one scientific conference annually.

Additional information on our MBRS program can be found at:

The goal of the Graduate Program in Behavioral and Neural Sciences (BNS) at Rutgers University-Newark is to provide training across all areas of neuroscience as well as to provide intensive instruction within one area of focus so that graduates will be prepared for careers as academicians, educators and research scientists. Students are fully funded by the graduate program (not by individual faculty) for five years with a stipend, tuition and comprehensive health insurance.

The BNS curriculum offers a wide range of courses that provide both breadth and depth. The program has only a few required courses but many electives so that students may tailor coursework to their individual backgrounds and needs. Students are primarily trained to conduct independent research and to present and discuss their results orally and in written form. Students also gain experience in undergraduate and graduate teaching and mentoring. The recent integration into Rutgers of the former UMDNJ Medical School provides our students with additional clinically-relevant training opportunities.

The campus of the BNS program is located in Newark, New Jersey, 13 miles from Manhattan, New York City, with extensive public transportation links between the two.

For more information, and links to faculty profiles and related resources, see:


Additional information on our brain imaging center can be found at http://rubic.rutgers.edu

The admissions link can be reached directly at:

The deadline for applications is December 15, 2013 and interviews of the top candidates will take place mid/late February, 2014. Late applications may be considered on a case by case basis.

Applicants to the BNS program who are interested in working on African-American Brain Health research should contact me directly as well at --LOGIN--a8bbdf78ef6147236e701be7a505fbf9pavlov[dot]rutgers[dot]edu .

  • PhD position available in Experimental/Computational neuroscience at Penn State University (USA). Received: 21/10/2013, Deadline: 01/12/2013.

Candidates are invited to apply for Ph.D candidacy in the laboratory of Brad Wyble in the Department of Psychology at Penn State Universitys main campus in State College, PA. Applicants should ideally have significant computer programming skills (i.e. two or more years of experience programming in C, MatLab, Python, or equivalent) and a background in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, physics or biology. Fluency in English is also required.

The research focus of our lab is to understand the neural mechanisms underlying visual attention and the encoding of information into memory with a specific emphasis on understanding the interaction of the two. Our research involves a joint effort in computational modelling and experimental work using a variety of methods (e.g. behavioral, electrophysiological, eye-tracking). More detail about specific projects can be found at http://wyblelab.com/research.

In addition to these projects, there are opportunities to develop artificial vision applications with partners in Penn State's Applied Research lab. There are also ongoing collaborations with partners studying Traumatic Brain Injury and the underlying causes of autism.

Penn State main campus offers a diverse array of resources for conducting research such as the SLEIC neuroimaging center: http://www.imaging.psu.edu/. There is also a diverse set of research interests both within the psychology department, and across the campus (e.g. Engineering: http://www.esm.psu.edu/wiki/research:cne:start; Neuroscience: http://www.huck.psu.edu/research/neurosciences, http://cbbc.psu.edu/; Social: http://www.ssri.psu.edu/)

Interested applicants should apply to the Psychology department at http://psych.la.psu.edu/graduate/howToApply.html and should note that the deadline for applications is December 1st.

  • Vacante de ayudante de investigación en la Unidad de Aplicaciones de Lógica Fuzzy y Algoritmos Evolutivos, en el European Centre for Soft Computing (Spain). Received: 18/10/2013.

El European Centre for Soft Computing solicita un ingeniero de I+D para desarrollo de herramienta de simulación basada en modelado con agentes

Perfil solicitado:

Ingeniero Superior/Master en Informática, Telecomunicaciones o Industrial


La unidad de Aplicaciones de Lógica Difusa y Algoritmos Evolutivos ofrece la oportunidad de trabajar en un proyecto de investigación con una gran empresa española para la resolución de un problema real. Este proyecto requiere la implementación de una herramienta de simulación basada en modelos de agentes.

Requisitos imprescindibles:

· Conocimientos en simulaciones basadas en agentes y sistemas multi-agente.
· Conocimientos y experiencia demostrable en programación y acceso a bases de datos, preferiblemente C++ y Java.
· Haber utilizado técnicas estadísticas, probabilísticas y de validación en modelos.

Se valorará positivamente:

· Conocimientos y experiencia en plataformas multi-agente como Mason, Netlogo o JADE.
· Conocimientos básicos de mercados, marketing y economía de empresa.
· Conocimientos de algoritmos de minería de datos/aprendizaje automático.
· Análisis de redes sociales y grafos.
· Conocimientos de algoritmos de optimización y metaheurísticas.
· Conocimientos en lógica difusa.
· Experiencia previa en proyectos de I+D o de temática similar.
· Inglés alto (hablado y escrito).

Condiciones generales:

· Incorporación inmediata.
· Duración del contrato: 12 meses, prorrogables en función de los resultados del proyecto.
· Dedicación: completa.
· Salario: 20.000€ más variables según valía y desempeño.

Interesados enviar CV y carta de presentación a la dirección --LOGIN--76f710ef767b4e577154ab686cc4f88fsoftcomputing[dot]es

  • Joint Faculty Positions in Statistics and Computer Science & Engineering at University of Washington (USA). Received: 17/10/2013.

Recent hires at UW in the area of machine learning, as well as a new PhD track on Big Data and a new NSF IGERT have given momentum to a growing effort and commitment to build a core expertise in this area. The goal of these positions is to continue to strengthen the bridge between the highly-ranked Statistics and Computer Science & Engineering Departments at UW. The positions are open-rank, with appointments as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor commensurate with the candidates qualifications.

The Provost of the University of Washington has launched a major effort focused on Data-Driven Discovery, with a commitment to hire several new faculty in this area. In support of this effort, we are seeking candidates for one open-rank tenured or tenure-track faculty position jointly in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and the Department of Statistics at the University of Washington. This position will be a full-time joint appointment in both departments with precise percentages as appropriate for the candidate. The new faculty will also participate in the UW eScience Institute.

We encourage applications from exceptional candidates at the intersection of computer science and statistics, with a particular focus on machine learning and large-scale statistical analysis. We expect candidates to have a strong commitment to both research and teaching. The joint position will be primarily focused on hires at the Assistant Professor or Associate Professor levels although individuals at senior ranks with exceptional credentials may be considered. Applicants must have earned a PhD, or foreign equivalent, by the date of appointment. All University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research and service.

The CSE and Stat departments are located less than 5 minutes apart on the Seattle campus, enabling cross department collaborations and initiatives. The Seattle area is particularly attractive given the presence of significant industrial research laboratories, a vibrant technology-driven entrepreneurial community, and spectacular natural beauty.

Application Instructions

Please apply online at https://statcse.cs.washington.edu/apply with a letter of application, a complete curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, and the names of at least four references. The review of applications will start on November 15, 2013, and those received by January 15, 2014, will be given priority consideration. Open positions are contingent on funding.

The University of Washington was awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Award for Faculty Career Flexibility in 2006. In addition, the University of Washington is a recipient of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award to increase the participation of women in academic science and engineering careers. We are building a culturally diverse faculty and encourage applications from women and minority candidates. The University of Washington is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

  • Prácticas de formación no remuneradas en Bioinformática, en la Plataforma de Genómica y Bioinformática de Andalucía (GBPA) (Spain). Published: 15/10/2013, Closing date: 04/11/2013.

La Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud, entidad central de apoyo y gestión de la investigación, dependiente de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales de la Junta de Andalucía, precisa incorporar en la Plataforma de Genómica y Bioinformática de Andalucía (GBPA), por un periodo de 6 meses, para formarlo a un/a profesional.

Para obtener información adicional sobre los requisitos y condiciones de la beca ofertada, así como para solicitar incorporarse al proceso de selección e introducir los datos curriculares necesarios, las personas interesadas deberán dirigirse a la página Web de la Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud:


El plazo de presentación de solicitudes y datos curriculares, permanecerá abierto desde el 15 de octubre de 2013 hasta el 04 de noviembre de 2013, a las 13:00 horas.

  • 26 PhD studentships on the CogNovo project at Plymouth University (UK). Received: 14/10/2013, Closing date: 30/11/2013.

14 Marie-Curie funded Research Fellowships and 12 Plymouth University funded PhD studentships are available for positions in the Marie Curie Initial training Network “CogNovo” www.cognovo.eu

New projects have now been posted: http://www.cognovo.eu/projects2/

Marie Curie Early Career Research Fellowships (PhD): 14 positions Cognition Institute | Plymouth University Closing date for applications: 12 noon, 30 November 2013

Fixed term 36 months, starting 1st April 2014

The CogNovo project is offering fourteen early career research fellowships.
CogNovo is an Innovative Doctoral Programme funded by the EU Marie Curie initiative and Plymouth University to foster research in the emerging field of Cognitive Innovation. CogNovo offers transdisciplinary research training that combines scientific studies of the neural correlates and mechanisms of creativity, with investigations into the role of creativity in human cognition, and their application in sustainable technological and social innovation.
Selected candidates will be registered for a comprehensive PhD programme that includes specialised research on specific topics, as well as training workshops covering experimental methods, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, humanities and human values, experimental psychology, creative arts, cognitive robotics and entrepreneurship. CogNovo also offers secondment opportunities to academic and commercial partners across the world.
Candidates should apply for specific projects, indicating their top 3 choices.
For further details of CogNovo and the research projects available, please see: www.cognovo.eu. Application forms are available for download from the website.
Eligibility: Marie Curie funding is intended to promote mobility of early career researchers within the research community; candidates must: a) have received a degree (Bachelor or Master's) that qualifies them for PhD training (project-specific educational prerequisites vary and are indicated in the project web-pages), b) should not have undertaken more than 4 years of fulltime research subsequent to that degree, and c) should not have been resident within the UK for more than 12 months within the 3 years prior to 1 April 2014. For a full description of the eligibility conditions see: http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/
An excellent 1st degree, good verbal and written communication skills in English, and an interest in multi-disciplinary research are essential. Specific educational prerequisites vary and are indicated in the project web-pages. More information on individual projects can be found on the CogNovo Projects Page.
Salary: from £35,000, including living and mobility allowance.
Applicants should send a completed application form along with a covering letter detailing their suitability for the studentship, C.V. and 2 academic references to Catherine Johnson, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Office, Room A425, Portland Square, Plymouth PL4 8AA or e-mail --LOGIN--b0e31c428ff0d5d95773b8829f984631plymouth[dot]ac[dot]uk[dot]

Plymouth University Research Studentships (PhD): 12 positions Cognition Institute | Plymouth University Closing date for applications: 12 noon, 30 November 2013

Fixed term 36 months, starting 1st April 2014

Twelve University-funded PhD positions are available on the CogNovo project.
CogNovo is an Innovative Doctoral Programme funded by the EU Marie Curie initiative and Plymouth University to foster research in the emerging field of Cognitive Innovation. CogNovo offers transdisciplinary research training that combines scientific studies of the neural correlates and mechanisms of creativity, with investigations into the role of creativity in human cognition, and their application in sustainable technological and social innovation.
Selected candidates will be registered for a comprehensive PhD programme that includes specialised research on specific topics, as well as training workshops covering experimental methods, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, humanities and human values, experimental psychology, creative arts, cognitive robotics and entrepreneurship. CogNovo also offers secondment possibilities to academic and commercial partners across the world.
Candidates should apply for specific projects, indicating their top 3 choices.
For further details of CogNovo and the research projects available, please see: www.cognovo.eu. Application forms are available for download from the website.
Eligibility: An excellent 1st degree, good verbal and written communication skills in English, and an interest in multi-disciplinary research are essential. Specific educational prerequisites vary and are indicated in the project web-pages. More information on individual projects can be found on the CogNovo Projects Page.
These positions are open to all UK and EU citizens with appropriate qualifications. Applicants who are normally required to pay overseas fees may also apply, but will have to cover the difference between the Home/EU and the overseas tuition fee rates (approximately £9,790 per annum). For more details on university studentships, please visit www.plymouth.ac.uk/postgraduate.
University studentships include full Home/EU tuition fees plus a stipend of £13, 726 per annum.

Submitting an application: Applicants should send a completed application form along with a covering letter detailing their suitability for the studentship, C.V. and 2 academic references to Catherine Johnson, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Office, Room A425, Portland Square, Plymouth PL4 8AA or e-mail --LOGIN--b0e31c428ff0d5d95773b8829f984631plymouth[dot]ac[dot]uk[dot]

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview in January/February 2014. We regret that we may not be able to respond to all applications. Applicants who have not received an offer of a place by March 2014 should consider their application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

  • PostDoc opportunity in Distributed Neural Computation / Spatial Representation / Robotics at Technische Universität Munich (Germany). Received: 14/10/2013.

The research group on Neuroscientific System Theory (NST) at Technische Universität Munich (TUM) invites applications for a

PostDoc in the EU FET project “GRIDMAP: from brains to technical implementation”

The project investigates the formation of grid cells in rodents and possible translations to unsupervised parallel processing computer architectures. The focus of the NST research group at TUM is on theoretical modeling and on distributed (robot based) implementations of processing algorithms. The ideal candidate has prior knowledge about neuronal spatial representations and a strong commitment/interest in (neuronal) parallel computing architectures, such as the SpiNNaker computing system.

The position is available immediately with flexible start date.

In exceptional cases applications for a PhD position will also be considered.

Project consortium: Edvard Moser, Trondheim; Richard Morris, Edinburgh; Alessandro Treves, Trieste, Jörg Conradt, Munich

The GRIDMAP project allows frequent exchange visits to the labs involved and provides further funding for conference travel.

EU FET Project web pages: http://www.ntnu.edu/kavli/gridmap

Research information about other projects at NST: http://www.nst.ei.tum.de/research/NST


Please send concise applications, including a 10-lines motivation, CV, and publication list, by email to Jorg Conradt: --LOGIN--3c6a2d4c36b46e9f8d2b8c899a574a65tum[dot]de

  • ERCIM Fellowship Programme next round open. Received: 14/10/2013, Deadline: 31/10/2013.

ERCIM offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world.

The next round is open!

Deadline for Applications: 31 October 2013.

Topics cover most disciplines in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Applied Mathematics.

Fellowships are of 12 months duration spent in one of the participating ERCIM institutes.

For detailed description of the programme and the application form, see http://fellowship.ercim.eu

  • Open Position for a PhD Student in Web-based Music Information Retrieval at the JKU Linz (Austria). Received: 11/10/2013.

We are pleased to announce an open position for a PhD student at the Department of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (www.cp.jku.at).

We are looking for a highly motivated student to work on the upcoming EU FP7 3-year-research project

GiantSteps -- Seven League Boots for Music Creation and Performance

We are seeking a creative and motivated PhD student with a strong background in at least two of the following fields:
• Web Mining
• (Music) Information Retrieval
• Information Extraction

Furthermore, affinity to the following areas is an advantage:
• Electronic music (production and consumption)
• Music computing
• Machine learning
• Data representation/ontologies
• Cloud computing

Research tasks to be carried out in this position will likely include:
• Developing methods for extracting knowledge on musical styles from Web sources
• Designing recommendation methods in the context of music creation and performance
• Developing techniques for distributed music creation

More information about the GiantSteps project can be found at

The requirements are a Master's degree in Computer Science or a related field, proficiency in English, interest in scientific work, good presentation skills, flexibility in traveling, and willingness to present scientific work at international conferences. No knowledge of particular programming languages is required, but the candidate is expected to quickly learn and apply new technologies.

The successful applicant will be allowed to work in a creative environment within an excellent research team.

The salary will be between EUR 28,000 and 36,000 per year (pre-tax, subject to negotiation). The accepted applicant will additionally have the opportunity to enroll in a PhD program in Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Note that the JKU and GiantSteps follow an equal opportunity hiring policy, thus, when equally qualified, we will give preference to female applicants to balance the research team.

Please send your application including CV, list of publications, one or two related publications (if available), as well as any other material you consider relevant via email to: --LOGIN--fde501956a7281c86798a3cc03fb8ac0jku[dot]at

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me:
Dr. Peter Knees
Department of Computational Perception
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69
4040 Linz

Phone: +43 732 2468 4711

  • Postdoctoral position in computational modeling/fMRI at Ghent University (Belgium). Received: 07/10/2013.

A postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Will Alexander at Ghent University, Belgium. The position is part of a 5 year project investigating reinforcement learning and cognitive control, funded through the FWO-Flanders.

The ideal candidate will have experience and interests in one or more of the following areas: 1) computational neural modeling, 2) fMRI, 3) cognitive control and 4) reinforcement learning. Individuals with experience in applying computational models to the analysis of fMRI data are especially encouraged to apply. Experience with Matlab is a plus.

Depending on background and interests, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop computational neural models of cognitive control and decision making, as well as to contribute to the design, execution, and analysis of behavioral and fMRI experiments intended to inform and constrain new computational models.

The duration of the position is initially two years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional two years. The position is available from the beginning of February, 2014, although the start date is flexible. This is a full-time position with salary based on standard Belgian regulations. The successful candidate will join the Department of Experimental Psychology at Ghent University, and will have access to a research-dedicated 3T MRI scanner.

To apply, send a brief statement of research interests, CV, and contact information for two references to --LOGIN--69264b6bc4fd382eb2ddac17fd9b3a34ugent[dot]be . Informal inquiries are also welcome.

  • Postdoctoral Position on Cognitive and Neural Modeling at Vanderbilt University (USA). Received: 04/10/2013.

Applications are being considered for a postdoctoral fellow to join an NEI-funded project on cognitive and neural modeling of perceptual decision making and cognitive control with Thomas Palmeri, Jeffrey Schall, and Gordon Logan at Vanderbilt University.

Candidates have opportunities for research combining human behavioral experiments and monkey neurophysiological experiments with computational modeling.

Candidates can hold a Ph.D. in psychology, neuroscience, computer science, mathematics, engineering, or related disciplines. Start date is negotiable. Salary will be based on NIH postdoctoral scale. Applicants should send a cover letter with a brief research statement, a CV, and names and email addresses of three references to:

Thomas Palmeri

Gordon Logan

Jeffrey Schall

Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt Vision Research Center
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37240

  • Postdoctoral Position on Object Categorization and Perceptual Expertise at Vanderbilt University (USA). Received: 04/10/2013.

Applications are being considered for a postdoctoral fellow to join an NSF-funded project on visual object categorization and the development of perceptual expertise at Vanderbilt University. Candidates will have opportunities for research combining laboratory experiments, online experiments, and computational modeling. Collaborative opportunities are possible with members of the Perceptual Expertise Network and the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center.

Applicants can hold a Ph.D. in psychology, neuroscience, computer science, mathematics, engineering, or related disciplines. Start date is negotiable. Salary will be based on NIH postdoctoral scale. Programming skills and some knowledge of Bayesian statistics are desirable. Applicants should send a cover letter with a brief research statement, a CV, and names and email addresses of three references to:

Thomas Palmeri
Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt Vision Research Center
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37240

  • Oferta de contrato predoctoral (FPI) en el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Granada (Spain). Received: 04/10/2013.

Se busca licenciado o ingeniero interesado en contrato (por 4 años) de formación de personal investigador para la realización de tesis doctoral aplicando técnicas de soft computing en el área de análisis de sistema de recursos hídricos.

El candidato debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos: grado de al menos 300 créditos ECTS o máster universitario, graduado en los últimos 6 años, y con nota media ponderada entre el expediente de grado y máster de al menos 1.5.

Interesados contactar con David Pulido Velázquez. Correo electrónico: --LOGIN--2798d3db30ea6cca935ae28f684da59digme[dot]es

IGME. Urb. Alcázar del Genil, 4-Edif. Zulema, Bajo. 18006 - Granada

Teléfono - 958 183 143 - 958 183 146

  • Full-time Research Technical Staff Positions in human brain imaging at ATR Neural Information Analysis Laboratories, Kyoto (Japan). Received: 03/10/2013.

Full-time Research Technical Staff Positions Available

The department of Computational Brain Imaging (CBI) at ATR has opening for a full-time research technical staff in the field of human brain imaging. The position offers the opportunity to learn experiments using four functional brain imaging methods such as fMRI, MEG, EEG, NIRS. We are looking for highly motivated applicants who help us conducting those experiments and data analysis.

The mission of our department is to develop the method to analyze the human brain data. In particular, we are aiming at high-spatial and temporal resolution imaging method by integrating the multiple brain measurements to elucidate information processing among brain regions.

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in the related field (psychology, neuroscience or computer science) and have strong motivations and ambitions to take part in experiments and data analysis related to the research above.

Contact address:
Department of Computational Brain Imaging
ATR Neural Information Analysis Laboratories,
2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan
E-mail: --LOGIN--de00fe8f93e66be5e81bb78ae0ababe8atr[dot]jp

Please submit the following three materials to the contact address below, either in printed or electronic form:
1. CV
2. Document (one or two pages in A4 or letter size) describing:
- Summary of your previous research
- Interests for research
3. Recommendation letters from one researcher

Original documents you submit will not be returned.

Work Location:
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan

Number of openings:

Employment conditions
* Position: Full-time research technical staff
* One year contract: Agreement is renewable according to the researcher’s skill, work performance and qualifications.
* Salary will be determined according to the company regulation based on the experience, qualifications and skills.
* Standard working hour: 9:00 - 17:30, flextime available
* Saturday, Sunday and public holiday off

Selection process:
After documentary examination, we ask for interview if needed.

Starting date:
After January 2014 (negotiable)

Deadline for application:
Opens until positions are filled.

Use of personal data:
All personal data received will be properly managed and only be used for the purpose of recruitment.

  • Two faculty jobs in theoretical/computational neuroscience and systems neuroscience at the University of Rochester (USA). Received: 02/10/2013.

The Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester is seeking applications for two tenure-track positions: one in theoretical/computational neuroscience, and one in systems neuroscience. Full info about the jobs is below.

The Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester is seeking to hire a tenure-track faculty member in the area of theoretical and computational neuroscience. We are primarily interested in candidates who employ theoretical and/or computational approaches to address fundamental questions regarding neural coding, sensory and perceptual processing, motor control, cognition, and decision-making. Candidates who demonstrate a strong interest in collaborating with experimentalists are especially encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will join a dynamic, collegial department whose focus is the study of learning and development, perception, motor control and cognition, through combined neurobiological, computational, and behavioral research (http://www.bcs.rochester.edu/index.html); she or he will also be part of a university–wide neuroscience community engaged in graduate and undergraduate education. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research and teaching interests, and contact information for three referees via the following website: http://www.rochester.edu/fort/bcs. Questions concerning this position can be addressed to Dr. Gregory C. DeAngelis, chair of the search committee [email: --LOGIN--224e1061c179facdfdcf6adde3ab5959cvs[dot]rochester[dot]edu ]. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2013. The University of Rochester is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, and actively encourages applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in higher education.

The Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester is seeking to hire a tenure-track faculty member in the area of systems neuroscience. We are primarily interested in candidates who employ experimental approaches to address fundamental questions regarding the neural basis of behavior. Specific areas of interest include sensory neural coding, motor control, decision-making, plasticity, learning and memory. Candidates working in both primate and non-primate model systems are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will join a dynamic, collegial department whose focus is the study of learning and development, perception, motor control and cognition through combined neurobiological, computational, and behavioral research (http://www.bcs.rochester.edu/index.html); she or he will also be part of a university–wide neuroscience community engaged in graduate and undergraduate education. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research and teaching interests, and contact information for three referees via the following website: http://www.rochester.edu/fort/bcs. Questions concerning this position can be addressed to Dr. Gregory C. DeAngelis, chair of the search committee [email: --LOGIN--224e1061c179facdfdcf6adde3ab5959cvs[dot]rochester[dot]edu ]. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2013. The University of Rochester is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, and actively encourages applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in higher education.

  • PhD scholarship in Mealy machines, automaton (semi)groups, decision problems and random generation at the University of Paris (France). Received: 02/10/2013, Closing date: 31/10/2013.

PhD scholarship in Paris

In the framework of the ANR JCJC 12 JS02 012 01 MealyM http://www.liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~klimann/MealyM the following PhD fellowship is offered.

subject: Mealy machines, automaton (semi)groups, decision problems and random generation
duration: 36 months
starting date: to be fixed, no later than January 31st, 2014
remuneration: about 1700 euros per month
-- with paid metro pass
-- can be completed by teaching hours
location: LIAFA (Paris Diderot University)
advisors: Ines Klimann and Matthieu Picantin (LIAFA)
detailed subject:

The candidate must have a background in one of this fields:
- mathematics (including group theory)
- theoretical computer science (including autamata theory or semigroup theory)

Thank you for sending your application form containing:
- a CV
- a cover letter
- marks and ranking during graduate studies
- letters of recommendation
to klimann@liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr and
no later than October 31st, 2013.

  • Post-doctoral Positions in Computer Vision at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland). Received: 27/09/2013.

EPFL's Computer Vision Laboratory (http://cvlab.epfl.ch/) has openings for several post-doctoral fellows in the field of Computer Vision. The positions is initially offered for 12 months and can be extended. In particular, we are looking for people interested in:

- Augmented Reality. We are about to start an EU project that focuses on developing Augmented Reality techniques for games on mobile devices. It will build on our earlier work on binary descriptors.

- Video-based people tracking. We are about to start a project involving tracking multiple players in team sports, with a view to deployment in major sports venues in 2012. See http://cvlab.epfl.ch/research/body/surv/ for more details.

- Modeling neurons from microscopy images. Since microscopes now routinely produce high-resolution imagery in such large quantities that the need for automated processing and interpretation is becoming critical, we are working on approaches to providing it. See http://cvlab.epfl.ch/research/medical/neurons/ for more details.

The Computer Vision laboratory offers a creative international environment, a possibility to conduct competitive research on a global scale and involvement in teaching. There will be ample opportunities to cooperate with some of the best groups in Europe and elsewhere.

EPFL is located next to Lake Geneva in a beautiful setting 60 kilometers away from the city of Geneva. Salaries are in the order of CHF 80000 per year, the precise amount to be determined by EPFL's department of human resources.

Applicants are expected to have finished, or be about to finish their Ph.D. degrees, to have a strong background in Computer Science, and to have a track record of publications in top conferences and journals. Strong programming skills (C or C++) are a plus.
French language skills are not required, English is mandatory.

Applications must be sent by email to Ms. Gisclon (--LOGIN--f8c8dcace70a6ab3e9718ec2d59f416aepfl[dot]ch ). They must contain a statement of interest, a CV, a list of publications, and the names of three references.

  • Two post-doc positions on 3D vision at the University of Cambridge (UK). Published: 25/09/2013, Closing date: 26/10/2013.

Two post-doc positions are available to work on the neural basis of 3D vision. The project examines the representation of depth information within visually responsive cortex using fMRI, TMS and EEG. We study the representation of binocular disparity signals, the integration of different depth cues and association between neuronal responses and perception.

The successful candidates will join a dynamic international and interdisciplinary team within the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge. The lab is well equipped and the intellectual environment of the Department and wider University outstanding.

Candidates should hold or expect to hold a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics or a related field. Programming skills (e.g. Matlab, C) are essential and experience with brain imaging methods (fMRI, EEG, TMS) is desirable.

Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Andrew Welchman: --LOGIN--98d337a849cb058832be7ae3c5f46931welchman[dot]org
Full details can be found here: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/2119/
Closing date for applications is 26th October 2013

  • PhD/early stage post-doc Marie Curie ESR position at the University of Cambridge (UK). Published: 25/09/2013, Closing date: 26/10/2013.

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR)
University of Cambridge

We have an ESR [PhD/early stage post-doc] position to work on the visual perception of shape and material. The project is part of the PRISM network (www.prism-network.eu) that aims to uncover how the brain represents the richly detailed visual 'look and feel' of surfaces and objects in our everyday surroundings. We aim to shed light on how we perceive the 3D shapes, material properties and illumination in the scenes we encounter as we move through the world. The training network provides multi-disciplinary research training at the interface between psychology, neuroscience, computer science, engineering and industrial design.

The successful applicant will combine behavioural paradigms to assess 3D shape and material perception, with state-of-the-art fMRI analysis and computational modelling. The applicant may be in the later stages of a PhD programme or just embarking on their academic career. If desired, they will be able to apply for the Ph.D. programme in Cambridge.

Applicants should have a strong academic track record in a relevant area (e.g., Experimental Psychology, Biology, Neuroscience, Mathematics, Physics). They must satisfy the eligibility requirements that apply to all Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers: they cannot be in possession of a PhD qualification, and should not have resided in the UK for more than 12 months before appointment.

Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Andrew Welchman: --LOGIN--98d337a849cb058832be7ae3c5f46931welchman[dot]org
Full details can be found here: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/2122/
Closing date for applications is 26th October 2013

  • Openings for a programmer and for a post at Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago (USA). 17/09/2013.

I have a couple of openings in my lab, one for a programmer and one for a postdoc.
Take a look if you might be interested:

Postdoctoral fellow:

Are you interested in upper-limb neuroprosthetics? Do you have experience with non-human primates? Do you have experience with chronically implanted electrode arrays? Do you have mad MATLAB skills? Do you like/love math? Are you reasonably personable? If youve responded affirmatively to most or all of these questions, read on One of the objectives of the lab is to develop ways to convey somatosensory feedback through intracortical microstimulation in a non-human primate model. Our approach consists of training Rhesus macaques to perform sensory tasks based on natural stimulation, and assessing whether they can perform these same tasks based on electrical stimulation of their somatosensory cortices. You can check us out at http://bensmaialab.uchicago.edu . There is also a write up on us at http://theinstitute.ieee.org/technology-focus/technology-topic/prosthetic-limbs-offer-a-sense-of-touch. We are looking for a postdoctoral scholar to keep pushing this exciting work forward. What do you think?

Candidates with a completed PhD degree in neuroscience, biomedical engineering or a related field are encouraged to apply. Send a vitae and a brief and sincere statement of purpose to sliman@uchicago.edu.


Neuroscience and neuroprosthetics lab is seeking a research assistant with extensive experience with computer programming. This individual would be responsible for interfacing the various machines in the lab (sensors, motors, data acquisition systems, etc.) with computers and with each other to run neurophysiological and behavioral experiments with human and non-human primates. BS in computer science or engineering required. Would prefer an individual who could commit for several years. One of the objectives of the lab is to discover the neural basis of somatosensation: How to patterns of activation in the nerve and in the brain mediate out ability to feel objects by touch and sense the position and movements of our limbs in space? Another objective of the lab is to develop ways to convey somatosensory feedback through intracortical microstimulation. You can check us out at http://bensmaialab.uchicago.edu. There is also a write up on us at http://theinstitute.ieee.org/technology-focus/technology-topic/prosthetic-limbs-offer-a-sense-of-touch.

Please contact sliman@uchicago.edu with a CV and a brief statement of purpose.

  • PhD position in the Human Brain Project, at the Technical University of Madrid (Spain). 17/09/2013.


The Computational Intelligence Group at the Technical University of Madrid (http://cig.fi.upm.es) is looking for:

A Master degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics or equivalent

TOPIC: Neuronal structural design and predictions

The student will develop algorithms that use the statistical structure of neuronal and synaptic geometries to computationally synthesize model neurons and synapses.

To unravel the structural design of neurons, new models, especially Bayesian networks will be automatically learnt from data obtained from 3D reconstructed neurons (particularly pyramidal neurons). In the modeling phase, the stochasticity of the elements shaping the geometry of basal/apical dendritic arbors, spines and soma, will be captured for different cortical layers/areas. The models will include for the first time discrete, linear and angular continuous variables. They will discover relationships among the (pyramidal) cell morphological variables. Also, they will be used for clustering spines and for developing new statistical point processes accounting for their spatial distribution. In the recognizing phase, single- and multi-dimensional Bayesian classifiers with any kind of predictors will be developed. In both phases, specific learning, inference and simulation methods will be created and implemented.

KEYWORDS: Bayesian networks, clustering, supervised classification, spatial distributions, neuronal morphology

REQUIRED: The selected student should be enrolled(1) in the PhD program of the Artificial Intelligence Department at UPM (http://www.dia.fi.upm.es/doctoradoia/)

PREFERRED: Experience with statistical/machine learning software like R and Weka

• An internationally visible and rising project bridging the gap between machine learning/statistics and neuroscience
• A young, dynamic, inter-disciplinary, and international working environment with excellence in top scientific production
• Duration of contract: 3 years, renewable per year

POSITION START DATE: November 1, 2013

Applicants should submit a cover letter and a detailed CV in PDF format electronically to secretary.projects@cesvima.upm.es

(1) To be enrolled for the PhD UPM Program a pre-enrolment process should be completed. This process can be completed on-line and is free of fees. The deadline of the pre-enrolment process for the Academic Course 2013-2014 is scheduled for September 22nd, 2013. Further information: http://www.upm.es/institucional/FuturosEstudiantes/Estudios_Titulaciones/EstudiosOficialesDoctorado

  • Postdoctoral position in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, at University of California, San Diego (USA). 16/09/2013.

Post-doctoral Applicants

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, led by Angela Yu, at University of California, San Diego. Initial appointment is for one year, with flexible start date and possibility of renewal.

The project is to develop a decision-theoretical framework for the inter-related problems of perceptual decision-making, active sensing, active learning, and social decision-making. Candidates must have a strong mathematical and modeling background in Bayesian statistics, reinforcement learning, machine learning, and control theory. Experience with measure-theoretic probability theory, stochastic processes, stochastic control theory (stopping problems, bandit problems, sequential decision problems), and/or dynamical systems analysis is also desirable.

Applicants should be committed to applying rigorous mathematical tools to modeling cognitive and neural processes, as well as carrying out human behavioral experiments and collaborating with other human/animal neuroscience laboratories. Research experience with behavioral experiments and fMRI neuroimaging, and/or data analysis for search experiments, is a bonus.

Dr. Yu's lab is situated within the Natural Computation Lab in the Cognitive Science department of UCSD. It is affiliated with the Computer Science Department, the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, the UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program, and the Institute of Neural Computation. It provides ample opportunities for collaboration with related labs across the UCSD main campus, the medical school, and the Salk Institute.

Interested candidates should send a research statement, along with a CV including publications, to Dr. Angela Yu (ajyu@ucsd.edu). Two or more letters of references should be sent directly to the same address.

PhD Applicants

Interested PhD applicants should apply through the UCSD Department of Cognitive Science PhD Program. Dr. Yu may also advise PhD students from the Neurosciences Graduate Program, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

PhD applicants should have strong mathematical and computational training, fluency in Matlab programming (or equivalent), as well as coureswork in psychology, cognitive science, and/or neuroscience. Research experience in behavioral experiments or fMRI brain imaging would be a bonus. Applicants should be committed to applying rigorous, quantitative tools to modeling cognitive and neural processes, as well as carrying out human behavioral experiments and/or collaborating with other human or animal resesarch laboratories.

  • Engineers and postdocs positions in robotics and machine learning at Inria (France). 13/09/2013.

The Flowers Team at Inria and Ensta ParisTech (France) is seeking for highly motivated and talented engineers and postdocs interested in the following topics:

* Machine Learning for Robotics

* Human-Robot Collaboration and Interfaces

* Motor control and skill learning

* Personal robotics

* Lifelong robot learning in the context of assistive robotics

The Flowers team is a highly stimulating research environment which has been developing cutting edge research in autonomous robot learning and development, artificial curiosity, imitation learning of motor skills, human-robot adaptive interaction and robot language acquisition.

Web: http://flowers.inria.fr

We have currently multiple engineer and postdoc positions funded by several EU-FP7-ICT “Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics” projects:

* 3 year post-doc

The candidate must have strong skills in mathematics, machine learning and control theory, and record of publications in relevant conferences (e.g. IROS, ICRA, RSS, NIPS) and journals (e.g. TRO, RAS, TAMD, IJRR, JMLR). Experience on active learning and reinforcement learning will be appreciated.

* 3 year expert engineer in robotics

Must have experience in robotics and be capable to conduct complex robotic experiments in an international collaborative project. Programming proficiency in C/C++ and Python. Expertise with real robot systems and the ROS system will be appreciated.

* 3 year expert engineer in human-machine interface

Must have experience in developing human-machine interfaces for augmented reality and interaction with virtual worlds. Programming proficiency in C/C++ and Python.

The candidates will be involved in a european research project on human-robot collaboration, co-working and adaptive interaction. This will also involve close collaborations with several international laboratories, including the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab (IAS) at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt), the Machine Learning & Robotics Lab (Univ. Stuttgart), and the Intelligent Systems group at the University of Innsbruck (Austria).

To apply send a letter including:

* detailed CV

* course transcripts

* motivation letter

* internship reports

Application should be sent by email to Manuel Lopes: manuel.lopes@inria.fr


Flowers Team:


About Inria:


Inria is a major research institution at the international level in applied mathematics and computer sciences. Inriaís 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. The institute is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and communication science and technology (ICST) but also plays a major role in technology transfer by fostering training through research, disseminating scientific and technical information, and participating in international programs. Inria develops many partnerships with industry and fosters technology transfer and company foundation in the field of ICST - some ninety companies have been founded with the support of Inria Transfer, a subsidiary of Inria, specialized in guiding, evaluating, qualifying, and financing innovative high-tech IT start-up companies. Inria is involved in standardization committees such as the IETF, ISO and the W3C of which Inria was the European host from 1995 to 2002. Throughout its eight research centres located, Inria has a workforce of 3800 (2,800 of whom are scientists from Inria or from Inriaís partner organisations such as CNRS (the French National Centre for Scientific Research), universities and leading engineering schools). The researchers at Inria published over 4,800 articles in 2010. They are behind over 270 active patents and 105 start-ups. In 2010, Inria's budget came to 252.5 million euros, 26% of which represented its own resources. They work in 173 project-teams. Many Inria researchers are also professors who supervise around 1000 doctoral students, their theses work contributing to Inria research projects.

Inria maintains important international relations and exchanges. In Europe, Inria is a member of ERCIM, which brings together research institutes from 19 European countries. Inria is a partner in about 120 FP6 actions and 128 FP7 actions, with 71 proposals in the ICST field.

  • Four Postdoc or PhD positions in neural networks for statistical machine translation at LIUM, University of Le Mans (France). 12/09/2013.

During the last years, there have been several breakthroughs in the use of neural networks for natural language processing, in particular deep learning.

The computer science laboratory of the University of Le Mans (LIUM) is working since many years on statistical machine translation (SMT), and we were among the first researchers to successfully use neural networks, namely continuous space language and translation models.

We want to substantially increase our research efforts in this area, hoping to achieve a significant advances in SMT. Our goal is to build state-of-the-art large scale SMT systems using neural networks.

In this major research effort, we have openings for four postdoc students. Excellent PhD students will be also considered. The candidates are expected to have a very good knowledge of neural networks (feed-forward, recurrent NN, deep learning, etc). Knowledge in statistical machine translation is a plus, but not a necessary condition. Experience with efficient implementations of neural networks on GPU cards is highly appreciated.

The positions are immediately available. Initial appointment is for one year, renewable for up to three years. Competitive salaries are available, including health care and other social benefits, travel support, etc. The working language is English or French.

LIUM is participating in several international projects, financed by the European Commission, DARPA and the French government. We collaborate with leading research groups in USA and Europe.

A large computer cluster is available to support the research (700 CPU cores with a total of 7 TBytes of memory and more than 130 TBytes of RAID disk space). We also own a cluster with 16 Tesla K20 GPU cards, connected by a fast Infiniband network.

Le Mans is located in between Paris and the Atlantic ocean. Both can be reached in about 1 hour by high speed train. The Loire valley with many wineries and other attractions is just a short drive away ...

Applications should include an CV, a list of publications and the name of two references. We will invite interesting candidates for further discussions.

For more information, please contact Holger Schwenk by email:

  • Postdoctoral position: modeling of sleep rhythms and memory consolidation at the University of California, Riverside (USA). 11/09/2013.

Applications are invited for post-doctoral positions in the laboratory of Dr. Maxim Bazhenov at the University of California, Riverside to study role of sleep rhythms in memory and learning. This project involves close collaboration with laboratories of Eric Halgren (UCSD), Terry Sejnowski (Salk), Sydney Cash (Harvard), Jean-Marc Fellous (Univ of Arizona). The ultimate goal of this work is to understand how the interaction among brain areas during different stages of sleep leads to consolidation of memory for recent learning.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the design of the anatomically realistic thalamo-cortico-hippocampal models based on existing experimental data. These models will be used to understand network dynamics of brain that are involved in the processes of memory consolidation, as well as guide data analysis and produce novel experimental predictions. Qualified applicants are expected to have experience in computational/theoretical neuroscience and conductance-based neural modeling. Programming experience with C/C++ is required. Knowledge of PYTHON or MATLAB is a plus.

The University of California offers excellent benefits. Salary is based on research experience. The initial appointment is for 1 year with a possibility of extension. Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and the names of three references to Maxim Bazhenov at --LOGIN--198c540bf7420f933060b73bfcff6578ucr[dot]edu

  • PhD studentships: Computation in Brain and Mind at Brown Institute for Brain Science, Brown University (USA). 09/09/2013.

Announcing a new multidisciplinary initiative for Computation in Brain and Mind at Brown University, within the Brown Institute for Brain Science. PhD students are encouraged to apply to any of the departments affiliated with the initiative, including Neuroscience, Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and others. The initiative includes a seminar series focused on computation with distinguished lecturers, yearly technical workshops and symposia, and a yearly neural decoding competition. The initiative will also have close links to parallel initiatives at Brown in Human-Robot Interaction, Digital Society (big data), and access to a high performance compute cluster with dedicated cycles for Brain Science.

Brown neuroscientists and cognitive scientists rely on computational tools for two core purposes: (i) to develop and refine theories about the fundamental computations of mind and brain, used to guide and interpret experiments; (ii) to develop sophisticated statistical analysis tools for decoding neural data and predicting, for example, spike trains in a given neuronal population based on their spike history and to leverage this predictability for applications such as brain-machine interfaces. Other applications include the use of computational tools to automate the monitoring and analysis of behavioral neuroscience data.

Brown has particular expertise in computational approaches to higher order brain function, from perception to cognition, spaning departments of Neuroscience, Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Neurosurgery, Biostatistics, and Engineering. Most of these faculties cross theory and experiment, but primary foci are listed here:

Core level i

* Computational perception: Theories about how the brain integrates sensory information to give rise to percepts, constrained by biophysics and computational objectives.

* Control over action: reinforcement learning, decision making, and cognitive control; application to mental illnesses.

* Fundamental questions in neural computation: synaptic plasticity, circuits, networks.

Core level ii

* Neurotechnology: brain-machine interface, advanced neural data analysis.

* Automated collection of neuroscience data, e.g. via computer vision and annotation.

* These core areas are supported by boundary-pushing development of technical and analytic methods in Computer Science an Applied Mathematics.

Core faculty whose research and teaching focus centers around computation in brain and mind include:

* James Anderson
* Joseph Austerweil
* Leon Cooper
* Michael Frank
* Stuart Geman
* Matthew Harrison
* James Hays
* Sorin Istrail
* Stephanie Jones
* Benjamin Kimia
* Michael Littman
* Xi Rossi Luo
* Thomas Serre
* Erik Sudderth
* Wilson Truccolo

In addition there are many affiliated faculty who rely on computation in various aspects of their research. See http://compneuro.clps.brown.edu/people/ for a full list.

For more information:

  • Postdoctoral fellowships in computational psychiatry and/or translational neuroscience at the School of Medicine, Uiversity of Lisbon (Portugal). 07/09/2013.

I am looking for postdoctoral fellows to conduct research in my lab at the School of Medicine of the Uiversity of Lisbon (Portugal). There may also be opportunities to spend time at the Department of Psychiatry of Columbia University (USA), where I also have a faculty appointment.

Research in my lab focuses on using neurocomputational models, fMRI, and behavioral experimentation to understand the neural bases of cognition and emotion and the disruption of these processes in psychiatric disorders.
Additional information, including a list of publications, is available on my web page:


An overview of aspects of the lab's approach is given in Maia & Frank (2011, Nature Neuroscience). However, the lab also focuses on several other issues not addressed in that article, so looking at the list of publications on my web page gives a more complete picture of the topics we study.

Talented candidates from any background will be considered, but preference will be given to candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: computational neuroscience, fMRI, and/or behavioral experimentation.
Interested candidates will have opportunities to combine techniques from these three areas. However, candidates interested in only one of these areas are also welcome to apply.

There are two funding opportunities:

1. Funding is available immediately for a postdoctoral fellow to work on a project that uses computational models, fMRI, and behavioral experimentation to understand reinforcement learning in Tourette Syndrome. The postdoctoral fellow would also have the opportunity to work on other projects. Initial funding is for one year, but there may be opportunities to extend that period, depending on availability of funds.

2. The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is now accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships. I would be happy to sponsor the application of strong postdoctoral candidates to pursue research in my lab, in a topic of mutual interest. These fellowships can last up to six years. The nearest deadline for applications for the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is September 19, 2013. The application involves specifying the research to be conducted, so candidates interested in applying for this deadline should contact me as soon as possible. Successful applicants could start their fellowship any time during 2014 (but must have finished their Ph.D. by the end of 2013).

Candidates should send a CV and a letter describing their research interests to MaiaT@nyspi.columbia.edu. Reference letters are optional at this stage (but I will probably ask for contact information for two recommenders for candidates who make the shortlist for selection).

  • Associate Research Fellow position in mathematical modelling and analysis of human social interactions at the University of Exeter (UK). 04/09/2013.

Associate Research Fellow position available immediately for 25 months.

Based in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter, you will undertake research into mathematical modelling and analysis of human social interactions. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a joint venture between movement scientists from Montpellier 1 University in France, computer science experts from the DFKI centre (Germany), mathematicians from the University of Exeter and Bristol (UK), roboticists from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH), as well as clinicians, psychologists and psychiatrists from the Academic Hospital of Montpellier (CHRU, FR). This position is funded by European Union FP7 research project AlterEgo: Enhancing social interactions using information technology. The objective of AlterEgo is the creation of an interactive cognitive architecture (ICA), implementable in various artificial agents, allowing a continuous interaction with socially deficient humans. The final aim of the proposal is to produce a new robotic-based clinical method able to enhance social interaction of patients suffering from social disorders.

You will have an excellent background in mathematics, physics and/or engineering, and should be committed to applying their research to make real artificial agents systems interacting with people in challenging circumstances. You are expected to produce reliable mathematical models and numerical algorithms that i) allow real-time adaptation of the coupled human-artificial agent dynamics and ii) integrate all parts of the interactive cognitive architecture together. The successful applicant will be able to present information on research progress and outcomes, communicate complex information, orally, in writing and electronically and prepare proposals and applications to external bodies.

Applicants will possess a relevant PhD and be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in the discipline and of research methods and techniques to work within established research programmes, including mathematical modelling and numerical bifurcation analysis.

The closing date for applications is 20 September 2013.

The salary range is £24,766 up to £26,476 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience.


Please send your completed application and equal opportunities form along with your CV, covering letter and the details of three referees, to Dr Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, email: K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@exeter.ac.uk, tel: 01392 723615 quoting the reference number P45548 in any correspondence.

To download the application and equal opportunities form please follow the below links:



  • Postdoctoral positions in Computer Science, Helsinki (Finland). 03/09/2013.

[Includes neuroinformatics / machine learning for neuroscience. -Sami]


Application deadline Sept 30, 2013, 3:00 p.m. EEST

Topics include: Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Human-Computer Interaction, Information retrieval, Logic, Machine Learning, Networks, Statistical Data Analysis, etc. http://www.hiit.fi/postdoc-call-2013

Jobs are available at:
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto Univ and Univ Helsinki;
Dept Computer Science, Univ Helsinki;
Dept Information and Computer Science, Aalto Univ;
Dept Computer Science and Engineering, Aalto Univ;
Dept Mathematics and Statistics, Univ Helsinki.

Why Helsinki? The collaborating Aalto University and University of Helsinki form a leading hub of computer science and modelling. Helsinki region is a safe, pleasant and attractive place to live in, with well-functioning services such as public transport etc. Finland has a comprehensive social security and health care system, including exceptionally good parental leaves, and children's day care services.

Positions are offered in:

Algorithm engineering (String Algorithms group)
Algorithmic bioinformatics (Genome-Scale Algorithmics group)
Automated reasoning and search, especially propositional logic (Computational Logic group)
Computational astrophysics and/or data analysis (Computational Methods and Data Analysis for Astrophysics group)
Computational biology and statistical methods in bioinformatics (Computational Systems Biology group)
Computational creativity and data mining (Discovery group)
Dynamic and large-scale networked systems (Data Communications Software group)
Intelligent multimodal information access (Content-Based Image and Information Retrieval Group)
Machine learning and neuroscience (Statistical Machine Learning group)
Machine learning for structured data (Kernel Machines, Pattern Analysis and Computational Biology group)
Machine learning methods for infectious disease epidemiology (Bayesian Statistics Group)
Probabilistic modeling and machine learning (Complex Systems Computation group)
Statistical machine learning (Statistical Machine Learning group)
Analysing ubiquitous sensor data (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Interactive visualization (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Affective computing and BCI (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Intelligent user interfaces and/or recommender systems (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Information retrieval (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Machine learning and data analysis, especially information retrieval, HCI, text and context data (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Probabilistic modeling and data analysis for bioinformatics (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)

  • Oferta de Beca-contrato predoctoral (FPI) para ICCP, Informático, Estadístico o Matemático, Universidad de Granada (Spain). 02/09/2013.

Oferta de Beca-contrato predoctoral asociada a Proyecto de Investigación del Plan Nacional (Referencia Proyecto TRA2012-37823)

Departamento: Ingeniería Civil

Organismo: Universidad de Granada

Responsable: Prof. Juan de Oña López

Duración: 4 años


El desafío que afronta esta investigación será el análisis objetivo y subjetivo de diferentes medidas enfocadas a la mejora de la seguridad vial, así como a la calidad del servicio. Se diseñarán y realizarán encuestas de preferencias reveladas y experimentos de preferencias declaradas, así como se recogerán datos objetivos in situ del área bajo estudio. Tras el pertinente tratamiento de datos, se utilizaran diferentes modelos de regresión y de elección discreta (modelo de regresión múltiple, modelo logit, modelo probit, etc) que nos permitan cuantificar los efectos de las diferentes variables analizadas. Así mismo se emplearán modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para analizar de forma conjunta el fenómeno bajo estudio, utilizando variables latentes (que no pueden ser medidas de forma directa) y variables objetivas (con datos recogidos in situ).

De una forma más concreta, los objetivos particulares que se persiguen son los siguientes: 1) Indagar en el diseño de encuestas de preferencias reveladas y experimentos de preferencias declaradas 2) Recolección de datos y tratamiento de los mismos 3) Calibración de modelos 4) Determinación de los efectos de las diferentes variables consideradas.

El trabajo se realizará dentro del Grupo de Investigación TEP246 “TRYSE-Transporte y Seguridad”, del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Área de Ingeniería e Infraestructuras de los Transportes.


El candidato deberá ser Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Ingeniero Informático, Licenciado en Estadística o Licenciado en Matemáticas. Nota media mínima de expediente: 1.5. Certificado B1 de inglés (o equivalente) o superior (B2, C1, Toefl, etc). Se valorará positivamente la experiencia en investigación (participación en proyectos de investigación, becas de iniciación, publicaciones, etc.) y se valorará que el candidato tenga conocimientos informáticos de Excell, SPSS, Stata, Mathematica, ArcGis, etc.

Aquellas personas interesadas deberán enviar un E-mail, que incluya copia del expediente académico, curriculum vitae y una breve carta de motivación al Prof. Juan de Oña López (jdona@ugr.es).


Las solicitudes de participación serán presentadas por los candidatos que cumplan los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 21 de Resolución de convocatoria y deberán cumplimentarse a través de la aplicación telemática habilitada al efecto, sin perjuicio de que aquellas personas que no opten por el sistema de firma electrónica deban imprimir la solicitud generada por la aplicación y enviarla firmada a través de un registro válido.

El plazo para la presentación de las solicitudes será de 26 de agosto de 2013 al 10 de septiembre de 2013 a las 15:00 horas.

Toda la información para la solicitud de la beca se encuentra disponible en:



Convocatoria oficial publicada en el BOE con fecha 14 de agosto de 2013: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/08/14/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-8984.pdf

  • Fully funded PhD position in Machine Learning (Structured prediction) for fMRI analysis at INRIA and Ecole Centrale Paris (France). 01/09/2013.

Fully funded PhD position in Machine Learning (Structured prediction) for fMRI analysis in our team Institute: INRIA and Ecole Centrale Paris. Founding member of the University of Paris Saclay.

Collaboration with Neurospin http://www-centre-saclay.cea.fr/fr/NeuroSpin

Location: Chatenay-Malabry, Paris region (25 minutes to city center by public transport)

Eligibility Criteria: Masters + very good maths background + awesome programming skills and at least one good publication

If interested or any query: email matthew.blaschko@inria.fr with a CV and statement of purpose

Matthew Blaschko

  • Faculty Position in computational approaches to cognitive and/or affective neuroscience at University of Colorado Boulder (USA). 31/08/2013.

The Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado Boulder invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in computational approaches to cognitive and/or affective neuroscience at the assistant or associate professor level with a starting date of Spring 2014 or Fall 2014. The Institute is a multidisciplinary unit with representation from the departments of Psychology & Neuroscience,Computer Science, Education, Philosophy, Linguistics, Architecture & Planning, and Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences.

We seek applicants with a strong research program in human computational neuroscience and neuroimaging that interfaces with one or more of the main research themes of the Institute: Higher Level Cognition; Language Processing; Training and Education (seeics.colorado.edu).
The following attributes will be prioritized, and the strongest applicants will show all three: 1) research incorporating human neuroimaging, 2) the use of state-of-the-art computational approaches to address issues in cognitive science, 3) a strong capacity for and commitment to interdisciplinary research. The ideal candidate will be able to teach courses both in his or her speciality as well as courses in Cognitive Science more generally. Successful applicants will join the faculty of both the Institute for Cognitive Science and the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, and are expected to be able to fulfill teaching and research requirements for tenure in Psychology and Neuroscience.

Responsibilities include research, research supervision, service, and graduate and undergraduate teaching.

For fullest consideration, please apply by September 30, 2013. Applications will continue to be accepted after this date until the position is filled.

Applications (consisting of resume/vitae, cover letter, three letters of recommendation, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of research philosophy and minimum of one publication) are not complete until all letters of recommendation are attached to the posting.

To apply, please see Jobs@CU Posting #F00710
Quick Link:

Email inquiries may be sent to Donna.Caccamise@colorado.edu.

  • 148 Open research positions in computing systems in Europe. 30/08/2013.

Looking for a good research job in computing in Europe?
There are currently 148 open positions at http://jobs.hipeac.net


- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Intel Labs Braunschweig (IBW), Braunschweig (Germany)
- Recore Systems, Enschede (Netherlands)


- University of Siena, Siena (Italy)
- Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast (United Kingdom)
- University of Paderborn, Paderborn (Germany)
- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Codeplay, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- University of Bristol, Bristol (United Kingdom)
See more..


- Trinity College Dublin, Dublin (Ireland)
- Uppsala University, Uppsala (Sweden)
- Uppsala University, Uppsala (Sweden)
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
- Technical University Berlin, Berlin (Germany)


- VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- Vector Fabrics B.V., Eindhoven (Netherlands)
- Ericsson AB, Lund (Sweden)
- Recore Systems, Enschede (Netherlands)
- Uppsala University, Uppsala (Sweden)
- ALSE: Advanced Logic Synthesis for Electronics, Paris (France)
- OpenSynergy, Berlin (Germany)
- OpenSynergy, Berlin (Germany)
- OpenSynergy, Berlin (Germany)
- OpenSynergy, Berlin (Germany)
See more..
  • 1+1 Ph.D. grants in Computer Architecture at the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Science, University of Siena (Italy). 29/08/2013.

We are pleased to announce the availability of a full-time position for 1 Ph.D. grant (+ possibility of one other grant funded through external sources) at the UNIVERSITY OF SIENA, ITALY in the scope of the European Project TERAFLUX, on COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE topics.

These open positions represent a great opportunity to develop an expertise in performance evaluation of parallel computers, embedded systems and multi-core architectures. The gradudation period is tipically 3 years and the program will start tentatively on November 1st 2013.

The application is very welcome to both ITALIANS and NON-ITALIANS candidates that hold a Master degree or equivalent or that will get it by October 31st 2013.

Siena is a small medieval city (50k people) surrounded by the fantastic country-side of Tuscany, only 60km from the larger industrial area of Florence. The DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE, born in 1996 and including now more than 80 Faculty members and 70 PhD students and Post-docs, is one of the most active Departments in Siena. Our University ranks among the TOP 500 Universities in the World and it's ranked FIRST in Italy in yearly evaluation from top newspapers.

DEADLINE: 19 September 2013.

RESEARCH-LINE: COMPUTER ARCHITECURE with the following subtopics:
- Multi-core and Many-core architectures
- Simulation Technologies
- Virtualization
- Acceleration of future applications (with emphasis on Bio-Informatics)

CONTEXT: Our Research is in contact with other leading European Universities and Companies: http://teraflux.eu - TERAFLUX is a FET (Future Emerging Technologies) Integrated Project with a 8.1 MEuro cost. We are very open to industrial contacts worldwide. We are very glad to foster International cooperation for the sake of reaching excellence. The PhD studies will be supported beyond the duration of this project.

SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES: We are looking at future systems with 1 TERA (10^12) devices in a single chip (or 3D-stacked multi-die “chip”). We aim to solve all these 3 challenges: programmability+architecture+reliability. While it is quite normal to target 1 or 2 of these 3 challenges in current research, we have the ambition to solve all the 3 challenges with a disruptive approach based on dataflow concepts. In particular, in Siena we are developing architectural concepts and tools to simulate this new architecture (largely based on the well established HP-Labs COTSon Full-System simulator http://cotson.sf.net). Moreover, we are investigating acceleration of Bio-Informatics and other future Big-Data applications on this platform including also the MAXELER (http://www.maxeler.com) dataflow accelerators. We believe that these are among the most important challenges in Computer Architecture nowadays.

The Ph.D. School of Information Engineering and Mathematical Science of the University of Siena has been recently enlarged to encompass both Engineering and Mathematical Science. It is aiming at educating scholars in a number of fields of research in the Information Engineering and Science. It is part of the Santa Chiara High School (http://www.unisi.it/santachiara/) of the University of Siena.

Scientific questions regarding this position may be sent by email to Prof. Roberto Giorgi (giorgi@dii.unisi.it).
For administrative questions: please contact Dr. Emanuela Abbate (abbate@dii.unisi.it) or our Ph.D. Office (dottorato@unisi.it)

HOW TO APPLY (please note the close application deadline 19/09/2013):
1) Agree with the advisor (prof. Roberto Giorgi) on a specific research project to be submitted
2) Follow the application guidelines:



More information about us:
- We are part of the HiPEAC Network of Excellence (www.hipeac.net) and coordinating the TERAFLUX project (www.teraflux.eu)
- Department of Information Engineering (www.dii.unisi.it)
- Our Faculty ranks the highest score in Italy for Industrial and Information Engineering (Independent Valuation from the Ministry of University and Research - CIVR 2006).
- In annual evaluation made from CENSIS, University of Siena ranks the first among small-medium size universities (see http://www.unisi.it/dl2/20090618121815264/r2-170609_noadv.pdf, in italian)
- Student Services (http://www.unisi.it/v0/pagina_en.htm?fld=2812)

  • PhD position in Closed-loop technologies for neuroscience research at the Biological Neurocomputation Group, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). 29/08/2013.

A four year doctoral position is available at the Biological Neurocomputation Group, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. This position is related to the project “Stimulus-response closed-loops for multiscale and bidirectional interaction with the nervous system” (MINECO TIN2012-30883). The research will focus on assessing information processing in neural transient dynamics with closed-loop technologies. See references below.

The PhD position is funded by Spanish MINECO. Applicants should hold a Master's degree at the time of the formalization of the contract in one of the following (or related) disciplines: computer science, physics, biology, engineering (graduation date not earlier than January 1st 2010).

Prior experience in the fields of electrophysiological recordings, EEG, neuroimaging, or computational neuroscience will be valuable. Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research is required.

Interested candidates, please send CV to Dr Pablo Varona:

Deadline for applications: September 9th, 2013.

Related references:

· P. Chamorro, C. Muñiz, R. Levi, D. Arroyo. F.B. Rodriguez, P. Varona. 2012. Generalization of the dynamic clamp concept in neurophysiology and behavior. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40887.
· R. Latorre, R. Levi, P. Varona. 2013. Transformation of Context-dependent Sensory Dynamics into Motor Behavior. PLoS Computational Biology 9(2): e1002908.
· J. Fernandez-Vargas, H.U. Pfaff, F.B. Rodriguez, P. Varona. 2013. Assisted closed-loop optimization of SSVEP-BCI efficiency. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7: 27.
· D. Arroyo, P. Chamorro, J.M. Amigó, F.B. Rodríguez, P. Varona. 2013. Event detection, multimodality and non-stationarity: Ordinal patterns, a tool to rule them all? The European Physical Journal Special Topics 222(2): 457-472.


  • Postdoc and PhD position in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Bern (Switzerland). 29/08/2013.

There is an opening for a 3-year postdoc position and a PhD position in computational neuroscience in the Senn lab at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

The positions are part of a collaborative project with the Herzog and Gerstner labs at EPFL on “Learning from delayed and sparse feedback”, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNFS). We aim at understanding how perceptual learning and decision making may jointly improve based on a delayed feedback. Our group studies the combination of unsupervised and reinforcement learning in cortical networks of spiking neurons. We are interested in biologically realistic reinforcement learning algorithms that are both amenable to a theoretical understanding and consistent with data on human learning recorded in the Herzog lab. The work extends previous models of reinforcement learning and decision making in populations of spiking neurons in our lab (see http://www.physio.unibe.ch/~senn/neuroscience.aspx)

Ideal candidates for the PhD position have a Master in Theoretical Physics or a related area, and for the postdoc position a PhD in Computational Neuroscience with a strong theoretical background. Send your CV with scientific record and a statement of research interests (maximally 1 page), and arrange for 2 letters of recommendations to be sent to senn@pyl.unibe.ch.

Please apply before September 15th, 2013, although later applications may still be considered.

We offer a dynamic working environment at the Department of Physiology, close interactions with the in-house experimental labs and the partners at EPFL, an exciting surrounding close to the Alps and close to Bern’s old city as UNESCO World Heritage, and last not least, Swiss salaries according to the SNFS guidelines.

  • Open positions in the CITEC centre of excellence at Bielefeld University (Germany). 29/08/2013.

The CITEC centre of excellence at Bielefeld University, one of the leading institutes as concerns interactive intelligent systems, is offering up to 16 open positions for PhD candidates or postdocs in the frame of its graduate school. Applications should be submitted until October, 15th. Please see the site
https://www.cit-ec.de/GraduateSchool/Call2013 for the call and the site
https://www.cit-ec.de/GraduateSchool/Application2013 for the submission of applications.

  • Lecturer and research Position (Akademische/r Assistent/in) in Neuro-Robotics at Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany). 29/08/2013.

The position is available at Chemnitz University of Technology in the Department of Computer Science within the Professorship of Artificial Intelligence. It requires teaching and research. Teaching is required about 4 hours per week within the semester and involves lectures and exercises in robotics and neuro-robotics as well as exercises in artificial intelligence.

The candidate is expected to contribute to research in neuro-robotics, e.g. to develop brain inspired models of motor or cognitive processes run on robotic platforms. He or she should have a PhD in computer science or related fields, e.g. electrical engineering. Prior experience in robotics or neuro-computational modeling is advantageous. Good English language skills are necessary. Good German is initially not required, but the candidate should have an interest to learn the German language.

We offer a stimulating international and interdisciplinary environment. Available and recently ordered robotic platforms include an iCub head, two Nao, a Koala with stereo pan-tilt vision and several K-Junior V2 robots.

The salary is according to German standards (E 13 TV-L or A 13). The position is initially for 4 years, but can be extended. The starting date is April 2014 or earlier.

Chemnitz is the third-largest city of the state of Saxony and close to scenic mountains. Major cities nearby are Leipzig and Dresden with a rich tradition of music and culture.

Further details (in german) can be found here:

Applications should be sent by email (preferably in PDF format) to (fred.hamker@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de) until 30.09.2013. In addition to a CV the candidate should provide an overview of his planned research for the next 4 years. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

  • Open position: Coordinator Software Technology at the Juelich Research Center (Germany). 27/08/2013.

The Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM) at the Juelich Research Center in Germany investigates the structure and function of the brain. The department INM-6 consists of 3 groups that conduct research in the field of computational and systems neuroscience. The group of Statistical Neuroscience headed by Prof. Sonja Grün aims to develop computational methods to analyze the joint activity of neuronal networks monitored by electrophysiological multi-channel recordings, and to apply these methods to data in the framework of international collaborations.

The group is hiring a

Coordinator Software Technology (m/f)

to strengthen its international and interdisciplinary team.

Your tasks: Coordination of the development of analysis tools, and making that software available via technology platforms. Implementation of statistical analysis tools for neuronal data processing. Establishment of professional workflows within the group and with experimental partners. Responsibility for documentation. Internet presentation of the software. Integration of installation routines for workstations and high performance computing clusters. Organization of storage and transfer of large data. You will represent the technology at scientific conferences, during educational courses, to the public, and within the framework of the Human Brain Project.

Your profile: University degree in mathematics or natural sciences; you are convincing with your confident attitude as well as good communication skills, and are a team worker in an international and interdisciplinary environment; very good expertise in the programming languages Python, Matlab, and C/C++, and in the standard Linux tools for creating, distributing, and evolving software; experience in conceptualizing and programming scientific analysis methods; experience in creating documentation and course material; experience in creating parallel and distributed programs; solid knowledge of versioning and bug tracking systems; integration in the international Computational Neuroscience community; experience in web development, in particular WIKI technologies; fluent in spoken and written English.

We offer: a position in a creative and international team that conducts research at the frontiers of science, themes ranging from computational neuroscience to simulation technology. The Jülich Research Center is one of the largest research centers in Europe, with excellent scientific equipment including the fastest supercomputer in Europe, is located on a green campus, and near the cultural centers Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Aachen/Aix-La-Chapelle.

Applications, including a motivation letter, CV, and publication list, should be sent to:

Prof. Dr. Sonja Grün

Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6)

and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6)

Jülich Research Centre and JARA

52425 Jülich, Germany



  • PhD position in Bioinformatics, machine learning and modelling of Epigenetic mechanisms at the University of Cambridge (UK). 26/08/2013.

Description: 3 year doctoral position available from 1 October 2013 in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cambridge.

It involves Bioinformatics, machine learning and modelling of Epigenetic mechanisms early in life and developmentally relevant metabolic signalling, which create biological variation and have a long term effect on the health of individuals across the lifespan.

The position is funded by the EU Marie Curie EpiHealthnet. The candidate will collaborate with Epihealthnet members/labs in several European countries who will provide knowledge and high quality data on different model diseases.

Good knowledge in Computer Science AND/OR Mathematics AND/OR Bioinformatics and good programming skills (R, C/C++, Java) are important.

Marie Curie funding is intended to promote mobility of early career researchers within the research community; candidates are only eligible for this post if they have not been resident within the UK for more than 12 months within the 3 years prior to 1 October 2013.

Please send enquiry and CV to Dr Pietro Lio', email: pl219@cam.ac.uk

  • Open Position: Postdoc/Developer in Neuroinformatics at LMU Munich (Germany). 23/08/2013.

At the German INCF Node (G-Node), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, a full-time position is available to join the G-Node team in developing neuroinformatics solutions for data management in neurophysiology.
The amount, variety and complexity of data in this field brings the challenge of large-scale data access, consistent storage and efficient data analysis. G-Node is interacting closely with research labs to address these challenges with state of the art neuroinformatics methods. Current developments include a data sharing platform with an API for unified data access and client tools for integration with the scientist's data analysis environment (www.g-node.org/tools-and-services). G-Node is part of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience (nncn.de), is collaborating with the INCF Secretariat (incf.org) and other INCF National Nodes, and is involved in teaching and training activities.

The position involves working in a small team of developers within a lively neuroscience environment, with ample opportunities for bridging between neuroscience research and neuroinformatics. Tasks will include contributing to the development and enhancement of G-Node tools and services, working closely with neuroscience laboratories that use, or plan to use, neuroinformatics solutions, to identify needs, problems, and solutions, incorporating the acquired knowledge for architectural design decisions, software development and improvements, and interacting with all G-Node partners.

Candidates should have excellent programming skills, preferably in Python, C/C++, and/or Java, knowledge about relational databases, the ability to work in a team, and a strong interest in the development of novel open-source solutions for neuroscience. Experience in further fields of relevance, such as web development (Javascript, HTML/CSS, web frameworks), semantic web technologies, scientific software and analysis, experimental or computational neuroscience, would be beneficial.

The position is available immediately, salary level is according to German payscale TV-L, duration is two years with possibility of renewal.
Applications should include CV, statement of experience and motivation, and names of referees. Informal inquiries prior to application are welcome.
Applications should be submitted by September 30, 2013, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply, please send your application as pdf by email to wachtler@bio.lmu.de.

  • BCI postdoc position at Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Northeastern University (USA). 20/08/2013.

Cognitive Systems Laboratory at Northeastern University has a postdoctoral position opening.

Please see the official position announcement on our HR website for details:


  • PhD position in computational modelling at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (Germany). 19/08/2013.

The Collaborative Research Center 1052 “Obesity mechanisms” at the Leipzig University Hospital is offering a PhD studentship in computational modelling under the supervision of Dr Jane Neumann and Dr Annette Horstmann. The project investigates decision-making and feedback-related processes in humans by combining computational modelling with functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and behavioral assessment.

The PhD position will be based at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in the beautiful city of Leipzig. Both Leipzig‘s long tradition in conducting neuroscientific research and the ultra-modern equipment at the Institute provide an environment that offers new perspectives in neuroimaging research.

Applicants should hold a Master's degree in one of the following disciplines: computational or cognitive neuroscience, computer science, mathematics, physics, cognitive science or related. Prior experience in the field of computational neuroscience and/or neuroimaging are of advantage. Sound knowledge of statistics and excellent programming skills are essential. A good command of written and spoken English is requested of all applicants.

Please send your application as a single pdf-file to neumann@cbs.mpg.de referring to “SFB 1052, modelling”. Complete applications include cover letter, CV, letter(s) of recommendation, and copies of university degrees and additional certificates.

Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Jane Neumann (neumann@cbs.mpg.de) (+49 (0) 341 99 40 26 21).

The salary is based on the German E 13 TV-L salary scale. In order to increase the proportion of female staff members, applications from female scientists are particularly encouraged. Disabled applicants are preferred if qualification is equal.

Deadline for application: until position is filled

  • Marie Curie Early Career Research Fellowships (PhD): 14 positions at Cognition Institute, Plymouth University (UK). 18/08/2013.

Marie Curie Early Career Research Fellowships (PhD): 14 positions

Cognition Institute | Plymouth University

Fixed term 36 months, starting 1st April 2014

The CogNovo project is offering fourteen early career research fellowships.

CogNovo is an Innovative Doctoral Programme funded by the EU Marie Curie initiative and Plymouth University to foster research in the emerging field of Cognitive Innovation. CogNovo offers transdisciplinary research training that combines scientific studies of the neural correlates and mechanisms of creativity, with investigations into the role of creativity in human cognition, and their application in sustainable technological and social innovation.

Selected candidates will be registered for a comprehensive PhD programme that includes specialised research on specific topics, as well as training workshops covering experimental methods, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, humanities and human values, experimental psychology, creative arts, cognitive robotics and entrepreneurship. CogNovo also offers secondment opportunities to academic and commercial partners across the world.

Candidates should apply for specific projects, indicating their top 3 choices.

For further details of CogNovo and the research projects available, please see: www.cognovo.eu. Application forms are available for download from the website.

Eligibility: Marie Curie funding is intended to promote mobility of early career researchers within the research community; candidates are only eligible for these posts if they have not been resident within the UK for more than 12 months within the 3 years prior to 1 April 2104.

An excellent 1st degree, good verbal and written communication skills in English, and an interest in multi-disciplinary research are essential. Specific educational prerequisites vary and are indicated in the project web-pages. More information on individual projects can be found on the CogNovo Projects Page.

Salary: from £35,000, including living and mobility allowance.

Applicants should send a completed application form along with a covering letter detailing their suitability for the studentship, C.V. and 2 academic references to Catherine Johnson, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Office, Room A425, Portland Square, Plymouth PL4 8AA or e-mail catherine.johnson@plymouth.ac.uk.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon, 30 November 2013

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview in January/February 2014. We regret that we may not be able to respond to all applications. Applicants who have not received an offer of a place by March 2014 should consider their application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

  • Open position for an Experienced Researcher in Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics, and Genetics at the Institute of Bioinformatics, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria). 16/08/2013.

Open position for an Experienced Researcher

In February 2013 the Institute of Bioinformatics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, joined a European Project (Marie-Curie ITN) - Mr.SymBioMath (www.mrsymbiomath.eu) which is focused on the problem domain of Comparative Genomics. The contribution of the Institute of Bioinformatics in the context of this project is concentrated in the area of Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, and Genomics. In order to support this project we are looking for an Experienced Researcher.

The Institute of Bioinformatics has a vacancy for an Experienced Researcher funded with full employee benefits for a period of 24 months. Applications will be accepted until Sep 09, 2013.

Your field of work will be:
Research in the domain of Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics, and Genetics

You should have experience in the following areas:
Machine learning, R, Latent variable models, I/NI calls, SNPs, and Genetic variants

Marie Curie FP7-People ITN benefits:

Marie Curie Fellows will enjoy benefits of full social security, health insurance, pension, parental leave etc. Competitive monthly living and mobility allowance, yearly travel allowance, a career exploratory allowance, and coverage of the expenses related to your participation in research and training activities (contribution to research-related costs, meetings, conference attendance, training actions, etc.).



The applicant will be required to satisfy the eligibility criteria for Marie Curie Experienced Researchers:

Experienced Researchers must, at the time of recruitment or be in possession of a doctoral degree, independently of the time taken to acquire it or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience, including the period of research training, after obtaining the degree which formally allowed them to embark on a doctorate in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country of the host institution to which they are seconded or recruited (irrespective of whether a doctorate was envisaged or not).

The researcher may not have resided or carried out his/her main activity in Austria for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her appointment. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

Please submit your application with resume/C.V., certificates, reports and letters of recommendation to:

or by post to:

Johannes Kepler University Linz
Institute of Bioinformatics
Prof. Dr. Sepp Hochreiter
Altenbergerstr. 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria

For further information please contact:

Sepp Hochreiter
Phone: +43 732 2468 4521
Email: hochreit@bioinf.jku.at

  • 4 year PhD Scholarship at the Sevilla Microelectronics Institute (Spain). 15/08/2013.

The Neuromorphic Group at the Sevilla Microelectronics Institute (IMSE-CNM-CSIC) has an opening for a 4-year PhD position, whose research is to be developed within the context of the following research project:


Research line: Microchips and FPGAs designs for Event-Driven Visual Sensing and Processing

Funding institution: Ministry of Economy and Competitivity of Spain

Research Environment: University of Sevilla – Sevilla Microelectronics Institute (IMSE-CNM-CSIC) (www.imse-cnm.csic.es)

Official call: available from http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/08/14/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-8984.pdf (in Spanish, please use Google to translate)

Applications: should be presented on-line between Aug. 26 and Sep 10, 2013, 3pm (Spain time). Candidates need to pre-register at https://sede.micinn.gob.es/rus/editarRegistroPrevioUsuario.mec

Preferred degrees: Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Physicists. Candidates should have finished a Master degree (or similar) NOT EARLIER than January 1st 2010.

Interested candidates please contact Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona (terese@imse-cnm.csic.es)


  • Contrato predoctoral en la Universidad de Málaga (Spain). 14/08/2013.

En la Universidad de Málaga ofrecen un contrato predoctoral asociado al proyecto del plan nacional TIN2012-37483-C03-01: Aplicaciones científicas con alta demanda computacional.

La convocatoria está abierta hasta el 10 de septiembre.

Cualquier interesado puede ponerse en contacto con Inmaculada García por correo electrónico: --LOGIN--00085a4c0bf9fe35e65a199ac89d333euma[dot]es .

  • Open positions for both postdocs and scientific programmers at The Neurosciences Institute, La Jolla, California (USA). 25/07/2013.

Position I: Postdoctoral Researcher
The Neurosciences Institute (http://www.nsi.edu) is seeking postdoctoral researchers in computational neuroscience. Successful candidates will work in a collaborative environment to create large scale spiking models of the mammalian nervous system. You will use simulations to explore how connectivity and physiology interact to produce observable neural activity and behavior. The overall goal is to understand the biological bases of perception, motor control, memory, cognition, and, ultimately, consciousness itself.

Candidates should have a background in computational neuroscience or in neuroscience, cognitive science, mathematics, or physics with previous network-level neural modeling experience and strong programming skills.

The Neurosciences Institute is an independent, not-for-profit scientific research organization led by Nobel laureate Gerald M. Edelman. It is located in the beautiful seaside village of La Jolla, a short drive away from other centers of neuroscience research, including the University of California San Diego and The Salk Institute.

Competitive salary levels are dependent upon relevant experience; a full benefit package is available. Send C.V. and cover letter by e-mail to theoryjobs@nsi.edu or by mail to Dr. W. E. Gall, The Neurosciences Institute, 800 Silverado St #302, La Jolla, California 92037. The Neurosciences Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Position II: Scientific Programmer
The Neurosciences Institute has an immediate need for full-time entry and mid-level computer scientists to support scientific research into the mechanisms of brain function. Job duties include developing and modifying software to numerically simulate neural activity, running computational experiments in collaboration with scientists, and analyzing large data sets.

Successful candidates will be team players familiar with C/C++ in a POSIX environment and with MATLAB. Experience with MPI and other forms of parallel computing, neural networks, cognitive science, computer vision and sensors, control systems, and robotics and is desirable.

The Institute, located in La Jolla, California, is an independent, not-for-profit organization that fosters a creative and collaborative research environment. For more information, see http://www.nsi.edu.

Competitive salary levels are dependent upon relevant experience; a full benefit package is available. Send resumes by email to theoryjobs@nsi.edu or by mail to Dr. W. E. Gall, The Neurosciences Institute, 800 Silverado St #302, La Jolla, CA 92037. The Neurosciences Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Open position: Scientific Programmer/Software Engineer Neurorobotics at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland). 17/07/2013.

The Blue Brain Project, led by Prof. Henry Markram, is looking for an experienced

Software Architect/Engineer (C++)

to strengthen its Neurorobotics team.

Please find the details at:


Specific responsibilities include :

* Develop design and specification for a distributed, performance optimized C++ middleware to connect various neural simulators with physics based robotics and environment simulations and visualizations
* Refactor large C++ parallel tools and libraries targeting multiple platforms.
* Direct collaboration with BBP scientific and software development teams as well as external collaborators

Essential skills and experience required :

* Expert knowledge in modern C++ software design/implementation
* Extensive experience using UNIX/Linux operating systems
* Experience in software development targeting multiple operating systems and architectures.
* Very good familiarity in software development life-cycle, such as versioning (git), debugging, workflows, testing, QA
* Demonstrable expertise in distributed and/or parallel computing - MPI especially
* Good team player and fluent English in speech and writing
* Willingness to travel

Preferred :

* Experience with real-time systems/robotics/simulation environments
* Game engine development experience
* Experience in Python, the scientific software stack (numpy, scipy, Š), and wrapping technologies (Boost.Python, Cython)

Profile :

* Bachelors or Masters degree in computer science, physics or equivalent
* Successful development track record making significant contributions to software projects
* Experience with software design and maintenance of medium-scale projects

What we offer :

* An internationally visible and rising project in simulation based research in neuroscience using supercomputers and neuromorphic hardware
* A young, dynamic, inter-disciplinary, and international working environment

Start date : 01.10.2013. Deadline for application: position open until filled
Duration of contract : 1 year, renewable
Activity rate : 100%
Applicants should submit a cover letter and a detailed CV in PDF format only, with file name “Surname_positon applied_Cover letter” and “Surname_positon applied_CV” electronically to jobs.bbp@epfl.ch. Please use the position title in the “subject” field.

SV-lp 10.07.13


  • PhD position: Neural field modeling to describe general anaesthesia at Inria, Nancy (France). 17/07/2013.

Neural Field modeling of general anesthesia by traversing scales in the brain.

General anesthesia is a fixed part of hospital practice today but its underlying neural mechanism is far from being understood. The project aims to model the action of anaesthetic agents on single neurons and derives a neural population model involving these actions. The resulting model involves delayed integro-differential equations. It will be analyzed analytically and numerically. In a last step, the model parameters will be fitted optimally to experimental data in a Bayesian framework (Dynamical Causal Modeling). The experimental data may be electroencephalographic data or Local Field Potentials provided by external cooperation partners.

The PhD-project is financed for 3 years and is located at INRIA in Nancy/France in the team NEUROSYS (http://neurosys.loria.fr/).

The optimal candidate has a strong mathematical background in differential equations and/or statistical modeling and strong interest in neuroscience.

Please send applications by email to Axel Hutt (axel.hutt@inria.fr).

  • Open PhD positions in machine learning and computer vision at the Idiap Research Institute (Switzerland). 17/07/2013.

The Idiap Research Institute, affiliated with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, seeks PhD students in statistical learning and computer vision to develop original techniques for learning in large dimension, and for tracking in videos.

The hired candidates will be doctoral students at EPFL, working under the supervision of Dr. François Fleuret at the Idiap Research Institute.

Starting dates are Fall 2013 and January 2014 respectively. Both can be delayed by a few months if necessary.

Applicants must be self-sufficient programmers and have a strong background in mathematics. They should be interested in, and familiar with, applied probabilities, information theory, signal processing, optimization, algorithmic, and C++ programming.

The Idiap Research Institute is located in Valais, a scenic region in the south of Switzerland, surrounded by the highest mountains of Europe, and within close proximity to Lausanne and Geneva. The working language of Idiap is English.

Please consult http://www.idiap.ch/~fleuret/ for more information.

  • Open position: Senior Researcher at Idiap, Martigny (Switzerland). 12/07/2013.

Permanent Researcher or Senior Researcher position @Idiap Research Institute (Martigny, Switzerland) (OP-20130502-102710)

Idiap Research Institute (www.idiap.ch) invites applications for a permanent Researcher or Senior Researcher position. The main focus of this search is for highly qualified candidates, with evidence of strong research, PhD student supervision, and project management capabilities.

We particularly encourage those candidates committed to novel theories and applications of machine learning and signal processing, and who could bring expertise in new application areas. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) environmental monitoring and risk management, health, biotechnologies, energy management, and smart cities.

The successful candidate is expected to initiate independent, creative research programs at the Idiap Research Institute, possibly in collaboration with EPFL. As part of our affiliation with EPFL, duties could also include the participation in undergraduate and graduate teaching in Lausanne. Given the links between Idiap and EPFL, academic careers can also be considered for exceptional candidates. Internationally competitive salaries and benefits are offered.

Interested individuals should include a résumé with a list of publications, a concise (max 2 pages) statement of research and teaching interests, and the names and addresses, with e-mail, of at least three (five for senior positions) referees. Applications should be uploaded by 31th August 2013 to:

For more details and to apply: http://www.idiap.ch/education-and-jobs/job-10136

About Idiap:
Idiap is an independent, non-profit research institute recognized and supported by the Swiss Government, and affiliated with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). It is located in the town of Martigny in Valais, a scenic region in the south of Switzerland, surrounded by the highest mountains of Europe, and offering exciting recreational activities, including hiking, climbing and skiing, as well as varied cultural activities. It is within close proximity to Geneva and Lausanne. Although Idiap is located in the French part of Switzerland, English is the working language. Free French lessons are provided.

Idiap offers competitive salaries and conditions at all levels in a young, dynamic, and multicultural environment. Idiap is an equal opportunity employer and is actively involved in the “Advancement of Women in Science” European initiative. The Institute seeks to maintain a principle of open competition (on the basis of merit) to appoint the best candidate, provides equal opportunity for all candidates, and equally encourage both genders to apply.

  • PhD position in machine learning at University of Helsinki (Finland). 05/07/2013.

The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and the Department of Computer Science are offering a fully-funded position for


at University of Helsinki, Finland. The candidate will be working on a long-term project titled “Traces of Information: Intelligence from fragmented data” with Academy Research Fellow Arto Klami, as part of the Complex Systems Computation (CoSCo) group (http://www.hiit.fi/cosco).

The project develops novel Bayesian machine learning tools for integrated analysis and understanding of complex and fragmented data sources, to extract useful information seen only by combining the sources. A prototypical scenario would be to understand the daily actions of a person or the behavior of a community by jointly modeling their social media output, spatiotemporal data recorded by mobile devices and public transportation systems, and other available public and private data sources. The PhD student will work on the core machine learning challenge of learning how to combine these sources that do not come with direct associations between the different streams.

Successful applicant should have a Master's degree or equivalent qualification in computer science, statistics, mathematics, or other related field. Strong mathematical background and interest in conducting research on probabilistic modeling and machine learning is required, as well as knowledge of some numerical programming language (R/Matlab/Python). Prior experience with machine learning and Bayesian models, in particular nonparametric Bayesian modeling, is considered a strong asset.

The monthly salary will be based on rules of the salary system applied in Finnish universities, and can currently range between 1 944,69 and 3 558,31 euros. Funding is provided for the duration of whole PhD, with initial contract for three years and starting date in fall 2013.

The applicants are requested to enclose with their application a CV, a transcript of studies / copy of degree certificate, and a motivation letter describing the applicant’s interest to the subject. Applications should be addressed to the Department of Computer Science at rekry.toi(at)cs.helsinki.fi. The closing date for applications is Monday 12 August 2013 at 15.45 local Helsinki time.

Further information may be obtained from the project leader Arto Klami (arto.klami@hiit.fi). The full announcement is available in http://www.helsinki.fi/recruitment/index.html?id=70212

The Department of Computer Science (http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/en) at the University of Helsinki is the leading Finnish research and education institute in its field. The Department's research and teaching focus on 1) algorithms and machine learning, 2) networks and services as well as 3) software systems. The Department has three Finnish centres of excellence funded by the Academy of Finland and cooperates closely in research projects with the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT (http://www.hiit.fi/). The Department is also one of ten Finnish centres of excellence in university education. The Department has a staff of 170 and an overall budget of EUR 11 million. Its research infrastructure is excellent, including its own 1960-core computing cluster.

  • Post-doctoral Fellowship in Computer Vision at EPFL (Switzerland). 04/07/2013.

EPFL's Computer Vision Laboratory (http://cvlab.epfl.ch/) has an opening for a post-doctoral fellow in the field of Computer Vision and Augmented Reality. The position is initially offered for 1 year and can be extended for up to 4 years total.


The work will be carried out within the context of a European Union project in collaboration with CERN. Its overall goal is to develop Augmented Reality techniques that can eventually be deployed in the ATLAS detector at CERN for maintenance purposes.


The work will be carried out within the context of a European Union project. Its overall goal is to incorporate Augmented Reality techniques into a tool for authoring games on mobile devices. Among other things, we will develop very fast techniques for 3D pose estimation in outdoors environments.

EPFL is located next to Lake Geneva in a beautiful setting 60 kilometers away from the city of Geneva. Salaries are in the order CHF 80,000 per year, the precise amount to be determined by EPFL's department of human resources.


Applicants are expected to have finished, or be about to finish their Ph.D. degrees, to have a strong background in Computer Vision and 3D Tracking, and to have a track record of publications in top conferences and journals. Strong programming skills (C or C++) are a plus. French language skills are not required, English is mandatory.


Applications must be sent by email to Ms. Gisclon (josiane.gisclon@epfl.ch).
They must contain a statement of interest, a CV, a list of publications, and the names of three references.

  • Postdoc positions on Computer Vision, Image Processing, Time Series Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning at PAVIS, IIT (Italy). 04/07/2013.

The PAVIS department at Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT (www.iit.it) is looking for highly qualified researchers in the field of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Machine Learning. The main mission of PAVIS is to design and develop innovative video surveillance systems, characterized by the use of highly-functional smart sensors and advanced video analytics features. PAVIS has also an active role in supporting the research facilities in IIT providing solutions to life-scientists in Neuroscience, Drug Discovery and Development and Nanophysics. To this end, the group is involved in activities concerning computer vision and pattern recognition, machine learning, multimodal data analysis and sensor fusion, sensors networks, and embedded computer vision systems. The lab will pursue this goal by working collaboratively and in cooperation with external private and public partners.

These research positions are part of the EU project RENVISION (Retina-inspired ENcoding for advanced VISION tasks) awarded within the initiative of Future Emerging Technologies: Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems (NBIS). The project is highly interdisciplinary, including neuroengineering, electrophysiology, high-resolution microscopy imaging, computational modelling, data analysis, machine learning and computer vision. The overall aim of the project is to achieve a comprehensive understanding of how the retina encodes complex visual scenes, and to use such insights to develop new computational models of retina and to apply them to high-level computer vision tasks, such as scene categorization and action recognition. The candidate will design novel methodologies and algorithms based on computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning techniques, aiming at:
BC 68371: reconstructing the 3D structure of neuronal connectivity between amacrine and ganglion cells from microscopy 3D fluorescence or calcium imaging of lower retinal layers.
BC 68372: analysing electrophysiological recordings in response to visual stimulation of retina. The aim is to discover representative and/or discriminative features in retina coding suitable for high-level vision tasks, such as scene categorization and action recognition.

The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronic Engineering or a closely-related discipline, with competences on machine learning/pattern recognition/computer vision, coupled with a keen interest in neuroscience and biological data processing and analysis. Expertise on compressive sensing, deep learning and/or dictionary learning is in general preferred. Experience on spiking networks or retinal function will be appreciated while not being a discriminating factor. Strong programming skill is required.

Further details can be found at

Informal enquires can be made by email to pavis@iit.it

The salary will be commensurate to qualification and experience and in line to that of the research institutes in the rest of Europe. Completed application forms along with a curriculum listing all publications, a pdf of your most representative publications and a research statement describing your previous research experience and outlining its relevance to these topics should be sent by email to pavis@iit.itby July 20, 2013; indicating the budget code: 68371 or 68372. Please also include three independent references in your CV or email.

The Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a non-profit institution based in Genova, situated in north-west part of Italy close to both the Italian Riviera and the Alps, established jointly by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to promote excellence in basic and applied research and to contribute to the economic development of Italy.
The primary goals of the IIT are the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge as well as the strengthening of Italys technological competitiveness. The IIT intends to become an international leading centre in scientific research and advanced technology, able to attract researchers from around the world, and cooperating with both academic institutions and private organizations.
For more info, please visit www.iit.it and www.iit.it/pavis.html.

  • Postdocs and Research Programmer for Compositional Learning via Generalized Automatic Differentiation at Hamilton Institute & Dept Computer Science, NUI Maynooth (Ireland). 04/07/2013.

We are adding exact first-class derivative calculation operators (Automatic Differentiation or AD) to the lambda calculus, and embodying the combination in a production-quality fast system suitable for numeric computing in general, and compositional machine learning methods in particular. To the programming language community, we seek to contribute a way to make numeric software faster, more robust, and easier to write.

To the machine learning community, in addition to the above practical benefits, we seek to contribute a system that embodies *compositionality*, in that gradient optimisation can be automatically and efficiently performed on systems themselves consisting of many components, even when such components may internally perform optimisation. (Examples of this include, say, optimisation of the rules of a multi-player game to cause the players actions to satisfy some desiderata, where the players themselves optimise their own strategy with using a simple model of the opponent which they optimise according to their opponent's behaviour; or multi-agent learning where one agent learns an internal model of another agent, where that internal model itself performs learning.)

To this end, we are seeking two postdoctoral researchers and one research programmer with interest and experience in a cohert subset of: programming language theory, numerics, automatic differentiation, and machine learning.

Inquiries to: Barak A. Pearlmutter (barak@cs.nuim.ie)

Informal announcment with more details:
http://www.bcl.hamilton.ie/~barak/ad-fp-positions.html, which will have a reference to the formal announcement when it becomes available.

  • PhD studentship in Machine Learning at Université Technologique de Compiègne (France). 03/07/2013.

A fully-funded PhD studentship in Machine Learning is available at Université Technologique de Compiègne (France).

New methods for learning with multiple objectives

Nicolas Usunier, Associate Professor (nicolas.usunier@hds.utc.fr)
Yves Grandvalet, CNRS Senior Researcher (yves.grandvalet@hds.utc.fr)

position open in Fall 2013

Research Team
The student will be based in the Heudiasyc laboratory in Compiègne (France) and join the DI team headed by Yves Grandvalet. He/she will be supervised by Nicolas Usunier (www.hds.utc.fr/~nusunier/) and Yves Grandvalet (www.hds.utc.fr/~grandval/). Heudiasyc is a joint laboratory with the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) and the French governmental agency for research (CNRS). In 2011, it was rated A+ (the highest rate) by the French Research evaluation agency (AERES). Heudiasyc fosters interdisciplinary research on information science and technology including machine learning, uncertain reasoning, operations research, robotics and knowledge management. In 2011 Heudiasyc was awarded with an excellence project (LabEx) on the «Control of Technological Systems of Systems».

Most learning algorithms are designed in a risk minimization framework, where the risk is defined as the expectation of a task-dependent cost function on the data distribution. While machine learning algorithm are nowadays applied on a variety of tasks and large-scale datasets, it turns out that the only algorithms for which strong theoretical guarantees are proved correspond to the simplest cost functions for the tasks of classification, regression or structured prediction.

In real-life applications however, the final performance of a learning system is often measured by more complex indicators of the true end-user satisfaction. Examples of such performance indicators include non-trivial trade-offs between per-class precision and recall (like macro-averaged F1 scores) in multiclass classification, or trade-offs between relevance and diversity in search engines or recommender systems. There is currently no learning algorithms that can provably and efficiently optimize such performance indicators.

The starting point of the PhD subject is that the principle of minimizing a single real-valued cost function either (1) does not give sufficient degrees of freedom to specify all aspects of the performance of a prediction function, or (2) leads to cost functions with a complex structure, which cannot be optimized with usual (e.g. convex optimization) approaches.

The goal of the project is to design new multi-objective approaches to machine learning, in order to develop methods that can optimize performance indicators that are non-trivial trade-offs between different cost functions. The intended results are the design and analysis of convex multi-objective machine learning algorithms to problems where convex single-objective approaches are inadequate. Experimental studies can be conducted in different application domains, such as search engines, recommender systems or technological systems of systems in collaboration with other researchers of the laboratory.

The PhD candidate should have or expect to obtain a MSc or equivalent in computer science or mathematics. The following qualities are desirable : strong interests in machine learning or statistics ; excellent record of academic and/or professional achievement ; strong mathematical skills ; strong programming skills ; good written and spoken communication skills in French or English.

Contact and Application
Applicants should send a CV and a brief statement of research interests by e-mail at nicolas.usunier@hds.utc.fr.

  • Postdoctoral position in Neurotechnology & Computational Neuroscience at the Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg (Germany). 01/07/2013.

We are inviting applications for a Postdoctoral position in the lab of Prof. Rotter at the Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg, Germany for research in “Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology”.

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join an international team of scientists and engineers in the NeuroSeeker project (see http://www.neuroseeker.eu/). The goal of the project is to develop and apply new methods and software to improve the yield of novel high-resolution probes for recording activity from many neurons simultaneously.

Candidates should hold a PhD in physics, applied mathematics, computer science or biology, with proven experience in software engineering and user-oriented application programming (C++ and/or Python). Specific knowledge and scientific publications in the fields of “statistical analysis of neuronal data” and/or “numerical methods and data structures in the neurosciences” are a requirement.

Funding is already available, starting date is negotiable.

The Bernstein Center Freiburg concentrates research in Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The projects are highly interdisciplinary and span from mathematical-theoretical approaches on the function and dynamics of neuronal networks over neuroanatomy and experimentally driven neurophysiology up to the development of technologies for medical application.

Please apply online via our online application form (https://yoda.bcf.uni-freiburg.de) and indicate “Rotter” as preferred project. Applications are accepted until the position is filled.

Further details on:

Dr. Birgit Ahrens
Teaching & Training Coordinator
Hansastr. 9a
79104 Freiburg, Germany

  • Research positions in Computional Neuroscience for postdocs and graduate students at Rice University (USA). 29/06/2013.

POSITION: Xaq Pitkow's Computational Neuroscience group jointly at the Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University (http://neuro.bcm.edu/pitkowlab) is just starting and I am seeking highly motivated researchers to help build a fun, dynamic, collaborative lab environment. We have broad research interests with a primary focus on developing theories of the computational functions of neural networks, especially how they compute properties of the world using ambiguous sensory evidence. A few related topics include: distributed neural representations, algorithms for statistical inference, models of the natural environment, and computation by nonlinear recurrent networks. Successful applicants are welcome to pursue research in collaboration with experimentalists and/or in pure theory.

QUALIFICATIONS: The main selection criteria will be outstanding research accomplishments, quantitative skills, creativity and promise of future achievement. A strong quantitative background is required for both graduate students and postdocs, and postdoctoral applicants must have a Ph.D in a relevant discipline. Previous experience with neurobiology is helpful but not necessary: Computational Neuroscience benefits from researchers with backgrounds in physics, mathematics, neuroscience, psychology, biology and biophysics, statistics, machine learning, computer science, electrical engineering, and other related areas.

ENVIRONMENT: Baylor is one of the nation's top neuroscience research institutes and has strong experimental interests in systems neuroscience (http://neuro.bcm.edu). Rice is a leading research and teaching institution with strengths in electrical and computer engineering (http://ece.rice.edu) and continuing growth in neuroengineering. Houston hosts an outstanding greater research community, including multiple labs pursuing computational neuroscience. Our lab will be active in developing cross-institutional connections between Baylor, Rice, University of Texas at Houston, and the University of Houston.

APPLYING: Postdoctoral fellowships are for an initial appointment of one year, with possible extensions to three years depending on progress. The positions provide a highly competitive annual salary and benefits. Applicants should email a letter of research interests and CV to Xaq Pitkow (xaq(a)cns.bcm.edu), and should also arrange to have three letters of reference sent. The start date is flexible, and I look forward to reviewing completed applications as they arrive.

  • Programmer position available at the Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester (USA). 26/06/2013.

The Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester is seeking a programmer to develop software for vision research.

The position involves working with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students on the development of novel and sophisticated applications to study visual information processing in the eye and brain (for example, see http://www.cvs.rochester.edu/research.html).

An ideal candidate would have familiarity with both Macintosh and PC operating systems, 3D graphics (ideally OpenGL), Matlab, C++, and hardware/software interfacing for real-time control of data acquisition. The successful candidate will have considerable independence, working in a vigorous and exciting research environment.

Competitive salary commensurate with experience.

Please send applications or queries about the position to Debbie Shannon. (debbie@cvs.rochester.edu).

  • Post-doctoral research assistant in computational neuroscience at the School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling, Scotland (UK). 24/06/2013.

Post-doctoral research assistant in computational neuroscience (3 year FTA):
Location: School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling, Scotland, U.K.
Job number: SCH00213
Full time, Fixed Term Contract (expected dates 01/10/2013 - 31/09/2016)
Grade 6 £24,049 - £29,541
Closing date: 26th July 2013

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council-funded project Balancing resource and energy usage for optimal performance in a neural system, will use a tightly integrated programme of experiments and computational modelling to study activity-dependent regulation in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) in the mammalian auditory brainstem, which plays a key role in sound source localisation (SSL). We will examine how different intrinsic plasticity mechanisms, evoked by incoming neural activity, obtain satisfactory functional performance in this nucleus from a limited set of noisy resources (neurons, ion channels, synapses etc) while minimising energy usage. This project is a collaboration between computational modellers at Stirling (Dr Bruce Graham) and Edinburgh (Dr Matthias Hennig), and the experimental lab of Prof. Ian Forsythe at the University of Leicester. The PDRA at Stirling will carry out the computational modelling. A PDRA at Leicester will be conducting the experiments. Continuous interaction between the two PDRAs will be necessary.

PhD in relevant area (or close to completion of PhD).
The candidate should have good computational modelling skills (preferably in compartment modelling of neurons); be familiar with numerical mathematics and dynamic and stochastic systems; have proven computer programming ability in a high-level language such as Java or C++; demonstrated ability to work both independently and as part of a team and an aptitude for working across the life sciences interface; a proven track record in this field (e.g. through peer-reviewed publications of international quality), and an ability to present their work to a specialist audience.
They must be willing to travel to other project sites for collaboration (short visits).

Strong candidates would demonstrate one or more of the following: A sound knowledge of the nervous system and neurons; experience with the NEURON simulator and MATLAB software; a knowledge of parameter identification and optimisation techniques for modelling.; proven ability to work in an inter-disciplinary team, across the life sciences interface.; proven communication skills with non-specialists.

Additional Information
For informal enquires, or to discuss how you might fit into our project, please contact the project principal investigator, Dr Bruce Graham (01786 467432, b.graham@cs.stir.ac.uk).
To apply, go to http://www.stir.ac.uk/about/jobs/list/ (Postdoctoral Research Assistant)

  • Positions in Data Mining/Machine Learning at the IBM Research Ireland laboratory, Dublin (Ireland). 24/06/2013.

The Smarter Cities Technology Centre (SCTC) at the IBM Dublin Research Laboratory, Ireland is accepting applications for full-time researchers from entry-level through principal investigators. We are hiring researchers in data management, statistical analysis, predictive modeling, data mining and machine learning. We are especially interested in candidates with strong experience in working with real-world data, and/or with a solid knowledge of systems and software for dealing with huge amounts of data (Terrabytes and more). Experience with data management and analysis in the context of Smarter Cities (transportation and mobility services, smart grids, intelligent building, water management) is an additional asset.

Projects will involve identifying applications of data-intensive machine learning, invention of effective algorithms for these applications, and incorporation of these algorithms in distributed and parallel software systems. The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to define research plans, carry out leading research, and publish research results through professional journals, academic conferences, and patents. As a researcher you will be expected to organize challenging problems, develop new solutions, and work with business & development teams to ensure these solutions have a significant impact.

The Smarter Cities Technology Centre is part of IBM Research and was created to take on the challenges of our increasingly urbanized world. We are an R&D organization that works closely with city authorities, universities, and businesses to advance science & technology for smarter urban and environmental systems. We aim to expand our highly skilled and cross-disciplinary team to as many as 200 researchers and software engineers. Areas we currently focus on include: data mining and machine learning; statistical modeling & organization, control and decision systems, social, semantic web; distributed information systems; knowledge & data engineering, geospatial analysis and organization simulation, real-time computing, and urban and environmental systems, e.g., water, energy, transportation.

We offer:
- A stimulating, cross-disciplinary environment in a leading research organization
- Opportunities for a unique combination of scientific and industrial research into real-world problems
- Excellent ties to research groups worldwide
- Up-to-date infrastructure and resources
- The ability to take part in large-scale international research projects

- Doctorate Degree
- At least 1 year experience in publication in top-tier conferences and journals
- English: Fluent

- At least 1 year experience in working with real-world data, particularly spatio-temporal data
- At least 1 year experience in statistical modeling software (e.g., SAS, SPSS, R)
- At least 2 years experience in Java or C++
- At least 1 year experience in systems and software for handling huge amounts of data (e.g., Hadoop, S4, Storms)

Applications can be submitted online following this link to the job posting on the IBM career website:

  • Postdoctoral position in Sleep and Cognition at Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside (USA). 21/06/2013.

The Sleep and Cognition (SaC) Lab of the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside is soliciting applications from cognitive psychologists, neuroscientists, and engineers for a postdoctoral research position.

The researcher will work with existing and ongoing data sets related to the effect of pharmacology and sleep on memory consolidation.

Successful candidates should have experience in applying signal processing and non-linear analysis techniques to EEG recordings, as well as programming skills. Experience in sleep methodology is desirable, but not essential. Researchers must possess a doctoral degree.

The University of California offers excellent benefits. Salary is based on research experience. The initial appointment is for 1 year with a possibility of extension.

Please send your CV, statement of research interests and the names of three references or make inquires to Sara C. Mednick smednick@ucr.edu.


  • Several PhD positions in Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Computer Vision at IMT Lucca (Italy). 19/06/2013.

PhD Scholarships at IMT - Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy

Curriculum in Image Analysis

The IMT - Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca - Italy (http://www.imtlucca.it/) announces 36 PhD scholarships providing about €13,600 EUR gross yearly plus free accommodation and full board. Deadline for application is July 17, 2013.

PhD programs are taught exclusively in English. The PhD Program includes a Track in Computer, Decision and Systems Science with a specific Curriculum in Image Analysis. The track aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge of the theoretical foundations of computer science and informatics, control systems and optimization, image analysis, and management science. The expected start date of the program is November 2013.

The curriculum of Image Analysis focuses on machine learning approaches for the analysis of large datasets of images arising in natural and life sciences (“big data” in imaging). PhD students following this curriculum will collaborate with the PRIAn research unit (http://prian.lab.imtlucca.it/), a rapidly growing and interdisciplinary group that collaborates with a variety of laboratories across the world for the development of image analysis methods. Particular research interests of the group are image based phenotyping and modeling, cardiac image analysis, application aware image and video compression, cloud architectures for big bio, molecular computing and others.

We hope that you will consider applying (Deadline July 17, 2013): http://www.imtlucca.it/phd/phd_prospective_admission.php

If you are not personally interested, please help us by circulating this message to colleagues and collaborators.

For questions on the application procedure please contact: phdapplications@imtlucca.it

  • Open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring diagrams, at the Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC (USA). 19/06/2013.

The Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC, has open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring diagrams. The lab is at the forefront of developing high-throughput methods to map the brain at synaptic resolution, using a combination of large-scale electron microscopy and machine learning based automated image analysis.

The ideal candidate will have an accomplished background in a quantitative discipline (EE, CS, math, physics, etc) as well as a passion for achieving off-scale impact on fundamental issues in neuroscience.

Example projects being pursued in the lab include:
* developing large-scale deep networks for biological image analysis using Janelia’s 4000-core CPU/GPU cluster
* developing novel structured prediction methods for reasoning about image data
* developing tools for crowdsourcing image analysis
* developing novel analytical techniques for understanding network structure in wiring diagrams

Positions could be at the level of a postdoctoral fellow, research scientist, or software engineer, depending on the individual.

Further information about the lab is available at: http://www.janelia.org/lab/jain-lab
Please contact Dr. Viren Jain with questions or inquiries: jainv@janelia.hhmi.org

About Janelia Farm Research Campus:
Janelia Farm Research Campus is a state of the art pure research facility near Washington, DC devoted to method development and scientific advancement in in the imaging, biological, and computational sciences. All activity at the campus is fully internally funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. http://www.janelia.org/

  • PhD Stipend in Computational Neuroscience/ Robotics at the Institute for Neural Computation at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany). 18/06/2013.

A funded PhD studentship is available in a joint project between Prof. Sen Cheng in the Mercator Research Group “Structure of Memory” and Prof. Laurenz Wiskott at the Institute for Neural Computation at the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. The goal of the project is to understand the functional role of the hippocampus in spatial navigation and episodic memory using robotics simulations. To achieve this goal, we use small ePuck robots to simulate key rodent experiments in learning and memory. The main language of communication in the project is English.

Candidates should have an excellent Master degree, or equivalent, in neuroscience, physics, mathematics, engineering or a related field. Excellent programming skills and experience with computer/ robotics simulations are mandatory. Familiarity with computational neuroscience would be a further asset. To apply please send a letter stating your motivation and your research interests, a complete CV, academic transcripts (Bachelor and Master), and at least two academic letters of recommendation to mrg1+jobs@rub.de in a single PDF file by July 8th, 2013.

The Ruhr University Bochum is home to a vibrant research community in neuroscience and neural computation. Students will be able to join the International Graduate School of Neuroscience. For further information about the research groups, see www.rub.de/cns and http://www.ini.rub.de/PEOPLE/wiskott.

The Ruhr University Bochum is committed to equal opportunity. We strongly encourage applications from qualified women and persons with disabilities.

  • PhD position in Computational Neuroscience at Inria, Sophia Antipolis (France). 17/06/2013.

One Ph.D. position is available at Inria (France) in the Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience team Neuromathcomp from Inria Sophia Antipolis is currently looking for a PhD student to work on “Modelling the collective response of the retinal ganglion cells layer”. Your work will focus on deciphering the biological processing of visual information and developing neurocomputational models of vision. You will be part of the interdisciplinary European project RENVISION entirely devoted to better understand the retina (from studying its activity and architecture, to developing new applications).

Please visit our website to learn more about this offer:

  • PhD studentship in robust learning of Bayesian networks at Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Switzerland). 12/06/2013.

The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA, http://www.idsia.ch), a non-profit oriented research institute for artificial intelligence, affiliated with both University of Lugano and University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, advertises a full-time position as PhD student in the area of robust learning of Bayesian networks. The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

IDSIA offers an international working environment (English is the official language), the possibility of attending conferences and a salary in line with Swiss standards. The work will be performed in close collaboration with experts in probabilistic graphical models, robust learning, data mining, optimization, imprecise probabilities (see http://ipg.idsia.ch for more information). It includes theoretical advances in robust structure learning of probabilistic graphical models, as well as design and development of algorithms.

The ideal candidate has a strong commitment to research and to the completion of the PhD program, has obtained a Master degree in a quantitative area, has very good communication skills in English, good programming skills, and ability to work in a collaborative environment. For applying, please follow the instructions available at


The closing date for applications is July 5th 2013 (expected starting date within 2013). This deadline may be extended at the discretion of the recruiting committee. For further information, please contact:

Cassio de Campos (cassio@idsia.ch).

  • Postdoctoral position in modeling memory consolidation during sleep at the University of California, Riverside (USA). 11/06/2013.

Applications are invited for post-doctoral positions in the laboratory of Dr. Maxim Bazhenov at the University of California, Riverside to study role of sleep rhythms in memory and learning. This project involves close collaboration with laboratories of Eric Halgren (UCSD), Terry Sejnowski (Salk), Sydney Cash (Harvard), Jean-Marc Fellous (Univ of Arizona). The ultimate goal of this work is to understand how the interaction among brain areas during different stages of sleep leads to consolidation of memory for recent learning.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the design of the anatomically realistic thalamo-cortico-hippocampal models based on existing experimental data. These models will be used to understand network dynamics of brain that are involved in the processes of memory consolidation, as well as guide data analysis and produce novel experimental predictions. Qualified applicants are expected to have experience in computational/theoretical neuroscience and conductance-based neural modeling. Programming experience with C/C++ is required. Knowledge of PYTHON or MATLAB is a plus.

The University of California offers excellent benefits. Salary is based on research experience. Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and the names of three references to Maxim Bazhenov at maksim.bazhenov@ucr.edu


  • PhD Position (TV-E 13 50%) in Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Heidelberg/Mannheim, Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany). 10/06/2013.

The Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Heidelberg/Mannheim (Research Group Prof. Dr. Christian Fiebach; Goethe-University Frankfurt) offers a

PhD Position (TV-E 13 50%)

in Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience, to be filled as early as possible.

The Bernstein Center Heidelberg/Mannheim investigates the influence of genetic variatons on cognitive processing in healthy persons and psychiatric patients. One main focus is the computational modeling of genetic influences on network dynamics in prefrontal cortex.

The PhD position is part of the project “Cognitive Flexibility vs. Stability” and will primarily be involved in the neurocomputational modeling of cognitive processes and in model-based analysis of fMRI data from genotyped samples (Imaging Genetics).

We expect an excellent degree (Master or Diploma) in Computational Neuroscience, Psychology, Biology, Physics or related disciplines. Further information can be obtained directly from Christian Fiebach (fiebach@psych.uni-frankfurt.de).

Please send your electronic applications (Letter of Motivation, CV, certificates, contact details for references) to: Prof. Dr. C. Fiebach, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, Abt. Neurowissenschaftliche Psychologie, Grüneburgweg 1, 60323 Frankfurt/Main, fiebach@psych.uni-frankfurt.de.

  • PhD position in Computer Vision & Machine Learning for Painting Analysis at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). 08/06/2013.

The Computer Vision Lab at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) is soliciting applications for a fully funded PhD position in Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Painting Analysis. The prospective PhD student will be supervised by Laurens van der Maaten.

The research is part of the European FP7 project INSIDDE (insidde-fp7.eu). The goal of the project is to uncover hidden elements in paintings by artists such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt. In the project, there will be a particular focus on the development of analysis techniques for terahertz images.

Your task in the project will be to develop new computer vision and machine learning algorithms to analyse terahertz, x-ray, and XRF images of paintings. In particular, you will try to identify and visualise hidden paint layers, and in doing so, to uncover (parts of) underpaintings. To this end, you will work on problems such as blind-source separation, texture analysis, and segmentation; making use of convolutive independent components analysis, conditional random fields, generative models, and deep learning. You are also encouraged to develop your own research ideas within the context of the project.

You have obtained an MSc or equivalent degree or expect to obtain an MSc very soon. Interested applicants should have a background and interest in some or all of the following subjects, or a related discipline: computer vision, machine learning, image processing, and pattern recognition.

The successful applicant will have:
good programming skills;
curiosity and good analytical skills;
the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team;
good oral and written communication skills;
proficiency in English.

Conditions of employment
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high-speed Internet access from home (with a contract of two years or longer), and the option of assembling a customised compensation and benefits package (the 'IKA'). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment; an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor; and a Doctoral Education Programme aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills. Please visit www.phd.tudelft.nl for more information.

For more information about this position, please contact Laurens van der Maaten, phone: +31 (0)15-2788434, e-mail: l.j.p.vandermaaten@tudelft.nl. Interested applicants should send an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a letter of application, a transcript of grades obtained during MSc studies, and the names and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address) of two references. The letter of application should summarize: 1) why the project is of interest to the applicant and 2) a brief description of the applicant's prior experience in machine learning and computer vision (e.g., a description of the research performed in the context of the applicant's MSc thesis). Please e-mail your application by 30 June 2013 to Laurens van der Maaten, Hr-eemcs@tudelft.nl. When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number EWI2013-14.

Contract type: Temporary, 4 years

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences at an internationally recognised level. Education, research and design are strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic vitality. At TU Delft you will work in an environment where technical sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises eight faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.

The Department of Intelligent Systems conducts research on processing and interpretation of data to enable man and machine to deal with the increasing volume and complexity of data and communication. We have a strong focus on medical and health sciences. One of our research labs is the Computer Vision Lab (visionlab.tudelft.nl).

Within the Computer Vision Lab we perform research in the area of computer vision, image analysis and video analysis. Our focus is on analysing and interpreting multidimensional data (image sequences, multiple cameras, 3D/4D medical data like MRI and CT), in particular by using machine-learning approaches to accomplish the vision task. The main research fields currently covered are 3D imaging, (bio)medical imaging, social/human signal processing and surveillance. We teach image processing and computer vision courses in the Computer Science undergraduate and graduate programs.

Additional information
Laurens van der Maaten
+31 (0)15-2788434

  • Research Assistant in Neurocomputational Modelling of Language Learning at Brain Language Laboratory at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). 07/06/2013.

Research Assistant in Neurocomputational Modelling of Language Learning (BABEL Project)
Job location: Brain Language Laboratory at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Ref: A3308

Salary £23,352 to £27,047 pa – Grade 5

A research assistant post is available to support the EPSRC and BBSRC funded research project BABEL (www.babel-project.org) between Plymouth University and the Freie Universität Berlin to investigate the computational and brain basis of human language. The research plan includes building neurocomputational systems that simulate brain processes of semantic understanding and their integration in cognitive robots. In parallel, neuroimaging experiments are being performed to evaluate the models and mechanisms.

You will have a strong interest in the study of language mechanisms in the human brain using neurocompuational methods. An additional interest in investigating language with neuroimaging methods is desirable. The primary objective of this position is to elucidate the mechanisms of semantic and lexical learning. You should have a strong programming background; experience in both language and brain research will be an advantage. You should hold a MSc / M.A. or similar degree in a relevant discipline, including computational neuroscience, informatics, neuroscience, neuropsychology, linguistics or psychology.

The research assistant will be hired by Plymouth University with a full time work location in the Brain Language Laboratory at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany,

Recruitment and selection will be based on individual merit, however, we should particularly like to encourage applications from women, black and minority ethnic people who are under-represented in the Faculty of Technology.

Informal enquiries regarding the post, the project or the research details can be made to Professor Friedemann Pulvermuller (friedemann.pulvermuller@fu-berlin.de) or Professor Angelo Cangelosi (acangelosi@plymouth.ac.uk).

This is a full-time post working 37 hours per week on a fixed-term basis of 30 months.

Closing date: 12 midnight, Friday 5 July 2013

  • PhD studentship on EEG-based Neuroprosthesis at Inria, Nancy (France). 07/06/2013.

Research theme : Computational Medecine and Neuroscience

Keywords: EEG-based neuroprosthesis; motor control; machine learning; robotic arm

Location : NEUROSYS team, Inria Nancy - Grand Est, France (1h30 from Paris by TGV)
PhD Director : Axel Hutt
PhD Advisor : Laurent Bougrain

The NeuroSys team aims at understanding the dynamics of neural systems using a systems neuroscience approach.

This PhD thesis aims at overcoming the limitations of EEG-based neuroprosthesis by introducing multilabel classifiers for a 3D control of a robotic arm using band-specific EEG markers associated with a motor task.

A full description of the PhD position is available here:

Application deadline : 31/06/2013
Targeted hiring Date : 01/10/13
Duration : Three years
Salary : First- and second-year PhD student: €1 957.54 (gross) per month - €1 596.53 (net) per month. Third-year PhD student: €2 058.84 (gross) per month - €1 679.14 (net) per month

Please, send your covering letter and your CV to laurent.bougrain@loria.fr


  • Junior Research Group Leaders within the new Cluster of Excellence “BrainLinks-BrainTools” at University of Freiburg (Germany). 05/06/2013.

The University of Freiburg invites applications for positions as

Junior Research Group Leaders
within the new Cluster of Excellence “BrainLinks-BrainTools”.

BrainLinks-BrainTools offers young scientists a creative and inspiring working environment in the interdisciplinary research area where neurotechnology forms the intersection of neuroscience, microsystems engineering, computer science, robotics, and clinical applications.

Funding is provided until October 2017 and consists of the group leader position, two PhD student positions for up to three years, a start-up package as well as staff support. It is expected that the Junior Research Group Leaders will be raising financial means from third-party funds to enlarge their respective groups.

Candidates should be highly qualified junior scientists, holding a PhD or MD with equivalent qualification, and should have an excellent scientific track record plus at least 2 years of postdoctoral experience in the above-mentioned research areas. Especially welcome but not restricted to these areas are applications from junior scientists applying experimental approaches in animal models or humans to relevant research questions as well as microsystems engineers dealing with questions of energy supply. We expect that the successful candidates will establish synergistic collaborations with groups working in the cluster and that they will actively contribute to the aims of the cluster. The positions will be integrated in the Faculty of Biology, Engineering, or Medicine, depending on the chosen research program.

BrainLinks-BrainTools will offer advanced training in specific areas to actively consolidate the new group, including courses in team management, support on obtaining further funding, mentoring from senior scientists, and intensive interaction with other Junior Research Group Leaders.

The University is seeking to increase the amount of female employees and one of the goals of BrainLinks-BrainTools is to promote women in higher positions. Thus, we strongly encourage applications from qualified female candidates.

Applications should include a full CV, a list of publications and the contact details of three referees. Additionally, we expect a brief outline of the intended research project (max. three pages), indicating the main research area and impact on BrainLinks-BrainTools main goals as part of the application. The outline should also refer to possibilities for collaborations within the Cluster of Excellence.

All relevant information about BrainLinks-BrainTools is available at:

Applications should be sent by electronic mail (maximum of three documents and 10 MB size in total) to positions@brainlinks-braintools.uni-freiburg.de, where further inquiries can also be directed to. This call for applications will be closed on June 30, 2013.

The short-listed candidates will be invited to submit a full research proposal that will be reviewed by an evaluation board consisting of members of BrainLinks-BrainTools and external experts.

  • Postdoctoral position: Research Associate – Statistician at Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology, Cambridge University (UK). 05/06/2013.

Research Associate – Statistician
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology
£32,375 - £39,132 per annum including London Allowance

Closing date: 7 July 2013
Interview: 24 July 2013

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral Research Associate to work on a joint UCL-Cambridge University Wellcome Trust funded project that involves testing adolescents and young adults from widespread backgrounds on a variety of decision-making and reinforcement learning tasks and using the results to characterise the underlying elements of affective decision-making, the ways these change over the course of development, and routes towards mental disease. The data collection pipeline is established and so we now seek an individual with a strong background in machine learning and statistics to build and fit rich, parameterized, models of the behaviour and thereby help formulate and test hypotheses about the nature and interactions of the underlying elements, and the way they evolve over time.

Experience with the creative analysis of large sets of behavioural data using supervised and unsupervised methods is essential and should be documented in the application; familiarity with reinforcement learning models and with the vagaries of human behavioural data are highly desirable. Excellent skills with matlab or an equivalent programming language are required; knowledge of parametric and non-parametric Bayesian methods would be invaluable. Candidates must have a PhD in a relevant subject area by the agreed start date of the position. The post is available immediately and will be funded for three years in the first instance by a grant from the Wellcome Trust. The post will be supervised by Professor Ray Dolan and Professor Peter Dayan.

You should apply for these posts through UCL's online recruitment – www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs where you can download a job description and person specification (ref: 1337782).

If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact Samantha Robinson, Personnel Officer, Institute of Neurology, 23 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG (email: IoN.HRAdmin@ucl.ac.uk). Applicants may contact Professor Ray Dolan directly on r.dolan@ucl.ac.uk for further information.

  • Multiple Postdoctoral Associate positions are available in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kansas (USA). 28/05/2013.

With the fast evolving technology for data collection, data transmission, and data analysis, we observe that the scientific research community is undergoing a profound transformation where discoveries and innovations increasingly rely on massive amounts of data. New prediction techniques, including novel statistical, mathematical, and computational techniques are enabling a paradigm shift in scientific investigation. Deep analysis of large data sets has become a critical endeavor of science by offering complementary insights in addition to theory, experiment, and computer simulation.

We seek highly motivated Postdoctoral Associates to join our efforts to advance machine learning and data mining for better modeling of large amounts of data from scientific domains. Our hypothesis is that much more information is embedded in big data than what can be processed by a few domain experts. We further argue that big data are often linked, and exploring the relationships among data sets enables us to build much better models for understanding structure in data.

We are working on a number of highly interdisciplinary projects to test our hypothesis. Sample projects include:
* Prediction of the role of small molecules in biological systems using chemical structure and biological activity information
* Identification of drugs for new therapeutic strategies
* Delineation of genetic relationships from high-throughput sequencing data

Successful candidates should possess the following qualifications: (i) a Ph.D. degree in computer science, statistics, bioinformatics, or cheminformatics. (ii) familiarity with machine learning theory and algorithms (supervised learning, parametric and nonparametric approaches, MLE and/or Bayesian, model selection and model evaluation), (iii) strong communication skills, (iv) excellent programming skills. Knowledge of biological or pharmaceutical data is a plus but not required. Knowledge of computer systems (high performance computing and cloud computing) is a big plus but not required. The initial appointment is for one year, and the position may be renewed based on satisfactory progress.

The University of Kansas is a major educational and research institution with about 30,000 students on five campuses, 2,600 faculty members, and service centers throughout the state. EECS is the largest department in the KU School of Engineering, with 36 faculty and annual research expenditures of over $10 million. The main campus of KU is in Lawrence, a vibrant, thriving community of more than 90,000 residents that is just 40 miles west of Greater Kansas City and 20 miles from the state capital. The University of Kansas is an EO/AA employer.

To apply, please send your CV, including a list of publications, past and current research experience, and contact information for three references, to Dr. Jun (Luke) Huan.

Jun (Luke) Huan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Director, the Bioinformatics and Computational Life Sciences Laboratory
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS, 66047-7621, USA
Office: 2034 Eaton Hall, Tel: 1 (785) 864-5072
http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~jhuan, Email: jhuan@ittc.ku.edu

  • Tres ofertas de trabajo de investigación, 2 para doctores y 1 con el grado de máster, en IBM en Nairobi (Kenya). 28/05/2013.

Los perfiles de trabajo se encuentran en:



Germán Rodríguez:

Juan Ramón González: jrgonzalez - gmail.com

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Open Science/Big Data/Informatics at Department of Psychology and Digital Library Services at NYU (USA). 22/05/2013.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Open Science/Big Data/Informatics

The Databrary (http://databrary.org) project, in coordination with the Department of Psychology and Digital Library Services at NYU, seeks a cross-disciplinary postdoctoral fellow who seeks expand knowledge of research methods and technology practices in science and industry. You will participate in design, development, and deployment of technology to support collaboration, exploration, and analysis of open research datasets.


• Design new approaches for structuring, presenting, and sharing research data.
• Work with a small team of software developers to build web, mobile, and desktop software tools to manage, analyze, and visualize data.
• Engage with researchers within and beyond the fields of developmental psychology, library science, and computer vision to collect, organize, and repurpose data.
• Prepare and publish academic articles covering innovations, discoveries, or uses associated with the data library.


• Strong programming skills in at least two languages (such as Matlab, R, Python, Ruby, JavaScript)
• Experience working with and analyzing videos, physiological data, imaging data, or other large datasets
• Familiarity with standard development and collaboration tools such as git
• Willingness to learn and work with the latest web-based technologies


• Understanding of web technologies including HTML, JavaScript, and MVC frameworks
• Knowledge of SQL or other database technologies
• History of collaboration and cooperation on previous projects


Send the following to jobs@databrary.org:

• One page cover letter (PDF)
• Academic transcript of your formal qualifications (PDF)
• Links to your open source contributions or other samples of your work
• Resume/CV (PDF)

Databrary is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1238599 and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development under Cooperative Agreement 1-U01-HD-076595-01.

  • Postdoctoral position in Computational Neuroscience (cellular/molecular modeling) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway). 17/05/2013.

There is an opening for a 3-year postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience (cellular/molecular modeling) in Norway/San Diego.

The postdoc will work in a project funded by the Research Council of Norway - FriMedBio program. The research area is cellular and molecular modeling, and the goal is to identify and explore molecular signaling pathways and their neurophysiological role using data form brain imaging and whole genome studies. The work will involve various types of mechanistic and statistical modeling to investigate the polygenic contribution to development of human disorders, focusing on bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The positions are funded for three years, with up to two years outside Norway.

The fellow will together with two other already hired postdocs be key scientific personnel in the project. We can offer an exciting research environment with a multidisciplinary profile and large opportunities for academic development. The postdocs will work at the KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis research (TOP Study Group), and in close collaboration with the Computational Neuroscience Group at the Norwegian University of Life Science at Ås (http://compneuro.umb.no/) and the Multimodal Imaging Laboratory at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) (http://mmil.ucsd.edu/).

Application deadline: June 15th, 2013

For more information about the position (including how to apply), see http://uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/969893/70331?iso=gb.

Contacts: Professor Ole Andreassen, phone + 47 99038893, o.a.andreassen@medisin.uio.no, Professor Anders M. Dale amdale@gmail.com, Professor Gaute T Einevoll (Gaute.Einevoll@umb.no).

  • Two PostDoc positions Modelling Human Brain Development (Simulation and Neuroimaging) at Newcastle University (UK). 15/05/2013.

The human brain is a complex system and while we know a bit about its organisation and function, relatively little is known about its development and how early changes can lead to brain diseases later on. Recent advances in neuroimaging, using diffusion tensor imaging, allow us to observe how brain connectivity changes from the embryonic to the adult stage. This project will analyse how the human brain network arises during development by combining data analysis with simulations of brain development (http://www.greenbrainproject.org/).

The following two positions are now available for up to 3 years to PostDocs or final year PhD students in an EPSRC-funded research project at Newcastle University.

Research Associate (Neuroimaging and Network Analysis) Objectives of this position are to analyse neuroimaging data for different developmental stages and for healthy and pathological brains suffering from developmental diseases such as epilepsy or schizophrenia. Data analysis will include brain connectivity and standard anatomical features and might involve the establishing of novel methods for connectome analysis.

We are seeking talented and enthusiastic research assistants with a PhD awarded in physics, mathematics, computer science, or related subjects; prior postdoctoral experience in the neurosciences is desirable.

Good communication skills, very strong data analysis skills, and a track record of previous peer-reviewed journal publications. You will have experience with analysing neuroimaging data using Matlab/SPM or FSL and ideally have experience with diffusion imaging and brain connectivity analysis. The position will include brief visits to our partners in the UK, India, and Germany.

Research Associate (Computer Simulations and Modelling) Objectives of this position are to develop a simulation of human brain development bridging different levels from the formation of pioneer fibres to the folding and connectivity changes over age. Simulations will be compared with real data on healthy and pathological human brain development to discover the underlying mechanisms. Finally, the performance of the artificially grown networks will be tested using the Manchester University SpiNNaker system.

We are seeking talented and enthusiastic research assistants with a PhD awarded in physics, mathematics, computer science, or related subjects; prior experience in the neurosciences is desirable.

Good communication skills, very strong software development skills, and a track record of previous peer-reviewed journal publications. You will have experience with large-scale software projects ideally using C/C++, GPU Computing, or Matlab. The position will include brief visits to our partners at Manchester University and abroad.

Research Environment
Neuroinformatics is one of the strategic areas of neuroscience research within Newcastle University (http://research.ncl.ac.uk/neuroinformatics/). Other areas include neuroimaging, psychophysics, systems neuroscience (visual, auditory, and motor system), ageing, brain-machine interfaces, and neurochips (http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ion). Newcastle University hosts around 100 principal investigators in the neurosciences.

Living in Newcastle
Newcastle University, with 20,000 students, lies in the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne - an area in the North-East of England with around one million inhabitants. The university is at the centre of Newcastle which itself is on the main train-line between London and Edinburgh, both 20 minutes away from the airport and the beach by public transport.

How to apply
Information on the application procedure is available at
The deadline for applications is 10 June.

For more information contact Dr Marcus Kaiser (m.kaiser@ncl.ac.uk)
or visit http://www.biological-networks.org/

  • A fully-funded PhD studentship in Machine Learning at Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France). 15/05/2013.

New methods for learning with multiple objectives

Nicolas Usunier, Associate Professor (nicolas.usunier@hds.utc.fr)
Yves Grandvalet, CNRS Senior Researcher (yves.grandvalet@hds.utc.fr)

Position open in Fall 2013

Research Team
The student will be based in the Heudiasyc laboratory in Compiègne (France) and join the DI team headed by Yves Grandvalet. He/she will be supervised by Nicolas Usunier (www.hds.utc.fr/~nusunier/) and Yves Grandvalet (www.hds.utc.fr/~grandval/). Heudiasyc is a joint laboratory with the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) and the French governmental agency for research (CNRS). In 2011, it was rated A+ (the highest rate) by the French Research evaluation agency (AERES). Heudiasyc fosters interdisciplinary research on information science and technology including machine learning, uncertain reasoning, operations research, robotics and knowledge management. In 2011 Heudiasyc was awarded with an excellence project (LabEx) on the « Control of Technological Systems of Systems ».

Most learning algorithms are designed in a risk minimization framework, where the risk is defined as the expectation of a task-dependent cost function on the data distribution. While machine learning algorithm are nowadays applied on a variety of tasks and large-scale datasets, it turns out that the only algorithms for which strong theoretical guarantees are proved correspond to the simplest cost functions for the tasks of classification, regression or structured prediction.

In real-life applications however, the final performance of a learning system is often measured by more complex indicators of the true end-user satisfaction. Examples of such performance indicators include non-trivial trade-offs between per-class precision and recall (like macro-averaged F1 scores) in multiclass classification, or trade-offs between relevance and diversity in search engines or recommender systems. There is currently no learning algorithms that can provably and efficiently optimize such performance indicators.

The starting point of the PhD subject is that the principle of minimizing a single real-valued cost function either (1) does not give sufficient degrees of freedom to specify all aspects of the performance of a prediction function, or (2) leads to cost functions with a complex structure, which cannot be optimized with usual (e.g. convex optimization) approaches.

The goal of the project is to design new multi-objective approaches to machine learning, in order to develop methods that can optimize performance indicators that are non-trivial trade-offs between different cost functions. The intended results are the design and analysis of convex multi-objective, machine learning algorithms to problems where convex single-objective approaches are inadequate. Experimental studies can be conducted in different application domains, such as search engines, recommender systems or technological systems of systems in collaboration with other researchers of the laboratory.

The PhD candidate should have or expect to obtain a MSc or equivalent in computer science or mathematics. The following qualities are desirable: strong interests in machine learning or statistics; excellent record of academic and/or professional achievement; strong mathematical skills; strong programming skills; good written and spoken communication skills in French or English.

Contact and Application
Applicants should send a CV and a brief statement of research interests by e-mail at nicolas.usunier@hds.utc.fr.

  • Puesto de Ayudante Doctor en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 14/05/2013.

Para desarrollar su actividad en el Dpto. de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones.

Se requiere preferentemente una persona con estudios de Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones, con conocimientos de DSP y de Aprendizaje en Máquinas.

Interesados dirigirse a:

Prof. Dr. D. Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal
Dpto. de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Avda. Universidad, 30
28911 Leganés (Madrid)

e-mail: arfv.at.tsc.uc3m.es

  • Contrato de Investigación con cargo al Proyecto “Desarrollos para experimentos de precisión utilizando trampas de iones: Física fundamental y aplicaciones”, Universidad de Granada. 14/05/2013.

Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones, Ingeniero Electrónico.

Mejora del sistema de control y de procesamiento de datos basado en Labview que se utiliza para realizar experimentos con trampas de iones y láseres.

Información y solicitudes: aquí

  • Contrato de Personal Técnico con cargo al Proyecto “Música de Andalucía en la Red (MAR)”, Universidad de Granada. 14/05/2013.

Ingeniero en Informática.

Desarrollar un catálogo de documentos musicales de Andalucía en internet. Los documentos estarán sobre distintos soportes: libros, artículos, revistas y documentos escritos en general; partituras en formato gráfico, lógico o MIDI; archivos de audio y video y aplicaciones informáticas. El catálogo deberá ofrecer diferentes perspectivas de presentación adaptadas a las necesidades de diferentes usuarios finales del mismo: investigadores, profesores, estudiantes de musicología, intérpretes, así como al público en general. El objetivo final es la creación de una herramienta de edición y publicación de una enciclopedia de la música de Andalucía enriquecida con el aporte del catálogo: audio, vídeo, copias de documentos antiguos, tutoriales, aplicaciones, etc.

Información y solicitudes: aquí

  • PhD Studentships on Information Processing and Self-Organization in Adaptive Systems at School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire (UK). 13/05/2013.

PhD Studentships Available on


Adaptive Systems Research Group
School of Computer Science
University of Hertfordshire, UK

PhD studentships are available in the Adaptive Systems Research Group at the University of Hertfordshire in the topics of Artificial Life, especially for the study of principles behind information processing in adaptive, complex and self-organizing systems and the emergence and growth of complexity, a research area which has witnessed a dramatic increase of interest in the last years.

We use mathematical methods, with particular emphasis on an arsenal of recently developed techniques based on Shannon's information theory, to describe, understand or construct such systems in the context of AI/robotics and biology.

Questions of interest and possible research directions include, but are not limited to:

- information-theoretic approaches towards a mathematically founded understanding of information processing and the perception-action loop in agents; fundamental quantitative constraints governing the interaction between an agent and its environment

- theoretically grounded pathways towards a systematic way to generate self-organization in complex systems and autonomous increase in complexity

- biologically plausible methods based on information theory for creating Artificial Intelligence systems from first principles

- fundamental principles underlying biological (e.g. neural) computation (with opportunities to collaborate with the Biocomputation Research Group)

The prospective candidates should have a keen interest in contributing to a new and highly dynamic research area and a strong background in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics or another relevant computational discipline. In particular, they should demonstrate excellent programming skills in one or more major computer languages.
A mathematical/numerical background would be desirable, ideally including probability theory and data modelling/neural network techniques.

The envisaged research will take place in the vibrant and enthusiastic research environment of the Adaptive Systems Research Group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire which offers a large number of specialized and interdisciplinary seminars as well as general training opportunities. Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment Exercise, with 55% of the research submitted being rated as world leading or internationally excellent.

The University of Hertfordshire is located in Hatfield, Hertfordshire UK which is considered the “northern green belt” of London. Hatfield is close to London (less than 25 minutes by train to Kings Cross), has convenient access to Stansted, Luton and Heathrow airports and is not far from the historic town of St. Albans.

Successful candidates are eligible for a research studentship award from the University (which includes approximately GBP 13,600 per annum bursary and the payment of the standard UK/EU student fees).
Applicants from outside the UK or EU are eligible, but will have to pay half of the overseas fees out of their bursary. Information about the current tuition fees can be found at


Contact for informal inquiries on the research topic: Dr. Daniel Polani (E-mail: d.polani@herts.ac.uk)

Application forms are available from


and should be returned to

Mrs Lorraine Nicholls,
Research Student Administrator, STRI
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane
Hatfield AL10 9AB Hertfordshire

Tel: 01707 286083
Email: l.nicholls@herts.ac.uk.

Applications should also include two references and transcripts of previous academic degrees. The shortlisting process will begin on 7. June 2013.

  • Postdoctoral position in Bayesian modelling of brain networks at Donders Centre for Cognition, Radboud University (Netherland). 13/05/2013.

Postdoctoral Position on the Project 'Bayesian Modelling of Brain Networks' (1.0 fte)

Faculty of Social Sciences
Vacancy number: 24.14.13
Closing date: 1 June 2013


As a postdoctoral researcher you will be working on the BAMBINO project (Bayesian modelling of brain networks) funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). One of your main duties will be to develop sophisticated Bayesian inference methods for estimating changes in cognitive processing, using diffusion MRI, functional MRI and MEG data. The main focus will be on data fusion, latent variable modelling, and time series analysis in challenging large-scale applications. New methods will be developed in collaboration with Prof. Heskes, who is research director of the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences and an expert on approximate inference methods. As a postdoctoral researcher, you will help develop this new research line and assist in teaching and supervising Master's and PhD students. The position provides the opportunity to conduct world-class research as a key member of an interdisciplinary team.

Work environment

The Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour consists of three research centres: the Centre for Cognition, the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging and the Centre for Neuroscience. The Donders Institute focuses on state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience with a multidisciplinary approach, and offers excellent lab and neuroimaging facilities, PhD supervision and courses, and technical support.

The project is embedded within the Donders Institute's research theme 'Brain Networks and Neuronal Communication' and will be supervised by Dr Marcel van Gerven, head of the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience group. Dr van Gerven is based at the Donders Centre for Cognition. You will also collaborate intensively with researchers from the Institute for Computing and Information Science, which has an outstanding track record in statistical machine learning.

The Donders Institute is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such encourages applications from women and minorities. Radboud University offers a parental leave scheme and on-campus day care.

What we expect from you

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a PhD degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or a related field of study. Excellent math and programming skills and a background in statistical machine learning are prerequisites. Experience in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging is not required. You should have an excellent scientific track record, excellent organizational and communicative skills, a strong motivation, and excellent skills in written and spoken English.

What we have to offer

We offer you:
- employment: 1.0 fte;
- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
- the minimum salary for the postdoctoral position is €3,227 and the maximum salary (based on full-time employment) €4,418 gross/month;
- The initial salary depends on relevant work experience;
- appointment for a minimum of 3 years, with the possibility of extension;
- you will be classified as a Researcher level 3 in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).

Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions?

Other Information

Starting date: preferably September 2013.

Would you like to know more?

Further information on: Donders Institute/research

Dr. Marcel van Gerven
Telephone: +31 24 3655931
E-mail: m.vangerven@donders.ru.nl


Are you interested?

It is Radboud University Nijmegen's policy to only accept applications by e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 24.14.13, to vacancies@socsci.ru.nl, for the attention of HRM-Department, before 1 June 2013.

  • Postdoctoral position in Computational Cognitive Science at the University of Adelaide (Australia). 11/05/2013.

The computational cognitive science group at the University of Adelaide (Australia) is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to contribute to a project focused on problems of inductive inference. Project PIs are Dan Navarro and Amy Perfors.

The research project investigates how different assumptions about the nature and origin of data lead to different inferences, both in a normative sense and in human behaviour. From a modelling perspective the project is interested in developing Bayesian models of human induction, and in understanding how these relate to more traditional psychological models.

Position Requirements

You should have:

- PhD in cognitive science, psychology, computer science, statistics, or other related discipline
- Experience in implementing and interpreting probabilistic models (in particular, Bayesian modelling, MCMC techniques).

Additional desirable characteristics:

- Previous experience developing new cognitive models
- Matlab or R skills (although other programming languages are also acceptable)
- Experience in psychological experimental design and data analysis

Term of Position

This position is available from 1 August 2013 (although the starting date is flexible) for an initial period of 1 year with the possibility of renewal for another year depending on funding.


Salary: A$74,001 - A$79,435 per annum. The successful applicant will be appointed at an appropriate level within this range depending on qualifications and relevant experience. An employer superannuation contribution of 9% also applies.


The closing date is 15 June 2013. Applications received after this date will be accepted but cannot be guaranteed equal consideration.

Your application should:

- include your résumé/Curriculum Vitae
- address the selection criteria
- quote the job reference number (18047)
- include your Australian residency status (non-Australian candidates are fine)
- include the names, addresses and/or email details of three referees.

Email applications to Dr Amy Perfors at amy.perfors@adelaide.edu.au

Further Information

- Feel free to email us with any questions!
- Our lab website: ua.edu.au/ccs
- The official job posting: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/jobs/current/18047/

  • PhD Positions in Computational Neuroscience at the Science and Technology Research Institute, University of Hertfordshire (UK). 09/05/2013.

We invite applications for PhD studentships in the Biocomputation Research Group at the Science and Technology Research Institute at the University of Hertfordshire.
PhD projects will involve computer simulations of biologically detailed models of neurons and neuronal networks in order to study information processing in the brain.
More details about our research can be found on our home page http://homepages.stca.herts.ac.uk/~comqvs/ and in our publications, in particular:

Reinoud Maex and Volker Steuber (2013). An integrator circuit in cerebellar cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience (in press).

Volker Steuber and Dieter Jaeger (2012). Modeling the generation of output by the cerebellar nuclei. Neural Networks (epub ehead of print).

Thiago Matos Pinto, Maria Schilstra and Volker Steuber (2012). The effective calcium / calmodulin concentration determines the sensitivity of CaMKII to the frequency of calcium oscillations. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues IPCAT 2012, Cambridge, UK, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7223, 131-135.

Volker Steuber, Nathan Schultheiss, R Angus Silver, Erik De Schutter and Dieter Jaeger (2011). Determinants of synaptic integration and heterogeneity in rebound firing explored with data-driven models of deep cerebellar nucleus cells. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 30, 633-659.

Jason Rothman, Laurence Cathala, Volker Steuber and R. Angus Silver (2009). Synaptic depression enables neuronal gain control. Nature 457, 1015-1018.

Applicants should have good computational and numerical skills and an excellent first degree in computer science, biology, maths, physics, neuroscience, or a related discipline. Successful candidates are eligible for a research studentship award from the University (approximately GBP 13,600 per annum bursary plus the payment of the standard UK/EU student fees). Applicants from outside the UK or EU are eligible, but will have to pay half of the overseas fees out of their bursary.
Information about the current tuition fees can be found under http://www.herts.ac.uk/courses/fees-and-funding/postgraduate/home.cfm.

Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment Exercise, with 55% of the research submitted being rated as world leading or internationally excellent. The Science and Technology Research Institute provides a stimulating environment, offering a large number of specialised and interdisciplinary seminars as well as general training opportunities. The University of Hertfordshire is situated in Hatfield, just north of London.

Please contact Dr Volker Steuber for informal enquiries.
Application forms are available under http://homepages.stca.herts.ac.uk/~comqvs/positions.html and should be returned to Mrs Lorraine Nicholls, Research Student Administrator, STRI, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, Tel: 01707 286083.
The short-listing process will begin on 7 June 2013.

  • Convocatoria de 6 investigadores de distintas áreas de investigación de la Fundación ARAID. 09/05/2013.

La Fundación ARAID ha lanzado una nueva convocatoria internacional en 2013 para contratar hasta un máximo de 6 investigadores de distintas áreas de investigación que demuestren una sólida trayectoria investigadora y gran capacidad de liderazgo. Dicha convocatoria está abierta a candidatos de cualquier nacionalidad que cumplan los requisitos de movilidad, formación académica y experiencia investigadora exigidos. El número final de contrataciones estará supeditado a la calidad de las propuestas y la disponibilidad del presupuesto. Las solicitudes deberán ser enviadas electrónicamente antes de las 14:00 horas del 25 de Junio.

Más información: http://www.oficinaeuropea.es/actualidad/noticias/convocatoria-internacional-para-la-contratacion-de-investigadores

  • Convocatoria de 2 plazas de Profesor Asociado en la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile). 09/05/2013.

Concurso Académico

La Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso llama a concurso para proveer 2 cargos de Profesor Asociado de Jornada Completa, a contar del segundo semestre de 2013.

Requisitos de Postulación

• Título Profesional de Ingeniero – Informático o especialidad afín
• Grado de Doctor – en Ingeniería Informática, Ciencias de la Computación o especialidad afín
• Publicaciones en revistas indexadas
• Fuerte compromiso con la Docencia y la Investigación
• Disposición para integrar equipos y articularse con otras líneas de trabajo en la Escuela
• Experiencia en docencia universitaria
• Experiencia en el diseño, formulación y participación en proyectos de investigación concursables en la disciplina, como investigador principal o coinvestigador.

Antecedentes y Plazo de Postulación

Los postulantes deben presentar los siguientes antecedentes para formalizar su postulación:
• Currículum Vitae detallado que incluya proyectos de investigación, publicaciones y experiencia en docencia
• Certificado de Grado de Doctor
• Certificado de Título Profesional
• Dos cartas de recomendación
• Carta de presentación, detallando línea de trabajo, intereses docentes y de investigación.

Los antecedentes deben ser enviados hasta el 31 de Mayo de 2013, a dirinf@ucv.cl o bien a:

Director Escuela de Ingeniería Informática
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Av. Brasil 2241, Valparaíso, Chile
Mayor información: dirinf@ucv.cl fono (56) (32) 227.3761

  • Fully funded PhD position in complex systems/theoretical neurosciences at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany). 06/05/2013.

I would like to bring your attention to our PhD-program in Complex Dynamical Systems Theory / Computational Neurosciences

At the Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Goethe University Frankfurt

Field(s): complex systems theory, computational neurosciences, neural models and networks, dynamical systems

Application deadline: June 1st, 2013

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros

E-mail: cgr@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Address: Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Goethe University Frankfurt

Job description:
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD position at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt University.

We are developing new models and generative principles for the brain using a range of toolsets from dynamical systems theory and computational neurosciences. Examples are new objective functions and generating functionals for multistability, transient state dynamics and self-limiting Hebbian plasticity rules. Several subjects are available for the announced PhD thesis including studies of the brain dynamics, and of the sensorimotor loop, using generating functionals, and/or studies of new synaptic plasticity rules interpolating smoothly between spiking and rate-encoding neurons. The work will include analytical investigations and numerical simulations of neural models and neural networks, using the toolset of dynamical systems theory.

The candidates should have a Diploma/Master in physics with an excellent academic track record and good computational skills.
Experience or strong interest in the fields of complex systems, computational neurosciences, dynamical systems theory and/or artificial or biological cognitive systems is expected.
The degree of scientific research experience is expected to be on the level of a German Diploma/Master.

The appointments will start summer 2013, for up to three years.

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to the address below.

Prof. Dr. C. Gros
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main


  • Open PhD Position for Brain-Computer Interface for monitoring cognitive and emotional driver states at University of Oldenburg (Germany). 06/05/2013.

Duration 3 yrs. Start date: June 1st 2013.

The PhD-position in the project “Car that Cares” is embedded in the newly funded “Interdisciplinary Research Center for Socio-Technical Systems”. The PHD-project aims at real time assessment of cognitive and emotional states with combined NIRS and EEG measurements during realistic car driving situations. The recordings will be taken in an elaborate driving simulator. The position offers an excellent interdisciplinary working environment with psychologists, computer scientists and engineers. More information on the research in the lab can be found at: http://www.psychology.uni-oldenburg.de/57908.html.

Duties of the candidate:

- To design driving situations in a driving simulator
- To carry out and analyze physiological recordings during driving in the simulator
- To develop methods for online assessment of the cognitive state of drivers from brain activation measurements
- To prepare scientific manuscripts on his/her research

Desired experience of the candidate:

- Academic Master's or comparable university degree and strong experimental and quantitative skills
- Prior experience in one or more of the fields of non-invasive human neurophysiology, statistical learning, or brain-machine-interfacing would be helpful.


Applications should include a short statement of interest, the applicant’s current CV, certificates, references, and, if applicable, publications. Applications for this position should be sent under identification 'CTC'. The University of Oldenburg aims to employ more women in this area and therefore particularly welcomes applications from women. We also welcome applications from disabled persons.

Electronic (preferred):
Professor Dr. Jochem Rieger: jochem.rieger@uni-oldenburg.de

Margrit Jung
Dept. of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology
Department of Psychology
Oldenburg University
26111 Oldenburg

Application deadline is May 20th 2013

  • Open Robotics & Machine Learning Positions at TU Darmstadt (Germany). 05/05/2013.

Open Robotics & Machine Learning Positions

The Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab (IAS) at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) is seeking for several highly qualified postdoctoral researchers as well as talented Ph.D. students with strong interests in one or more of the following research topics:

* Machine Learning for Robotics (especially Reinforcement Learning, Imitation, and Model Learning)
* Tactile Exploration, Robot Grasping and Manipulation
* Interaction Learning, Intent Modeling and Inference
* Whole-body Contacts in Humanoid Robotics
* Robot Control, Learning for Control
* Robot Table Tennis

Outstanding students and researchers from the areas of robotics and robotics-related areas including machine learning, control engineering or computer vision are welcome to apply. The candidates are expected to conduct independent research and at the same time contribute to ongoing projects in the areas listed above. Successful candidates can furthermore be given the opportunity to work with undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.


Due to IAS' strong ties to the Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems and Biological Cybernetics, the University of Southern California, as well as to the Honda Research Institute, there will be ample opportunities of collaboration with these institutes.


Ph.D. position applicants need to have a Master's degree in a relevant field (e.g., Robotics, Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics & Optimization, Math and Physics) and have exhibited their ability to perform research in either robotics or machine learning.

A successful Post-doc applicant should have a strong robotics and/or machine learning background with a track record of top-tier research publications, including relevant conferences (e.g., RSS, ICRA, IROS or ICML, IJCAI, AAAI, NIPS, AISTATS) and journals (e.g., AURO, TRo, IJRR or JMLR, MLJ, Neural Computation). A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering (or another field clearly related to robotics and/or machine learning) as well as strong organizational and coordination skills are a must.

Expertise in working with real robot systems is a big plus for all applicants.


All complete applications submitted through our online application system found at


will be considered. There is no fixed deadline: the positions will be filled as soon as possible. Ph.D. applicants should provide at least a research statement, a PDF with their CV, degrees, and grade-sheets, and two references who are willing to write a recommendation letter.
PostDoc applicants require three references and, in addition, should provide their top three publications. Please ensure to include a link to your research web-site as well as your date of availability.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Jan Peters, Marc Deisenroth, Heni Ben Amor and Gerhard Neumann during the upcoming ICRA, R:SS or ICML conferences. Candidates giving a presentation at one of these conferences are invited to send a corresponding note to us.



  • Open PhD position at he MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society (Germany). 25/04/2013.

Max Planck Society PhD Studentship (International)

Project Title: How is visual attention influenced by closed-loop control?
Supervisor: Dr. Lewis Chuang & Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bülthoff
Institute: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Application Deadline: Open until filled

Project Description: The goal of this project is to identify the limitations of visual attention during steering control tasks. Planned experiments will investigate how changes in the joint control characteristics (e.g., time delays, disturbances) of the human operator and machine impact the operator's ability to detect peripheral visual targets. The student will have the opportunity to perform non-invasive electrophysiological measurements (i.e., ECG, EEG) and eyetracking, as well as have access to high-fidelity driving/flight simulators. The student will research aspects of the visual system and identification of closed-loop man-machine systems. The successful applicant will be working in a multi disciplinary team of psychologists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, physicists and aerospace engineers. Affiliated projects and external collaborators include myCopter (www.mycopter.eu). The student will be supervised by Dr. Lewis Chuang and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bülthoff.

The studentship is expected to begin in August 2013.

About the Institute: The MPI for Biological Cybernetics is a member of Max Planck Society. It strives to investigate and formally describe behavioral processes by employing methods from various disciplines (e.g., neuroscience, psychology, systems engineering). It is located in Tübingen, which hosts the DFG Cluster of Excellence for Integrative Neuroscience. It enjoys strong collaborations with partners such as the University of Tübingen, the Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience and the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience.

Eligibility: Applicants should hold an accredited Masters Degree in the natural or engineering sciences. Relevant disciplines include (but are not restricted to): Cognitive Science, Psychology, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering. This studentship is open to international applicants. Some programming skills are necessary. Previous experience in the visual sciences, psychophysiological methods, and signal processing are highly desired.

Salary and duration: The monthly stipend will be for 1365 Euros net, with additional coverage for health insurance. There are no obligatory teaching duties.

How to apply: To apply for this studentship please submit an application by email to Dr. Lewis Chuang. Your application should include a covering letter, a brief statement of research interest, a resume of relevant education and experience, the contact details of two referees, academic transcripts and the expected date of availability

Further Enquiries: Please contact: Dr. Lewis Chuang

  • 35 Positions for Researchers at the Basque Foundation for Science (Spain). 24/04/2013.

Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, would like to inform you that we have launched 2 new international calls to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country. We offer:

- 25 positions for Promising Researchers Ikerbasque Research Fellows
· 5 year contracts
· PhD degree between Jan2003-Dec2010
· Support letter from the host group is mandatory

- 10 permanent positions for Senior Researcher. Ikerbasque Research Professor
· Researchers with a solid research track and leadership capabilities
· The applicants must have their PhD completed before January 2005
· Permanent contract positions within any of the Basque Research Institution

For further information, use this link: www.ikerbasque.net

  • Neuroinformatics Scientist position at the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility, Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden). 23/04/2013.

The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility is recruiting a Neuroinformatics Scientist to complement its Secretariat team, based at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

The ideal candidate will provide critical oversight and management of the development and deployment of large scale cloud-based infrastructure for neuroscience data management, analysis and integration.

Further details and online application are available via this link:


  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Neuroscience at Jacobs University Bremen (Germany). 22/04/2013.

The School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen has an opening for a full time position as

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Neuroscience (f/m)

This is an exciting opportunity to join a multidisciplinary team addressing fundamental questions in Neuroscience. The research aims at designing a cortical circuit model for working-memory and decision-making based on existing experimental data. The methods will focus on mathematical and numerical analysis of neural circuit models, and data analysis of physiological recordings. The model will produce novel experimental predictions, guide further analysis, and ultimately provide a better understanding of the neural mechanisms of memory and decision-making.

The ideal candidate has a background in Computational Neuroscience, Applied Mathematics or Physics and is highly motivated to have an interdisciplinary experience between Neuroscience and Applied Math.

Jacobs University offers competitive salaries based on qualification and experience. The initial contract will be for two years. The prospective starting date is September 1st, 2013, but earlier dates may also be considered.

Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and the names of three references.

Only Electronic submissions in PDF-format to: Alberto Bernacchia at a.bernacchia@jacobs-university.de

Files will be destroyed once the search is completed.

Closing date: Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.

Information on the School of Engineering and Science can be found on


Jacobs University is an equal opportunity employer.

Jacobs University Bremen is a private university offering degrees in engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences at bachelor´s, master´s and doctoral levels. Jacobs University has more than 1,300 students from over 100 different countries.

  • Postdoctoral Position for Research on Multi-Site Communication in the Brain at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany). 19/04/2013.

The Collaborative Research Centre SFB 936 “Multi-Site Communication in the Brain” is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for a 2-year postdoctoral position conducting research on the computational analysis and modeling of structural and functional brain networks.

The SFB 936 Research Center focusses on structural and functional coupling in brain networks at multiple levels, ranging from single-cell recordings to large-scale interactions across brain regions. The projects address network interactions underlying cognitive functions in the normal brain, changes during development and learning, as well as altered network functions in brain disorders. The SFB involves groups from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Universities of Hamburg, Lübeck and Osnabrück. Further details are available on the website http://www.sfb936.net/.

We are looking for a highly qualified and motivated candidate with a background in Computational Neuroscience, Neuroinformatics or Neuroscience as well as solid programming skills (e.g., Matlab/Python/C++). Successful candidates have substantial practical research experience in at least one of the following areas: computer simulations of neural systems or statistical analyses of complex systems. They also need to have an excellent command of written and spoken English as well as very good interpersonal skills.

The postdoctoral researcher will be involved in the modeling efforts of the different SFB projects. In particular, s/he will perform network analyses and visualization, using established algorithms and tools as well as developing new indices for network characterization. Moreover, the researcher will adapt and apply dynamic models to explore the resting-state behavior of healthy and disordered brain networks. The position will be jointly supervised by Prof. Peter König and Prof. Claus Hilgetag and will be closely collaborating with their groups as well as the experimental scientists at the Research Center.

The position is available for two years and may start immediately. The position is remunerated at salary level E13 TV-KAH, 100%.

Applicants should send their CV and publication list, a brief statement of research interests as well as the names of three referees to Prof. Claus Hilgetag (c.hilgetag@uke.de) or Prof. Peter König (pkoenig@uos.de). Informal inquiries about the positions can also be made with P. König or C. Hilgetag.

We particularly welcome and encourage applications from women, disabled people and ethnic minority groups, recognizing they are underrepresented across the participating universities. The principles of fair and open competition apply and appointments will be made on merit.

  • PhD Position at the Machine Learning group, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (UK). 19/04/2013.

PhD Position.

The neuroeconomics of decision-making uncertainty: brains, swarms and markets network.

University of Sheffield, Department of Computer Science.

Supervisors: Drs Eleni Vasilaki & Trevor Cohn, Machine Learning group, Department of Computer Science. External supervisor: Prof. Jane Binner, Chair of Finance, University of Birmingham.

The ML group was founded in 1998. The scientific focus of the group is developing formalisms for data analysis, with a particular focus on probabilistic modelling. The engineering focus of the group is on algorithm development for modelling data in computational biology, language, neuroscience and large unstructured data sources.

This project is part of a funded partnership with the departments of Automatic Control and Psychology under the theme of Neuroeconomics. It involves a close collaboration between Computer Science and Management departments.

Project description: Reinforcement learning and the equity premium puzzle.

Humans often make decisions based on their desire to maximize profit or reward. Such decisions take place within changing environments, where optimal choices in the past may differ from those in the present. For example, choosing a tracker-rate mortgage might have been at some time in the past a better option than a fixed-rate but today this may have changed. These choices are typically made under uncertain situations and involve a degree of risk. Though the specifics of decision-making mechanisms are still not fully understood, it is evident that fundamentally the human brain is able to identify information sequences that could also correlate with reward.

This project aims to develop a data driven framework for understanding decision-making types of investors, and the key ingredients of making successful investment decisions. We ask the question whether the choices of successful investors have a higher component of sophisticated principles versus the unsuccessful investors, and whether different mixtures of models can account for different investor strategies. We anticipate that the results would be of immediate interest to finance institutions that may want to use our models to extract information about their clients' profiles in order to provide customized financial training or making decisions about investor loans.

Candidate's profile: The ideal candidate should have degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or similar, a very strong mathematical background, excellent programming skills and interest in financial problems. The PhD topic requires development and application of Artificial Intelligence techniques for financial data analysis.

Scholarship information: The position covers tuition fees at UK/EU rate, provides annual maintenance at the standard RCUK rate (£13,726 for 2013-14), and a contribution towards research and travel expenses of £1,000 p.a. Awards are open to UK, EU and international applicants. International applicants will be required to prove that they have sufficient funds to cover the difference between the UK/EU and Overseas tuition fees. For exceptional international candidates there might be opportunities for additional fee waivers.

Preliminary enquiries should be addressed to Dr Eleni Vasilaki or Dr Trevor Cohn. Email: E.Vasilaki@sheffield.ac.uk or T.Cohn@sheffield.ac.uk.

Application Procedure: Please submit an application for a PhD at the department of Computer Science including a CV and a motivation letter. For more information and to apply: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/apply.

  • Studentship at the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems at Plymouth University (UK). 17/04/2013.

PhD Studentship at the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems, Plymouth University

Project Descriptions
The CRNS, Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems at Plymouth University (UK) has one PhD Studentship available for the academic year starting on 1 October 2013. The studentship is available in any of the projects:

· Project A: Cooperative Control between Human and Robot
· Project B: Neuronal network dynamics
· Project C: Human sensorimotor control
· Project D: New artificial neural network algorithms for humanoid robot reinforcement learning
· Project E: A computer model of mental imagery
· Project F: Information visualisation
· Project G: Robot location and mapping

In the application form, each applicant must specify one or two projects in which they are interested, and explain how their expertise fits the proposed research project.

Applicants should have, or expect to obtain, a high grade Bachelors or Masters Degree in Computer Science, Robotics, Computational Neuroscience, Psychology or related disciplines. The candidates must have good programming skills and a strong motivation for research.

The studentship is supported for 3 years and includes full Home/EU tuition fees plus a stipend of £13,726 per annum. The studentship will only fully fund those applicants who are eligible for Home/EU fees with relevant qualifications. Applicants normally required to cover overseas fees will have to cover the difference between the Home/EU and the overseas tuition fee rates (approximately £9,790 per annum).
For further information on the project or for an informal discussion, please contact Professor Angelo Cangelosi at a.cangelosi@plymouth.ac.uk or directly one of the supervisors listed above. Details about Plymouth University can be found at www.plymouth.ac.uk.

For an application form and full details on how to apply, please visit www.plymouth.ac.uk/postgraduate.
Applicants should send a completed application form with copies of their qualifications and transcripts, two academic references, English Language qualification (if appropriate), a covering letter and a CV to Mrs Carole Watson, Room A425 Portland Square, Plymouth University, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA or via email to scitechresearch@plymouth.ac.uk.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon, Friday 3rd May 2013.

  • Computational/Experimental Postdoc position at Pennsylvania State University (USA). 16/04/2013.

The laboratory of Brad Wyble at the Pennsylvania State University (http://www.bradwyble.com/Labpage), invites applications for a new postdoctoral position. This laboratory uses a multi-disciplinary approach centered around computational neuroscience, with an aim to understand how visual input is converted into robust mental representations that can inform subsequent cognitive activity. The topics related to this aim include visual attention, attentional capture, encoding of working and visual short-term memory (VSTM), the attentional blink, and repetition blindness. The labs research program develops and tests neural simulations of vision and mental processes, using a variety of experimental techniques that includes psychophysics, eye tracking and EEG.

The ideal applicant has a PhD in psychology, computer science, or a related field, a background that includes several years of computer programming experience (especially Matlab), a strong publication record, and an interest in understanding the mechanisms of vision, attention, and visual forms of memory. Applicants without specific expertise in vision science or modeling will be considered, but candidates are expected to make a commitment to gain expertise in these areas. The research will involve a combination of computational and empirical research, informed by data from psychophysics, EEG, eye tracking, and/or FMRI. Possibilities also exist for the development of artificial vision applications through an existing collaboration with partners in the Applied Research Lab here at Penn State.

The initial appointment will be for one year, with a strong possibility of renewal for a second year. Salary and benefits follow NSF/NIH guidelines. The search is open to all eligible candidates regardless of citizenship.
Applicants should submit an online application at http://www.la.psu.edu/facultysearch/ (PSU Job Number 39244) and should include a CV, several reprints, and a 1-2 page statement of research interests. This statement should describe the candidate's goals for research and training during a postdoctoral position, including previous experience. Applicants should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent separately to wyblepostdoc@gmail.com. If unable to submit electronically, please send application materials to Brad Wyble, 140 Moore Building, University Park, PA 16802. Review of applications will begin immediately. We will consider applications until the position is filled. We encourage applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds. Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in accordance with University policies. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity of its workplace.

  • Short Term Research Engineer Position at EPFL's Computer Vision Lab (Switzerland). 15/04/2013.

EPFL's Computer Vision Laboratory ( http://cvlab.epfl.ch/ ) has a short-term opening for a Research Engineer to work on a collaborative project with EPFL's Electron Spectrometry and Microscopy Laboratory ( http://lsme.epfl.ch/ ). The position is initially offered for 6 months and can potentially be extended for up to 3 years total.


Dislocations are defects disturbing the perfect arrangement of atoms in crystals and play a key role in their mechanical properties. In the field of metallurgy, it is therefore very important to model them accurately. This can be done from Transmission Electron Microscopy images such as those that can be downloaded from


in which they appear as white lines. The goal of this project will be to implement Computer Vision algorithms to delineate these semi-automatically in several images simultaneously and, by so doing, recover their 3D geometry.


• Master's degree in a field closely related to image processing.
• Some experience with Computer Vision Algorithms, especially those related to deformable models and stereography.
• Proven record of writing industrial/open-source code.


Please send your CV with three references to Mrs. Josiane Gisclon (josiane.gisclon@epfl.ch).

  • Post-Doc/RA position in Modular Reconfigurable/Evolutionary Robotics, at the University of Sheffield (UK). 14/04/2013.

Post-Doc/RA position - Modular Reconfigurable and Evolutionary Robotic Systems

Detailed information: http://naturalrobotics.group.shef.ac.uk/UOS006388.html

The University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering

We are seeking to appoint a Research Associate (postdoctoral researcher) to work on the EPSRC-sponsored project 'Evo-Bots - From Intelligent Building Blocks to Living Things':

This post offers an outstanding opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team of researchers. Our long-term vision is to create the first non-biological living system through evolution in the natural world. The project takes arguably a radical approach: creating living systems by synthesising their building blocks from scratch. The research programme will study Evo-bots, which are energy-autonomous mobile robots / mechatronic modules. Evo-bots control when to move; however, their direction of motion is entirely dictated by the environment. By controlling how Evo-bots physically interact with each other (a process called self-assembly), the system can give rise to novel forms of life and its evolution.

The post holder will be working in Dr Roderich Gross' Natural Robotics Lab (http://naturalrobotics.group.shef.ac.uk). The lab is part of the Sheffield Centre for Robotics (http://www.scentro.ac.uk), which offers a brand-new robotics laboratory of ca. 800 sq m.

The position will incur a regular exchange with and visits of Dr Francesco Mondada's group at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Lausanne, Switzerland. http://mobots.epfl.ch/

Applicants should have a good honours degree, hold, or be near completion of, a PhD (or equivalent research experience) in a related discipline such as robotics, mechatronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or computer science, and have a track record of research and publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. The successful applicant will have knowledge in system design, rapid prototyping, embedded computing, sensors and their processing, actuators and their control and have good overall IT skills. Previous research experience in the design, implementation and study of miniature robotic/mechatronic systems is highly desirable.

The post is fixed-term from 1 June 2013 to 1 August 2014.

Salary in the range: £28,685 to £30,424 per annum

Closing Date: 15th May 2013

The University of Sheffield is committed to achieving excellence through inclusion. We are an Athena Bronze SWAN Award winner, a Stonewall Diversity Champion and a Two Ticks Employer.

To apply, visit https://www.shef.ac.uk/jobs (Job reference number: UOS006388). Please note that pop-up windows must not be blocked!

  • PhD opportunities at the Queensland Brain Institute (Australia). 13/04/2013.

The Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) is seeking exceptional and highly motivated PhD candidates to undertake high quality neuroscience research at its state-of-the-art facility located on The University of Queensland's (UQ) St Lucia campus, Brisbane, Australia. Candidates should have an exceptional undergraduate academic record.

Applications close on 31 May, 2013. Selected candidates will be invited to the QBI for interview.

QBI is one of UQs flagship research institutes, with 32 different labs and a total staff of over 300, including approximately 100 PhD students. Areas of particular interest include

Computation and neuronal circuits
Cognition and behaviour
Sensory systems
Synaptic function
Neuronal development and connectivity
Neurogenesis and neuronal survival
Genetics and epigenetics

More information about QBI can be found at http://www.qbi.uq.edu.au/index.html

QBI offers PhD scholarships valued at AU$29,653 per annum (indexed annually, tax exempt, currently AU$29,653 = US$30,920) for 3 years with a possible 6 month extension.

UQ has been approved to participate in the Australian Governments new Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP) system by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. The SVP will benefit international students by enabling simpler documentation requirements and much faster visa issuing times. If you are an international student, you must meet Immigrations requirements under the SVP.

Applicants should possess a bachelors degree with first class honours in science, or equivalent, and a determination to undertake significant research. Successful candidates can commence on 1 October, 2013 once all admission requirements have been met. For further information on the Basis of Admission to a UQ research higher degree, please visit http://www.uq.edu.au/grad-school/our-research-degrees. Successful applicants must accept and commence within 6 months of receiving the award.

Please review the research interests of QBI Group Leaders at: http://www.qbi.uq.edu.au/group-leaders and make direct contact with a Group Leader working in an area of interest to you. The Group Leader will work with you to develop your application for submission to QBI.

UQ is one of the top 3 universities in Australia, with 35,000 students. Brisbane is a cosmopolitan city with a population of 2 million. It has a subtropical climate and is close to world famous beaches and tropical rainsforests.

Further information can be obtained by emailing Ms Janet Voight, Manager, Postgraduate Student Administration (qbistudents@uq.edu.au) at the QBI or visit the UQ Graduate School website for full terms and conditions http://www.uq.edu.au/grad-school.

You may also direct informal enquiries to me.

Professor Geoffrey J Goodhill
Queensland Brain Institute and School of Mathematics & Physics
University of Queensland
Email: g.goodhill@uq.edu.au

  • Positions in computational neuroimaging at University of Birmingham Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab (UK). 12/04/2013.

PhD / early-Postdoc positions are available to work on computational approaches to neuroimaging.

The work combines psychophysics, multimodal brain imaging (MRI, EEG, TMS), and advanced computational analyses to understand perceptual and learning-related processes.
The work is complemented by collaborative projects on non-human primate neurophysiology.

There are strong interdisciplinary links with Computer Science, Engineering and a number of international partners through a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ABC: Adaptive Brain Computations) that brings together researchers from across Europe. This offers exciting opportunities for advanced training, collaboration with international centres of excellence, interdisciplinary exchange and industrial secondments.

Candidates should have a background in Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or a related field. Previous experience of brain imaging or neurophysiology is desirable. Evidence of strong programming skills and signal processing experience is essential. Above all candidates should be enthusiastic to learn new techniques and to contribute to new experiments.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to z.kourtzi@bham.ac.uk
Applications should include a CV, brief statement of research interests, and the names of 3 referees

For more information on ABC, please check: http://www.adaptivebrain.eu

Eligibility criteria:
1. You should have a background in subjects related to the research including neuroscience, cognitive psychology, computer science, engineering or physics.
2. You should be in the first 4 years of your research career and should not yet have been awarded a PhD.
3. You must not have lived in the same country as the institution to which you are applying for > 12 months during the past 3 years.

  • Open Positions in Connectomics / Machine Learning / Deep Networks / Computer Vision at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, Washington, DC (USA). 04/04/2013.

The Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC, has open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring diagrams.

The lab is at the forefront of developing high-throughput methods to map the brain at synaptic resolution, using a combination of large-scale electron microscopy and machine learning based automated image analysis.

Example projects being pursued in the lab include:

* developing large-scale deep networks for biological image analysis using Janelias 4000-core CPU/GPU cluster

* developing novel structured prediction methods for reasoning about image data

* developing tools for crowdsourcing image analysis

* developing novel analytical techniques for understanding network structure in wiring diagrams

Positions could be at the level of a postdoctoral fellow, research scientist, or software engineer, depending on the individual.

Further information about the lab is available at: http://www.janelia.org/lab/jain-lab

Please contact Dr. Viren Jain with questions or inquiries: jainv@janelia.hhmi.org

About Janelia Farm Research Campus:

Janelia Farm Research Campus is a state of the art pure research facility near Washington, DC devoted to method development and scientific advancement in in the imaging, biological, and computational sciences. All activity at the campus is fully internally funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. http://www.janelia.org/

  • Cuatro plazas de personal investigador doctor en la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. 04/04/2013.

Se convoca concurso público de méritos para cubrir plazas de personal investigador doctor para soporte a los grupos de investigación de la Universitat Jaume I, por obra o servicio determinado.

Código: 14489
Departamento: Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimiento: Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Perfil: Doctor/a con conocimientos y experiencia investigadora en procesos digitales de imágenes, visión por ordenador y aprendizaje automático

Código: 14490
Departamento: Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimiento: Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Perfil: Análisis y Minería de Información Social y Semántica

Código: 14491
Departamento: Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Computadores
Área de conocimiento: Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
Perfil: Doctor/a en Informática o titulación asimilable, con menos de 10 años de experiencia posdoctoral y líneas de investigación activas en computación de altas prestaciones, arquitecturas heterogéneas, algebra lineal y teoría de control

Código: 14492
Departamento: Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimiento: Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Perfil: Doctor/a en Informática especialista en desarrollo de aplicaciones de Sistemas de Información Geográfica


  • Research fellow position in the area of Machine Learning and Transfer Learning at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). 01/04/2013.

Research Fellow position is available for 2-3 years at the School of Computer Engineering (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/SCE) and Nanyang Business School (http://www.nbs.ntu.edu.sg), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, starting in early 2013. You will be conducting research in the area of machine learning. Specifically, you will be designing effective classification and transfer learning methods, and applying them to real-world problems such as detection of frauds in firms. The salary is highly competitive.

Requirements include: (1) PhD degree in CS or a related discipline; (2) Sufficient experience in machine learning related research, and experience in transfer learning is an asset; (3) Excellent English writing skills.

If interested, please send a detailed CV to: zhangj AT ntu.edu.sg

  • Two Postdoc-Positions at the Bernstein Center Freiburg - Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology, University of Freiburg (Germany). 01/04/2013.

We are inviting applications for two Postdoctoral positions (one each in computational and experimental neuroscience) at the Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg, Germany for research on

- Models of neuronal dynamics in brain diseases, and

- Interaction of neuronal populations in epilepsy and dystonia

within the new “Trinational Initiative on Brain Diseases” aimed at strengthening the research of neurological diseases from the perspective of theoretical neuroscience. This initiative brings together theoretical and experimental neuroscientists from Freiburg, Strasbourg (France) and Basel (Switzerland) to investigate the neuronal networks involved in brain diseases.
[more info.: http://www.bcf.uni-freiburg.de/news/publications/20130220-tiger/]

The main goal of these projects is to understand neural mechanisms that lead to disease related aberrant neuronal activity dynamics. To this end we combine computational models biological neuronal networks and experimental measure of neuronal activity dynamics in animal models.

For the computational neuroscience post-doc position we invite applications from candidates with a PhD degree in Mathematics, Physics and electrical engineering or computational neuroscience.

For the experimental neuroscience post-doc position we invite applications from candidates with a PhD degree in neuroscience and preferably with an experience in in vivo extracellular electrophysiology.

The two post-doctoral fellows will work in close collaboration. The postdoctoral researcher will be part of the research groups of Prof. Ulrich Egert and Dr. Arvind Kumar and will work in the Bernstein Center Freiburg/Institute of Microsystems Technik (IMTEK) and will participate in the postdoc program of the BCF.


The post-doc salary will be according to TV-L E-13 - the standard German pay-scale for postdoc positions.


1. Please send your CV, a two page description of your current research, scientific interests and goals by April 30, 2013 to the following address:

2. Furthermore, please download our reference report form forward it to at least 2 referees and ask them to provide their letter of recommendation on this form.

The Bernstein Center Freiburg is an interdisciplinary research facility comprising of young researchers from mathematics, physics, electrical engineering and biology.
The research at the BCF ranges from mathematical-theoretical approaches on the function and dynamics of neuronal networks over neuroanatomy and experimentally driven neurophysiology up to the development of technologies for medical application.

For more info:



  • Job openings in the project ATLAS at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). 29/03/2013.

The Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis Laboratory (www.aiia.csd.auth.gr) at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece is seeking for one experienced researcher (Ph.D. in Computer Science/Informatics or Electrical & Computer Engineering) and one early stage researcher (B.Sc. in Computer Science/Informatics or Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering) under a work contract with the Research Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for the implementation of the project “Advanced Tourism Planning System (ATLAS)”.

Details can be found at:


Candidates should submit their proposal and supporting documents by April the 8th, 2013.

For further information, please contact Prof. Constantine Kotropoulos, email costas@aiia.csd.auth.gr


Tourism is a vital economic sector for Greece contributing significantly to country’s gross domestic product. To increase the value of the touristic product against its competitors, not only infrastructure, marketing, and e‐commerce services should be ameliorated, but advanced and unique information services should also be deployed, which will take into account contextual information, such as personal preferences, time dimension, and geographical location. Clearly, planning a visit is not limited to searching the web through Google or reading more about the venue in Wikipedia. This could be considered as the equivalent of browsing an encyclopaedia say 10‐20 years ago or consulting a tourist guide. The outcome of such a retrieval task exhibits low precision, because visitor preferences, time‐updated information about the events taking place in the venue during the visit, are totally ignored. The information missing can easily be found in social networking websites (e.g., Facebook, twitter) and multimedia content (image, video, music) sharing websites (e.g., Flickr, Youtube), where tags disclose users’ behaviour and ratings matched to his/her own preferences. A second dimension to be exploited is geo‐context in the form of Google map data or IP address revealing the country/region/community he/she comes from. Although geo‐context plays some role in successful visit planning, its role is more crucial being onsite. Indeed, geographical information, such as geo‐tag, map, Google street view data, GPS information, user location (in terms of GPS information or information from cellular phone network) reveals the relative position to a specific object. Utilizing such information in multimedia semantic analysis enhances location‐based multimedia services, object detection/recognition, and media description/presentation with cultural/region difference. By considering absolute/relative geographical locations of objects or visitors with different cultural background, semantics conveyed in multimedia may be more accurately explored or presented. The project leverages cross‐media/multimedia information retrieval and recommendation for e‐tourism. The underlying concept behind the advanced information retrieval/recommendation is to treat it as an optimization problem augmented by meaningful constraints, which will increase precision and thus tourist satisfaction by at least one order of magnitude than current information systems in the tourism domain. In the project, novel methods and software tools will be developed for: a) geo‐aware social media tagging and annotation, b) geo‐aware multimedia information retrieval and recommendation, c) location‐based multimedia services.

  • Post-Doc position at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (Germany). 27/03/2013.

Applications are invited for a 2.5-years post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Lindner (Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics) at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin starting in June, 2013.

The focus of the theoretical project is on the spreading of activity and the signal transmission in recurrent networks of spiking neurons. This is motivated by reverse physiology experiments at the BCCN Berlin, in which evoked single-neuron activity in the cortex causes behavioral or motor responses. Ideally, theoretical insights will be instrumental for the interpretation of experimental data and the formulation of novel experimental questions.

In order to pursue this kind of research, the successful candidate should have a strong interest in developing analytical approaches for the stochastic dynamics of single neurons and neural networks. A background in theoretical physics, nonlinear dynamics, and/or the theory of stochastic processes is thus advantageous although not obligatory. The position will also entail a moderate amount of teaching as well as the co-supervision of PhD and Master students.

Applications, including a motivation letter, a CV, and, a list of three potential referees should be send by email to

(cc to nikola.schrenk@bccn-berlin.de)

Deadline for the application is April 5 2013, however, later applications may be also considered.

  • Fellowships leading to Faculty Positions in Informatics, University of Edinburgh (UK). 26/03/2013.

The School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh is recruiting to several positions which start out as fellowships (no or highly reduced teaching/admin) and progress over 5 years to permanent faculty positions.

Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience, both theoretical and applied, are of interest, particularly where the candidate's research programme complements our considerable existing strengths. Core ML and CNS research is concentrated in the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, but most of the other Institutes conduct research that includes applied ML tracks, and there is CNS-related work in the Institute for Perception Action and Behaviour.

for details of the positions and note the short application deadline (18th April, 5 p.m. UK time).

  • Postdoc position in data analysis at INRIA (France). 21/03/2013.

Postdoc position in recurrence analysis of sleep-EEG at INRIA in Nancy, France

A full-time Postdoc position is available in the team INRIA-team NEUROSYS (http://neurosys.loria.fr/) on data analysis of electroencephalographic data (EEG) observed during sleep of adolescents.

The position is financed for 16 months and will start November 1st 2013.

A full description of the position is given under

The candidate should hold a degree in electrical engineering, computer science, neuroscience or physics. She/he should also demonstrate a strong interest in neuroscience since she/he will cooperate with medical researchers measuring the data.

Please send electronically applications including a CV and a list of publications to Axel Hutt (axel.hutt@inria.fr).

  • PhD position in Grasp Learning at the University of Liège/KTH Stockholm. 20/03/2013.

Shared-time between:
- University of Liège, Belgium,
- KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.

The Systems and Modeling Group at the University of Liège, Belgium, and the Centre for Autonomous Systems at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work on a research project that focuses on robot learning and autonomous robot grasping, similar in spirit to the projects presented at:


The position is available from January 2013. The PhD student will work with both Dr. Renaud Detry and Prof. Danica Kragic. The student will spend approximately three semesters in Stockholm, and approximately five semesters in Liège. The position comes with a competitive salary.

The successful candidate must have a degree(s) in Engineering, Physics, Maths, Computer Science or a related field, a solid background in machine learning, and fluency in at least one mainstream computer programming language.

Applicants should submit:
- a one-page cover letter describing their background and interests,
- curriculum vitae (including publications),
- contact information of at least one referee,
- a copy of the academic transcripts (i.e., your grades in your bachelor and master degree(s)).

Applications should be sent, in a single PDF document, to:


Applications can be sent immediately and will be evaluated until the position is taken.

  • Postdocs with Italian connection sought for the Israeli ICOREs in Computer Algorithms and in Cognition (Italy - Israel). 19/03/2013.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy (MAE) has identified the recently established Israeli Centers of Research Excellence (I-COREs) as outstanding environments where early stage researchers could benefit from advanced training while contributing to research and innovation in those Centers.
The first four I-COREs operate in key domains of great interest to Italian research. MAE has therefore determined to fund postdoctoral fellowships, that can be awarded to young researchers with some connection to Italy, not solely to Italian citizens.

Calls are now open, with Deadline April 15, in particular for:

The I-CORE on Computer Algorithms http://www.icore-algo.org.il/

The I-CORE on Cognitive Science http://www.cognitionicore.org.il/

See http://www.itembassy.com/tel-aviv/ for further details and how to apply.

  • PHD positions for research on Principles of Brain Computation at the Graz University of Technology, Faculty for Computer Science (Austria). 14/03/2013.

We are inviting applications for Phd positions at the Graz University of Technology (Faculty for Computer Science) for research on

Principles of Brain Computation

in the Human Brain Project http://www.humanbrainproject.eu/ and in the EU-Project BrainScaleS http://brainscales.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/index.html

The Human Brain Project is expected to start on October 1, and our Lab will lead research on principles of brain computation in this project.
We can employ Phd students already now for closely related work in the BrainScales project
(this project provides intermediate financing until the beginning of the Human Brain Project).

The Phd students will investigate computational properties and learning features of data-based models for cortical microcircuits, through computer simulations and theoretical analysis. Excellent research skills, a genuine interest in answering fundamental open questions about information processing in the brain, and the capability to work in an interdisciplinary research team are expected. Experience in programming, computer simulations or data analysis will be helpful.

Applications are invited by students with a master degree in one of the areas computer science (especially machine learning, software design, large-scale simulations), physics, mathematics, statistics, and computational neuroscience. Our doctoral program will lead to a Phd in Computer Science.

Please send your CV, information about your grades, and a letter describing your scientific interests and goals by March 24 to my assistant Regina Heidinger:

It would be helpful if you could include names and email addresses of referees, and pdf files of your master thesis and/or other publications.

  • PhD Position, Computational Neuroscience, Bordeaux (France). 14/03/2013.

Neuroscience of decision making: from motor primitives to actions

The aim of this proposal is to investigate and to model decision making at different levels in order to establish the link between motor primitives and higher level actions. The question is to understand how continuous complex motor sequences can be dynamically represented as actions such that they can be later manipulated to resolve conflict when several actions are possible.

This research will take place at the institute of neurodegenerative diseases (Bordeaux, France) whose goal is to develop therapeutic approaches to neurodegenerative diseases using both vertical and translational approaches. More specifically, this research will be driven in cooperation with the Basal Gang group which has extended expertise in the physiology of decision making and the neuromodulation of the cortex-basal ganglia loop.

The candidate should have education in mathematics and computer science (modeling, differential equations, simulation, analysis) with a strong motivation or experience in neurosciences.
Knowledge of the python language and numerical libraries will be appreciated.

Administrative Information

Position type: PhD Student
Functional area: Bordeaux (France)
Research theme: Computation sciences for biology, medicine and the environnement
Scientific advisor: Nicolas Rougier (http://www.loria.fr/~rougier)
HR Contact: laure.pottier_schupp@inria.fr

Application deadline: 03/05/2013

Eligibility: Master's in computer science, control engineering, mathematics, scientific computation or an equivalent diploma.

More details at:


  • Postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience at University of Glasgow (UK). 14/03/2013.

I have a postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience available in my laboratory at the University of Glasgow. The position if funded for three years and application deadline is April 2nd 2013.

The project aims at developing a novel set of novel information theoretic algorithms for the analysis of simultaneous recordings from large populations of retinal ganglion cells under dynamic natural visual stimulation. The purpose of these algorithms is to understand how interactions among groups of neurons contribute to visual processing. These algorithms will be applied to analyse the functional response properties of these cells and will expose new principles of spike timing encoding that bridge the gap between single cell and population information processing.

The post is funded by the European Union Future Emerging Technology “VISUAL MODELLING USING GANGLION CELLS” grant. The project will involve collaborations with a retinal neurophysiology laboratory at Gottingen University (Prof Tim Gollisch), as well as collaborations with neuromorphic electronic engineers and roboticists (University of Zurich, and University of Ulster) to contribute to the development of novel theoretical and hardware models of biological retinal ganglion cell types for dynamic vision applications.

Salary will be on the University’s Research and Teaching Grade 7 £32,267 - £36,298 per annum

Prospective candidates are encouraged to contact me by email (stefano.panzeri@glasgow.ac.uk).

For further information about how to apply, please visit http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AGC660/research-associate/

For further information about the institute, please visit http://www.gla.ac.uk/researchinstitutes/neurosciencepsychology/

  • Postdoc and PhD position in comp neuroscience & MEG/EEG methods, Jena (Germany). 13/03/2013.

extended deadline - 20th of March:

We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral and a PhD student position in the Computational Neuroscience & Magnetoencephalography group at the Biomagnetic Centre (http://www.neuro.uniklinikum-jena.de/neuro/en/Research/Biomag.html), Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany.

The successful candidates will develop novel analysis methods for Magneto- and Electroencephalography (MEG/EEG) such as connectivity analysis, source reconstruction and advanced single trial analysis. The positions are devoted to research only without any teaching or administrative duties. The work will be done in collaboration with the MEG and theoretical neuroscience groups at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging in London, UK. These positions are ideal for candidates with a computational/theoretical background and a strong interest in collaborating with experimental researchers in neuroimaging.

The lab runs a 306 channels MEG (Neuromag Vectorview) with 128 integrated EEG sensors, a high-density EEG system, and high-performing compute servers. In addition the group has access to a research-only 3T MRI-scanner. All experimental facilities (MEG, EEG, MRI) are supported by experienced physics and IT staff.

The applicants should have worked in neuroscience before and be motivated to work in a multidisciplinary team (e.g. mathematicians, engineers, psychologists, physicians).

The postdoc applicant must have a PhD (or equivalent) in computational neuroscience, physics, or a related field and should, ideally, have expertise in EEG or MEG and nonlinear dynamical systems. The PhD student should have a mathematically oriented background in computational neuroscience, physics, or a related field but students with a cognitive neuroscience, psychology, or related background will be considered as well.

The starting dates for both positions are flexible. Salary is based on German Public service regulations (postdoc TV-L E13, PhD student TV-L E13 65%). The postdoc position is initially for two years with possible extension; the PhD position is for three years with one year possible extension.

Interested candidates are encouraged to get in touch at their earliest convenience. Applications are considered until 20th of March 2013 but reviewing of the applications will start immediately.

For questions or an informal discussion about these positions please contact Prof. Stefan Kiebel (skiebel at biomag.uni-jena.de).

The following documents should be included in the application in a single PDF-file and sent by email to skiebel at biomag.uni-jena.de: A cover letter including a brief description of personal qualifications and future research interests, curriculum vitae, and contact details of two personal references.

  • Open PhD/Postdoc Position in Theoretical Visual Neuroscience at Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (Germany). 11/03/2013.

We have an opening for a fully funded 3-year interdisciplinary PhD studentship / postdoc position in theoretical/computational visual neuroscience at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS). The position is part of the Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology (BFNT) Frankfurt and is focused on neural circuit models of the visual cortex to study memory mediated top-down control of visual processing.

We are seeking outstanding and highly motivated PhD candidates or Postdocs to apply for work within the above framework. Applicants should hold degrees (Master or PhD, respectively) in relevant subjects, for example physics, mathematics, computer science, neuroscience, engineering, etc. The candidate should have excellent analytic skills, knowledge of signal processing and statistics and good programming skills (Matlab, Python or C/C++). The position can be filled immediately, and the term of the appointment is 36 months. The salary for these full-time positions (PhD or Postdoc) is according to TV G-U 13, 100%.

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies is a research institution dedicated to fundamental theoretical research in various areas of science. It is embedded in Frankfurt’s recently established research campus, which is home to a thriving research community in the field of neuroscience. Tight links exist to the experimental neuroscience centers of the biology department and medical campus of the Goethe University, the adjacent Max-Planck Institutes for Brain Research and for Biophysics and the Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience (in cooperation with the Max-Planck Society) at Frankfurt’s medical campus.

Frankfurt itself is the hub of one of the most vibrant metropolitan areas in Europe. Apart from its strong economic and financial sides, it boasts a rich cultural community and repeatedly earns high rankings in worldwide surveys of quality of living.

For further information, please visit http://fias.uni-frankfurt.de/neuro/kaschube/

Applications should be sent to Matthias Kaschube (kaschube@fias.uni-frankfurt.de) and Gaby Ehlgen (ehlgen@fias.uni-frankfurt.de). Applicants should send a CV (including a list of publications) and contact information of 2 references. Informal inquiries can be addressed to Matthias Kaschube.

  • Open PhD/Post-doc Position in Autonomously Learning Robot Vision Systems at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (Germany). 11/03/2013.

We have an opening for a fully funded 3-year interdisciplinary PhD or Post-doc position at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) focusing on autonomously learning vision systems for a humanoid robot.

We are developing learning methods that allow a humanoid robot to learn to perceive its environment and interact with it in a completely autonomous fashion, much like humans and animals learn to see. The robot's learning is fueled by curiosity drives, making it want to acquire more and more knowledge about its environment and how it can interact with it. Topics include but are not limited to the autonomous learning of depth perception [1], object recognition [2], object tracking, segmentation, cue integration and social interaction skills [3]. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work with the iCub robot (http://www.icub.org). FIAS provides a stimulating interdisciplinary environment with close collaborations with neuroscientists and psychologists. Please visit our group's web page for more information: http://fias.uni-frankfurt.de/de/neuro/triesch

We are seeking an outstanding and highly motivated PhD candidate or Post-doc for this project. Applicants should hold a Master or PhD degree in a relevant field such as engineering, computer science, physics, or mathematics. The candidate should have excellent programming skills (Matlab, Python, C/C++) and very good analytic skills. Knowledge of machine learning, computer vision, robotics, signal processing and statistics are desirable. Experience with programming Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is a plus. The position can be filled immediately, and lasts 36 months.

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies is a research institution dedicated to fundamental theoretical research in various areas of science. It is embedded into Frankfurt's recently established natural science research campus. Frankfurt itself is the hub of one of the most vibrant metropolitan areas in Europe. Apart from its strong economic and financial sides, it boasts a rich cultural community and repeatedly earns high rankings in worldwide surveys of quality of living.

Applications should include a brief statement of research interests, CV including publications and relevant course work, transcripts, and contact information for at least two references. Send applications to Ms Gaby Ehlgen (ehlgen@fias.uni-frankfurt.de). Informal enquiries may be addressed to Jochen Triesch (triesch@fias.uni-frankfurt.de).

[1] A Unified Model of the Joint Development of Disparity Selectivity and Vergence Control. Zhao Y, Rothkopf CA, Triesch J, Shi B. IEEE Int. Conf. on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), 2012. (Paper of excellence award.)

[2] Let it Learn: A Curious Vision System for Autonomous Object Learning. Chandrashekhariah P, Spina G, Triesch J. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2013.

[3] Emergence of Mirror Neurons in a Model of Gaze Following. Triesch J, Jasso H, Deak GO. Adaptive Behavior 15(2):149-165, 2007.

  • Research Associate Position (Machine Learning) at Charles Sturt University (Australia). 10/03/2013.

Applications are invited for a 32 months research associate position working with Prof. Junbin Gao (Machine Learning) at the Centre for Research in Complex Systems at Charles Sturt University, Australia, starting from July 2013.

The research associate is to work on machine learning particularly dimensionality reduction and representation learning. The project is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC http://www.arc.gov.au). A PhD and background in machine learning or computational math or computer vision are highly desired. Experience with computational modelling and matlab is required.

More official details can be found at http://www.csu.edu.au/jobs/vacancies/acad-vacancies (the last one). Please follow the link to submit your application.

Any inquiry please email me at jbgao@csu.edu.au

  • Post-Doc position at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (Germany). 05/03/2013.

Applications are invited for a 2.5-years post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Lindner (Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics) at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin starting in June, 2013.

The focus of the theoretical project is on the spreading of activity and the signal transmission in recurrent networks of spiking neurons. This is motivated by reverse physiology experiments at the BCCN Berlin, in which evoked single-neuron activity in the cortex causes behavioral or motor responses. Ideally, theoretical insights will be instrumental for the interpretation of experimental data and the formulation of novel experimental questions.

In order to pursue this kind of research, the successful candidate should have a strong interest in developing analytical approaches for the stochastic dynamics of single neurons and neural networks. A background in theoretical physics, nonlinear dynamics, and/or the theory of stochastic processes is thus advantageous although not obligatory. The position will also entail a moderate amount of teaching as well as the co-supervision of PhD and Master students.

Applications, including a motivation letter, a CV, and, a list of three potential referees should be send by email to

(cc to nikola.schrenk@bccn-berlin.de)

Deadline for the application is March 31 2013, however, later applications may be also considered.

  • Postdoc in Deep learning at Helsinki University of Technology (Finland). 26/02/2013.

The Deep learning and Bayesian modeling research group at Aalto University (formerly Helsinki Univ. of Technology) is seeking for a qualified postdoctoral researcher to strengthen the group and develop new ideas on deep learning independently and in collaboration with the other members of the group. The group is located at the Dept. of Information and Computer Science in Espoo near Helsinki, Finland. The new postdoc position is initially for two years.

The research group has published new results on deep learning in high-quality international conferences and journals, and has connections to leading researchers in the world. The group is led by Prof. Juha Karhunen and its leading researcher is Dr. Tapani Raiko.
For more information on the research group, see


The deadline for the applications is March 25, 2013. Detailed information on the application procedure, required documents, salary level, and other matters are available at


If you have questions, you can contact Prof. Juha Karhunen, email

  • Two Postdoc Positions in Machine Learning applied to Natural Language Processing at LIUM (France). 21/02/2013.

Two Postdoc Positions in Machine Learning applied to Natural Language Processing

The computer science laboratory of the University of Le Mans (LIUM) has openings for two postdoc positions in the field of machine learning applied to natural language processing. We are particularly interested in candidates with a proven experience in areas like
- neural networks
- deep learning
- structure learning
- fast implementations on GPU

Knowledge in one or several of the following application areas is a strong plus
- natural language processing
- language modeling
- statistical machine translation
- automatic speech recognition

The postdoc positions are immediately available. Initial appointment is for one year, renewable for up to three years. Competitive salaries are available, including health care and other social benefits. The working language is English or French.

LIUM performs research in machine learning applied to statistical machine translation and large vocabulary speech recognition since several years. We are in particular working on the use of continuous space methods.

The postdoc candidates are expected to continue the research along these lines. Possible directions could be deep learning, unsupervised training, distributed training, etc. We are also particularly interested in machine learning techniques involving structured knowledge. LIUM is participating in several international projects, financed by the European Commission, DARPA and the French government. We collaborate with leading research groups in USA and Europe.

A large computer cluster is available to support the research (500 CPU cores with a total of 6 TBytes of memory and more than 130 TBytes of RAID disk space). We also own a cluster with 10 Tesla GPU cards, connected by a fast Infiniband network.

Le Mans is located in between Paris and the Atlantic ocean. Both can be reached in about 1 hour by high speed train. The Loire valley with many wineries and other attractions is just a short drive away ...

For more information, please contact Holger Schwenk by email: Holger.Schwenk@lium.univ-lemans.fr

  • Post-doctoral scholarships in cognitive robotics at University of Aveiro (Portugal). 21/02/2013.

Through previous projects, the Transverse Activity on Intelligent Robotics of the University of Aveiro (ATRI/UA) has been working on the integration of reactivity, deliberation, learning and interactivity for intelligent robots. In the framework of RACE (“Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement”), an ongoing project funded by EU FP7, UA is currently collaborating on the development of an artificial cognitive system able to build a high-level understanding of its world by storing and exploiting appropriate memories of its experiences. The project developments will be integrated and demonstrated on a PR2 robot, from Willow Garage. UA is involved in the development of modules concerned with semantic interpretation, recording and conceptualization of experiences of plan-based activities, and human-robot interaction.

In this context, two post-doctoral research scholarships are open for applications. The scholarship holders are expected to contribute to the development of supervised (based human-robot interaction) and unsupervised mechanisms for experience gathering and conceptualization, as well as appropriate memory mechanisms for storing and exploiting experiences and conceptualizations. Experiences and conceptualizations are concerned with objects, scenes and activities.

Applications must be submitted by February 25, 2013, via e-mail to Luís Seabra Lopes (lsl at ua dot pt). The evaluation and ranking of candidates will be communicated via e-mail.

Further information can be found here:

The University of Aveiro is in the top 2% universities in “Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2011-2012”, and is also among the top 100 universities in the world with less than 50 years. UA is attended by about 15,000 students on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. ATRI/UA has been conducting projects leading to the development of integrated architectures for intelligent robotic systems. This group is well known for its successful participation in many robotic competitions (RoboCup, Portuguese Robotics Festival, AAAI, SRVC, etc.)

Additional information:

  • Postdoctoral position to study sleep rhythms at the University of California, Riverside (USA). 17/02/2013.

Applications are invited for NIH-funded post-doctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Maxim Bazhenov at the University of California, Riverside to study mechanisms and functions of sleep oscillations. The successful candidate will join a research team involving the laboratories of Eric Halgren (UCSD), Terry Sejnowski (UCSD) and Maxim Bazhenov (UC Riverside). For relevant references see, Chen et al, Journal of Physiology (London), 2012, Jul 9; Bonjean et al, Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32(15):5250-63. The ultimate goal of this work is to understand mechanisms and functions of sleep rhythms and the role of sleep oscillations in memory and learning.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the design of a thalamocortical model generating sleep rhythms based on existing experimental data. These models will be used to understand underlying neural mechanisms, as well as guide data analysis and produce novel experimental predictions. Qualified applicants are expected to have experience in computational/theoretical neuroscience and conductance-based neural modeling. Programming experience with C/C++ is required. Knowledge of PYTHON or MATLAB is a plus.

The University of California offers excellent benefits. Salary is based on research experience. The initial appointment is for 1 year with a possibility of extension. Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and the names of three references to Maxim Bazhenov at maksim.bazhenov@ucr.edu

  • Researcher position at ATR, Kyoto (Japan). 16/02/2013.

Researcher position at Department of Neuroinformatics (Kamitani group), ATR, Kyoto, Japan.

Researcher positions (equivalent to postdocs) are available at Dr. Kamitani’s group of ATR for research in data-driven neural prediction models for behavior and mental contents.

We aim to build neural prediction models using machine learning based analysis of large-scale behavioral and neural data. Applicants would have opportunities for research combining experiments and computational modeling using functional MRI data in humans (collected at ATR Brain Imaging Center) and ECoG data in humans and monkeys (collaboration with neurosurgeons and neurophysiologists at Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ., and others). Our projects would involve data analysis of natural images/movies/text and behavioral measurements in realistic settings as well as massive neural data. Thus, we are seeking applicants from broad backgrounds including neuroscience, machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. We are also specifically looking for an applicant having the ability of sleep EEG analysis for our sleep project.

The position is one year, renewable. Start date is negotiable. Applicants should send a CV, reprints (pdf) of representative papers, and names of two references to dni-info@atr.jp.

  • Machine learning + optimization excellence chair position at Montreal (Canada). 16/02/2013.

The Canadian government has recently created a very selective 'Excellence Chairs' program and we (the U. Montreal campus including the Polytechnique engineering school and the HEC business school) have won the competition with a proposal for a chair in the area at the intersection/union of machine learning and optimization / operations research, with the title 'Data Science for Real-Time Decision Making'. We are now looking for a candidate for the chair, full-professor level, with very strong research track and leadership skills.

The chair comes with a very good salary and a big lump of money for 7 years (10 M$ for direct research costs, up to 30 M$ in total including infrastructure and equipment costs).

There is an official announcement with more details there:


  • Postdoctoral position at INRIA and Collège de France (Paris) in mathematical neurosciences (France). 15/02/2013.

We invite applications for an INRIA postdoctoral position to be held jointly in the Mathematical Neuroscience Team (CIRB, Collège de France) and team SYSIPHE of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, on the exciting subject of application of mathematics to neurosciences.
The topic of the research is to analyze the dynamics of infinite-dimensional dynamical systems in the presence of multiple timescales. This includes in particular delayed differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations and integro-differential equations. Such problems are motivated by the analysis of models of neuronal activity. One possible direction of the research are phenomena related to the presence of sensitive dynamics such as canards and mixed-mode oscillations, which are one of the signatures of slow/ fast dynamics. One possible goal is extend the existing finite dimensional theory of canards and folded singularities to infinite dimensions. The postdoc will be given freedom to influence or possibly redesign the research direction.

Best suited for this position are candidates with background in applied mathematics and dynamical systems. Familiarity with computational neuroscience and software for analyzing dynamical systems (e.g. AUTO) is an asset.

The position is funded for one year renewable, is accessible to young PhDs (or future PhDs) with maximum one year postdoctoral experience, and offers an attractive salary, benefits and social security. Candidates will be selected through a national level selection committee of INRIA. Interested applicants are invited to apply online:


The postdoc will take place in part in the historic building of the Collège de France, very well located in the quartier latin of Paris, in close relationship with different high level institutions (ENS Paris, Institut Curie, Collège de France). The scientific life in Paris is very exciting and lively.

Inquiries should be directed to Martin Krupa (maciej.krupa@inria.fr) or Jonathan Touboul (jonathan.touboul@inria.fr).

  • Postdoctoral Training Fellowships at Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London (UK). 15/02/2013.

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit invites applications for one or more postdoctoral training fellowships in theoretical neuroscience and related areas. Research in the Unit focuses on the interpretation of neural data, population coding, perceptual processing, neural dynamics, neuromodulation, and various aspects of learning. The Unit also has significant interests across a range of areas in machine learning. For further details of our research please see:

Details are available through


Academic enquiries should be directed to: dayan@gatsby.ucl.ac.uk, maneesh@gatsby.ucl.ac.uk or pel@gatsby.ucl.ac.uk.

Applications must be made online via the UCL job vacancies website:

The closing date for applications is 11th March, 2013. Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held in April 2013.

  • Research Fellow in Agent Learning/Adaptation Algorithms at Adaptive Systems Research Group, University of Hertfordshire (UK). 15/02/2013.

Research Fellowship in Agent/Robot Learning Algorithms


A Research Fellow post is available in the EU Framework VII funded project CORBYS (Cognitive Control Framework for Robotic Systems). As a part of a European project, this full-time research post will allow the postholder to pursue research into novel methods for self-motivated behaviour generation, behaviour anticipation, intentionality and initiative detection, based on principled information-theoretic approaches, in the context of robotic agents.

The CORBYS consortium consists of several European partners in Germany, UK, Belgium, Spain, Norway and Slovenia. The University of Hertfordshire team is involved in the development of novel algorithms for above tasks. The development of the algorithms and software as well as learning and adaptation algorithms suitable to run on physical robots, based on previous research expertise by the project team, forms a central part in the research.

Applicants for the post should have a strong postgraduate degree (MSc or PhD) in a quantitative research-oriented discipline, such as computer science, mathematics or physics. The post requires strong mathematical background, with emphasis on the areas of probabilistic modeling, information theory and/or stochastic control. Excellent programming skills are essential. It is desirable for applicants to have experience in robot learning, machine learning, or related areas; experience with robotic software development and relevant frameworks such as ROS are a plus. Applicants will have a high degree of motivation and, at the same time the ability to work both independently and in collaboration with the other investigators in the group and the project consortium in an exciting and ambitious research project.


The postholder will be a member of the Adaptive Systems Research Group (http://adapsys.feis.herts.ac.uk/) at the University of Hertfordshire in the School of Computer Science which includes more than 30 research staff members (postdocs and PhD students). The Adaptive Systems Research Group is an enthusiastic, vibrant and highly innovative multidisciplinary research group with an excellent international research track record, which includes work on principled mathematical methods to construct biologically inspired models for Artificial Intelligence, cognitive embodied systems and Artificial Life.

Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment Exercise, with 55% of the research submitted being rated as world leading or internationally excellent. The University of Hertfordshire itself ranks 27th in England for post-2008 RAE-funding in Computer Science and Informatics. The university is located in Hatfield, less than 25 minutes by train from London Kings Cross and with convenient access to Stansted, Luton and Heathrow airports and, via St. Albans Thameslink, also to Gatwick airport.

The position is full-time. The work will be based at University of Hertfordshire and may include short stays at European partner institutions. The position is based on a fixed-term contract ending on 31. January 2015. The position is to be filled as soon as possible.


All formal applications must be made via the Human Resources Department at University of Hertfordshire:

The above website will allow potential applications to find out more information about the post, including a detailed job and person specification. Please consult this website in order to evaluate your suitability for the post.

Note that under current UKBA regulations, the University is unlikely to be able to get a work permit in respect of this post. We can therefore only accept applications from people who will have the right to work in the UK for at least one year from the date of appointment.

Salary per annum: UH6 - 25,504-30,424 GBP pa
(depending on qualifications and experience)

For other informal inquiries related to the post please contact Dr. Daniel Polani (d.polani@herts.ac.uk).

Closing date: 12. March 2013

  • Postdoc in Applied Machine Learning at Newcastle University and XACT PCB Ltd. (UK). 13/02/2013.

KTP Associate - Applied Machine Learning

Salary: up to £27,900 per annum
Closing date: 22 March 2013
Reference: D1181R

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in applied machine learning at Newcastle University and XACT PCB Ltd.

You will work on the application of cutting edge machine learning and computational intelligence methods to real world industrial problems. In particular, we are interested in the combined use of support vector machines and unsupervised clustering methods to analyse high dimensional heterogeneous industrial data. The aim of the analysis is to improve the precision of the manufacturing process of printed circuit boards. The only company in the world that offers a fully automated solution to this problem is the XACT PCB Ltd based near Newcastle in the North East of England. The size of the market of printed circuit boards is in the range of billions of dollars. You can have a real impact on how printed circuit boards are made by joining this project.

The project is a collaboration between the XACT PCB Ltd and Newcastle University. You will work most of the time at the offices of the company and every week you will spend at least a half day at the School of Computing Science of Newcastle University where you will also have an office place. The School of Computing Science recently expanded its academic staff with interests in applied machine learning and computational intelligence. Ongoing research includes the analysis of human behavioural data recorded by movement sensors, development of intelligent and adaptive living environments, data mining of bioinformatics databases, analysis of neuroinformatics imaging data, optimisation of gene regulation for synthetic biology, and experimental validation of cyber-physical systems. You will work under the supervision of Dr Peter Andras (peter.andras@ncl.ac.uk).

We are looking for a self-motivated person with a PhD on a topic related to machine learning or computational intelligence (the actual PhD area can be computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics, engineering or any other related field). You should have exceptionally strong skills in developing and coding machine learning algorithms (preferably in C# or other similar languages, including Java, C++, Matlab, R). You should have a clear desire to move towards industry and to make a real world impact through top quality research.

You must have a First Class honours degree or a Distinction level MSc degree (or international equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or related fields and preferably a PhD in one of these fields. You will have the experience in software development, large-scale data analytics, development and application of machine learning methods, together with a positive attitude and good interpersonal, communication and team working skills.

The position comes with benefits including a £4,000 individual training budget and management training.

The post is fixed term for a duration of 2 Years.

To apply go to www.ncl.ac.uk/vacancies/ and search for the vacancy with reference D1181R.
Please note this position is subject to the confirmation of funding. Applicants are expected to be contacted by April 2013.

XACT is the world's leading provider of integrated registration solutions to many of the world's highest technology PCB plants.

For further details about the XACT PCB Ltd please see www.xactpcb.com

Newcastle University is one of the top UK universities, member of the select Russell Group formed by the 24 leading UK universities. The School of Computing Science is one of the top research departments in the UK in the area of computer science with a research budget of over £4 million per year. The School is a partner in the Newcastle Culture Lab which is a leading UK hub for innovative cultural and social applications of digital technology.

For further details about Newcastle University please visit our information page at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/about/

For further details on the School of Computing Science please see http://www.ncl.ac.uk/computing/

For further details about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships please visit our Research and Enterprise Service webpage at: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/res/knowledge/ktp/index.htm

  • Ikerbasque Research Fellow (“Tenure”). Methods in Neuroimaging, Bilbao (Spain). 12/02/2013.

One position for an “Ikerbasque Research Fellow” will be host by the Group of Computational Neuroimaging in Biocruces.

More information about “Ikerbasque Research Fellow” at


More information about Biocruces


For applying, it is compulsory to have a min of 24 months of postdoctoral research in leading Institutions outside Spain.

Interested researchers must contact me before March 15th, 2013.
Feel free in contacting me for any further question or comment.
Provide a copy of an updated CV remarking best 5 publications.

Jesus M Cortes, jesus.m.cortes@gmail.com
Ikerbasque Research Professor
Biocruces Institute.

  • Postdoc in machine learning for neuroinformatics at The Finnish Center of Excellence in Computational Inference Research and O.V.Lounasmaa Laboratory, Aalto (Finland). 12/02/2013.

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work in a collaboration project of a machine learning group (The Finnish Center of Excellence in Computational Inference Research COIN, prof. Samuel Kaski) and a neuroscience group (O.V.Lounasmaa Laboratory, prof. Riitta Salmelin). There are opportunities for both methods development and brain imaging work.

Deadline 28 February 2013 at 3:00 p.m. EET. Please see more details of the application procedure at
http://research.ics.aalto.fi/coin/vacancies.shtml (see comp biol and medicine and specify neuroscience in the application)

More information:
http://research.ics.aalto.fi/coin/index.shtml (COIN)
http://http://ltl.tkk.fi/wiki/BRU (O.V.Lounasmaa Laboratory)

  • Research Fellow in Modelling and Control of Socio-Motor Coordination at Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol (UK). 08/02/2013.

We seek to recruit a Research Fellow to undertake research into mathematical modelling and control of human social interactions. You will contribute to a joint venture between movement scientists from Montpellier 1 University in France, computer science experts from the DFKI centre (Germany), mathematicians from the University of Bristol (UK), roboticists from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH), as well as clinicians, psychologists and psychiatrists from the Academic Hospital of Montpellier (CHRU, FR).

You will have an excellent background in mathematics and/or engineering, and should be committed to applying their research to make real artificial agents’ systems interacting with people in challenging circumstances. You will possess a relevant PhD and be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in mathematical modelling, numerical bifurcation analysis and feedback control design in order to work within the project. You are expected to produce reliable mathematical models; feedback control strategies and numerical algorithms that i) allow real-time adaptation of the coupled human-artificial agent dynamics based on feedback control techniques and ii) integrate all parts of the interactive cognitive architecture together.

For informal enquires please contact:

Dr KT Tsaneva-Atanasova, Reader in Applied Mathematics

Email: K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@bristol.ac.uk

For further details and to apply please visit:


  • Embedded Systems Engineer para el departamento de I+D de una sólida empresa industrial, en el campus de una universidad, Rhein-Ruhr (Germany). 08/02/2013.

Soy licenciada en informática por la UAB y actualmente estoy colaborando con ING4G, una empresa alemana dedicada a ayudar ingenieros e informáticos españoles a encontrar puestos de trabajo interesantes en Alemania en empresas alemanas que tienen dificultades para encontrar personal bien cualificado en el Alemania.

Actualmente estamos buscando un “Embedded Systems Engineer” para el departamento de I+D de una sólida empresa industrial -el departamento está ubicado en el campus de una universidad-.

Te quería pedir el favor de si podrías publicar y/o distribuir la oferta a personas que pienses que puedan estar interesadas o bien indicarme como publicarla si teneís alguna bolsa de trabajo para ex-alumnos.

Los requisitos fundamentales son:

- Excellent knowledge in the field of embedded systems and of programming languages C and C++
- Deep knowledge in programming of micro-controller (16/32bit architectures) and in RTOS
y buen nivel de Inglés o Alemán.

Valoran especialmente un buen expediente académico, ideal Máster e incluso Doctorado.

Los posibles candidatos pueden enviar su CV a:

  • PhD position: complex/cognitive system theory at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Frankfurt am Main (Germany). 07/02/2013.

Open PhD-position : Complex Dynamical Systems / Cognitive System Theory

At the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Frankfurt am Main,

Field(s): complex systems, cognitive systems, neural networks, dynamical system theory

Application deadline: March 15, 2013

Supervisor: Prof. Claudius Gros

E-mail: cgr@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Address: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt,

Job description:
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD position at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt University.

The general focus of the research group is the development of the theory of complex and cognitive systems: generating principles, functionality and control.

The focus of the work will be on models for the self-generated brain dynamics including generating functionals and working principles for the sensorimotor loop. The work will include analytical investigations and numerical simulations of neural networks, within the framework of dynamical system theory.

The candidates should have a Diploma/Master in physics with an excellent academic track record and good computational skills, preferable with JAVA or C++. Experience or strong interest in the fields of complex systems, dynamical system theory and/or artificial or biological cognitive systems is expected.
The degree of scientific research experience is expected to be on the level of a German Diploma/Master.

The appointments will start summer 2013, for up to three years.

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to the address below.

Prof. Dr. C. Gros
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

  • Doctoral scholarships in knowledge discovery / machine learning at Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt (Germany). 06/02/2013.

Doctoral scholarships in knowledge discovery / machine learning

In close co-operation with the German Institute for International Educational Research and Educational Information (DIPF) in Frankfurt am Main, a member of the Leibniz Association, the Technical University of Darmstadt is offering Doctoral Scholarships in knowledge discovery / machine learning within the newly established PhD program “Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Publications” [1]. The regular maximum duration of funding is 36 months.

Scholarships are granted for completing a doctoral thesis in computer science with a strong focus on machine learning. The research is applied to the domain of educational research literature. To this end, DIPF offers excellent opportunities for a close co-operation with subsequent users. Successful candidates will be granted 1,400 Euros per month. The program will be located at DIPF in Frankfurt (Main).

The successful candidates are expected to work on the projects “Personalized Content Acquisition from Heterogeneous Sources” (Prof. Brefeld), or “Preference-Based Profiling of Scientific Publications” (Prof. Fürnkranz).

The PhD program brings together the disciplines of “Knowledge Engineering”, “Algorithmics”, “Language Technology”, “Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing”, “Knowledge Mining and Assessment”, and “Information Management”. The concept for supervision strongly relies on close contacts between postgraduate students and their supervisors, regular joint meetings, co-supervision by professors and senior researchers from the above disciplines and a lively exchange in the research and qualification program. Furthermore, the program strives to publish research findings at leading scientific conferences and provide its software freely accessible as open source product.

Excellently qualified graduates from computer science are invited to apply. Successful candidates are expected to possess very good programming skills in Java, to work independently, demonstrate their personal commitment, team and communication skills as well as a readiness to cooperate with others. Research experience, in particular in machine learning, is a plus.

Women are expressly invited to submit their application. According to the pursuant legal requirements, applicants with disabilities will be preferably treated in the appointment procedure. Candidates from abroad are encouraged to apply. The Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt regularly ranks among the top in Germany. Among its distinguishing features are its research initiative “Knowledge Discovery on the Web” focusing on powerful language technology procedures, text mining, machine learning and scalable infrastructures for assessing and aggregating knowledge. As a scientific institute belonging to the Leibniz Association, the DIPF targets top-class basic research as well as innovative scientific services. Education is addressed as an area with high visibility and significance. The DIPF is currently establishing a research priority domain for educational information science, by joining competencies with computer scientists at TU Darmstadt. In this context, the doctoral program will constitute a central element. Please submit your application by February 28, 2013. Applications should include a letter of motivation related to the research program [1] and its corresponding projects [2] and [3], CV and details regarding previous scientific work, certifications of studies and work, including the graduate thesis and possibly electronic publications.

Applications should be sent to Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych and Prof. Dr. Marc Rittberger, e-mail:

[1] http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de

[2] http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de/de/home/research-program/personalized-content-acquisition-from-heterogeneous-sources/

[3] http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de/de/home/research-program/preference-based-profiling/
  • Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in the Dynamics of Multifunction Brain Networks at the University of California, San Diego (USA). 06/02/2013.

The BioCircuits Institute (BCI) and Departments of Physics, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Bioengineering, and Psychology at the University of California, San Diego invite applications for several postdoctoral positions conducting research at the interface between dynamical systems neuroscience, statistical physics, and neuromorphic engineering. The aims of the research program, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, are to conduct basic research on how collective action in the brain learns, modulates and produces coherent functional neural activity for coordinated behavior of complex systems, and to engineer a neuromorphic cognitive agent applying these principles to real-time decision making in real-world environments. The ideal candidate will demonstrate experience necessary to work closely with at least two of the participating laboratories at UCSD (Abarbanel, Cauwenberghs, Gentner, Lindenberg, Rabinovich, Sejnowski) and interact at all of the interfaces of the disciplines represented by the researchers in our groups. Candidates with demonstrated expertise in electrophysiology in awake behaving animals, computational and theoretical neuroscience, nonlinear dynamical systems, thermodynamics, fluctuations, and neuromorphic engineering and analog VLSI circuits and systems are strongly encouraged to apply. We will accept applications immediately and will begin making selections on May 1, 2013, until all positions are filled.

Appointments are for two years (in one-year increments) with the possibility of a third. Send your statement of qualifications and interest with curriculum vitae, your two most significant publications and three letters of reference to Henry Abarbanel, Gert Cauwenberghs, Tim Gentner, Katja Lindenberg, Mikhail Rabinovich, and Terrence Sejnowski via email to: postdoc.muri@gmail.com. A Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree is required prior to the appointment. UCSD is an EO/AA employer.

  • Faculty position in Computational Neuroscience, Cambridge University (UK). 04/02/2013.

Applications are invited for a tenure-track University Lectureship (~ US Assistant Professor equivalent) in the broad area of Computational Neuroscience, including Computational Cognitive Science in the Computational and Biological Learning Lab (cbl.eng.cam.ac.uk). CBL combines expertise in computational neuroscience and cognitive science (Daniel Wolpert, Mate Lengyel, Rich Turner) and machine learning (Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Rasmussen). We particularly encourage applicants who would complement our current research activities. The successful applicant’s research should use computational or theoretical approaches to neuroscience, and may combine these approaches with behavioural experiments.

Informal enquiries may be made to Daniel Wolpert (wolpert@eng.cam.ac.uk), Mate Lengyel (m.lengyel@eng.cam.ac.uk) or Richard Turner (ret26@cam.ac.uk).

* Closing date of applications: Monday 4th March 2013
* Interviews: March 18th & 19th 2013
* Decisions: immediately after interviews

Further information and details of the application process can be found at http://cbl.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/VacancyFaculty2013

  • Academic post for a lectureship in Informatics, esp. medical image analysis, at The University of Edinburgh (UK). 03/02/2013.

The School of Informatics at The University of Edinburgh invites applications for a lectureship (eg. assistant professor) in Informatics. Applications are welcomed across all areas of informatics research. In particular we are interested in medical image analysis.

The main details are online at:
vacancy number 009422 (you need the 00).

Full details can be seen at that URL.

If you applied for the academic post advertised in November 2012, please do not reapply in the area of image analysis, as we still have your application on file.

Grade/Pay Scale : Ue08 (37,382 - 44,607 GBP)
Position Type : Full Time
Employment Category : Open-Ended
Closing Date : 28-Feb-2013

The School of Informatics is one of the world's top 10 CS departments, and the University of Edinburgh is consistently in the top 50 on the Times Higher Education Supplement's list of top universities.

Informal enquiries about the position can be made to Professor David Robertson,
Head of School of Informatics (telephone+44 131 650 2709,
email: dr@inf.ed.ac.uk.

  • PhD Position in Web-Scale Computer Vision at University of Heidelberg (Germany). 02/02/2013.

A major aim of Computer Vision is to enable machines to see and to recognize objects and actions in images and videos. Thus, vision research offers great potential for both fundamental research as well as exciting new applications that have the power to revolutionize the utility of computers.
The University of Heidelberg invites applications for a fully funded PhD student position in Computer Vision within a recently acquired research project on web-scale data analysis. The position will be affiliated with the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI). The HCI is the largest university-based research unit in its field in Germany and offers a unique environment for fundamental research on image analysis.
The HCI comprises five research groups (Garbe, Hamprecht, Jaehne, Ommer, Schnoerr) and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), industrial partners, and the University. Heidelberg is an attractive, lively city and the University and the HCI provide an inspiring research atmosphere.

The open position is situated in the research area of visual object recognition in images and video, esp. web-scale object detection.

Successful candidates will have an excellent degree (Diploma, M.Sc. or equivalent) in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or a related field. They will have a strong mathematical background, solid programming experience in C++ and Matlab, and above all a strong motivation and desire to learn. Prior experience in computer vision and/or pattern recognition is desired and fluency in English is required (both written and spoken).

Applications should be submitted by email until March 1, 2013 and include a statement of research interests, a complete curriculum vitae, academic transcripts with grades, and recommendation letters from two academic references. The screening process will already start before the deadline so early submissions are encouraged. The starting date is negotiable.

Email: hci [dot] applications [at] iwr [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de

  • PhD Studentships in Cognitive Assistive Systems at Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg (Germany). 01/02/2013.

The DAAD-funded CASY Project invites applications for several PhD studentships in the area of Cognitive Assistive Systems.

The programme “Cognitive Assistive Systems (CASY)” will contribute to the focus on a next generation of human-centred systems for human-robot collaboration. A central need of these systems is a high level of robustness, learning, and increased adaptivity to be able to act more natural under uncertain conditions. To address this need, research will focus on neural robotics, cognitively motivated multi-modal integration and learning human-robot interaction. Different modalities from sensors and processed representational modalities will be combined and evaluated for their use in assistive systems based on symbolic, statistical, neural or hybrid approaches.

Applications details are available at:


  • Candidates for summer internships at The SoC Security Architecture team, Intel IDGaHillsboro, Oregon (USA). 30/01/2013.

Mi grupo esta reclutando gente para practicas de verano aqui en USA. Creo que es una gran oportunidad para los estudiantes de ganar experiencia en la industria. Podriais reenviar la oferta de practicas a los estudiantes de master o doctorado que tengais con experiencia academica en arquitectura de computadores?
Pueden enviarme su resume en ingles directamente a mi a: carlos.a.abad@intel.com
· tiene que ser un resume nada de curriculum vitae. El resume es como el CV pero de una pagina ( buscar ejemplos online)
· Se require saber ingles a nivel avanzado.

La descripcion de la oferta:
The SoC Security Architecture team at Intel IDGa is looking for candidates for summer internships at Hillsboro, Oregon. Our team is chartered to define architectural security specifications, do early prototyping, and develop performance and functional software models for HW blocks.
Potential candidates must be enrolled in a MS or PhD program in Computer engineering / Computer Science. She/he is expected to have a strong background in Computer Architecture, Software Development, and Scripting. Experience on HW/SW Security is a plus.
The candidate should be self-motivated, show initiative, have excellent communication skills. She/he should be also able to work in dynamic and challenging environments.

Best regards,

Carlos Abad
Antiguo alumno trabajando en Intel USA, en el departamento de arquitectura de Hardware.
Silicon Architect - IAG/IDGa/Converged Tech/SoC Security

  • PhD studentships in Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience at University of Edinburgh (UK). 28/01/2013.

Second-round applications for fully-funded PhD studentships at the University of Edinburgh Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience are now being considered. The DTC is a world-class centre for research at the interface between neuroscience and the engineering, computational, and physical sciences.

Our four-year programme is ideal for students with strong computational and analytical skills who want to employ cutting-edge methodology to advance research in neuroscience and related fields, or to apply ideas from neuroscience to computational problems. The first year consists of courses in neuroscience and informatics, as well as lab projects. This is followed by a three-year PhD project done in collaboration with one of the many departments and institutes affiliated with the DTC.

Current DTC PhD topics fall into five main areas:

* Computational neuroscience: Using analytical and computational models, potentially supplemented with experiments, to gain quantitative understanding of the nervous system. Many projects focus on the development and function of sensory and motor systems in animals, including neural coding, learning, and memory.

* Biomedical imaging algorithms and tools: Using advanced data analysis techniques, such as machine learning and Bayesian approaches, for imaging-based diagnosis and research.

* Cognitive science: Studying human cognitive processes and analysing them in computational terms.

* Neuromorphic engineering: Using insights from neuroscience to help build better hardware, such as neuromorphic VLSI circuits and robots that perform robustly under natural conditions.

* Software systems and applications: Using discoveries from neuroscience to develop software that can handle real-world data, such as video, audio, or speech.

Other related areas of research are also encouraged. Edinburgh has a large, world-class research community in these areas and leads the UK in creating a coherent programme in neuroinformatics and computational neuroscience. The University of Edinburgh was ranked 21st worldwide in the latest QS World University Rankings, and the School of Informatics is the largest and highest-ranked computing department in the UK. Edinburgh has often been voted 'best place to live in Britain', and has many exciting cultural and student activities.

Students with a strong background in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering are particularly encouraged to apply. Highly motivated students with other backgrounds will also be considered.

Studentships include a stipend of 14,385-17,782 UK pounds/year along with research and travel costs. They are available to UK or other EU citizens who have been residing in the UK for the past three years (whether for work or for education); see our web site for full details. Other applicants can be considered if they provide their own funding, typically via a scholarship from their country of origin.

Applications are now being accepted for September 2013 entry. Applications must be complete by 30th March 2013 to receive full consideration for the remaining studentships, and will be considered for interviews in April.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from:

  • Postdoctoral position at Computational Neuroscience Unit of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Japan). 25/01/2013.

A position is available in the Computational Neuroscience Unit (https://groups.oist.jp/cnu) of Prof. Erik De Schutter at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology for a postdoc interested in modeling and understanding cerebellar function.

Candidates should have good knowledge of cerebellar anatomy and physiology, obtained by previous experimental or modeling work, and be open to an explorative approach of cerebellar function. Depending on prior experience and interest the focus can be on modeling the cerebellum and/or on analyzing experimental data obtained through collaboration. The postdoc will interact with other researchers and students in the lab who are working on cerebellar modeling projects.

We offer attractive financial and working conditions in an English language graduate university, located on a beautiful subtropical island. Starting date any time before end 2013. Send curriculum vitae, summary of research interests and experience, and the names of three referees to Prof. Erik De Schutter at erik@oist.jp

  • PostDoc in Dimensionality Reduction and Information Visualization at Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). 23/01/2013.

The Université catholique de Louvain invites applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in Machine Learning/Information Visualisation, beginning July 1, 2013.

The visual interpretation of data is an essential step to guide any further processing or decision making. Data visualization is tackled independently from two different angles in the scientific community. The domain of machine learning addresses mainly statistical, mathematical, and algorithmic aspects with dimensionality reduction (DR) techniques, whereas the field of information visualization focuses on the interaction with the user (man-computer interface, visual efficacy, user-friendliness). In this context, the project aims at bridging the two approaches. More specifically, the project intends to import the concepts of interactivity and controllability from the field of information visualization and to integrate them in advanced DR techniques in order to improve their acceptance by users and broaden their range of application.

The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. degree delivered not earlier than July 1, 2007, and must not have the Belgian nationality. In addition, the candidate must not have lived in Belgium for more than 2 years since July 1, 2010. The net salary after deduction of taxes and social security is about 26000 euros per year, or more, depending on seniority.

Applicants should be knowledgeable in machine learning, data mining, information visualisation, with a particular interest in manifold learning, dimensionality reduction and information retrieval. Applicants should have a strong background in computer science and applied mathematics.

A working knowledge of English language is mandatory. French is an optional asset.

Working location will be Louvain-la-Neuve, a lively pedestrian town in the suburbs of Brussels, where most of the Université catholique de Louvain is located. The work will be carried out in collaboration with Profs. John A. Lee (http://scholar.google.be/citations?user=ZopTupcAAAAJ) and Michel Verleysen (http://perso.uclouvain.be/michel.verleysen/), in the ICTEAM institute (http://www.uclouvain.be/en-icteam.html).

Application procedure: Interested individuals should send a CV, a brief statement of research and development interests (max. 1 page), and the names and contact details of two references by e-mail to John Lee (john.lee@uclouvain.be) with subject “Postdoc DRedVis”.

Candidates interested should send their application before March 15th, 2013; we reserve the right to accept late applications. The position will be available for an initial period of 1 year, with possible one-year extension after mid-term evaluation.

  • PhD positions in speech/signal processing/control theory at University of Memphis (USA). 23/01/2013.

Fully-funded Ph.D. positions available in speech/signal processing, neural networks, machine learning, and control theory

Multiple fully-funded Ph.D. positions are available at the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL). The CIL is affiliated with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (EECE) and the interdisciplinary Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS). A Ph.D. student will work as a research assistant at CIL, funded by a prestigious U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, which will provide full financial support that includes tuition fees and a monthly stipend sufficient for a reasonable lifestyle in Memphis. Obtaining a Ph.D. typically requires 4-5 years.

Ph.D. students will work under the supervision of Dr. Bonny Banerjee. There will be the opportunity to collaborate with researchers at the School of Communication Sciences & Disorders, IIS, and the EECE department at the University of Memphis, as well as with researchers external to the university.

Research will involve investigating computational approaches to answering fundamental questions in visual and auditory perception, such as, how do we learn the norms or invariances from saliencies or surprises in unstructured data. Our current focus is on developing a multilayered neural network model for learning invariances across multiple spatial and temporal abstractions. This research exists at the confluence of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive science, and computational neuroscience. The NSF grant funds research in applying this model for automatically tuning cochlear implants for the hearing impaired. Details are available in Dr. Banerjee’s website.

An ideal candidate will possess the following:

1. Background in and strong motivation to pursue research in speech/signal processing, neural networks, machine learning or control theory, with applications to interesting real world problems.

2. Masters degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, or in a related computational area. Exceptional candidates with a Bachelors degree will also be considered.

3. Strong mathematical and programming (Matlab) skills.

4. Some experience in research, such as, working on research projects, co-authoring journal/conference papers, etc.

Informal enquiries should be sent to Dr. Bonny Banerjee (BonnyBanerjee@yahoo.com). For formal application procedure, please visit the admissions webpage (see below).

Important Links:

Dr. Bonny Banerjee ’s research http://sites.google.com/site/bonnybanerjee1

University of Memphis http://www.memphis.edu

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering http://www.memphis.edu/eece

Institute for Intelligent Systems http://iis.memphis.edu

Admissions http://www.memphis.edu/admissions

Ph.D. degree requirements http://www.memphis.edu/gradcatalog/deg_req/doctoral.php

  • Postdoc in computational neural models of sensemaking at Indiana University, Bloomington (USA). 23/01/2013.


Computational Cognitive Neuroscience of Cognitive Control and Sensemaking

The Cognitive Control lab at (directed by Joshua Brown) is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to work on computational cognitive neuroscience models of cognitive control.

The successful candidate will join an ongoing computational neural modeling research program looking at the interactions of the medial prefrontal cortex with related regions in tasks involving executive function and decision-making. The work is funded by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency. The candidate will be asked to work on ongoing projects aimed at developing computational neural models of sensemaking, with well-defined benchmarks (http://www.iarpa.gov/Programs/ia/ICArUS/icarus.html).

The position will be for one year initially, with the possibility of additional years depending on available funding. There may also be opportunities to collaborate on EEG, TMS, and combined neuroimaging and computational neural modeling of cognitive control. Available facilities include a research-dedicated 3T Siemens Tim Trio fMRI scanner, high density EEG, and TMS, all within the building. Indiana University also provides a 1024 core high-performance computing cluster for computational model development. Information about the lab is available at http://www.indiana.edu/~cclab.

A Ph.D. and background in cognitive neuroscience and computation, broadly defined, are required. Experience with computational modeling, including neural networks, machine learning, and/or computational neuroscience is required. Experience with Linux/unix and matlab is required. Prior experience with fMRI is preferred.

The position is available to start immediately, and applications received by March 1, 2013 will receive full consideration. To apply, send a CV, statement of research background and interests, and 3 letters of recommendation by email to: jwmbrown@indiana.edu. (Note that mailed paper applications and recommendations will not be accepted). Inquiries may be directed to Joshua Brown (jwmbrown@indiana.edu).

Applications from women and minorities are encouraged. Indiana University is an equal opportunity employer.

  • Postdoc and PhD position in comp neuroscience & MEG/EEG methods, Jena (Germany). 22/01/2013.

We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral and a PhD student position in the Computational Neuroscience & Magnetoencephalography group at the Biomagnetic Centre (http://www.biomag.uni-jena.de), Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany.

The successful candidates will develop novel analysis methods for Magneto- and Electroencephalography (MEG/EEG) such as connectivity analysis, source reconstruction and advanced single trial analysis. The positions are devoted to research only without any teaching or administrative duties. The work will be done in collaboration with the MEG and theoretical neuroscience groups at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging in London, UK. These positions are ideal for candidates with a computational/theoretical background and a strong interest in collaborating with experimental researchers in neuroimaging.

The lab runs a 306 channels MEG (Neuromag Vectorview) with 128 integrated EEG sensors, a high-density EEG system, and high-performing compute servers. In addition the group has access to a research-only 3T MRI-scanner. All experimental facilities (MEG, EEG, MRI) are supported by experienced physics and IT staff.

The applicants should have worked in neuroscience before and be motivated to work in a multidisciplinary team (e.g. mathematicians, engineers, psychologists, physicians).

The postdoc applicant must have a PhD (or equivalent) in computational neuroscience, physics, or a related field and should, ideally, have expertise in EEG or MEG and nonlinear dynamical systems. The PhD student should have a mathematically oriented background in computational neuroscience, physics, or a related field but students with a cognitive neuroscience, psychology, or related background will be considered as well.

The starting dates for both positions are flexible. Salary is based on German Public service regulations (postdoc TV-L E13, PhD student TV-L E13 65%). The postdoc position is initially for two years with possible extension; the PhD position is for three years with one year possible extension.

Interested candidates are encouraged to get in touch at their earliest convenience. Applications are considered until 15th of March 2013 but reviewing of the applications will start immediately.

For questions or an informal discussion about these positions please contact Prof. Stefan Kiebel (skiebel at biomag.uni-jena.de).

The following documents should be included in the application in a single PDF-file and sent by email to skiebel at biomag.uni-jena.de: A cover letter including a brief description of personal qualifications and future research interests, curriculum vitae, and contact details of two personal references.

  • Postdoc and PhD student positions in Bio-inspired computation at University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia). 21/01/2013.

The University of Queensland is seeking to recruit a postdoc and new PhD students for a project on bio-inspired computation. The aims of the project are to develop spiking neural networks for practical computation with the iRat robot.

Qualifications for the postdoc position: PhD in Computational Neuroscience, Robotics, Computer Science or related area.
PhD students should have 1st class honours in Computer Science or a related discipline and an interest in learning the following skills.

Essential Knowledge and Skills: Experience in simulation of spiking neural networks; excellent programming skills; practical and theoretical knowledge of bio-inspired computation; track record of publication of research findings in peer reviewed journals and conferences. Desired: Expertise in cognitive robotics; excellent mathematics or machine learning; experience in computational neuroscience and theory of computation.

The postdoc position description and application details are online at http://uqjobs.uq.edu.au/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=494238
Informal enquiries about the positions can be made to Prof Janet Wiles (email: j.wiles@uq.edu.au).
PhD applicants can email a current CV.
Closing date: 10th February 2013

  • PhD-Position studentship at the University of Reading (UK). 21/01/2013.

University of Reading PhD Studentship

Project Title: Fast and Furious: the nature of anticipation

Supervisor: Dr Yoshikatsu Hayashi and Prof Slawomir J. Nasuto

School/Department: School of Systems Engineering (SSE)

Overview: We make split second decisions and actions at each step of our lives. Engaging in such activities is critically dependent on ability to anticipate future outcomes. Anticipation has been postulated as one of the most generic forms of information processing in perception, motor control, and coordination of interactions with the environment or the other members of the society. Yet the nature of the anticipation mechanisms is not well understood and the fundamental assumptions behind some of the proposals are hotly debated.

The project will develop and apply tools from nonlinear dynamical modelling and signal analysis in order to investigate the mechanisms of anticipation using motion tracking experimental paradigm where two subjects learn via interaction to perform coherently their motion. The project will also involve development of novel techniques of simultaneous EEG scanning of two subjects which will further inform us about the neural mechanisms underlying anticipation.

We are inviting applications from dedicated candidates enthusiastic about the research and interested in interdisciplinary study in neuroscience, cognitive science and cybernetical physics, combining experimental, analytic and computational techniques, who are also interested in potential fundamental larger questions related to their line of enquiry. The suitable candidate should have excellent analytic skills, good familiarity with programming and be keen to develop experimental and cognitive expertise through their study.

The candidate will work as a member of the Brain Embodiments Lab - a thriving interdisciplinary research community which will offer an excellent support and possibility of interactions with researchers and students investigating the role of the close loop between brain, body and the dynamic environment in cognitive and neural information processing.

Eligibility: Applicants should hold a minimum of a UK Honours Degree at 2:1 level or equivalent in a relevant subject such as systems engineering, control engineering, cybernetics or physics. Please note that due to restrictions on the funding this studentship is for UK/EU applicants only.

Funding Details: Studentship will cover Home/EU Fees and pay the Research Council minimum stipend (£13,590 for 2011/12) for up to 3 years. The studentship will begin in October 2013.

How to apply: To apply for this studentship please submit an application for a PhD in Cybernetics to the University - see http://www.reading.ac.uk/Study/apply/pg-applicationform.aspx.

Please quote the reference GS13-14 in the 'Scholarships applied for' box which appears within the Funding Section of your online application.

Once you have submitted your application, you should receive an email to confirm receipt of your application. You should forward email confirming application receipt, along with a covering letter, to SSE Postgraduate Administrator, Mrs Nellie Round (n.round@reading.ac.uk).

Application Deadline: Friday 15th March 2013

Further Enquiries: Please contact Dr Yoshikatsu Hayashi.
Email: hayashi.yoshikatsu@gmail.com

  • 30 fully-funded PhD studentships (Computer Science Programme) at City University London (UK). 21/01/2013.

City University London is offering up to 30 fully-funded PhD studentships for starting in October 2013. These are open to UK, EU and overseas students and include a bursary of GBP 16,000 per year and a full tuition fee waiver for 3 years.

The application deadline is the 1st of March 2013.

General information and an assessment criteria are available at:

Information on how to apply to the Computer Science programme is available at:

If you would like to discuss a potential application, please contact Artur Garcez at aag@soi.city.ac.uk

  • Three postdoc position at University of California, Santa Barbara (USA). 18/01/2013.

SAGE JUNIOR FELLOW PROGRAM, SAGE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF MIND, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA. Three postdoctoral positions will be available beginning on July 1, 2013. The initial appointment is for one year, with a possible extension to a second year.

The SAGE Center Junior Fellowship will foster interdisciplinary research in the study of brain-mind interaction at the postdoctoral level. We are seeking exceptional scholars who will engage in research and participate in teaching graduate-level courses at UCSB. In addition to developing research programs in close collaboration with individual faculty, Junior Fellows will enjoy special privileges, including access to Visiting SAGE Scholars and attendance at regular group meetings to collaborate and share information about the role of psychology, cognitive neuroscience, economics, political science, anthropology, biology, and philosophy on the study of mind. To be eligible for the Junior Fellows program, a candidate must be at an early stage of his or her postdoctoral career.

Proposed research topics must be related to brain-mind interaction. We will strive to create a team based on common interests of the top applicants.

To apply, please send:
1. A complete CV, published article and three letters of recommendation
2. A statement of your research interests and a description of how those interests complement the goals of the SAGE Center.

For primary consideration, apply by March 1, 2013, although we will accept applications until the positions are filled. Letters of recommendation may be sent by applicants or by recommenders. Email the required application materials to juniorfellows@sagecenter.ucsb.edu; include your last name in the subject line of all correspondence. Alternatively, you or your recommenders may send hard copies to this address:

Michael S. Gazzaniga, Ph.D.
Director, Sage Center for the Study of Mind
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106-9660


The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action employer.

  • PhD-Position “Local Balance in Neuronal Networks” at the Bernstein Center Freiburg (Germany). 18/01/2012.

We are inviting application for a PhD-Position “Local Balance in Neuronal Networks” Biomicrotechnology lab - Prof. Ulrich Egert

Neuronal networks with inhomogeneous connectivity have been suggested to be more robust against saturation and excessive synchronization in high input regimes. This strongly depends on the specific type of balance of excitation and inhibition as well as the role and effectiveness or long range connectivity. Locally unbalanced networks could contribute to an optimal representation of information in wide range of input regimes, or conversely to pathological network dynamics. In this context, we are interested in the role of inhibition/excitation balance beyond the statistical mean. We expect that local variability, the extent of connectivity and the specific properties of inhibitory/excitatory balance influence the activity structure and robustness of neuronal networks. We test this in synthetic networks of cultured cortical neurons using electrophysiological, optogenetic and computational techniques.

We invite applications to join the lab for a 3-4 year PhD-Project, and to enter the PhD-Program “iCoNeT” at the Bernstein Center Freiburg. The project is financed by a fellowship of the DAAD.

The successful applicant has some prior training in experimental neurophysiology, excellent command of the English language, high motivation for independent work, knowledge of some programming language, ideally Matlab or Python, and willingness to contribute to an international team.
Experience with cell cultures, network modeling or intracellular recording would be a plus.

The Bernstein Center Freiburg concentrates research in Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The projects are highly interdisciplinary and span across mathematical-theoretical approaches on the function and dynamics of neuronal networks, neuroanatomy, experimentally driven neurophysiology and the development of technologies for medical application.

Application deadline: March 31, 2013

Further details on:

  • Research Associate in Robust Speech Recognition at the University of Sheffield (UK). 18/01/2013.

The University of Sheffield, Department of Computer Science invite applications for a position as Research Associate to work on a project to research and develop robust technology for recognition of speech in meetings. The associated project, DocuMeet, is funded by the European Union and involves collaboration with partners from academia and industry across Europe. The Speech and Hearing Research Group is responsible for speech technology in the project, but also contributes to some natural language understanding tasks.

Speech transcription of meeting data is a well-established task, with international competitions (held by U.S. NIST), and supported by several large-scale research projects. While significant progress has been made, the performance of recognition, detection and analysis systems is still very far from usable in many realistic, natural scenarios. There are many significant challenges seeking a solution: the acoustic complexity of meetings goes well beyond standard settings.: Noise and reverberation are standard; speech signals show significant amounts of overlap between speakers; varying degrees of emotion are present; and speakers are moving. All of these pose significant challenges to speech research and practical applications.

In the DocuMeet project we specifically work on speech recognition robustness to noise and reverberation. We aim to work on new algorithms that allow to factor environment and context in novel ways (e.g. eigen-environments). The recordings from multiple microphones can be used to remove unwanted acoustics, while knowledge about a specific environment type should be used to adjust acoustic models of the recognition systems. Further we will investigate how such algorithms can be integrated with personalisation (acoustic/language) and how metadata can be used to inform such processes. Extensive experimentation of existing and new corpora will be required to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new techniques.

Applicants are required to have a track record of work on speech technologies including speech recognition, and to have had exposure to modern machine learning techniques. Ideally, such a track record is demonstrated by publications in international journals and conferences. The successful candidate will be required to hold a PhD in the field; work on the project will require publication of results, travelling to conferences and extensive visits to itslanguage offices. At this point the project duration is for one year, but extensions are likely.
The project will be embedded in the Speech and Hearing (SpandH) research group at (http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/spandh) in the Department of Computer Science, and in particular the subgroup on machine intelligence for natural interfaces (MINI). SpandH is amongst the largest speech research groups in the UK, with extensive infrastructure and a vibrant research environment. The group is well known internationally for its research, which reaches across traditional divides to encompass and link computational hearing, speech perception and speech technology. The MINI subgroup is led by Prof. Hain, currently has 13 members, and is amongst other things well known for speech recognition and classification. It has had systems with best performance in international competitions that are available to the public at www.webasr.org. The subgroup is currently involved in many projects, including an EPSRC programme grant (with Univ. of Cambridge, Univ. of Edinburgh), research organisations (e.g. Idiap, NICT), and Industry (e.g. Cisco, Google). It has its own extensive computing infrastructure, access to large quantities of data, as well as dedicated recording facilities.

The Department of Computer Science, which is a member of the Faculty of Engineering, was established in 1982 and has since attained an international reputation for its research and teaching. Currently there are over 100 members of staff in Computer Science, including 35 Academics. The Department has an international reputation for the quality of its research, and was awarded grade 5 in the 2001 research assessment exercise, and in the 2008 exercise, 65% of our research was rated world leading or internationally excellent in terms of its originality, significance and rigor.

If you would like to know more about this position, please contact Prof. Thomas Hain - t.hain@dcs.shef.ac.uk.

In order to apply, the best option is to visit jobs.ac.uk and then press the 'Apply' button on the page:


The University of Shefield JOB ID is UOS005891.

  • Postdoc Positions in Signal Classification at École Normale Supérieure in Paris (France). 17/01/2013.

The Signal Classification group at École Normale Supérieure, in Paris is offering two post-doc positions (1-year, extendable), beginning beween March 1st and September 1st 2013, under the supervision of Pfr. Stéphane Mallat.

The research domain concerns signal and image representations for unsupervised and supervised classification. It covers a broad range of signal processing, machine learning and applied mathematics topics, including:

- Deep neural networks
- Dictionary learning
- Invariant representations on groups
- Kernel learning and clustering
- Sparse representations
- Wavelet transforms

Applications may concern any type of signal, including speech and music, images, videos, seismic data and medical signals such as EEG or ECG.

Candidates should email to stephane.mallat@ens.fr before February 15th:
- Their CV
- Selected preprints
- A list of three references with emails and phone numbers

More information are available at: http://www.di.ens.fr/signal or in the NIPS video lecture: http://videolectures.net/nips2012_mallat_classification/

  • Post-doc positions at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University (China). 17/01/2013.

Visual Information Processing (VIP) Lab (i.e., Tsinghua University – Hong Kong PolyU Joint Lab) in Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, China, is the member of the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and System. It has several openings for post-doctoral fellows in the fields:

1. Speech/Acoustic/EEG signal processing, robust speech recognition, speech synthesis;

2. Image Processing, computer vision,3D image/video processing;

3. Machine learning, artificial intelligence;

4. Biometrics, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Affective computing.

Job requirements for post-doctoral fellows:

- Applicants are expected to have finished, or be about to finish their Ph.D. degrees, to have a strong background in one of the following areas: mathematics, statistical signal processing, biometrics, and multimedia processing, and to have a track record of publications in top conferences and journals.

- Strong programming skills (C or C++, matlab, or python).

- Embedded system software and hardware development experience is a plus.

- Good English communication skills;


The salaries are in the range 20,000 to 25,000 USD per year based on the candidates' experience. An apartment with about 70 square meters (two bed rooms, one living room and one kitchen room)is provided inside the campus and the rent is less than 200 USD per month.

Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University is located in Shenzhen city, situated immediately north of Hong Kong. Owing to China's economic liberalization, the area became China's first and the most successful Special Economic Zones.

The laboratory offers a creative international environment, and works on an interdisciplinary team. We provide a possibility to conduct competitive research on a global scale. There will be ample opportunities to cooperate with some of the best groups in Hong Kong, Europe and the USA.

Application Instructions:

Interested applicants should send a CV to Prof. Li (li.weifeng@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn) Address: Room 103A, F Building, Tsinghua Campus, University Town, Nanshan District, 518055 Shenzhen, P.R. China

  • Post-Doctoral and Research Engineer Positions at EPFL's Computer Vision Lab, Lausanne (Switzerland). 15/01/2013.

EPFL's Computer Vision laboratory (http://cvlab.epfl.ch) is about to begin a collaboration with Pix4D, a local start-up company (http://www.pix4d.com/), to develop novel approaches to combining aerial images acquired by drones with ground-level ones for automated mapping. The challenge is that these images will be very different in scale and viewpoint, making it difficult to register them using traditional keypoint-based methods.

The post-doctoral fellow and the research engineer will collaborate closely, both with each other and with our Pix4D colleagues. The former will focus on developping new methods that can lead to publication while the latter will be expected to write industrial-grade software that can eventually be transfered to the company.

Post-Doctoral Profile:

- Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision or Photogrammetry.
- Strong publication record in top-level conferences and journals.
- Strong programming skills (C or C++) are a plus.

Research-Engineer Profile:

- Master's degree in a field related to image processing.
- Proven record of writing industrial/open-source code.
- Familiarity with mapping and photogrammetry is a plus.


- One year renewable up to a maximum of three years.


Please send your CV with three references to Mrs. Josiane Gisclon


Two full-time 36-month PhD studentships are available immediately as part of the EU-funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network on the Perceptual Representation of Illumination, Shape and Materials (PRISM: https://sites.google.com/site/prismitn/home). One is in Roland Fleming's lab in the Psychology Department, University of Giessen (http://www.allpsych.uni-giessen.de/roland/). The other is with the leading computer graphics firm NextLimit Technologies, Madrid (http://www.nextlimit.com/). As NextLimit is an industrial partner the PhD degree will be awarded through Giessen University --- however, NextLimit will be the primary host for the research projects.

The PRISM network is a research and training consortium that brings together seven academic and two industrial partners from across Europe to study how the brain represents the illumination, shape and material properties of surface and objects in our surroundings. The network provides outstanding inter-disciplinary training opportunities through hands-on research projects, international lab exchanges, industrial secondments and specialist workshops and conferences. We invite applicants with a strong background in psychology, neuroscience, biology, physics, computer science, or engineering who are keen to understand how the brain represents the richly detailed ‘look and feel’ of surfaces, objects and illumination in the surrounding world. Studentships are generously funded at a rate set by the EU and with many opportunities for travel and networking.

Roland Fleming’s lab uses a combination of psychophysics, computer graphics and image analysis techniques to study how the brain visually estimates the physical properties of surfaces and objects. This includes the perception of 3D shape, optical properties of materials (such as translucency and glossiness), and higher-level physical and functional properties such as object stability and fluid viscosity. This project will focus primarily on the perception of soft, deformable materials, investigating how we use shape---and the way shape changes over time---to infer the properties of the materials.

NextLimit Technology is a software development company specializing in simulation technologies. NextLimit’s research on rendering algorithms has produced one of the most advanced rendering technologies on the market: Maxwell Render. This technology is capable of simulating the interaction of the light and materials by means of sophisticated ray-tracing techniques, resulting in very high quality images. Another product developed by Next Limit is RealFlow, a physics simulation technology, which includes fluids and body dynamics to produce advanced simulations. These technologies have been used in numerous Hollywood blockbusters including Avatar, 2012, GI Joe and many others. This project will focus primarily on the visual evaluation of image fidelity and realism, using psychophysics and modelling to develop image quality metrics for evaluating renderings. Previous experience with computer graphics is highly recommended.

Applicants should have a strong academic training, including a Master's degree in a relevant discipline. Due to requirements of the funding scheme, the applicant for the position in Roland Fleming's lab must not have spent more than 12 months in the past 3 years in Germany. Similarly, the applicant for the position at NextLimit must not have spent more than 12 months in the past 3 years in Spain. We particularly encourage female applicants and applicants from any ethnic background to apply.

Please send a CV and a brief (max. 1 page) cover letter explaining why you are interested in applying for the position to roland.w.fleming@psychol.uni-giessen.de and, if you are applying for the position at NextLimit, also to mariajose.orellana@nextlimit.com, with the subject “REF: PRISM ITN Position at Next Limit”. In your cover letter, please briefly explain in a couple of paragraphs:
· your research interests
· what you are looking for in a PhD
· why you would like to study at the host institution
· your longer term career goals

-- Giessen, Germany: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Roland Fleming: roland.w.fleming@psychol.uni-giessen.de

-- Madrid, Spain: NextLimit Technologies*
María José Orellana: mariajose.orellana@nextlimit.com

For further information see the PRISM website:

  • Postdoc in computational modelling of spatial cognition, University College London (UK). 15/01/2013.

UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience & Institute of Neurology University College London U.K.

Computational modelling of the neural mechanisms of spatial cognition

A post-doctoral research position in Neil Burgess’s lab at UCL is available for computational modelling of the interactions between grid cells and place cells in coding spatial location (see e.g. 1,2,3) and their role in human spatial memory and imagery in combination with parietal cortex (see e.g. 4,5,6). Applicants should have experience of computational modelling applied to neuroscience or cognition and of programming languages such as MatLab. Experience of analysis or acquisition of experimental data in neuroscience or psychology involving virtual reality, single-unit electrophysiology, fMRI or MEG would be a bonus.

Neil’s lab forms part of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (http://www.icn.ucl.ac.uk/), located close to the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit (http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/), the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/) and other facilities for research including electrophysiology and virtual reality. For details of the lab’s research interests see: http://www.icn.ucl.ac.uk/Research-Groups/Space-and-Memory-Group/. The post is part of a European Union grant on computational modelling of spatial cognition, with partners Fred Hamker (T U Chemnitz), Patrick Cavanagh (U Paris Descartes), Pieter Menendorp (Donders/Neijmegen) and Rufin Van Rullen (CNRS/U Toulouse).

The position will be available from March 2013, starting salary within UCL Grade 7 according to experience (£32,375 - £39,132, inc. London Allowance).

You should apply through “Current employment opportunities at UCL” on www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs using Ref No 1305299.

If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact Samantha Robinson, Personnel Officer, Institute of Neurology, 23 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG (email: IoN.HRadmin@ucl.ac.uk). Informal enquiries should be addressed to Prof Neil Burgess n.burgess@ucl.ac.uk.

Please quote Ref: 1305299

Closing date: Monday 28th January 2013

1. Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2011) Models of place and grid cell firing and theta rhythmicity. Curr Opin. Neurobiol. 21: 734-744.
2. Barry C, Ginsberg LL, O’Keefe J, Burgess N (2012) Grid cell firing patterns signal environmental novelty by expansion. P.N.A.S. In press.
3. Krupic J, Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2012) Neural Representations of Location Composed of Spatially-periodic Bands. Science, 337: 853-857.
4. Doeller CF, Barry C, Burgess, N (2010) Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network. Nature 463 657- 661.
5. Byrne P, Becker S, Burgess N (2007). Remembering the past and imagining the future: a neural model of spatial memory and imagery. Psychological Review 114 340-375.
6. Tcheang L, Bülthoff H, Burgess N (2011) Visual influence on path integration in darkness indicates a multimodal representation of large-scale space. P.N.A.S. 108: 1152-1157.

  • Postdoc Opportunity in Sensorimotor Control, Cambridge (UK). 14/01/2013.

Research Assistant/Associate in Sensorimotor Control (Wolpert & Shadlen)

We seek a Research Assistant/Associate for an HFSP project between Daniel Wolpert (Cambridge) and Michael Shadlen (Columbia) investigating the interplay between decision making and sensorimotor control in humans using computational and experimental approaches (www.wolpertlab.com). Experience with human behavioural experiments and computational approaches in visual psychophysics, decision-making, motor-control are advantageous. Strong analytical skills (Matlab) are essential. The post will be based in Cambridge. Applicants should have (or soon to be awarded) a Ph.D in a discipline relevant to neuroscience.

Further details on http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/-24702/

Deadline February 15th

  • Three PhD studentships in decision making at the University of Sheffield (UK). 14/01/2013.

The cross-disciplinary neuroeconomics network at the University of Sheffield is seeking applications for PhD studentships as part of the project: “Decision making under uncertainty: brains, swarms and markets”

Project 1: “Experimental validation of a new computational theory of adaptive decision-making.”

Project 2: “‘Herding cats’: Visually guided decision making with target swarms”

Project 3: Reinforcement learning and the equity premium puzzle

The closing date for applications is 15 February 2013.

See http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/psychology/prospectivepg/decisionmaking and http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/scholarships/projects/neuroeconomics for full details.

  • Junior Fellowship in Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception at Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (Canada). 10/01/2013.

The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research brings together top international researchers to tackle many of the most interesting and pressing questions of our time. Our Junior Fellow Academy offers gifted, early career researchers the unique opportunity to participate in CIFAR’s global research network and to closely collaborate, and be mentored by, some of Canada’s and the world’s best researchers.

CIFAR’s Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception (NCAP) Program is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to fill a Junior Fellowship position beginning in July 2013. The fellowship will be held in conjunction with a university postdoctoral appointment under the supervision of Yoshua Bengio and/or Pascal Vincent at the Université de Montréal. Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science, Computational Neuroscience, or a related discipline, and already have an exceptional track record of original research. The Junior Fellow will pursue his or her own research program, which should be related to computational approaches to how vision can be achieved by learning deep representations, preferably with some relevance to biological visual systems.

To read the full advertisement and obtain application instructions, please visit: http://www.cifar.ca/JFA

  • PHD Position at Hertie Institute / Center for Integrative Neuroscience, Tuebingen (Germany). 09/01/2013.

PHD POSITION: COMPUTATIONAL NEURAL MECHANISMS OF VISUAL ACTION PROCESSING (Hertie Institute / Center for Integrative Neuroscience, Tuebingen, Germany)

The interaction between action perception and execution has received a lot of interest in recent research in neuroscience.
The clarification of the underlying neural mechanisms requires the tight interaction between theoretical and experimental neuroscience.

Collaborating closely with physiologists from the Department of Cognitive Neurology and M.I.T., we develop physiologically inspired, probabilistic and information-theoretical models for the visual processing of actions and its interaction with motor representations. In addition, we collaborate on the development of new experimental paradigms in humans and monkeys to identify underlying computational neural mechanisms exploiting advanced technologies from computer graphics.

Ideal candidates for this position should have:

* a Masters degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, or Biology with good mathematical and reasonable programming skills
* basic knowledge about neural networks or machine learning, or models of biological functions
* programming experience (Matlab, C++, or Python)
* a strong interest in theoretical and experimental neuroscience, and especially in higher-level vision and motor control
* English speaking and writing skills.

Applications with inappropriate background, e.g. in molecular or cell biology, will not be considered.

Committed to Equal Opportunities.

The Section of Computational Sensomotorics is working on computational and neural models of action processing, and technical applications related to action perception and control. Our lab is part of the Dept. of Cognitive Neurology at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH), a leading European institution in Clinical Neuroscience.
It is also part of the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN), an Excellence cluster from the German Research Society (DFG) with more than 70 groups working on different aspects of systems neuroscience, and of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) in Tübingen.

Please send applications preferentially electronically (including CV, marks and 2 letters of reference) as soon as possible to

Prof. Dr. Martin Giese, Hertie Institute
for Clinical Brain Research & Centre for
Integrative Neuroscience, Otfried-Mueller-Str. 25,
72076 Tuebingen, Germany;
email: martin.giese@uni-tuebingen.de

  • Postdoc positions KU Leuven ESAT-SCD (Belgium). 08/01/2013.

The research group KU Leuven ESAT-SCD is currently offering 2 Postdoc positions (1-year, extendable) within the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant A-DATADRIVE-B (PI: Johan Suykens) http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/sista/ADB/ .

The research positions relate to the following possible topics:

-1- Prior knowledge incorporation
-2- Kernels and tensors
-3- Modelling structured dynamical systems
-4- Sparsity
-5- Optimization algorithms
-6- Core models and mathematical foundations
-7- Next generation software tool

The research group ESAT-SCD http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/scd/ at the university K.U. Leuven Belgium provides an excellent research environment being active in the broad area of mathematical engineering, including systems and control theory, neural networks and machine learning, nonlinear systems and complex networks, optimization, signal processing, bioinformatics and biomedicine.

The research will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Johan Suykens. Interested candidates having a solid mathematical background and PhD degree can apply for these positions by sending their CV and motivation letter to johan.suykens@esat.kuleuven.be. For further information on these positions you may contact johan.suykens@esat.kuleuven.be.

  • Two post-doc positions in machine learning at University of Liège (Belgium). 08/01/2013.

The Bioinformatics and Modeling research unit at the GIGA Biomedical Research Center and at the Montefiore Institute of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Liège is seeking for Post-Doctoral researchers respectively in machine learning for bioimage informatics and machine learning for biological network inference to begin between October 2013 and January 2014.

Theme 1: Machine learning for bioimage informatics
The researcher will be working closely with a team of software developers, researchers in machine learning, and biologists, to advance high-throughput automated analysis of high-resolution images in the context of cancer research, developmental biology, and diagnostic pathology. The applicant will be involved in the design of novel algorithms and their large-scale evaluation for cell and phenotype recognition, and tissue segmentation and quantification. She/He will have access to a high-performance computing environment and the inhouse developed Cytomine platform able to process terabytes of imaging data.

Theme 2: Machine learning for biological network inference
The researcher will participate to the effort of the team on the development of machine learning techniques for the inference of biological networks. In particular, the applicant will be involved in the extension of network inference methods to integrate various kinds of data and the practical application of these methods on real biomedical datasets. Depending on the interest of the applicant, the work could focus more on methodological developments in machine learning or on some specific biomedical applications.

Applicants should hold a PhD and have strong knowledge in machine learning, bioinformatics and/or computer vision. Programming and data analysis skills are also highly desirable. The candidates should be highly motivated, with a strong interest in large-scale biomedical applications. A working knowledge of English language is mandatory, and of French is a plus.

Application procedure: Interested individuals should send a CV, a brief statement of research and development interests, three relevant publications, and the names and contact details of two references by e-mail to:
Raphaël Marée (Raphael.Maree@ulg.ac.be) with subject “Postdoc ULG”.
Candidates interested should send their application before mid-February 2013. The final decision will be taken in June 2013. The position will be available for an initial period of 1 year, with possible one-year extension after mid-term evaluation.

More information:

- The GIGA research center: http://www.giga.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_5015/en/home
- The Montefiore Institute: http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be
- Research Unit in Systems and Modeling: http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/systmod/
- The CYTOMINE research project: http://www.cytomine.be/ (Theme 1)
- The Liège city: http://www.liege.be/tourisme-en/photographie-de-liege
  • Research positions at The Neurosciences Institute, La Jolla (USA). 07/01/2013.

The Neurosciences Institute is seeking researchers in computational neuroscience to join ongoing projects using large-scale spiking models of the mammalian nervous system in order to understand the biological bases of brain function. Generally these models are also used to control autonomous robotic devices that perform various behavioral tasks. These Brain-Based Devices have been used to study the neural bases of perception, operant and fear conditioning, episodic and spatial memory, navigation, and motor control. Current work focuses on the mechanisms underlying conscious behavior.

A suitable candidate should have neural modeling experience, strong programming skills, and a broad background in neurobiology. Position title and salary are dependent upon relevant experience; a full benefit package is available.

Interested persons should send a curriculum vitae including the names of three references to Dr. W. Einar Gall, Research Director, The Neurosciences Institute, 800 Silverado Street, Suite 302, La Jolla, CA 92037 or by email to theoryjobs@nsi.edu.

The Neurosciences Institute is an independent not-for-profit research organization led by Nobel laureate Gerald M. Edelman. The Institute is part of the larger, active neuroscience community in San Diego.